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The Descendants

Page 3

by K. K. Allen

  The Island Grille is lively by the time Trisha and I arrive. Booking live music was Roy’s smartest move yet. Roy is my boss and the owner of the restaurant. Like me, he’s really been affected by Johnny’s absence.

  When Johnny moved back to Apollo Beach after the tragic death of his family, Roy took him in. Even though Johnny moved into his yacht as soon as he turned eighteen, Roy became very attached to Johnny. More than I think Johnny even realized.

  Last summer Roy made the decision to extend weekend hours at the Grille due to the popularity of the live music, forcing him to hire new staff to keep up with the traffic. My schedule is limited now that I’m in school, but I continue to pick up shifts during the week and weekends as time allows.

  It’s wonderful watching the growth in Apollo Beach over the past year. Ever since Erebus left town, the rise of pollution diminished almost instantly, and now we’re seeing a steady increase in marine life spreading outward toward other communities as well.

  Now that Summer Island is protected again by magic, Equinox are prohibited to set foot on its soil. Word has spread, and Enchanters and Followers continue to move into town, giving Rose a reason to spend almost every waking moment on Summer Island. In fact, Rose has a theory that the increase of Solstice energy in the area played a large role in the fight against pollution.

  We spot Arabella’s bright and beautiful red hair as soon as we enter the restaurant. I’m happy to see her sisters flanking her on each side of the booth. Zanna, Latuana, Dennity, Marabella, and Sophania, the rest of the Valli sisters, usually keep to their own settlement of Weeki Wachee, a small town with a freshwater spring and a river that flows into the gulf. Arabella travels to Apollo Beach often, but her sisters usually stay behind.

  “Hi!” I exclaim, reaching for Zanna first since she’s seated on the edge of the booth. I pull her into an embrace, realizing how much I’ve missed seeing the girls around.

  The girls beam back at me, all of them friendly and stunning as ever. “Surprised to see us?” Marabella asks enthusiastically.

  I nod. “I’m glad you all could make it. The band is incredible.”

  Sophania’s roaming eyes must lock on something—or someone—because she’s practically salivating. I laugh. Mermaids are boy crazy, especially for Normals. I came to that realization quickly after spending time with Arabella.

  “How do I know him?” Sophania muses.

  I turn my head to follow her gaze, and I realize it’s not a Normal she’s referring to. When I see him, a cloud of darkness hovers over me, shrouding me once again in my dark, self-consuming regret.

  “That’s Alec. Kat’s Alec. Don’t even go there,” Arabella warns.

  I glare at her. “Alec is free to date whoever he wants.” I don’t know why this is my gut reaction.

  Arabella rolls her eyes. I hate when she does that. “Sure.”

  What does that mean? I’m about to confront her when Alec approaches the booth of cheerleaders beside us. Khloe is one of them, and she’s clearly ogling him. “Hi ladies,” he says with a flirty smile.

  My every muscle tenses and my mind buzzes with energy. He walked right past our booth and didn’t say a word. And I’m not the only one who noticed. Arabella nudges me and gives me a questioning look. I narrow my eyes, telling her to back off.

  “Hey Alec,” Khloe practically pounces. I can’t help turning and watch the spectacle. “Wanna join us?” She scoots in, despite the annoyed glances of the girl beside her in the cramped booth.

  “Sure.” Alec sits without meeting my eyes.

  Yup, he’s mad at me.

  He avoids me the entire night, never once looking in my direction. My eyes, however, are glued on him and Khloe, who hangs onto his arm.

  Why am I getting so upset? He makes obvious attempts to spend time with me, and the moment he pays another girl attention I’m upset. I am being that girl right now. That girl who didn’t appreciate what was right in front of her and now wants what she can’t have.

  But I am livid at him for ignoring me. He could have at least said hello.

  It’s nearing ten o’clock when the crowd begins to thin. The Vallis slip out first, then Khloe and Alec, followed by the rest of the cheerleaders. I’m left alone in the booth while Trisha and Brent make use of the dance floor. Trisha dances circles around Brent, giggling all the while. That girl has insurmountable energy, even for an Enchanter. She must be exploding with the need to use her powers.

