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JENNY: A Novel of Sexual Enslavement

Page 22

by C. A. Tessler

  When the day finally began, morning for Jenny went as it had every other weekday. She and Janet said their silent farewells at breakfast, and then Jenny was left alone in her room. It was only an hour after breakfast that her master appeared.

  Maurice was in an excellent mood when walked into room six. He knew that the events of the previous day, which would have been little more than a ripple in the relationships he had with his other slaves, could have a lasting influence.

  Jenny, when she heard his footstep, carefully assumed her sitting position. Maurice brought the chair with him as he walked in, then sat down.

  "Did you use the salve as I asked you to?" he asked Jenny.

  "Yes, master," she replied.

  "Good. Has it helped?"

  "Yes, master," she said. The pain in her rear had nearly disappeared.

  "Well, keep using it." His tone became a more serious. "Now, I need to say a few things about that customer's visit yesterday. Do you remember what I told you yesterday morning about the amount of time you would be a BB?"

  "Yes, master," said Jenny. She was sure that her master would extend her time to three months.

  "And what did I tell you?" asked Maurice.

  "You said that I would be a BB for two months as long as I performed well," said Jenny, barely stifling a sob.

  "That's right." He stood up and took a few steps. "Now I have to decide, after yesterday, whether it would be better for you to remain a BB for three months. To do that, I need to ask you some questions. Is that all right?"

  Maurice's solicitousness didn't impress Jenny. She was sure she knew what his decision would be. "Yes, master," she answered.

  "OK. I know that the situation yesterday was very difficult for you. Given that you've only been here a week, I think you managed well. Still, disobedience is very serious and that is why I punished you, though I can't think of another case of disobedience that resulted in only a caning. Because disobedience is so serious, the punishment for it is usually severe."

  If yesterday's punishment wasn't severe, Jenny didn't want to find out what was worse.

  "However, if you disobey again, even in a difficult situation, I won't be lenient. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, master," said Jenny. If no leniency meant being whipped, Jenny doubted that she would survive.

  "You will probably be in some difficult situations, and soon," he continued. "I'm assuming that you will get some visits from boys you knew in school. Do you think that is likely?"

  "Yes, master." Jenny knew it was a certainty.

  "Since the escorts can give you two customers at the same time, it may be that you will have to handle that as well."

  Oh gawd, said Jenny to herself.

  "But," continued Maurice, "it need not be difficult at all."

  Yeah, thought Jenny. I just have to be a slut.

  "I know, from personal experience, that you can be very passionate and sexy. That's exactly how you must behave with the younger men. If you do anything less than that, you will probably get into trouble, and if you have trouble with a customer again, I will extend the time you must be a BB to three months. Do you understand that?"

  "Yes, master," said Jenny. She brightened a little. She could still become a soph in two months as long as she discarded her self-esteem.

  "So," said Maurice, "the question you have to answer is this. Are you going to do everything possible to avoid an incident like the one yesterday? That is a question you can't answer with words. I won't know what your final answer is for another seven weeks. If it is clear then that your answer has been yes, decisively yes, then you and the blond slave will become sophs at the same time, and you can room together if you are still friends. Do you understand all of that?"

  "Yes, master."

  "Good," said Maurice. "I will probably be back this evening." He left.

  There it is girl, Jenny said to herself as she lay down on her blankets, the picture couldn't be clearer. Behave like a slut and you'll be a soph in two months and Janet will be your roommate. Poor Janet, Jenny thought. She wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her, but everything depends on me. If I screw up, she's alone and I'm alone. I can make us both happy or very unhappy.

  Two hours after Maurice had visited Jenny, two customers approached the escort's office.

  "I think we just got screwed," said one. "We're gonna end up fucking some bitch from the crossbar hotel."

  "Alicia said she was fucking positive," said the other. "I told her that if she was wrong, we'd come over to her place and fuck her. She didn't sound worried."

  "Hee, hee," laughed the first. "We should go over and fuck that mouthy bitch anyway."

