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01 Winters Thaw

Page 8

by Mari Carr

Sterling piped in with her own advice. “And don’t get nervous and start babbling.”

  “I don’t do that,” Sienna protested.

  Hope giggled. “Remember your college graduation party when Uncle Seth suggested that you say something to everyone?”

  Sienna tilted her head haughtily. “I hate public speaking.”

  Jade laughed as well. “It was just family and a few close friends from town. I’d hardly call that public.”

  “There were nearly sixty people there and they were all looking at me,” Sienna clarified.

  “And you rambled for close to twenty minutes, thanking basically every single person you’d ever met in your life as well as the guy who delivered the booze.” Sterling shook her head. “When you get anxious, inane words fly out in a steady stream.”

  “Fine, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “Um, Jade,” Sterling said suddenly.

  Jade was standing with her back to the parking lot. Hope’s eyes went wide as Sienna grinned. “Yeah?”

  “Don’t turn around,” Sterling instructed.

  If there was one thing they all knew about Jade, it was that they should never tell her not to do something. To do so was the equivalent of a dare and Sterling knew it.

  Jade glanced over her shoulder just in time to spot crazy Stanley’s bare ass as he mooned her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Jade yelled as Sienna, Hope and Sterling burst into loud laughter.

  Stanley turned around before he hitched his pants back up, treating them all to more than an eyeful of his shriveled penis. “Serves you right for not getting me another drink, Jade Compton.”

  Jade appeared to forget she was on the phone as her face disappeared from her portion of the screen. The rest of them were treated to fleeting glimpses of cars, the bar, bits of Jade and Stanley as she shook the phone at him. Sienna felt faintly motion sick watching it.

  “You get your hairy ass and tiny dick out of here before I call my dad and have him arrest you for indecent exposure, you fucking pervert!” Jade yelled.

  Stanley must have taken her threat to heart as Jade’s face reappeared on the screen.

  “Thanks a lot, Sterling. Now I’ll have to scratch my eyes out to try to get that image out of my mind.”

  Sterling showed no remorse, her smiling face far too delighted. “Hey, I saw it too.”

  “Bitch. I have to get back inside. Go over to Daniel’s tonight, Sienna. Get laid. Then call me tomorrow with the details.” Jade’s screen went black before any of them could say goodbye.

  Hope tried to stifle a yawn. “I need to go too. Good luck, Sienna.”

  “Thanks.” Sienna glanced at Sterling.

  “So. Shower, shave, makeup, lingerie and shut up. Anything else?”

  Sterling smiled. “Just let go, Sienna, and enjoy the moment. That’s really all there is to it.”

  Chapter Six

  Daniel lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. He refused to look at his clock again. At last check—no more than five minutes earlier—it had been midnight. He’d ticked off every hour since he’d crawled into bed at nine and he was still no closer to finding sleep.

  Eventually, sheer exhaustion was going to have to win out. God knew he couldn’t keep going at this rate. It had been a week since he’d kissed Sienna in the stable. He would have tried to steal more than a few heated kisses from her, but Sienna pulled away when they’d heard someone enter the stable.

  Daniel shuddered to think how close Seth had come to catching them. Even though they were standing a proper distance away from each other when Seth approached, he still sensed his boss was suspicious. For one thing, Sienna’s face had been flushed, her gaze roaming everywhere to avoid her father’s questioning stare. She may as well have stamped the word guilty on her forehead.

  Since then, Seth had kept a very close eye on where he was and who he was with. Not that Seth had needed to be on his guard. Sienna was doing a good enough job staying away from him without her father’s interference. He hadn’t caught more than a glimpse of her when she came home from work each day. She’d stopped eating dinner with the family and even eschewed riding her beloved mare, Maria.

  According to Doug, Sienna was depressed over Josh. Daniel knew that reaction was natural, but it didn’t stop him from wishing she’d open her eyes and see him as a suitable replacement.