  “Hey, Trisha, I’m going to take off,” I call out.

  “Okay!” she shouts over the music. “Do you want a ride? I can go too.”

  I shake my head. “I’m good. I want to walk the beach.”

  She bobs her head at me while grinning gleefully. “See ya.”

  I walk the length of the beach, wondering where Alec and Khloe went. Did he take her home? Are they walking along the beach too? I hope I don’t run into them. Maybe they parted ways outside the restaurant and he’s walking alone. Maybe I’ll run into him. Then we can talk.

  Shrieks of laughter at the shore startle me. I look over to see the Valli girls tossing themselves one by one into the ocean. I see the flicker of a blue fin sink into the water before all turns to silence.

  I smile. Maybe I should go on another mermaid adventure with Arabella. It’s been awhile since I used sea sprinkle. There’s so much more I’d like to explore.

  Continuing down the beach, I confront my insecurities with Alec and Khloe. They are both flirtatious, so it’s probably natural for them to cling to each other. Khloe obviously likes him; that much has been clear since the beginning. But could Alec like her in the same way? Alec deserves to be with someone who adores him because that’s what he would give back in return. I know I haven’t been fair to him.

  When I pass his house, I see that his bedroom light is on and his balcony doors are open. Should I?

  Without another thought, I wave my hand over the greenery beneath the balcony, allowing my magic to take over, winding the green vines up and around the pillar. I use the stem of the weed to leverage my feet as I climb to the top and hop over the rail.

  Alec’s eyes meet mine. He’s lying on his stomach, shock on his face at the sight of me. His wireless stereo plays quiet music as he thumbs through a book. A book of magic, I’m sure. Rose gave him The Book of Apollo from our library, and he’s practically memorized it by now.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Was this a bad idea? I’m beginning to feel a bit stalker-ish. “You didn’t talk to me all night.” Now I sound jealous. I should have thought about what I was going to say before barging into his room.

  He climbs off his bed and faces me. “Is that what it takes to get your attention?”

  I cringe. “I know. I’ve been giving you a hard time lately.”

  “A hard time?” he asks incredulously. “I’m not sure I would put it that way. Avoiding. Evading. Those are more appropriate words. But don’t worry about it, Kat.”

  In the year and a half I’ve known Alec, I can’t remember him ever being this upset at me. “I’m here to tell you I know I’ve been acting strange, and I’m sorry.” It’s as if my words are in a desperate race against my heart.

  Alec runs a hand through his hair and stands up, a bundle of emotions written on his face. “Apology accepted,” he says quietly, but his tone continues to carry frustration.

  Am I supposed to leave now? He doesn’t look at me. He doesn’t say another word. But he’s forgiven me. Isn’t that what I came here for—for him to accept my apology? Why am I not pleased with myself?

  Without a word, I’m the one growing angry. “That’s it?”

  “What do you want, Kat? A fight? Do you want me to jump up and down with excitement because you’re finally talking to me?” He stares at me as if I’m to know exactly what I’ve done to get us here, now. “You’ve been avoiding me since midsummer. Trust me, I understand that you want to spend as much as you can with your father, but I didn’t realize that meant cutting
me out of your life completely.”

  His words spread fury through my veins, an intense emotion that’s been absent for a very long time. “Alec,” I whisper his name and then take a few steps to close the distance. “I never want to cut you out. Never.” A tightness forms in my throat, and I have to look away to get a handle on myself.

  Memories of our friendship float through my mind—our awkward first encounter, and then every moment since. He’s always been good to me, even when I didn’t realize it. And he’s partially right; my distance began this summer when I realized that Johnny may never come back. It really had nothing to do with my father, although that’s how I made it seem.

  My eyes wander around his room as I rack my brain for words that might mend our friendship, or whatever it is we are to each other.

