The Crush: A Hotwife Novel

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The Crush: A Hotwife Novel Page 25

by Lexi Archer

  More importantly David was smiling as he eyed my wife. Apparently he didn’t think the evening was over either.


  9: Ground Rules

  “So what the hell is Woody Acres?” I asked as soon as we were back in the Lexus.

  Abby giggled. “It’s kind of a play on words. Not a very clever one, but I always thought it was kind of stupid funny.”

  “Okay, so what’s the play on words?”

  I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Surprisingly enough everybody was letting everybody else out in an orderly fashion without any sort of direction. The sort of way people might behave if they were going off of behavior that had been ingrained in them from a very young age.

  “Well the guy whose parents own the place is named Woody Davis. I think his parents were big fans of Cheers or something back in the day. He always had bonfires out in the backwoods on his parents’ farm, and I guess because it’s a wooded area that helped with the name. And then there was the other reason…”

  I turned and arched an eyebrow. From the way she suddenly trailed off it sounded like the other reason was definitely the most intriguing of all the reasons why the place had this particular name.

  “The other reason?” I prodded.

  Abby sighed and I looked over just in time to catch her rolling her eyes. “The other reason is because those backwoods were sort of notorious back when we were in school. They probably still are. I don’t imagine he stopped throwing parties just because we graduated. That was the place people used to go to hook up back in the day. You know, making out, other stuff.”

  “Very interesting,” I said. “So did you ever get lucky out in Woody’s Acres?”

  Abby let out a disgusted sound and once more I turned just in time to catch her rolling her eyes, but I noticed she wasn’t denying it. No, she was looking at me with that thin smile on her face. That thin smile that told me she wasn’t telling me something.

  “I never got lucky in Woody’s Acres, no,” she said. “You know you were my first.”

  “Just checking,” I said. “Besides, just because you didn’t get lucky doesn’t mean other things didn’t happen there, right?”

  “And why are you suddenly so interested in my past sex life?”

  “Let’s just say it’s becoming something an obsession for me,” I said.

  For the third time that day I felt her hand moving out and running up my thigh. Moving so that it was over my cock. Her fingers moved up and down my shaft and I took in a deep breath. I wondered if I should maybe try to take a longer way back to her parents’ house where we were staying for the weekend. Where they were thankfully out of town for the weekend. A summer vacation at a timeshare down in Florida or something like that. It seemed like they spent more and more time in Florida every year, and I was sure it was only a matter of time before they spent the entire winter down there.

  Why they were down there in the middle of summer was beyond me, but I wasn’t going to knock it if it meant free room and board for the weekend without them interfering.

  “Let’s just say things might have happened there,” Abby said.

  “Oh? What sort of things?”

  “Probably everything that’s running through your imagination right now and then some, but not everything that was running through David’s imagination back when he was with me.”

  I marveled at how she could be so cryptic and still manage to turn me on so much. I was almost disappointed when we pulled into the driveway and I put the car in park. I turned to look at her and she held my gaze. We stared at each other.

  “Have you ever thought of getting laid out at Woody’s Acres?”

  The name sounded ridiculous, but already it was taking on an almost talismanic importance in my erotic imagination. If anything major happened between them that was the place where it would’ve happened back in the day. If anything was going to happen between them this weekend then that was as likely a place as any.

  Abby shrugged. “I might have thought about it here and there over the years.”

  That admission that she’d thought about fucking him, thought about how far they’d gone, over the years was almost enough to make me blow my load. That coupled with her hand running up and down my cock was enough to get it to start twitching, but she pulled her hand away at the last moment and wagged her finger at me. She seemed to be doing that quite a bit lately, though at least she didn’t have to reach down and put her finger over the base of my cock to keep me from blowing my load. Almost, but I wasn’t quite there.

  “Ever give any thought to getting laid out there tonight?”

  Abby’s face turned serious. The smile disappeared from her face. She stared at me, her eyes moving back and forth in the reflected light from her parents’ garage as we sat there in the car. I had a feeling this was another one of those moments. Like when I’d given her permission to go dancing with him, only it was so much more important than that. The question was out there. I’d put it on the table. All my cards were out and it was up to her whether she wanted to play the game or call my bluff.

  Or something like that. Honestly my mind was too scrambled to make a good metaphor or simile.

  “Are you serious?” she asked

  “What if I was?”

  Her hand reached out and took my own. She squeezed it. “No bullshit Brandon. You have to be serious here. Are you saying you want me to fuck another man?”

  I squirmed in my spot in the driver’s seat. Now that I was called out I wasn’t entirely sure. Is that what I wanted in my imagination? It was all I could think about! Only now that my wife was looking at me and asking for confirmation of that fantasy I wasn’t so sure. This was crossing one hell of a line. Another man would have his cock buried inside her. No matter how hot that got me, that was definitely taking our relationship to a new place. A strange, scary, and admittedly hot place.

  “I don’t know about fucking him,” I said. “Maybe some heavy petting or whatever.”

