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Control - Noah's Rise Bundle (Books I-III): A Billionaire Romance Series

Page 14

by M. P. Lodi

  Leaning over into the hug for his still-seated wife, Jackson kissed her on her cheek. “We aren't going to Wolfgang's place, you and I have to go to my office for a special surprise.”

  Em looked at Jen, interrupting a kiss between her and Jackson. “The food at Wolfgang Puck's place is divine. The tastiest you can imagine. You two should come with us, you can do the surprise later.”

  Noah added, “The food is the smelliest as well.” Everyone turned to look at him. “I meant best smelling food. Why is it that tasty means food tastes good and yet smelly means it smells bad?”

  Jackson shook his head and Jen said, “No idea. English is a weird language like that. You know, that whole park on the driveway and drive on a parkway thing.”

  Em said, “Like, why do you recite at a play but you play at a recital? Or boxing rings – why are they square?”

  Noah cleared his throat, “Why is it that superman can stop bullets, but if someone throws a gun at him he ducks?”

  Em did a double take and then with her right hand grabbed Noah's chin. “My man is so smart.”

  Jen chuckled at that. Jackson kissed her on her neck again, then said to Em and Jen, “Hey, you two want to go fishing with me and Noah next weekend?”

  Em said, “I'm not a fish person, don't like the smell of them.”

  Noah put his arms around her. “We don't keep the fish, we catch them and let them go. It's just for fun time out on the boat. We'll have security there, too.

  Jen looked at Em and Noah, then she looked at Jackson as well and said, “Let me get this right, you catch fish and let them go? Isn't that like the sea version of how people are always saying they were abducted by aliens and let go?”

  Noah scratched his head. “It is similar, I like that. You think little fishies tell their friends stories of abduction?”

  Noah tapped Em's right thigh and motioned for her to get up. “Lets get moving, I have an appointment with some executive for a big account in two hours and have to be back in my office.”

  Em got up and waved to Jen and Jackson as Noah pulled her along. She said, “See you two later on after lunch.”

  Jackson waved back to the couple as they walked away. He was still crouched over holding Jen from behind the chair. Jen stayed in her seat and kissed Jackson on his cheek. He moved to kiss her on her neck but Jen pulled her head in the opposite direction, and looked in his eyes.

  Jackson moved closer to kiss her neck and smelled her hair. He was still behind her, leaning over her and kissed her under her ear. “I'm going to dress as a sexy, buff Santa this Christmas. What do you think?”

  She got off of the chair and stood up as Jackson let her go from his embrace around her neck. Facing him, she put her arms around his neck as he held her around her waist. “I'd love to see that.”

  He kissed her again on her lips, a quick peck “Hey, do you know why Santa is always so jolly?”

  Jen's smile grew wider. Time for another corny joke. She knew it was on the way.

  “It's because he knows where all the naughty girls live.” She smiled and almost laughed, but didn't. He's such an adorable nerd. But he was her nerd.

  “That's such an old one, I think our grandparents told that joke. Let's go get that privacy in your office.” Jen put her mouth to his ear and whispered, “I want to play a bad secretary. Let's go for number six, or is it seven for the day.”

  Jackson licked his lips.

  From out of nowhere they both heard someone clearing her throat. They turned and saw one of the call center workers who had rolled her chair over and was staring right at them. She said, “You two need to get a room.”

  Jackson and Jen both looked at each other and almost laughed. Jen blushed slightly. Then they both looked at the brunette on her swivel chair and said at the same time, “We are.”


  Noah and Em were sitting at their favorite table in the restaurant. He always had it on reserve for client meetings, and had taken Em there at least ten times in the last few months. Wolfgang Putz had to be one of the greatest chef's to ever live, his dishes were simply spectacular, and Em always adored the food.

  She still had a few bites left of her meal, but Noah was like an eating machine, scoffing down everything on his plate. Em looked at him strangely as he looked up at her. “Hungry are we?” Noah kept chewing. He had been acting strangely since he came back to meet Em, Jen and Jackson on the call center floor.