  My eyes dance across hand drawings of various mythological creatures: centaurs, chimeras, gorgons, and hippocampus. Alec has always enjoyed drawing, but I’ve never paid too much attention to what he likes to draw. His fascination with this type of art is a bit surprising, but he’s good. But what really catches my eye is the corkboard above his desk. It’s covered with photos of all of us: Trisha, Matt, Brent, Arabella, Khloe, Kaleb, Alec, me. There are a few solo pictures of me laughing, at something ridiculous, I’m sure, but it’s the center photo that grabs me. It’s a photo of us—Alec and me—cheeks pressed against each other, enormous grins on our faces, eyes shining with joy.

  I remember that hot summer day well. We were at a sand bar party in Tampa. There were probably thirty of us there. It was our last hoorah before school started back up, and Arabella was insistent about taking photos, so we decided to humor her and began posing. We got carried away, and at one point, Alec leaned in to kiss my cheek at the same time I turned to face him—and we kissed. I’m not sure, but that may have been the point of no return for Alec. For the second time, we were no longer just friends.

  I guess that was the point of no return for me, too. I was afraid Alec was going to get the wrong idea, so I began doing whatever I could to avoid another encounter like that. My heart’s loyalty was to Johnny at that point, plain and simple, but now …

  I think the question is, does Johnny still have my heart … or is it time to move on?

  “Did you just come here to snoop?” He jerks me from my reverie.

  I swivel slowly to face him. How could I have missed it? Alec has always cared for me. Through everything, he’s always wanted to protect me and has never pushed me to be anything more than a friend. For that, I’ll be eternally grateful.

  After Johnny left, I was so consumed with thoughts of his return and questions about how he could leave me. Luckily, I had the distraction of my father to occupy my thoughts, but I never stopped to think about Alec and his feelings.

  Alec plops down again at the edge of the bed, seemingly exhausted. He no longer looks angry; he looks lost.

  I step closer, placing my hands in front of him, hopeful that he’ll accept. He does, so I tug at him, urging him to his feet. He stands. He’s tall, especially when I’m wearing flats. His light green eyes pierce mine with emotion. My heart beats, punching the fear within me, but it’s best not to think. Instead, I invite him to kiss me by tilting my head back and closing my eyes.

  At first I’m not sure if he’ll respond, but his lips are on mine before I can make another move. Alec is excruciatingly gentle with me, as if he’s trying to savor every inch of my lips. I reach around and pull his neck, bringing him closer. What am I searching for? He deepens his kiss in response, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. His heart beats almost as loud as mine.

  Maybe now is the perfect time to move on and give love a second chance. Alec is a great guy, and I obviously have feelings for him if can get jealous of him spending time with other girls. Right? Besides, if Johnny was going to come back, or if he missed me at all, he’d be here.

  Alec groans deep in his throat before pulling away from me. “Does this mean what I think it means?”

  I give him a shy smile and nod. I’m ready to give this a shot.

  A wide grin spreads across Alec’s face, and he envelops me in a giant hug, lifting my feet from the floor. “I was about to give up on you.”

  There’s humor in his tone, but something in his words unsettles me.


  His fingers intertwine with mine as we enter Apollo Beach High. Perhaps he can sense my tension as I reach up to take hold of my green amethyst, forgetting that I removed it for tonight only. I take a sharp breath.

  One would think a year and a half under my belt as an Enchanter would fill me with all the confidence in the world, but that is simply not the case. I’ve never been comfortable around large crowds—probably because I was raised by my introverted mother—and tonight provokes feelings of uncertainty and apprehension beneath my growing excitement.

  The hallway leading to the gymnasium is dimly lit, with snow-colored felt draping the lockers. Winter surrounds us. A cool air blows through the room. Amazing. Even the floor beneath us is made of a light, white powder that we kick through playfully as we walk. To my right is a grouping of palm trees dressed with the same shimmering snow. I want to laugh. Palm trees in the Arctic. Nice touch, Trisha.

  “Trisha’s club rocked the set design,” Alec says, interrupting my thoughts. He must be admiring the view just as I am.

  “She has been quite the busy bee lately.” I wink up at him, and he grins before tugging me along toward the entrance of the dance. We both know Trisha’s favorite use of magic these days is decorating—everything. From her parent’s entire home to her locker at school, she’s definitely found her calling. I’m not quite sure how her acquired skills will help us during another Equinox attack, but luckily we haven’t had to find out yet.