  “Fuck that,” he muttered. He didn’t intend to replace Josh. He wanted to erase him from Sienna’s thoughts forever. He wasn’t sure when his intentions had changed, but somewhere along the way, he’d stopped hoping to just get into Sienna’s pants. Lately, he’d been thinking it might be nice to find a way into her life, but that didn’t seem possible.

  For one thing, she’d just gotten out of a relationship. There was no way she was ready to hop right back into one. And secondly, he’d heard her conversation with Josh. They hadn’t broken up—not officially. They’d just taken a timeout. Daniel didn’t think Sienna would let the idiot come back, but, well, dammit, he wasn’t sure.

  He released an annoyed breath and forced his eyes shut. He’d never fall asleep at this rate. He tried to clear his mind of Sienna Compton completely.

  A knock sounded on his door.

  “What the hell?”

  He listened again, wondering if he’d imagined it or if it was the cold winter wind knocking a branch against the trailer.

  Another knock. Someone was definitely outside.

  He rose and slipped on a pair of sweatpants. Opening the door slowly, he was surprised to find Sienna, wrapped in a coat and shivering.

  “Sienna? Get in here. It’s freezing out there.”

  She quickly climbed the three stairs, passing him as he closed the door.

  “Is something wrong?” He couldn’t imagine there was anything—short of bad news—that would bring her to his trailer at this time of night.

  She shook her head. “N-no. Everything’s fine.”

  “Okay. That’s good.”

  She didn’t bother to explain more. Instead, she shrugged off her coat. Underneath she was dressed in a little slip of a nightgown. He hadn’t realized until that moment that her legs were bare. She’d walked all the way over here in a bit of silk and slippers. Obviously she was paying for the decision, given her uncontrollable shivering.

  “Jesus, Sienna. What the hell are you wearing? Or not wearing? You’ll be lucky if you don’t get frostbite.”

  She rubbed her hands together, blowing on them for heat. “This was a lot s-sexier when my cousins and I p-planned it from the warmth of my bedroom.”

  “Sexy?” Her words hit him like a sledgehammer to the forehead. “Did you come over here to sleep with me?”

  Her cheeks were red from the cold, but even so, her blush enhanced the color. “If you h-have to ask, then it’s s-safe to say I’m not doing s-so well.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. She was here because she wanted to have sex with him? He’d never been offered such a delectable frozen treat. Unfortunately, she mistook his response.

  She reached for her coat, intent on putting it back on. “This was a mistake.”

  “Oh, hell no. No mistake.” He pulled the coat away from her and tossed it onto his couch. Then he tugged her into his embrace, trying to infuse her trembling form with some of his own body heat. He rubbed her back lightly.

  “You’re warm,” she murmured against his chest.

  “And your hands are like ice cubes.”

  “Sorry.” She tried to step away, but he stopped her, gripping her wrists. He placed her palms on his chest, holding them there.

  “Don’t pull away. Let me warm you up.”

  They stared at each other for a few hushed moments, as Daniel allowed his gaze to travel over her silky nightie.

  “Say something,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “No. You first. Ask me, Sienna. Ask me to touch you, to take you. I promised I wouldn’t do that until—”

  “Touch me,” she interrupted.
  Daniel didn’t wait for her to say more. He reached for the hem of her sexy nightie and drew it over her head. Sienna gasped.

  “Wait,” she said, her hands flying to cover her bare breasts.

  “No more waiting. I’ve wanted you for too damn long. Hell, since my first day on Compass Ranch. Ever since you stood in the trailer and called me out for being a bad son.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I said I was sorry about that.”

  He grinned, his hands gripping her waist for fear she’d come to her senses and try to leave. After weeks of dreaming about this, he was hard-pressed to keep from touching her.

  “This is just sex.”

  He scowled at her clarification. For one brief, foolish moment, he considered refuting her condition. Luckily, his mama didn’t raise a fool. “Fine.”

  “Just this one time.”

  He shook his head. “No. We can keep it casual, but we’re not putting a time limit on it.”

  She bit her lip, and he wondered if that would be a sticking point for her. Finally, after too many nervous heartbeats, she said, “Okay.”

