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01 Winters Thaw

Page 16

by Mari Carr

  “You’re not going to like it,” Seth warned.

  Daniel frowned. “Are you going to tell me to stop seeing Sienna?”

  Seth shook his head. “No. Be a waste of breath if I did. Keeping you away from that girl would be as easy as separating Doug from his horse. No, it’s just this. You’re gonna have to give her time.”

  Daniel blew out a long breath. “How much time?”

  Seth chuckled. “You expect me to give you a date? Doesn’t work that way. She just got out of a long-term relationship with an idiot she truly planned to marry. She’s still smartin’ over that. You two are obviously head over heels in love. Pretty compatible, I’d say.”

  Daniel couldn’t hold back his cocky grin as he considered just how well-suited they were—in the bedroom and out. “We’re a good fit. A real good fit.”

  Seth raised his hand in warning. “I can still kick your ass, son.”

  Daniel laughed. “Sorry. So you’re telling me to slow down. Stop trying to force it.”

  Seth stood and walked to the fireplace mantel. Daniel spotted a photograph of a much younger Seth and Jody on their wedding day there. Seth ran his finger along the frame almost absentmindedly. “It’s not an easy thing. I see a lot of myself in you. When men like us make up our mind about how things are going to be, that’s it. We move forward and God help anybody who gets in our way. I made a lot of mistakes when I was trying to win Jody’s heart. I pushed her away with both hands for years because she had some growing up to do. Problem was, when I finally reached out for her, she wasn’t reaching back.”

  Daniel nodded. “I let Sienna believe we were having a casual affair. Pretended it was something easy, something she could control. Shame of it is I wasn’t just lying to her, I was lying to myself too. I latched on to the no-strings deal because I figured that was enough, all I needed. What if she never reaches out for me?”

  Seth turned to face him once more. “That’s where the time thing comes in. Sienna is questioning her judgment on everything these days. I guess that’s not a comfortable place for a girl who’s always had her life figured out. All you can do is hang in there. Be the man she needs. Be honest about how you feel. If you’re a religious man, a bit of prayer might not hurt.”

  Daniel sniggered, but he appreciated the advice. “Okay. So the plan stays the same. Take it one day at a time and hope I manage to wear her down.”

  Seth walked back to his desk and plopped down in the large leather chair with a shit-eating grin on his face. “And if that fails, you resort to plan B.”

  “What’s plan B?”

  “We revisit the kidnapping idea.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Daniel drove the ranch truck one-handed. His other arm was occupied, wrapped around Sienna’s shoulder. She’d opted to ride in the middle of the cab. It was Valentine’s Day. It was also his first “date” with Sienna since talking to Seth three weeks earlier.

  He’d taken Seth’s advice and slowed things down, allowing things with Sienna to fall into a normal—God, if he could call Heaven normal—pattern. Neither he nor Sienna had talked about their feelings, and subjects like commitment and the future simply didn’t come up.

  At least, they hadn’t until now. He hoped a romantic atmosphere would soften Sienna, make her more receptive to his affections. He was adding a new word to their relationship vocabulary tonight—love. He loved her and he was going to tell her.

  Life had turned into one perfect day after another. He and Sienna would eat with her family every night, then pile into the family room to watch TV or play games. Sienna kept a close eye on Vicky and often the two women stole away for some private time. Her grandmother was determined to share her stories—of childhood, of marriage and of raising children. Sienna had confessed to Vicky that Daniel knew about her diagnosis as well. As a result, he’d been told a few stories himself. Vicky had shared some entertaining memories about crazy things JD had done when he was a younger man to woo her. Daniel appreciated Vicky’s matchmaking help and was sorry he’d never met JD.

  As evening gave way to night, he and Sienna would walk to his RV together. There was no more hiding or sneaking about. When darkness descended, they came together in a tangle of limbs and lips. Sometimes their lovemaking was a rough, heart-racing ride, wilder than his eight seconds on the bull. Other times it was slow and peaceful as a country ballad. Afterwards, they’d fall asleep in each other’s arms. Come morning, he’d leave early, as his chores on the ranch started at first light. Sienna took a bit more time with her waking. She’d return home, shower, dress and head to work. Then he’d spend the entire day watching the clock and waiting for her to return.

