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Control - Noah's Rise Bundle (Books I-III): A Billionaire Romance Series

Page 24

by M. P. Lodi

  Noah asked, “How much further is this place?”

  Charlotte looked at the GPS. “Just two more blocks on the right. This area is nice and secluded.”

  They were approaching a large home in White Plains, located in upstate New York. This particular area had secluded homes with lots of acreage. They were on the way to the home of Angelo Abruzzo, a Mob Captain in the Gambino Crime Family.

  Static hissed over the Walkie Talkie that was sitting in a cup holder next to Charlotte. She picked it up and turned the volume on high.

  “Mission accomplished. We have the package. There were just four not-so-innocent bystanders. All is well. No cleaning needed. We had to move without you all due to the opportunity.”

  Noah snickered. “Mother f..., I was hoping to get in some target practice. Goddammit they're fast. I bet Rob and Frank did their ninja shit and snuck in after cutting through Angelo's nice huge glass doors.”

  Charlotte turned to look at Noah. “That was the plan actually... Frank's side career is thieving, high end work like you'd see in Mission Impossible. He can get in anywhere.”

  Noah shook his head “I knew we were going to do this faster if there were only a few targets to take out. He said there were four. They should have waited for us.”

  Joshua pulled up to a stop sign and saw the van that the other guys were using on the block to the right. It had just been leaving the mob boss's driveway. It was one of those box-like vans by Ford. They call it a Transit Van. This one had Mike's Extermination Service written on the side. As Joshua began to turn, he noticed Caesar looking at his wrist and pulled his sleeve down further to hide the mark.

  Caesar exclaimed, “What the fuck happened to your wrist, man? I didn't see that mark yesterday!”

  Noah leaned over as Joshua made the turn. “What mark you talking about? On Josh?”

  “Yeah Sarge, take a look.”

  As Joshua pulled up behind the van, Mike's head popped out of the driver’s side. Mike nodded then pulled out. Joshua knew to follow him.

  Joshua saw Charlotte smiling and caught her exchanging glances with Noah. Noah didn't say anything about Joshua's wrist from that point on. The Sarge knew she liked playing with rope, and Joshua was horny enough to let her do whatever she wanted.

  Caesar sighed. “I know it’s that freaky sex shit again. Won't be saying anything else on it, you freaks.”

  Noah laughed as Charlotte smiled, then she shot Joshua a knowing wink.

  “Now that we got this mafia turd, what are we gonna do with him?” Caesar asked.

  Charlotte pointed to the van as it turned, making the side visible to the group. “You see what it says on the side of that Ford? ‘Mike’s Extermination Service’? That's so fitting; I like it.” She turned to look at Caesar. “At our Pine Street location we have a special room in a sub-basement where we'll interrogate this supposedly tough mobster. See if he has any real balls. We believe this guy takes the bribes from like seven neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens. Over a million in cash a month. There's also the info on other bosses that the Sarge will be personally extracting.”

  Joshua said, “Enough to start a few sparks I'd think.”

  Charlotte turned around to look at Noah. “Sarge, your little lady seems a bit skittish. You know what I'm saying? You would never doubt her in any way, would you?”

  “Absolutely not, she threw her easy civilian life away for me. She's solid.”

  Charlotte turned around, then looked back once more. “If it's alright with you, I'm going to gain her confidence and see what's up. Just as a precaution.”

  “I'm fine with that. Just don't do anything stupid. That's an order. Keep future plans to yourself... obviously. But I really don't have to say any of this to you. It's just that she might not be ready to hear about all of our plans at once.”

  Charlotte tapped Joshua on his arm. “Isn't it strange how we haven't called each other by our last names? We did that every day for years. It's so weird hearing the Sarge call me 'Charlotte'.”

  Caesar grunted and then said, “Same for me, Private G. It still takes me a second to think before I use anyone's name.”

  Noah shook his head. “I don't want to confuse you even more, Caesar, but from here on out no one should call me Sarge in public. Or Noah. After the events of the day, and what we're all about to do, my photo is already plastered up on every TV screen in the nation. Everyone in the country that hears Noah – or Sarge – is going to take notice not too long from now. We might as well change it up before we make a stupid mistake in a casual conversation at some 7-11 or other convenience store.”