  An escort was leaning against the door jam of his office as the two customers approached. "What can I do for you boys?" he asked.

  "We want ... wait a minute. Hey, Steve, what was that room number?"

  "Six, dip shit, the same number times the coach let you into a game last season," came the reply.

  "Fuck you." He turned to the escort. "We want the girl in room six."

  The escort craned his head and saw from the board that Jenny was alone. "OK," he said, "let me see your ticket. Two hours," he said as he looked at the ticket. "Follow me."

  The escort led Steve and his partner Greg Alfarth halfway to room six. "It's that one," he said as he pointed. Then he turned and went back to his office.

  "You'd better be right," said Steve.

  "You mean Alicia better be right," came the reply.

  Jenny thought she heard someone say Alicia's name and got into her sitting position.

  "Well fuck me running," said Greg as he entered Jenny's room. "It's Jenny and she's dressed to party. What did I tell you, huh asshole?"

  Steve got an eyeful. "I like the way she sits," he said, "but can she suck dick?"

  "Only one fuckin' way to find out," said Greg as he stripped off his clothes. He looked around for a place to sit. "What, I gotta sit on the fucking floor?" he asked. He looked at Jenny. "Ain't you even got a chair in here?"

  "There's a chair where you came in," said Jenny softly.

  Greg fetched the chair and sat down.

  Greg Alfarth and Steve Bauriedl were bench warmers on the Elmhurst High School football team. They occasionally invited themselves to join Jenny and her girlfriends at lunch and had managed to score dates with a few of them. Alicia had gone out with both of them. Only once had Jenny seen them away from school, at a party after Elmhurst upset archival Oakridge High the previous fall. Because Elmhurst had beaten Oakridge only five times in the fifty-year series, it was a wild party. A few girls took football players, one at a time, to a bedroom or the den to congratulate them. One girl, who Jenny didn't know, got drunk and gave blow jobs to three players in a corner of the living room. Both Steve and Greg had suggested that Jenny should congratulate them, though neither had played a single down. Jenny had demurred.

  Jenny knew it was do or die, so she did. As soon as Greg sat down, her head was bobbing up down on his dick.

  "Yeah, bitch," said Greg, "go for it."

  Steve, who had stood by watching, stripped off his clothes. "Hey, butt face, you gotta share that bitch with me," he said.

  "So sit down here," said Greg pointing to the floor next to him, "and she can jerk you off."

  "I'm not sitting on the floor with your dick next to my face," answered Steve. "Let me sit in the chair for a minute."

  "No way, man. The bitch has a job to do."

  "Bullshit," said Steve. "Put her in the chair and we'll both fuck her mouth."

  Greg couldn't resist Steve's appeal to fairness, so he told Jenny to sit in the chair.

  "I can't sit in the chair," said Jenny. "I'll get punished if I do."

  "Yeah?" said Greg laughing. "Really? What do they punish you with?"

  "Probably one of these," said Steve, after striding over to the corner and picking up a cane.

  Greg stood up and took a few steps toward Steve. "That? Shit, you couldn't hurt
anyone with that."

  Steve took a step toward Greg and swung the cane at him, striking his ass a glancing blow.

  "Ow, shit, you mother fucker," said Greg.

  Steve laughed. "Couldn't hurt anyone with it, huh asshole?"

  "Put that thing back and quit fucking around," said Greg. He thought for a moment. "OK," he said, "she can't sit in the chair." He held up his hands, palms outward. "But," he said, "but I'll bet Jenny's got a solution for this problem. After all, she's a pro."

  Jenny was galled at herself because she did have a solution. "Sit here on the floor, next to each other, with your feet under you." Jenny squatted down on her feet in front of Greg.

  As soon as she did, Greg got the picture. "Hey, hey, what did I tell you, my man," as he put his hand behind Jenny's head and pulled her down on his dick. Steve grabbed Jenny's nearest hand and wrapped her fingers around his cock. While sucking Greg, Jenny stroked Steve.