  He knew what his future should be, but Seth was right—a few months wasn’t all that long. Rushing things was only going to push her away.

  As they pulled into town, Daniel drove down Main Street, seeking a place to park. He’d made reservations at the fanciest restaurant in town and then told her last night he was taking her out for the holiday. He’d held his breath as he’d waited for her reply, hoping her fear of hopping back into the “dating scene” had abated since New Year’s. She’d smiled at the invitation and accepted immediately.

  “Wow. Charlotte went all out.”

  He glanced over to see what had caught Sienna’s eye. He fought to restrain a groan. Charlotte, the owner of Northstar Restaurant, had obviously spared no expense on decorating the windows in a sea of red silk and roses.

  “Yeah.” His soft sigh must have given him away as Sienna giggled.

  “Aw, come on, Daniel. You know you love all this mushy-gushy shit. Cupids and hearts with arrows through them and chocolates. Maybe Charlotte’s hired Janine from the local high school to stroll around the place playing the violin again.”

  Daniel parked the truck on the side of the street, then glanced at Sienna. “Please tell me you’re joking about the violin.”

  Sienna’s grin grew. “Sorry. Can’t do that. She’s had a year to practice, so I’m sure she’s better than last year.”

  “Were you here last year?”

  Sienna shook her head. “No. I was away at school. Hope told me about it. It was really sweet of you to go to all this trouble. I understand that Valentine’s Day isn’t exactly a guy holiday.”

  Daniel considered contradicting her. There were parts of this day that were definitely for him. In addition to the flowers he’d given her when he picked her up for their date, there was still a wrapped package on his bed that contained the sexiest red teddy he’d ever seen and pair of furred-lined handcuffs.

  Oh, he fully intended to enjoy the holiday. Unfortunately, the fun stuff apparently wasn’t going to start until he’d spent the next two hours listening to some girl named Janine butcher “Lady of Spain”.

  Daniel climbed out of the truck, crossing to open Sienna’s door for her. She was wearing a hot pink dress with a v-neck that showed off her cleavage a bit too well for his peace of mind. He’d had to make several adjustments to his pants since first seeing her and he’d even tried to make a deal with his cock. Go away through dinner and reap the rewards all night long. Damn thing had a head of its own. Literally. It wasn’t going anywhere.

  She stepped out of the vehicle, keeping her hand in his as he led her to the restaurant. The inside of the restaurant was designed with lovers in mind. Each table was covered in a long white tablecloth with a single red rose lying across the lady’s plate. The lighting was dim enough to allow the flickering candles to complete the ambiance. So far, so good. There was no teenaged strolling violinist. Instead there was the soft sound of piano music filling the air.

  It was perfect.

  The hostess led them to a small table in the middle of the floor. Sienna picked up her rose and smelled it. “This is all so nice.”

  Charlotte really had outdone herself. They’d arrived earlier than most of the dinner crowd. Daniel had purposely chosen the first seating offered since he intended to spend the majority of the night in bed with Sienna.
As a result, only about half of the tables were full. He was glad. It added to the magic of the evening. They could pretend they were the only two people in the place.

  The waitress came over to take their drink orders and since they were doing an abbreviated menu for the special occasion, she asked them for their dinner preferences. Daniel opted for the steak, while Sienna ordered the vegetarian lasagna.

  Daniel reached across the table, clasping her hand in his. “You look beautiful in candlelight. Remind me to get some candles for the RV.”

  She leaned forward, the new position giving him far too nice a view of her breasts as they peeked out from beneath her dress. “Thank you for inviting me out tonight, Daniel.”

  He shrugged. “It’s a holiday for lovers.”

  Her fingers tightened around his and, for a moment, he got a sense that she was going to say something. Her face was serious, pensive. Unfortunately, the expression morphed to one of surprise.


  He frowned when Sienna dropped his hand and straightened.