  Caesar said “You can call me... Spartacus. I like that.” Then a loud sound came from Caesar, followed by a rancid odor.

  Noah waved his hand back and forth, as did Charlotte as she turned around to face the back. Both opened their windows. Charlotte asked, “How about Farticus instead?”

  Joshua laughed until the smell made it to the front seats. He pinched his nose and opened his window as well. “Caesar, man. What the hell have you been eating?”

  “Lots of poon-tang. Food–wise? Spinach right out of the can. I think the spinach does it.”

  Noah had his head partially out of the window, but turned in to admonish, “Let's not all be grade school children. Damn, Caesar, it really does reek though.”

  Charlotte put her head out of her window, then back in and said, “Reek is a good name. That's what I'm calling him. We will forever remember this day. Right, Reek?”

  Caesar shrugged. “OK, I'm all for Reek. Names don't bother me. ”

  Noah managed to put his head completely back into the car and rolled the window up. “You ever see Game of Thrones?” he asked Caesar.

  “I saw one episode, a quick few seconds of it when some dude pushed a kid out a window. That was enough for me. You know how I am when I see a kid get hurt. I'd kill that mother f'er”

  Joshua and Charlotte looked at each other. Charlotte asked, “How about me? Caesar, give me a new nickname. Be nice.”

  Caesar thought for a moment. “What was that author you said you loved? Agatha Christie? I think Nagatha is a good nickname for you.”

  Charlotte said, “I like something similar. Lagertha. From the Vikings. Anyone here ever see it on the History Channel?”

  Joshua puckered his lips and shook his head no.

  “What about you two? Never saw it?”

  Noah looked at Caesar, and they both shook their heads as well.

  “That's a damn good show. Lagertha was married to Ragnar. He was the King that opened up Western Europe to Viking plunder and conquest.”

  Joshua honked his horn and braked hard enough for everyone to look as they each lunged forward in their seats.

  Noah asked, “What's Mike doing?” Mike had stepped on his brakes, almost causing Joshua to slam into him.

  The van started to pull forward again. Charlotte's radio made another static sound. Then Mike said over the radio, “This is your captain speaking. We were experiencing minor mobster-related turbulence. I do apologize for our sudden reduction of air speed. Now that the hot air was... overcome, we will resume our normal uninspiring speed limit of 55 in this horrible state. Thank you for your attention.”

  Charlotte kept looking forward at the Ford in front of them. “Mike always sounds nice and calm like that after there was some violence. I bet they had to knock the dude out if he wasn't already unconscious. They should be stunning him every ten minutes or at least have him gagged.”

  “Whatever...we don't need to be in an accident. Radio him back and tell him to keep the prick stunned. Every 10 minutes to be safe.”

  Charlotte picked up the radio, pushed the button and said, “This is your friendly neighborhood spider-gal, the powers that be think you should keep unwelcome guests electrified with excitement. Every ten minutes or so. Copy?”

  “Surely you jest, my dear spider... gal?” Mike said.

  “Don't call me Shirley. Don't ever call me Shirley.”

/>   “I said surely. Are you trying to make a joke?”

  Caesar laughed a little. “Good one, Lagertha. That movie Airplane cracked me the hell up the other night. And then the dinosaurs came...”

  “I copy, and I just remembered that stupid-ass movie. Leslie Neilsen, right?”

  “That's the one, Mr. Mechanic,” Charlotte confirmed. “Radio silence until we get to the Alpha site, over.”

  “Roger that.”

  Charlotte put the radio down in the cup holder.

  Caesar cleared his throat. Noah then asked, “Why do you have to keep doing that right before you talk?”

  “It gets everyone's attention. And sometimes I got some shit in my throat I need to clear out or I'll sound all garbly like.”

  Charlotte turned to him. “Stop smoking your weed so much. It’s killing too many of your brain cells. You and Mike both need to hit that stuff less. We need everyone on the ball.”