  “I’m only going to ask once, Sienna, and then you’ll never hear these words from me again. Are you sure?”

  She didn’t reply for several painfully long seconds as she studied his face. Then, she nodded slowly.

  He turned her toward the hallway that would lead them to his bedroom. With a gentle hand on her back, he propelled her forward. “This will be easier on the bed.”

  She offered him a sexy grin. “Most things are,” she teased, throwing back the exact same words they’d said to each other the day she massaged his shoulder.

  He kissed her gently when they entered the bedroom, his hands stroking up and down her bare arms. Her skin was soft, almost silky. When they broke apart, she glanced at the bed, nervously. He longed to take away her anxieties, to make her forget everything except this moment. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s lay down.”

  Sienna crawled onto the mattress, then rolled onto her back. He didn’t move to join her, as two things collided in his mind. She may have come here to have sex with him, but she was shy as a virgin on her wedding night.

  Another strike against Josh. In seven years, he’d failed to bring out Sienna’s passion, her fire. Any fool could see it was bubbling beneath the surface, searching for an outlet.

  He joined her on the bed, quick to resume their kissing. He lied to himself when he said he was taking things slowly to ease her into this. The truth was, he wanted this night to last. He was in no hurry to see it end.

  They kissed for several long, heated moments as Daniel softly stroked her body, touching her face, caressing her neck, rubbing her back.

  Sienna’s breath was hot against his cheek when he embraced her, giving her a tight hug. “Ready for more?”

  She nodded, though he sensed the slightest bit of hesitance.

  Daniel tugged at her tiny panties, but the task was made difficult by the fact Sienna’s legs were pressed together. He ran his hands along her thighs until she relaxed.

  Once the panties cleared her ankles, he tossed the little scrap of cotton to the floor. His hands drifted to her hips. “Open your legs, See.”

  Her breathing accelerated, but she did as he asked. Her bare body was everything he’d imagined and more. Her hips were round, her breasts full, with rosy, tight nipples that begged to be sucked.

  He lowered his head and planted a soft kiss on one nipple and then the other. Sienna’s back arched, silently asking for more. He opened his lips and gave her breast a more thorough kiss.

  As he sucked on her nipple, he reached down and ran his hand along her slit. Shit. She was dry as a bone. His fingers stilled.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  Daniel lifted his head. “Why?”

  “I’m not sure why I’m so nervous. I swear to you I want to be here, with you, doing this. Please don’t stop. I need this so much. More than I can say. It’s just…” She paused. “Shit. I’m rambling.”

  Her inexperience touched him. He felt humbled by the trust she was offering. “There’s no rush, Sienna. We’ve got all night. What do you say we take some time getting used to each other?”


  Daniel grinned. “Just follow my lead.” He bent his head and kissed her once more. He’d missed her lips this past week. Though he’d only had a few tastes of her, he intended to make up for it now. Sienna’s lips softened, then parted. He dipped his tongue inside, swallowing her quiet moan of pleasure. He was determined to ease her anxiety.

  One of her hands moved along his chest, her trembling fingers tightening against his waist as she twisted and shifted closer to him. Sienna pressed her breasts against his torso, clinging to him.

  Daniel ran his fingers through her hair. She smelled like strawberries, the scent fresh and clean. He didn’t rush, didn’t bother to move them to the next level. He loved kissing her, exploring her mouth, trying to provoke her innocent little sounds.

  He moved a breath away. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She smiled, granting him another quick kiss before pressing her cheek against his. “Your face is rough.”

  “I can shave if it’s hurting you.”

  She shook her head. “No. I like it.”

  He kissed her smooth cheek, reveling in the differences between them. Her softness fit perfectly against his hard body. He continued moving, running his lips and tongue around the rim of her ear before traveling to her neck.

  Sienna shivered with desire when he nipped her shoulder blade. “God, this is so incredible,” she whispered.