  Abby held my gaze. “You’re absolutely sure? I want you to know that I love you, you’re the most important thing in my life, and this doesn’t threaten that. Only the way you’ve been acting tonight, the things I’ve done because it seemed to turn you on, let’s just say it’s getting me worked up. I need to know you’re one hundred percent absolutely serious about this.”

  My cock was throbbing. My heart was pounding. A tingle ran up and down my body as though my skin had fallen asleep all over. I opened my mouth.

  “Yes,” I said. “I’m absolutely serious. If you fool around with him a little bit tonight that would turn me on. Fuck would it turn me on! You have no idea!”

  Abby grinned and leaned forward to peck my lips. “Then we probably ought to get changed.”

  “Get changed?” Abby was already out of the car, but she reappeared rolling her eyes at me.

  “You think we’re going to go out to a party at a place called Woody’s Acres dressed like this?”

  The door shut behind her and she was sashaying up to the front door at her parents’ place. I paused for a moment to watch her ass working in that skintight dress before following.

  10: New Memories

  It turned out that what Abby wore to a place called Woody’s Acres was the cutoff shirt and short shorts she bought on that shopping trip a few weeks back. Which was just fine by me. She looked even more incredible in that outfit than she had in the dress. The shorts were so tight they looked painted on, the curve of her ass stuck out from the bottom, and she had the shirt unbuttoned in all the right places so that it showed off her toned body. She was wearing a bra, but that was fine. The way she had the shirt undone at the top showed off the bright pink bra underneath and left nothing to the imagination.

  Basically Abby decided that she was going to slut it up a bit. I wondered if she would’ve had more of those buttons done up if I hadn’t admitted what I’d admitted to her in the car. Either way I liked where this night was going already

  There wasn’t anything I could wear that would make me enticing to the ladies. Not that I particularly wanted to be enticing to any of the ladies who would show up at this shindig anyways. So I just went with a comfortable T-shirt, some khaki shorts, and a pair of tennis shoes. I tried to put on sandals, but Abby just laughed at me when I did that and said something about rocks or poison ivy or mosquitoes or maybe all of the above. Either way it seemed like a good idea to wear closed shoes.

  Driving out to the place was also an experience. I’d never been on a gravel road before. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about taking the Lexus out on a gravel road, but that was the only way to get there according to Abby. So I kicked up a trail of dust that I knew would result in a trip to the car wash as soon as we got back to the city. I tried not to wince too much every time I heard a piece of gravel jump up from the tires and hit the car.

  I was very surprised when we got to the party. There wasn’t a driveway anywhere to be seen. No, there were just a bunch of cars pulled off the road in a field. A field that didn’t look like it was being used for anything other than parking. There were cars of all sorts. Old, new, pickup trucks, compact cars, but it definitely looked like ours was one of the nicer ones. I wondered if they even had a Lexus dealership in this town.

  Probably not.

  “Are you sure that’s where we have to park?” I asked.

  “I’m sure. It’s not going to hurt your baby to park out here,” Abby said.

  I sighed and pulled in. Tried to find a parking spot. It seemed like it was a free-for-all with every person for themselves, but at the same time it was an organized free-for-all. Just like back at the school, this had the practiced precision of people who’d been doing the same thing for years. There was sort of an order to the parking lot. Almost. Enough that I was able to pull the Lexus into a spot that was plenty wide enough that I figured I wouldn’t have to worry about door dings. Now mud and whatever the hell else was out in this field getting on the undercarriage…

  Best not to think about that. Especially since my wife disappeared through the cars while I was still standing there staring at the Lexus trying to make out potential scratches in the moonlight.

  I gave up that futile effort and followed Abby through the rows of cars. I was surprised at how many people had come out to this thing. It seemed like everybody in town must be here, though that couldn’t possibly be true.

  I almost jumped in surprise when Abby squealed and started running for one car in particular. I followed her and blinked when we reached it.

  “What the hell is that?” I asked.

  What the hell this thing was seemed obvious enough though. A giant beat up truck. A body style that I hadn’t seen since I was a kid, something straight out of the 1980s. It had a huge cab in front and a huge bed in the back.

  “I can’t believe he’s still driving it,” Abby said.

  From the way she said “he” I had a pretty good idea exactly who she was talking about. Then again, who else would drive a giant pickup truck like this? Probably every other redneck in town now that I thought about it. Whatever.

  “I assume this is David’s truck?” I asked.

  “Yup!” Abby stepped forward and opened the passenger side door. To my surprise it opened with no effort and no car alarm went off. He just left the thing unlocked? I moved up and put a hand on her arm.

  “Are you sure about that? I’m not sure he’d appreciate us going through his truck,” I said.

  “Shush,” she said. “Nobody locks their doors around here and he wouldn’t mind me getting a look around for old times’ sake.”

  It was the mention of getting a look around for old times’ sake that stopped me. I had a pretty good idea what was running through her mind. I knew what was running through my mind was that fantasy that had come to me on the first night I started experiencing these strange urges. The night I’d imagined her in her cheerleader uniform lying back with her body exposed to him in a truck that wasn’t too dissimilar from this one.