  "Shit," said Greg, about a minute after Jenny had begun, "this would have been perfect at that party last fall, you know after we beat Oakridge. Right out in the middle of the living room."

  Steve giggled. "Yeah, and remember we tried to get her clothes off at that party. I'll bet she's been thinking about it ever since. Time for her to switch." He tapped Jenny's shoulder. "Suck me for a while and give asshole there the hand job." Jenny switched.

  "Yeah, baby," said Steve as Jenny got going again. "Suck that thing."

  Jenny, on her knees and bent over in Steve's lap, could not have felt worse. The references to the party the previous fall put before her mind a vivid image of her in the middle of the living room floor, congratulating the two football players who had done nothing but stand on the sidelines and cheer. She could hear the comments from the boys and the gasps and giggles from the girls.

  "First one who comes wins," said Steve as he tensed for the first time.

  "Wins what?" asked Greg.

  "Gets to fuck her first, asshole," said Steve.

  "Bull shit," said Greg. "You probably haven't had a blow job in months. No way I'm making a bet I'm gonna lose."

  Jenny could hear the spectators in the living room guessing which boy would cum first.

  Two minutes later, Greg was tapping Jenny on the shoulder. "Time to switch, there, hot lips," he said.

  Having to switch back and forth between her customers only prolonged things for Jenny. Several times, just as she thought she was about to finish with one boy, the other would tap her on the shoulder. The only indignity she didn't have to suffer was diving onto the dick of the boy she was stroking with her hand so that he could have his orgasm in her mouth. The boys, on the other hand, were only too happy to make Jenny go on as long as possible. Since they hadn't agreed that the first one to cum would get to screw Jenny, they got into a contest to see which could hold out the longest. As Greg had guessed, Steve came first.

  "She likes me better," sneered Steve, after Jenny switched back to Greg.

  "No she doesn't," said Greg. "She's saving the best for last."

  After Greg came in her mouth, Jenny could not sit up and face her customers. Her only recourse was stay in Greg's lap, cleaning off his dick.

  "See," said Greg, "I told you she saved the best for last. I get to fuck her first."

  "No way," said Steve.

  "All right," said Greg, holding up his hands again to stop the argument, "we'll let her decide. Which one of us tasted better, Jenny? The guy who tasted better," he said turning to Steve, "gets to fuck her first."

  "OK," said Steve. "So which one, Jenny?"

  Jenny knew a loaded question when she heard one. She feared a wrong answer might start an argument that would end with her getting in trouble. She sat up, bowed her head, and swallowed the rest of her pride.

  "Well," she said, "you both taste good." Oh gawd, she said to herself, I can't believe I said that. She could hear the living room spectators burst into laughter.

  "Well that's no help," said Steve.

  Jenny didn't wait for things to escalate. "C'mon," she said, taking hold of Greg's dick, "I'm gonna do you both at the same time. You," and she squeezed Greg's dick, "screw me." She turned around and got on all fours.

  "She's got a solution for everything," said Greg as he got behind Jenny.

  "Yeah, for everything," said Steve a little grumpily, as he jammed his dick in Jenny's mouth.

  As soon as Steve and Greg had taken their positions, Jenny began rocking back and forth.

  "Damn," said Greg, "this has got to be the hottest bitch I've ever seen. She's even better than that girl who picked us up in the park last fall. Remember her?"

  Steve wasn't interested in conversation. "Yeah," he said between deep breaths, "I remember."

  For two minutes, as Jenny rocked back and forth, she felt only mild arousal. Then Greg, accidentally, caught her the right way and she moaned a little.

  "Yeah," said Steve, "she likes that."

  "I know what she'll like," said Greg. He reached around Jenny's waist and got a finger between her lips. Jenny prayed that Greg would not know what to do. He did. She thought she could ignore the touch of a crude, horny jock, but she was too dispirited to resist. With her former boyfriend telling everyone that she liked being a slave, with Alicia broadcasting her availability far and wide, with Steve and Greg relating in lurid detail how they banged her, Jenny realized her new persona was inescapable. Let the bastard make me have an orgasm if he can, she told herself. After a few minutes, she was moaning on Steve's dick and squeezing Greg's.