  “What?” he asked.

  Sienna didn’t reply. Instead, her gaze focused on someone coming in the restaurant. Daniel gritted his teeth as he watched Josh making his way over to their table. Fuck.

  Josh walked right up to Sienna, his eyes failing to take in the fact that Daniel was at the table. “Sienna. I thought that was you. I was across the street at my parents’ store when I spotted you.”

  Sienna must have noticed that Josh had failed to acknowledge his presence as well. She gestured toward Daniel. “Josh, you remember Daniel, don’t you?”

  Daniel stood. “We met at Thanksgiving.”

  Josh nodded absentmindedly as they shook hands. Daniel resisted the urge to squeeze the man’s fingers tightly as a warning. “Oh, sure. Yeah. I remember.”

  “What are you doing here?” Sienna asked. “Why aren’t you at school?”

  Josh turned back to Sienna and stepped closer to her. Daniel’s shoulders tensed and he took a steadying breath. It didn’t appear to have sunk into Josh’s thick skull that Daniel and Sienna were on a date.

  “I hopped in the car right after lunch and drove four hours to get here,” Josh explained.

  Sienna seemed genuinely perplexed. “Why?”

  “To see you.” Josh’s face was the picture of earnestness. Daniel closed his eyes briefly to block out the image. Josh had finally figured it out. Realized what he’d let go.

  Sienna didn’t appear pleased by Josh’s appearance. “Josh. I don’t think—”

  “I screwed up.” Josh cut her off. Sienna raised her hand, but he kept talking. “I’m sorry, See. I’ve been so miserable without you.”

  “Josh, stop,” Sienna tried to halt the man’s onslaught of words, but they continued to flow, growing more desperate with each passing moment.

  “I love you so much. I always have. I was wrong when I said I didn’t know who I was.”

  Sienna shook her head. “No. You weren’t wrong. We were so young when we started dating.”

  Several of the diners at nearby tables began watching the drama unfolding. Daniel wasn’t sure how to stop what was happening. He wasn’t sure he should, so instead he dropped back into his seat and held his tongue.

  Josh grasped her hand. “You always said we were lucky because we met when we were young. These past few months without you have been so hard for me.”

  Tears began to form in Sienna’s eyes. Daniel swallowed hard. Jesus. What if Sienna felt the same?

  “We needed the time apart, Josh. I said I knew who I was, but I didn’t. I do now.”

  Daniel studied her face, hope warring with fear. Sienna never glanced Daniel’s way, her gaze holding steadfast on Josh.

  Then Josh knelt, sucking all the air out of the room. A woman at the table next to them gasped softly.

  No, Daniel thought. No. He didn’t need to speak the word. Sienna did.

  “No.” Panic covered her features. “Oh my God, no. Josh, stand up.”

  Josh didn’t hear the warning, didn’t understand. “I love you, Sienna Compton. I’ve loved you since I was fifteen years old.”

  “Don’t do this.” Sienna spoke quietly. “Stop. Stop right now. Please.” Her voice broke on the last word, but Josh was a man on a mission. No force of nature was going to prevent this proposal.

  Sienna shook her head, but Josh forged on. “It’s just like you’ve always said. We’ll spend the rest of our lives with each other, grow old together.”

  Sienna sucked in a painful gasp when Josh produced a ring from his pocket. “Shit,” she breathed.

  “I stopped by my parents’ house first. This ring belonged to my grandmother. I was on my way to Compass Ranch when I saw you. Sienna Compton, will you marry me?”

  The question hovered in the air. The restaurant had gone silent, every eye in the place on the odd tableau they created. Daniel and Sienna seated at the table. Josh on his knees holding out a ring.

  Daniel wasn’t sure how much time passed. To him, it felt like a millennium as he waited for the response that could destroy him.

  Sienna froze, her mind struggling to process what was going on. As she glanced around the room, she could tell every person there was waiting for her answer.

  God. How long had she been sitting here? A year? A minute? Had her heart beat once? Twice? She had to speak.