  He took her words as an invitation to continue, pushing her to her back once more and drifting lower until his lips found her breast. Cupping the flesh, he took her nipple between his lips and sucked gently, until his own overpowering needs took over and he increased the pressure. Sienna’s head flew back against his pillow, but she didn’t try to escape his sensual hold.

  He released her nipple with a pop, then moved to offer the same torment to her other breast. Unable to resist, he nipped at her hard nub.

  “Ow,” she gasped.

  He lifted his head to study her face. “Sienna?”

  “I can’t figure out if that feels good or if it hurts.”

  He grinned at her confession, then bent his head to bite her other nipple. Her fingers flew to his hair, gripping it tightly. “Holy shit. I decided. It’s good. Do it again.” She directed his head back toward her breasts and he granted her request for more.

  Over and over, he sucked, licked and nipped until Sienna was thrashing beneath him, begging for more.

  “Daniel,” she said at last, using her hands in his hair to pull his face to hers.

  “Not yet.” He gave her a quick kiss, then moved down her body. Her legs parted easily this time, and he didn’t bother to hide his grin. “Lost your shyness, I see.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to reply. Instead, he lowered his head to her pussy, dragging his tongue along her now wet slit.

  Sienna’s hips jerked. Daniel placed his hands at the juncture of her thighs, holding her open as he dove in for another taste. He used his tongue, intent on dragging every drop of pleasure from her. He pressed against her clit, tickling the sensitive nub as she gasped for air. Dipping inside, he was met by even more of her sweet juices.

  Sienna cried out loudly. “Ohmigod. So fucking good. Josh never… That… I…”

  Daniel moved quickly, raising himself until he covered her body, his face inches from hers. “He’s not here, Sienna. He’s never going to be here. Not with us.”

  She blinked rapidly, surprised by his rapid, hair-trigger response to her mindless chatter. “I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t need your apology. I want you with me. Just me.”

  “I am. I swear.”

  He studied her face. “I get that this is new for you, but I’m not planning to help you bide time until Josh comes to his senses. If we start this affair
, it’s about you and me. And no one else.”

  She licked her lips. “Okay. Take off your pants.”

  He shook his head and grinned. “Nope. Not until you come.”

  She frowned, clearly confused. Daniel released a disgusted sigh. He’d asked her not to make comparisons, but he was struggling not to curse her ex-boyfriend’s lack of skills himself.

  He resumed his place between her legs, dipping his tongue into her—once, twice, a dozen times more. Sienna pushed her hips up, trying to drive him deeper, faster. He could taste her need…and her frustration. Lifting her legs, he bid her to hold them higher. She gripped her knees, tugging them closer to her shoulders.

  The new position opened her to him. Opened everything. He teased her clit for a moment longer, then he moved lower. Much lower.

  Sienna’s grip slipped when he ran his tongue around the rim of her anus. He glanced up, trying to read her face. Her shocked—but not appalled—gaze met his. He licked her again. She trembled, arousal racking her body.

  Reaching for her, he brought his fingers into play, pushing two inside her drenched pussy.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Daniel moved his fingers in and out several times, trying to ignore how fucking tight her pussy would feel against his cock. He’d promised her an orgasm before he took her and he intended to make good on that. But damn if he wasn’t paying for it. His dick was throbbing.

  With his other hand, he began to rub her clit. Despite the restraints he saw her struggling to keep in place, Sienna’s body began to move, to demand more.

  He wondered if she’d ever allowed her passion free rein. Let go of all her inhibitions and just gone wild. It was time someone gave her a push in the right direction.

  Removing his fingers despite her complaints, Daniel dragged them lower. He pressed one wet digit against her anus. She shivered, but didn’t resist.

  Slowly, he used the moisture from her pussy to ease his way. Sienna’s thrashing on the bed calmed as her attention focused on his actions.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked.

  She nodded. “A little, but it’s that nice hurt again.”

  He smiled. Jesus. She liked her pleasure laced with pain. He was only touching the tip of the iceberg here. His mind raced over all the sexual places he intended to take her.


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