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Kraig's Kat

Page 6

by Brigit Aine

  “Spill it,” Ethan’s voice was low and gravelly as he looked at his wife. Kat could see he noticed she was trying to hide something.

  “Well, I made the ‘I don’t want to harm her” into a coffee cake with crumble on top. I figured it was ‘sophisticated’ enough for Mr. Macho. Then, I made Kat something.” Jumping up from the table, Red went behind the counter and pulled out the most decadent looking chocolate scone Kat had ever seen. It was fluffy and covered in chocolate frosting with white piping and looked like something on the front of a magazine. Setting it down in front of Kat, Red said, “I put all my happy thoughts of you and some ‘he doesn’t scare me’ emotions into it. I wanted you to feel the love and happiness. But if you don’t want to eat it, I understand. I figured an extra bolster might not hurt.”

  Kat stood up and hugged Red. She had never had someone take care of her before and this was something she wanted to savor. Sitting back down, Kat bit into the scone. Not only did it taste great, but Kat could feel the strength from Red and her nervousness disappeared.

  Jared stood up. “Alright everyone, places. A limousine pulled into the parking lot and I expect it is Christopher.”

  Everyone moved to the tables they were going to be at for the meeting. Grayson and Kraig sat with Kat and they left the rigged chair free for Christopher. Kat had to laugh as she imagined the shock Christopher was going to get when it was time for him to leave. Deena was within earshot so whenever she figured it was time to end the meeting, or it came to a natural end, she was going to do whatever it was she did to make the chair shock him. Kat had never felt so good about a meeting with her dad.

  The bell above the door gave a little jingle and Kat felt the temperature in the room drop at least five degrees immediately. Kraig took her hand in his under the table and she felt him stroking her fingers. She relaxed immediately. She smiled at Kraig, then watched her father over his shoulder. She nodded her head and he began walking in their direction.

  “Katherine,” he said, but he was looking disdainfully at Kraig. “I thought this would be a private conversation. Perhaps you would like to join me in my limo?”

  “Sit down Christopher,” Grayson growled at him, although her father hadn’t even acknowledged him, treating him like a member of a lower class he relegated to his employees. “She isn’t going anywhere with you. She wanted a public meeting and that is what she is getting.”

  Christopher sat down, and laid his coat and gloves across the table. Red came from behind the counter with the pastry and a cup of coffee and approached the table. “You must be Kat’s father. This is for you, on the house, for raising such a wonderful daughter. She is truly a great friend to all of us here in Torrent.” Setting down the items in her hand, Red managed to turn away before anyone could see her face. Kat caught a glimpse of it and saw Red was so angry her jaw was ticking.

  Kat watched, smiling, as Red walked away. She could feel her anger, even with Cassie at the next table, so Red was really pissed off. Turning back to Christopher, she saw he had already eaten some of the coffee cake. She relaxed and moved her and Kraig’s joined hands onto the table and watched her father for a reaction. Christopher stiffened when he saw it. She never let anyone touch her.

  Christopher looked up at her and saw the defiance in her eyes. She was going to go with him no matter…wait. He tried to figure out his own mind. He didn’t really want to hurt her and make her go somewhere she didn’t want to. He wanted her to be happy, right?

  “So, I see you have settled here,” Christopher stated with quiet authority. “Does this mean you think you aren’t going home with me?”

  Kat heard a growl begin to emanate from Kraig. She patted his leg under the table with her other hand. “I am not going home with you and you know that. I will not be used to further your career and I will not be a political pawn for you. I have discovered I have friends and not one of them wants to use me. They love me for who I am not what I am.”

  Christopher just stared at the woman in front of him. This was not the same girl who had snuck off in the middle of the night. This was someone different, someone who wasn’t afraid of him. Settling back in his chair, he steepled his hands, hoping he looked like he was contemplating her statement, when in actuality he was wondering when he had lost control of the situation. He looked around the diner, and realized it was full of people who were watching and perhaps listening to his conversation with his daughter. Her friends, he thought. He had not been in charge since he set foot in this bakery. This was her plan the whole time, for him to realize he couldn’t control everything.

  “So you think you can just stay here, after everything I gave to you?” He snarled, although he didn’t feel as if it was as forceful as he had wanted. And now he wasn’t sure he intended to do it at all. Shaking his head, Christopher looked around him again, wondering what was going on. He had never before felt so out of sync in a situation. This was not how he wanted this discussion to go.