  “No.” Sienna shook her head. It brought her no joy to hurt her first love, but she wouldn’t lie to Josh. Wouldn’t pretend anymore. “I won’t marry you, Josh.”

  Josh’s face reflected a myriad of emotions, each of them passing quickly. Confusion, denial, anger, sadness. “I said I was sorry. I was wrong. Really wrong. Please forgive me, take me back.”

  He truly thought the past few months could be put away so easily?

  She hated hurting him. God, she despised what she was doing right now, but it simply couldn’t be helped. “Stand up, Josh,” she whispered.

  The waitress came back with their drinks and softly asked if they’d like another chair.

  Daniel nodded.

  She brought one and Josh sank into it heavily. “Tell me what to do to make the last few months up to you, See. I’ll do anything.”

  It was so like Josh to look to her for the answer. Then she remembered something Vivi said. “You are a wonderful man, Josh. You’re just not my wonderful man.”

  She glanced at Daniel and saw him blink with surprise when she smiled at him.

  For the first time since he entered the restaurant, Josh seemed to really take notice of Daniel. “You and Daniel?”

  She nodded, then licked her lips nervously as she held Daniel’s gaze. “I’m in love with him.”

  Daniel didn’t move, didn’t respond. He didn’t have to. His eyes said it all. She’d never been gazed at with such compassion, adoration…love.

  Josh glanced from her to Daniel and back again. “But you barely know each other.”

  “My heart recognizes him.”

  Daniel smiled, gave her a charming wink, then he turned his attention to Josh. “Listen, Josh. This probably doesn’t help, but I’m in love with Sienna and I intend to spend the rest of my life making her happy.”

  Josh rose slowly. “You’re right, Daniel. It doesn’t help. But I’m glad to hear it just the same.”

  He turned back to Sienna. She had to fight the tears building. She’d never felt so completely torn. How could one person be utterly overjoyed and completely devastated at the same time? Josh was the first boy she’d ever loved and she was breaking his heart. But Daniel sat next to her, his quiet strength filling her with happiness and peace.

  Josh shrugged ruefully, the boyish gesture reminding her of when they were younger. “I am sorry, Sienna.”

  She nodded, batting away a tear as it fell. “I’m sorry too.”

  Josh left as Sienna tried to get herself together. She used her napkin to dry her eyes.

  Daniel didn’t say anything. Instead, he raised his hand for the waitress. H
e quietly asked if they could get their food to go. The woman nodded and returned to the kitchen.

  He reached over and took her hand. “You okay?”

  “I guess so. I didn’t like hurting him.”

  “I know. You tried to stop him, See. He was determined to issue that proposal. I don’t blame him. If I thought you were slipping away from me, I’d fight like the devil to drag you back.”

  She smiled sadly at his admission, then she repeated the words she’d longed to say for weeks. “I love you.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed it. “I love you too.”

  “I have a new life plan.”

  He chuckled. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”

  “I’ll warn you now. It’s pretty intense. Downright complicated.”

  His brow creased, concern touching his gaze. Even so, he didn’t move away. “What do you want?”

  “To be happy.”

  “That’s it?” he asked.

  “You know, that’s not as simple as you might think. How would you feel about spending the next few months with me as your girlfriend? I thought maybe we could take some time to get to know each other while going with the flow?”

  He pretended to consider her request, tapping his chin as if in deep thought. She wasn’t worried. She could see mischief brewing.

  “We still get to have sex, right?”

  She laughed. “Absolutely.”

  “Then I think that plan sounds real nice.”

  The waitress brought their doggie bag. Daniel handed her enough money for the food and the tip, then took the food. Rising, he grasped Sienna’s hand and together they walked to the truck.

  Once they were both inside, Daniel turned to her. “Sienna. Just so you know, my new life plan’s a lot simpler than yours.”

  “It is?”

  He nodded. “Yep. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  The rest of their ride back to the ranch was made in silence. Too many things had happened in a matter of minutes. Sienna was grateful to Daniel for giving her space to sort through it all. By the time they reached his RV, she felt calmer, more together.


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