  “Ya know that's total bullshit. I been smokin’ for years, and I'm perfectly normal.” Caesar looked towards the center of the Audi and made a weird sound for 4 seconds straight. It was almost a long whining. Everyone looked his way and laughed.

  Noah chuckled. “I'm a little worried for you, my lord.”

  “Don't be, Sarge. Yo... Did I ever tell you about the weed I get from Nigeria?”

  Charlotte said, “Here we go.”

  Joshua shook his head as he turned the car onto the highway, following behind the Ford. “Let me guess... African weed is superior.”

  “How did you know that? You said you don't even smoke.” Caesar said.

  Joshua looked back for a quick second. “Caesar, Lagit...” He looked at Charlotte.

  Charlotte said, “Lagertha”

  Joshua said, “Lagerrrrtha here is right. You need to cut back, at least a little, for your own health.”

  Charlotte turned to Noah. “I wonder how Em is doing with Jacob babysitting her.”


  Emily and Jacob stayed in the basement hideout at 143 Pine while Noah and the others rode upstate for an operation. There was a post office box on the corner of the block, and she had mailed her second letter to Jen. She was set to take a trip to Long Island the upcoming weekend with Noah, Joshua and Charlotte. Any time out of that basement apartment was worth it. She didn't care if she were in the car and visiting a gas station; the change in scenery would be welcome.

  She mailed her letter to Jackson's office, the envelope addressed to the attention of Mrs. Jackson Russo. That was over a week ago, so she knew Jen had it by now. Knowing Jen, she and her hubby were already at the estate in South Hampton, waiting for Emily to leave a note under the rock. They probably left one for her already, but none of the guys could sneak on the estate grounds until tomorrow.

  All of this cloak and dagger stuff made her want to just pick up a cell phone, call her sister and see what was up. Under the circumstances though, Noah was right. He had told her that the government had that big installation out in Utah. They called it the NSA Data Center. There in the desert, they literally record every phone call made in the entire country, splicing it and dicing it. Using voice recognition software to supposedly track enemies of the United States. That's what they said anyway. Pretty much no one believed the government any longer, if they paid any attention at all, according to Noah.

  Emily wasn't into all of the conspiracy theories that were so evident with her man and his team. She did know a lot though, and anyone could Google these things. For safety’s sake then, calling Jen was out of the question for the time being. Especially when they were stationary and in a safe house. They had a throw-away cell phone for any emergencies, but Noah had warned her to not use it while in the hideout. And she was never to use it without a voice changer or voice distortion program.

  Jacob came back from the bathroom. He walked over, sitting his tall, skinny body down on the loveseat by the door in the living room. Emily was sitting on the larger sofa with her feet up on a small black ottoman.

  “What are you watching now?” he asked.

  “I was just flipping through channels again. Not sure what to watch. I know those guys won't be back for a long while. The drive to White Plains is over an hour. If they hit traffic, they might not be back here until late in the evening.”

  Jacob was at least 6'2 with long wavy black hair that went to his shoulders and a little facial hair on his chin. His build was basically the complete opposite of Noah. Everything about Jacob was skinny. Earlier Joshua told him to eat up, joked that he was looking more and more like a hot meal would kill him. He wasn't emaciated, just very skinny. Emily had never liked the look, preferring the big, strong, ruggedly handsome type like her Noah.

  She flipped through the channels and landed on HBO. American Beauty, the 1999 movie with Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening, was playing. Emily had already seen it a few times.

  “Can you leave that? It's really good and I still haven’t seen the whole movie,” Jacob requested.

  “Sure... I've saw it a while ago, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again.”

  The scene where Spacey's character was working out in the garage was on. Out of nowhere, Jacob asked, “Did Noah tell you I was gay?”

  Emily did a double-take on that, turning to stare at him. “Where did that come from?”

  “I was just wondering,” he explained. “I get picked on constantly by all of them except Noah and Charlotte. Sometimes I think the only reason Charlotte doesn't join in with the 'fudgepacker' jokes is because I saved her arm in Afghanistan. I realize she is pretty perceptive about stuff and sometimes says stupid things just to fit in with the guys. I let a lot go. I know she acts dumb around Caesar for his benefit, loyal around Noah, sexy around Joshua and she's sort of indifferent towards Mike. She doesn't like the smell of weed and Mike is always high.”

