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Blaze of Fury

Page 6

by Storm Savage

  Sasha nodded in agreement with a soft shrug. “Maybe…”

  “Does he love you?”

  “We didn’t discuss love. I just met him.”

  “Do you think he might be the one?”

  “He’s different.”

  “In a bad way or good way?”

  “Both.” Sasha laughed. “But he’d never hurt me or you. He’s not like that.”

  “Is he good-looking?”

  “Gorgeous…and built like a god.” She couldn’t withhold a reminiscent smile. “And he rides an awesome Harley.”

  Sienna grabbed her hand. “Mother! He sounds perfect. You don’t want to live with the big what if.”

  “When did my daughter become so wise?”

  “I had a little help along the way.”

  Ice sat parked on the beach—the same section of beach he’d first met the lovely and brave Sasha. Already he missed her spunk and the warmth she’d brought to his cold heart. He regretted letting her go. He stared at the piece of paper in hand, on which she’d scribbled the address of her workplace. Rarely did he leave the woods without good reason. Usually he only rode out to meet clients, or to the nearest market for supplies. Yet for reasons that eluded him, he’d driven out today.

  His thoughts drifted over the past couple days with the most intriguing female ever to show up in his world. Her wild love. Her heat. Her light. He longed to hold her again, to smell her fragrant hair and caress her soft creamy skin. Though the sex was wild and hotter than any he’d ever experienced, her presence was what he craved most. She carried a light that shone all around her. Humble, pure-hearted, and unbelievably alluring, Sasha left an empty place in his soul when she drove away this morning. He knew she’d wanted more. He caught the glimmer of hope in her eyes that he’d ask her to stay.

  Visions of their last night together refused to leave. She had indeed given him the best oral sex a man could imagine. Not only was she stunning, but also she loved with deep passion. And the way she’d snuggled into him when they’d finally decided to sleep ripped at his heart. Her kiss still burned on his lips just as her touch and scent lingered sweetly on his skin.

  If he reintegrated with civilization his days as a mercenary would be over. On the other hand, if he invited her to live in his world—the same. He wouldn’t place her at risk. But if they lived in his world he’d still be able to protect the forest even if he quit taking assignments. He’d have nowhere private to hide clients, and he couldn’t see Sasha happily spending time alone while he was off on a job. There was no way to have it all. His dilemma frustrated him.

  I can’t leave the forest to poachers. I must be crazy to even think she’d want to live with me in the wilderness. The paper crumpled in his balled fist as the aggravation mounted. Angry that he let her go and even angrier that he allowed himself to fall for another woman—his fate had been sealed years ago—he simply had to accept the fact.

  Swinging his leg back over the seat of his Harley, he prepared to ride. Before he fired the engine his sharp sense of hearing picked up a soft voice in the distance.

  “Hey…” she called in that sweet silky voice of hers.

  He turned abruptly to see Sasha walking along the water’s edge in his direction. How did she know I’d be here? Her appearance stunned him but excited him all the same.

  “What are you doing here, Sasha?”

  She stopped short in her tracks. “Oh…I’m so sorry. You’re probably meeting someone.” Turning quickly, she began walking away.

  Ice parked his bike, slid off and rushed after her. “No, I’m not meeting anyone.” He caught her by the arm and turned her toward him.

  “Then why are you here?” she stared up with those unforgettable blue eyes.

  “I drove out to think.” He paused then straightened his stance. “No, that’s a fucking lie.” He opened his clenched fist to reveal the notepaper she’d given him. “I was going to drive down to your shop.”

  Her face brightened and a lovely smile touched her freshly glossed lips. “You were?”

  “Yeah…” He took her into his arms. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  “I feel the same way. I came out here hoping to find you. I’m willing to try…” Her eyes glistened with tears. “If you can understand me then I will learn to understand you.”

  “You’ll live with me?” His spirit lifted inside.

  “Yes. I spoke with Sienna this morning. She is not so far away. I can be there when she needs me.” A quirky look flitted across her beautiful face. “I might need a bit of help adjusting to living in the woods.”

  “Baby,” he said in a calm voice, gazing at her in adoration. “I have a house. The campsite is where I take clients. I will gladly retire from mercenary work to have you with me. I’ve built up more than enough money over the years for a comfortable lifestyle. But I cannot abandon my calling by the Shasta Realm. Can you live with that?”

  “You are an intriguing man, Ice with-no-last-name,” she teased with an enchanting smile. “Yes, I embrace everything about you.”

  Her response melted that last piece of ice from his long-time jaded heart.

  “I’ve never taken anyone to my private dwelling and no…not even the first woman.” He grinned knowing she’d ask if he didn’t answer. “If I take you home, do you promise to stay?” He needed to know. “Your daughter and granddaughter are welcome anytime.”

  She reached up with one delicate hand and laid it alongside his face. “I promise…I will never leave you.”

  He swept her into a loving embrace and swung her around as their lips met. Her long hair whipped about in the ocean breeze, brushing his face in a silken caress. Delicate arms curled around his neck as they kissed with deep affection. Easing her back to the ground, he held her close. Their eyes met in an intense gaze. He loved the passionate way she stared into his soul.

  With a genuine smile, he allowed her warmth to cover him. “Come on then, let’s go home.”

  About the Author

  Storm is a multi-published author with novels in many different genres and two other pen names. Like many authors, she began writing stories in grade school and carried her love for books with her. Writing comes easy to her. She absorbs her environment or circumstances and converts them into works of fiction, where she is free to create the happily-ever-after endings that rarely happen in real life.

  The love of her life was an exuberant Bichon named Austin who also became her therapy dog. Her deep love for animals is often woven into her stories.

  Her wish for you, the reader, is that she can sweep you away to the better worlds she creates in her novels. Her characters are edgy and dark, sweet and hot, tough and full of compassion. You just never know what lurks around the corner in Storm’s books so prepare yourself for the unknown.

  She loves to hear from readers. You can find links to all her pages through her website.




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