  We approach the entrance of the gym and pause to gape at the elaborate ring of icicles bordering the doors, creating a mysterious entrance. As we wait for the stragglers of our group, I have time to admire the decorations that travel down the halls, creep up the lockers, and flow through the passageway to the dance.

  “Wait right here,” Alec tells me, and he jogs back down the hall, stopping at where Matt, Brent, and Trisha are standing. What is he doing?

  “That’s not much of a dress now, is it?” Her voice drips like hot wax down my spine, laying it on thick, then letting the words cool as they linger in the air. I refuse to waste any time second-guessing my attire.

  Khloe Simone is not someone I enjoy spending time with, but she has spread herself like ivy through our group, taking particular interest in Alec. Her stunning figure and perfectly groomed blonde hair are unavoidable, and much like I did with Iris and Ava, I tolerate her. To be fair, she only acts this way with me, and I sort of deserve it. She made her attraction for Alec obvious since her arrival, and I sabotaged her what-could-have-been two weeks ago. I suppose she has a right to throw me a chilly look or two.

  Her twin brother, Kaleb, has already entered the dance with Arabella on his arm. Unlike Khloe, Kaleb is sweet and friendly to all. In fact, before Arabella came along, he was popular among all the ladies of Apollo Beach High School, the latest swoon-worthy fresh meat. Khloe would have had the same problem if she hadn’t set her eyes on Alec, and only Alec. It’s strange how two people who share a womb can turn out to be so different.

  Be kind to unkind people. I repeat the phrase in my head that Rose likes to remind me of whenever I’m upset by another’s actions. When I ask her why I should be kind to those who aren’t nice in return, she answers, “Because they need your compassion more than you need anything they could ever provide.”

  “Khloe!” I smile at her, not allowing her to ruin this night for me. “You look beautiful.”

  Her eyes fail to carry the same resentment as they did before. She relaxes, seemingly relenting for the time being. “Thank you,” she mutters.

  Just then, her eyes catch something behind me, and I turn to see Matt, Brent, and Alec are laughing and high fiving each other.
Trisha stands back, arms folded but amusement evident on her face.

  “What are they up to?” I ask.

  “A senior prank,” Khloe responds.

  What prank? I narrow my eyes, tuning my hearing range to focus in on their conversation, my ears tingling as they adjust to the frequency. This is a power I usually avoid; it’s too invasive, even for me. But as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I want to know what my friends are up to.

  “Dude, this is gonna be epic,” Brent boasts. “Meet me behind the stage in an hour. I’ve got everything set up.”

  Alec chuckles. “I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s faces. Okay, man. One hour. Don’t tell anyone. Trisha,” he says, looking at her pointedly, “don’t tell anyone.”

  She shrugs and rolls her amused eyes. “Okay, boys. Can we enjoy the dance now?”

  They break apart, and I turn back to Khloe. “I guess there will be some added excitement this evening.” I grin at her.

  Alec approaches, tossing an arm over my shoulders. “Well, ladies. You ready?”

  I don’t miss the look of longing that crosses Khloe’s face when she glances at Alec. Something stirs within me, and I can’t help wondering if her affections would have been returned if I hadn’t run block on their flirtations. Alec seemed to like her back …

  Stop that, Kat.

  Matt swoops in and takes Khloe’s arm. They pass through the ice cave and into the thumping tempo of a popular euphoric remix.

  “Time to put our disguises on.” Alec’s eyes twinkle as he lifts his black mask up over his eyes. I should have known Alec would go all out with his mask. There could be nothing more representative of our heritage than what he places on his face. He wears the symbol of the Black Sun. To us Enchanters, the Black Sun signifies the central point of the galaxy—or a black hole, as Normals refer to it. It also represents both the origin and the conclusion of our current existence. In whole, it’s known as the tomb and womb of life. Alec’s mask represents it impeccably. The center of the sphere is a rich gold tone with eye cut outs, and long, black, rays of sunlight that radiate out from the crown of the mask.


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