  “I think this conversation is over,” Kraig said. He was not going to put up with this guy talking to Kat like that. “Grayson, finish your business with Christopher–I think he owes you money. Christopher, your best bet is to leave town now. You aren’t welcome here, ever, and while Kat might want this to be peaceful, I would like nothing better than to beat the shit out of you for what you’ve done to her. So settle up with Gray here, and then get out and don’t come back. The Sheriff, who happens to be at the table behind you, will see to it you are escorted out of town.”

  Christopher eyed the young man who had spoken to him and then turned to the private investigator he had hired. Narrowing his eyes at both of them, he reached into his wallet. He laid out several bills for Grayson to take, but he had some last things to say.

  “You cannot order me to leave.” As he said it, he could feel his anger draining away, and he realized he didn’t really want to harm Kat. He just didn’t know how else to deal with her. He was ambitious and she could help…no wait. She couldn’t really help him at all. He had to make it on his own. “I meant to say, I am sorry for all I have done. I am leaving now and I will not try to find you again. I am sorry things have to be this way, but it is best for all.” As he was reaching for his coat and gloves, the chair below him started to get warm before zapping him. Jumping up, he looked down and then around at the others. No one else’s chair had zapped them. He reached a hand towards the back of it and just as he touched it – zap!

  “Is there a problem, Christopher?” Kat could barely keep the amusement out of her voice. Thank goodness Cassie was there to dampen it. He looked a bit lost, like he wasn’t sure what had come out of his mouth, or what was going on around him.

  “No – I just – I think I’ll leave now. Good luck to you, Katherine.” Walking out rather stiffly, Christopher got into his car. As the driver pulled out of the parking lot and then out of town, Christopher had a hard time even remembering the conversation. The only thing he was certain of was he never wanted to visit Torrent again and his daughter was fine where she was at and he didn’t need her.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Alright you guys, what exactly is going on? He switched what he was going to say midsentence.”

  Red wandered over to the table to answer Kat’s question.

  “Well, maybe I added some ‘everything is fine and you don’t really need Kat’, and then some ‘I hate this place and never want to visit here again’ to the coffee cake. It just took longer than normal because he ate it so slowly.”

  “Whatever it was, I certainly hope he never comes back. He has some serious shields in place,” Cassie said and Kat nodded to show she wholeheartedly agreed. “I wasn’t sure I was getting to him at all.”

  “Oh you were – it’s usually much nastier,” Kat commented. “He does have some new shields though. I wonder if he is getting some help from somewhere else.” Kat thought about for a few seconds before realizing she was wasting time with someone who was really not important to her. Unlike other people who migh
t be upset over losing a parent, Kat was glad to see hers go.

  “Well, I for one am glad to be done with him. Do you guys mind if I stick around for a few days? I find I like being here,” Grayson asked, his eyes on Deena the entire time.

  “Not at all. You are more than welcome here. Maybe you can help Deena as we beef up security at the shops and the station,” Kat heard Ethan say. Kat realized that Ethan knew his pack, even those that weren’t wolves. Deena was trying not to sneak glances at Grayson, and Kat figured the wolves would be able to sense Deena liked Grayson, and forming an alliance with the investigator was a good move. Plus, there was going to be a lot of new security needed and an extra pair of eyes wouldn’t hurt. Kat knew her dad had spooked the townspeople, even though they had stood up for her.

  “Perfect, so now all of that is out of the way, Kat and I have an announcement,” Kraig stood up.

  Kat stood next to him, smiling up at him, knowing he was excited to tell his pack and his friends they were bonded. Kraig looked down at her and for a few moments it was if time had stopped. His eyes held her world and she knew she held his heart.

  They were interrupted with an anxious: “So spit it out already, you know how I am; plus I want to get started.” Red was practically bouncing.

  “We are getting married,” Kraig announced.

  Hugs, kisses and congratulations were given around. Red, Cassie and even Deena dragged Kat over to another table. “So what kind of cake can I make for you?” Red was asking.

  “Slow down you guys, I didn’t even realize what he was announcing.” Kat laughed and then looked over at Kraig as he was surrounded by his friends. As if he knew she was watching him, he looked over at her. I love you, he mouthed to her. I love you too, she told him back.

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  Book Three: Torrent's Talents




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