  The truck had a massive bench seat which I’m sure was a great help to him back in the day. I wondered exactly what they’d gotten up to on that the bench seat, and from the way Abby turned and smiled at me she had no doubt I was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

  “I had some fun times in this truck, let me tell you honey,” she said.

  I closed my eyes and let out a groan. Abby seemed to be enjoying teasing me like this. And I was enjoying being teased. It was definitely a new development, but it was a hot development. She could tell me all about her old experiences and I’d love every minute of it. I planned on hearing all about it, for that matter.

  Of course it’s not like she had many old experiences since she’d only gotten hot and heavy with David before leaving for college and meeting me. That just meant we needed to make some new experiences together as far as I was concerned.

  Abby reached up and patted my cheek as she walked past. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll make some new memories in that truck before the weekend’s over? Would you like that?”

  It was like she could read my mind. God I loved her. I groaned as I turned to follow her. She was going to kill me if she kept this up much longer. I glanced back at the truck one last time as we made our way through the field, but then I stumbled and nearly tripped and had to concentrate on where I was walking in the relative darkness with only moonlight above to guide us.

  Abby seemed to know exactly where she was going, so I just followed her lead. We approached a line of trees and I realized there was a glow right at the edge of the woods. A massive bonfire flickered in the darkness and people moved around it drinking, talking, and having a great old time. There was even music booming. How had they managed to get a sound system all the way out here?

  I looked over to my wife as she walked towards the bonfire. I wondered what fresh adventures awaited us there. I wondered how serious she was when she talked about making some new memories in that truck.

  I glanced at my watch. It was only about 10:30. This town was so small that it didn’t take very long to get to her parents’ house from the school, get changed, and get all the way out here. I smiled as I looked at my watch.

  The night was still young. There was still plenty of time for making new memories.

  11: Into the Woods

  I’d lost Abby somewhere in the crowd and the anticipation was killing me. Where was she? What was she doing? I left her talking with some friends, including David, and when I returned with some new drinks both of them were gone.

  My stomach was twisting with that strange mixture of anticipation, fear, and arousal that was becoming so familiar.

  I’d been looking around the party for her for the last ten minutes. The bonfire crackled in the background as I looked through a crowd of shadowed faces moving in and out of the light trying to find them. None of those faces were my wife’s. None of them were faces I recognized, for that matter. No David either.

  “Did you lose somebody?”

  I turned and smiled. It was Tiffany. If anyone knew where they’d disappeared to it’d be her. She wore a plaid shirt opened to a generous amount of cleavage. Cleavage that was still pretty damned impressive and might’ve been worth a look if I wasn’t so damned intent on finding out where Abby and David disappeared to.

  “Have you seen Abby or… Him?”

  Her face lit up and a knowing smile spread across her face. A knowing smile that made my cock twitch in my pants at what it promised. “I’m pretty sure I saw the lovebirds disappear into the woods a few minutes ago. If you hurry you might catch the show.”

  She winked and then moved off into the crowd.

  I let out a groan of frustration. She knew how much I wanted to watch what happened. Why would she go off into the woods like that on her own without giving me a chance to see all the fun? I glanced to the woods. They looked dark beyond the edge of the bonfire, but I suppose I was going to have to go in there if I wanted to see what they were up to.
  Besides, it’s not like I could be too mad. I was the one who encouraged her to have some fun in Woody’s Acres, and it seemed like she was doing exactly that right now. I just wished I was there to see, damn it.

  I smacked a mosquito away from my arm as I made my way over to the trees. It was darker out here away from the bonfire and I almost brought my phone out to see, but thought better of it. Something told me I didn’t want to. A little voice was telling me I wanted to sneak up on Abby and David, whatever they were doing. I’m not sure where that voice came from, but it was loud. Insistent. It was telling me that I might interrupt something I didn’t want to interrupt if I did something stupid like carry a light through the woods.

  I heard voices whispering quietly as I got closer to the trees. I stopped and listened for a moment, wondering if that was them. They were whispering so it was hard to recognize voices.

  I moved closer, doing my best to be quiet but not really doing a great job of it. Moving quietly in the great outdoors like this just wasn’t my thing. As I got closer I definitely heard whispering, then a laugh. I saw two shadows up against a tree and my eyes widened. I felt a jolt of arousal coursing through my body.

  One shadow was definitely taller, broader in the shoulders. The other shadow was petite and feminine. That was either a woman or a very feminine man. The woman giggled and the taller shadow leaned down and they came together! I stumbled and my cock lurched in my pants as they kissed.

  The conflicting emotion warred inside me, but I had to admit I was more turned on than angry watching those two shadows kissing. Was that really my wife making out with some guy? I felt a small flame in the pit of my stomach that was quickly spreading to the rest of my body as I watched.

  I moved closer, doing my best not to disturb any of the underbrush, and as I got closer the moon came out from behind some clouds and I got my first clear look at Romeo and Juliet up against the tree. And arousal turned to disappointment.


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