  “Just tell me the truth, are you not worried at all about this killer from New York? Poor Jen is scared to death and Jackson isn't taking it so well either. Jen said he didn't sleep much last night.” Noah kept chewing and put his pointer finger up as he swallowed.

  “No.” He then put another fork load into his mouth. Em stared at him with an amazed look on her face. He devoured his food as fast as he ever had eaten in a public restaurant. He didn't eat like this at home. He would usually savor his bites.

  Noah took a look two tables over to a man with Harry Potter glasses and a pocket protector. He was with a hot blond and the whole scene looked off to say the least. Totally out of place.

  “Casually take a look two tables over to your left. You have to see this picture.” He said.

  Em stretched to her right at first, then to her left and took in the table's occupants.

  “You're referring to the nerdy guy I'm guessing with the hot date? Please tell me you won't start being so immature that you need to embarrass me or them here in the restaurant. I'm starting to worry about you, I can tell something's wrong with you.”

  He smiled. “I'd bet you anything that she's either a gold digger or a blue chip.” He said too loudly for Em’s liking.

  “This isn't New York. Tone down a little. No one needs to know our opinions of them.”

  “Why are you always so scared to let other people know how you feel? Do they put food on your table? Fuck them.”

  “She leaned over the table closer to Noah “Please don't embarrass me, this is a respectable restaurant. The people in the tables next to us can hear every word. Why are you acting like this? Normally you have a loud mouth but this isn’t like you. What is going on?”

  Noah snickered and looked around him at other tables. There were a few people who had looked his way. He knew he tended to be a bit too loud at times but didn't think he was acting any differently. It might be due to working out so hard. All of that extra testosterone tended to make body builders a little bit more aggressive than the average folks. Then he remembered what he did at the office. He had guilt written all over his face and was sure Em knew what was up. He said “You know what I miss most about New York?”

  Em sighed. “You're still a little too loud.”

  “I miss being able to look at anyone I want and saying ‘look at that asshole.’ Texas, and specifically Dallas is too conservative for me. Everyone hides their personality. That's so fake. Like this nerd two tables over, I know the woman with him has to be a hoe, or a blue chip hoe due to the cost of eating in this place.” Blue Chips were high-priced call girls. You remember me telling you that, right? Blue Chips were Top of the line, and Noah was well acquainted with the type.

  Em covered her eyes and looked embarrassed. She did sneak another look of the nerd and his woman. “Are you on fucking ‘roids again? They could be in love you know.”

  Noah looked at Em with a surprised face. “You serious? He has to be some internet guru, lotto winner or whatever. She's with him only for his money. I know the type. Look how mismatched they are, you have to be kidding me to not see it. Your powers of observation are lacking, honey.” He avoided her question.

  “Em took a sip of her drink and put the glass down. “It's not that I don't see it, it's just that I don't want to bring attention to us. Can you calm down and focus on me and us at this table?”

  He stared at her with hungry eyes, almost like he could do her right there in the restaurant. Em made him promise to not take those synthetic steroids. He knew that she was suspecting that he
broke that promise. He knew just by looking at her face. He could tell. She was right, he did break the promise, but he didn't want to admit it to her. Jackson maybe, but not his girlfriend. He didn't want to disappoint her even though he knew that she knew he took them again. They would play this game of supposedly not knowing to get along and not have that issue in their faces - at least until they were alone and in private.

  Noah knew he needed to calm down and control himself before he made a total fool of himself. Em wouldn't be saying what she was for the hell of it.

  He glanced to his left, then right and softly said “for that comment you know I might have to...” Noah made a spank like movement of his hand three times, like he were spanking the air and said “On your butt again.”

  “Shhh... a little lower. My ass still hurts, and what if other people look at us and think I'm your 'hoe'?”

  “Not happening sweets. First off I'm a damn good looking guy.” She smiled and shook her head.

  “And incredibly modest you should add.”