  That was a mouthful of unexpected information. Emily replied, “They all say you're one of the best medics. You were almost a doctor before that incident back in... California, was it?”

  Jacob sighed. “If it weren't for that one a-hole who wanted to fuck me, yeah. He wouldn't take no for an answer and was almost as big as your man. He looked at me as some easy target. Even shut his gym down just to try to molest me. Bastard knew I only worked out early in the morning. I never liked crowds, even before I was wanted for the third time. It's a shame I didn't realize they had hidden cameras. I just felt lucky they came to my mother's house to collect me with that warrant. I never stayed there. It took Noah a week to find me and get me out of Cali to a safe house.”

  He went on to say, “The manager of the gym, the one that I rid this world of, he was a lot like the marine father in this movie. All gung-ho and shit, trash-talking homosexuals at the same time. I rejected him and he flipped out on me. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. That ass found out the hard way. I'm guessing they had to replace that whole section of the floor, there was so much blood. Weight-lifting bars can do terrible damage, you know.”

  “I know. They're heavy,” she replied. “That's a lot of information to... share with me all at once.” Emily was realizing more and more that everyone that she now knew from Noah was... off... at least in some way. Funny how she was getting used to it all, the stories that would make most others cringe.

  She shook her head. “Are all of Noah's friends wanted? I mean all of you that I've met are wanted for some felony or another. A few, like Caesar and Mike, are wanted for multiple felonies in multiple states. Do you think it's somehow related to Afghanistan and the Army? Like, how is it that most of your unit are now outlaws here in the U.S.? It can't be a total coincidence.”

  Emily pulled her feet off of the ottoman and grabbed her iced tea on the table. As she sipped it, Jacob said, “That... is interesting. I think it's... more to do with our training. We all realize that life comes and goes and all of us have seen a lot of blood and guts. From IEDs to sniper fire and even tank blasts. We're all kind of used to fighting and dealing with some of the
craziest bastards on this Earth. So when a situation happens in civilian life, we kind of don't take any shit at all. From anyone. Not even gay me.”

  “I always wanted to ask, what does IED stand for? I hear that on the news all the time and never looked it up, but our troops are always getting killed from them, or by them.”

  “It stands for Improvised Explosive Device. The Taliban and other extremists use them often. You might as well call them roadside bombs. Convoys and military vehicles are usually the target,” he explained.

  She put her iced tea back down on the table. “I still can't get over the fact that all of you are wanted. Basically then, what you're saying is that soldiers don't take any shit and when they become civilians they tend to be a little extreme in their reactions? If that were true, wouldn't pretty much all veterans be in jail or on the run?”

  Jacob nodded up and down. “It's either that or your man specifically chose a group of deviant homicidal maniacs, myself included, who would be willing to do whatever is needed in any given situation. That's always a possibility as well.” He smiled and Emily knew he was hinting at something. Almost as if he was prodding her to realize more and more. She remembered a few talks with Noah before all of this started.

  Emily thought about that for a moment. She squinted, tilted her head and said, “I think that really is a possibility. He did tell me he chose his people. He had told me once, if I remember correctly, that he went through his people's psychological profiles. Could he have chosen you all knowing every single one of you were nuts? Loose cannons and prone to violence, yet still patriotic and fiercely loyal?”

  Jacob scratched his head as he smiled. “I never thought about it in that way. Maybe we all had a record of some kind, history of arrests or violence as civilians before we all joined the Army. ”

  Jacob smiled at her again. He was leading her to the conclusions he already knew but didn't want to say. “Hey, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure just from knowing all of our people that all of them were already violent bastards. But you didn't hear any of it from me. Mike joined the army to run from the law out in Oklahoma. Everyone else already had a past. Don't repeat this to anyone, but I think Charlotte was a juvenile delinquent going back to the time she was a teenager. Probably was even arrested a few times for assault. I personally think she was beating up boys since she was about six and just got used to it.”


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