  "Oh yeah," said Greg in a husky voice, "her pussy is working now." He grunted when Jenny squeezed him again. "I'll bet I can make her work a lot harder, though." Gently, he ran his finger around Jenny's clit and she tensed. How can a guy who is such a jerk do this to me, she wondered.

  As Jenny edged closer and closer to an orgasm, she led Greg and Steve through the wildest experience of their lives. Greg and Steve knew they would enjoy screwing Jenny. Nailing an attractive girl who had turned down each of them was sure to be fun. Jenny, though, far exceeded their expectations. Sex is a powerful experience for an adolescent male, but sex that exceeds expectations can strike him blind. Each of Jenny's partners was ready to say that he was in love.

  Jenny certainly wasn't in love nor was she loving group sex. But when Greg's finger triggered her orgasm, she imagined that she had become what Mark and Alicia and Greg and Steve thought she was. The living room spectators were her tribunal, and her testimony had been convincing. You have to fuck them all now Jenny, she told herself. You've already begged to fuck every one of them.

  After Greg had an orgasm, and lingered inside Jenny for few moments, he offered to switch places with Steve. Steve was about to have an orgasm himself and couldn't communicate in words. Greg, delighted that he could control Jenny, kept massaging around her clit until Steve had an explosive orgasm.

  "Holy shit," said Steve, "that was fucking incredible. "If her pussy is as good as her mouth, then I'm in loooooooove."

  "It is," said Greg as he switched places with Steve. They again started in on Jenny, making her feel like she was nothing more than two holes. Oh but everyone knows what wonderful holes they are, she said sarcastically to herself. And willing. And eager. Don't let anyone think that the holes aren't just as happy as the dicks in the holes. She began making little girl sounds, then mouthed a few words on Greg's dick. He pulled his dick out of her mouth.

  "Are you trying to say something?" asked Greg.

  Jenny turned her head a little. "You can fuck me better than that," she said to Steve. She turned back to Greg. "And you," she licked the length of Steve's dick, "play with my tits a little. Squeeze my nipples." She plunged her mouth back on his dick.

  "You heard her," said Greg. "She wants you to fuck her, not tease her."

  "I hear," said Steve, as he stroked Jenny as deeply as he could. "She'll get just what she wants."

  Steve and Greg spent the rest of their time with Jenny switching places on her, the switch bei
ng initiated by the boy behind her after he had an orgasm. Throughout, they were enthusiastic, bawdy, and insulting. Jenny felt like she was screwing for every guy in the living room, and she began to wonder when the menage would end. The end came suddenly when an escort led Janet into Jenny's room.

  "You two are still here?" said the escort in a surprised voice. "Christ, you've been balling that slave for nearly three hours. I thought you'd left, otherwise I would have come and got you."

  "She was having too much fun," said Greg as he stood up. He caught sight of Janet. "Holy shit," he said as his eyes got very wide, "is that one a slave, too?"

  "Yes, Sherlock, she's a slave, too. Now get your clothes on and get out of here."

  Jenny's imaginary living room audience had become real. She was a complete mess. She had to sit on the floor in her best slave position and wait for her customers to use the bathroom, dress, and leave. The escort followed them out.

  Instead of jumping up and running to the bathroom, Jenny got out of her sitting position, put her knees up, rested her arms on her knees, and bowed her head. She was tired, but not exhausted. Janet moved over and sat beside Jenny. She put her arm around Jenny's shoulder.

  "Guys from your high school?" she asked. Jenny nodded. "I know, it sucks. C'mon, I'll help you get cleaned up."

  Janet stood up and Jenny looked up at her.

  "How awful do I look?" asked Jenny.

  "To me," said Janet holding out her hand, "you're always beautiful. Now come on." Only a slave could say that, thought Jenny. She could imagine what Mark or Alicia might say.


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