  He pursed his lips, tilted his head to the right as he looked at her. He didn't say anything though which wasn't like him. He couldn’t help but stare at her tits, he was a breast man, but he always admired a good set of legs and an ass. Noah simply just loved women. Em was definitely a looker.

  “Why don't you come to work with me, Jackson and Jen? You know she's starting on Monday and it can be a lot of fun. You can be my very own personal assistant.”

  “I was thinking that could be a lot of fun. Jen asked me to join her too, I think it’s worth a try. I'm not going to have any hairdressing appointments a thousand miles from my clients in Long Island.”

  Noah took the last few bites of his skirt steak, savoring it as he took his sweet old time chewing. He did so on purpose to be the complete opposite of how he scoffed his food down earlier. Fucking ‘roids did make him a little nuts. The problem was when you were on it, you had no idea how fucked up you could be acting or behaving. He was glad Em was there to smarten him up.

  “Last bite huh, making it last finally!” She said as she looked at him knowing what was up. She could see right through all of his bullshit. He loved her for it too.

  Noah nodded and closed his eyes for a few seconds as he chewed. Then he swallowed. He opened his eyes to the view of Emily smiling at him. She often commented on how much he normally enjoyed eating, as well as fucking and smoking and anything else that felt good.

  Noah smiled back and stared at her breasts for like three seconds as he drank down the last of his cocktail. By the way you have to drive back since you only drank a Diet Coke.” She nodded and said “Of course.”

  “Sweets, you know what I'm in the mood for now, don't you?”

  “I think I can take a guess from what you keep staring at.” His eyes were on her breasts again. Cleavage got him every time. Like a damned magnet for his eyes.

  “What's that you said about the five kings? You cracked me up with that the other day. I love how easily you make me laugh but I just wish you'd calm down a little if you know what I mean.” She said.

  Noah's left eyebrow went up as he thought about what she was even talking about. He didn't remember at first but then said “Oh yeah… The Five Kings is what I live for.” He licked his lips and stared at her tits again before focusing on her eyes.

  “Fucking, sucking, smoking, licking and drinking. The basic Five Kings that rule my world. Speaking of that list, let's get our asses back to the office for some fucking. I want to get one in before my meeting. Nothing is as good for landing a sale as an intense orgasm before a sales pitch.”

  “OK, but promise me again, and mean it this time, no more of that shit to get bigger. You're muscles already have muscles and I want us to last, and for you to be healthy. Please.” Em almost looked like she would tear up.

  He looked at her and knew he was almost a complete ass in the restaurant. Em was only trying to help him. He really did love her and wanted to make her happy. “You're right, no more of that shit. Time to grow the fuck up. I'm a little on the edge right now so help and bear with me, and when we get to the office I'll give you my stash to dispose of. Deal?”

  She nodded yes.


  The next evening Jackson and Jen had their chef prepare anything Noah and Emily had wanted. Noah got the juiciest and most delicious steaks of his life, and Emily had her favorite, Chicken Cacciatore. After they were through eating, all four of them sat chatting in the Great Room until Noah and Jackson received the call they were waiting for.

  When the call came, Noah jumped up off of his seat, snapped his fingers to get Jackson's attention and they both quickly walked out of the room, leaving Jen and Emily sitting together on the love seat.

  Jen looked at Em “That must be their special ops friend. The one they had looking into things for us all.”

  Emily grimaced “The way Noah talks is like he and Jackson are putting a hit out on the hitman.”

  “I've been scared these last few days. I have to admit. You and Noah seem to be taking it all much easier than us. Jackson is up at all hours lately, and not from having sex. Every little noise has him getting up and grabbing his pistol.”

  “You'd think all of the security in this place and outside were enough to set you both a little at ease.” Emily said.

  Jen reached over to the table to get her iced tea. “If history teaches us anything, it’s that anyone can be killed. This maniac out there, hunting us scares the shit out of me and Jackson.” Jen took a sip as Emily reached for her own drink.

  “I can tell you honestly that Noah isn't one bit worried. After he knocked the shit out of the guy in South Hampton, he really did want to put a bullet in his head. Noah doesn't play. I kind of agree with him in what they're doing, I mean, if you have the kind of money that they have, spending a few bucks to find a killer before he gets to hurt the people you love makes sense.”

  “Yeah I guess. Why can't people just leave others alone? Like live your own damned life and leave everyone else in peace.” Jen said as she put her drink back on the coaster.

  “So how are you two with the commitment issue? Jen asked.

  Emily sighed. “He said to me that since he is only 23 and I'm 22, we really need to chill out and be together for some time before he even entertains the thought of getting engaged.”

  “I'm sorry Em, it'll happen. He just needs some time.”

  Noah isn't romantic like Jackson. Then again, we didn't fall out of the same tree ten years apart.” Jen smiled

  “You two have some story. Like I told you, you should write a book on it. I know you said never, but I started to write a little something, without using our real names. I'll show it to you when I'm done. I told the story to my cousin and she said she'd buy it, and I’ve thought of a title too. What do you think of ‘Control – A Billionaire Romance.’?”

  Jen closed her eyes a couple of seconds. “Please make sure there's no way of anyone knowing who we are.”

  “That goes without saying hon. No one will know a thing, I promise.”

  “It was all fast, wasn't it? I told what you said to Jackson and he laughed and said just make sure we're accurate when it comes to sex. We'd blow those 50 Shades books out of the water if we're honest and tell it like it is.”

  “So true.” Emily finished her drink and got up to walk over to the bar. As she walked she said “You want anything over here? More iced tea?

  “No, I already had too much to drink, I feel bloated. Oh I forgot, I left those handcuffs you lent me upstairs in your room. Look in the nightstand by your side.”

  Emily mixed her drink, a creamier version of a Toasted Almond with the Tia Marie that she told Jen to buy. She took a sip. “Perfection, I wish you were into drinking, you'd really love this concoction. It's not alcoholly at all.”

  “Is alchoholly even a word?” Jen asked

  “Doubt it, but you know what I mean.”

  Emily walked back over to the love seat.

bsp; “You know I'll never touch the stuff. Just be sure you never ever drive under the influence. Losing another person that I love due to drunk driving would kill me.” Jen said.

  “I never will, you know me. For those cuffs, when you said “My side of the bed, if we're looking at the bed from the door, do you mean the right or the left side?”

  “The left side. Didn't you tell me that Noah...”

  “…Always has to be in the driver's seat, even in bed.” Emily completed the sentence while shaking her drink and making a smirk afterwards.

  “I just had a thought, what if we were in England? Would he switch sides in bed like they switch sides for the driving side of their cars?”

  Emily had her free hand to her chin “I never thought of that. Knowing him he'd stay on the same side and say something obnoxious like how he's an American, and will always be on the correct driver side. As if our way is the only way… You know how he is.”

  “He wanted to visit London next year, so maybe I'll pull that on him and take his spot in the hotel room to see if he complains. You said you'd go with us right?” Jen nodded yes and looked at her cell as it buzzed. “Aunt Diana and your Mom both sent me a text thanking us again for the trip to Europe. She and your Mom are living it up already. They landed hours ago.”

  Em shook her head. “My own mother hasn't texted me even once, nice how she keeps you informed.”

  “Come on, give her a break. Has she ever been any different?”

  “I suppose you're right.” Em said

  Jen looked towards the entrance of the room, then back at Em and asked in a low tone “How's that ass feeling? You get over the you-know-what?”

  “It still hurts. The sex was great like I told you, but my ass was too sore for hours and hours. It’s getting better now, but I’m not into getting spanked like I was with Joshua, as that man knew how to spank. There's a whole technique to it, warming up is most important, and Noah just wailed on my ass. I was so close to saying Dragon. I didn't want to fuck it all up though, you know how it is. Noah took to it and was calling me slave and bitch. I didn't like that, not even in fantasy.” Em picked up her drink from the coaster and took a sip.


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