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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 8

by Nancy Lieder

  repeating patterns, occur often in Nature, as the buildup is followed by the gradual drop, until a threshold is reached

  and the buildup begins again. Pulsing is found in the cosmos, dying stars pulsing, the heartbeat pulsing, and in like

  manner subatomic particles pulse. The same mechanism is at play, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the rate of

  release from a source, the current fanciful explanation by scientists. Space, even the space within an atom, is scarcely

  empty, but is filled with all manner of tiny particles as yet undiscovered by man. Many particles or groups of particles

  follow a path less than straight, as on their way they create a pressure in front of them, causing a sideways zig, only to[2/5/2012 11:53:57 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Energy Waves

  find they again create a pressure in front of them so must zag. This path is not chaotic, but becomes a zig-zag line in a

  straight direction, as the pressure created on the left encourages the zig to the right, and the pressure created on the

  right finds a void on the left where an essential vacuum has just been created. The zig-zag perpetuates itself.

  Mankind assumes that a single particle is moving in a wave, with one particle following another obediently in a kind

  of waving line. Yes and no, this is what occurs. If only two particles were on the move, moving in the same direction

  as the reason for motion was the same for both, then they would institute a dance much as binary stars institute. They

  are interacting with each other while simultaneously being affected by many other factors. These two particles move

  apart from each other to reduce crowding but then find they are attracted to each other when crowding has been

  reduced and move toward each other again. Wave action is not at all what humans presume, a single wave motion. It is a multiplicity of motions, all at the same wave height and width and frequency. If humans could view this drama,

  they would see not a wave, but what appeared to be a tube.

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  ZetaTalk: Ball Lightning

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  ZetaTalk: Ball Lightning

  Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates.

  Man is aware of electricity primarily from his experiences with lightning and the tiny lightning, arcs, that occur from

  static electricity. Were it not that lightning, in its many forms, pressed itself on mankind, experiments with electricity would not have proceeded. Man wished to harness its light-giving qualities, and the widely used light-bulb is the

  result. But there are some 387 discrete sub-atomic particles composing what man understands to be the flow of

  electrons or a magnetic field. Each operates differently, but most are not so obvious as the electron, the stage-master

  throwing lightning bolts at the audience. What are some of the other components of electricity and magnetism, some of

  the other sub-atomic particles, and how do they cause ball lightning?

  Anti-Gravity Effect

  As we have explained, there is a sub-atomic particle responsible for the magnetic behavior of certain metals like

  iron. This flows from and through those atoms that have an uneven distribution of electrons circling around the

  core, so the field develops around a single atom but the flow of this particle causes them all to line up in liquid

  iron so as a group they have a field where the flow of particles leaves one end of the field and warps around to

  the place where they are least, Nature abhorring a vacuum of any type. This type of flow can raise high speed

  trains on a rail, as in what is termed Magnetic Levitation, so it could certainly float eggs or humans during the

  phenomenon known as ball lightning. The question that begs to be answered is - why do the magnetic particles

  hang around, and not disperse, as they apparently do under other circumstances. After all, electro-magnetic

  motors are in common use and a single report of levitation has yet to be recorded.

  Ball Formation

  Mankind is aware of the brief distances and the intense electron press required to support arcs such as arc

  welding or carbon arc lamps. They are aware of the distance that lightning, representing a buildup of electrons in

  the atmosphere, can move. In general this is at most for a distance along the horizon but most often simply

  downward to a discharge point. In fact, this is only the visible lightning, and arcs can and do occur over longer

  distances and with less electron press than presumed, but this type of activity is not showy and thus escapes

  mankind’s notice. But ball lighting hangs together, is not moving, it would seem, from a high charge to a lesser

  charge, the normal distribution of electrons that is so familiar and runs all manner of handy appliances. Consider

  that an electrically charged field may be immense, covering the horizon that can be seem from end to end, and

  rising for miles up into the sky. Consider that within this charged field, there are not simply electrons and the

  particle that creates the phenomenon of magnetism, but all the other 387 particles that operate in a similar

  manner, each with its own desire to equalize its distribution in the vicinity. Ball formation occurs when the

  particles that would disperse are forced to remain in the vicinity by a greater pressure from other particles

  surrounding them.

  Light Suppression

  Light bends, as anyone looking at their feet while standing in water is acutely aware. Light particles are quick,

  and are used by Nature as the basis of sight because most of them escape and go in a straight line, but they are

  not so quick as to escape influence. In Black Holes, so few escape that the hole is identified by their absence.

  Gravity is assumed to be the shackle holding them, but in fact there is a phenomena of light that a mass of these

  particles in and of itself is the draw that pulls nearby light particles into itself. Then why does light seem to

  move in a straight line, from heat and light and electricity generating situations? They bolt, do they not? From

  stars and explosions and fire, they are on the run, or so it would seem. Light particles as many other particles

  types form waves because of a constant attraction/repulsion dance they assume with each other. They run from

  and yet run toward each other, always wanting homogeneity of their quality but never able to achieve this. The

  dance that particles form in this effort is the wave identified as a light wave. So why does light move long[2/5/2012 11:53:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Ball Lightning

  distances, then, during this dance? Momentum from an explosion of other particles has put them on the move.

  But in ball lightning, where an immense area is affecting particle equalization, these other particles cannot

  disperse, or explode, as they might otherwise. It is a delayed explosion, so the light being generated within the

  ball can do what it normally does - clump!

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  ZetaTalk: Ice Formation

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  ZetaTalk: Ice Formation

  Note: written on Feb 15, 1997.

  Humans are aware that during molecular changes, rapid expansion can and does occur. Explosions are such a situation.

  Subatomic particles bound closely to the nucleus of atoms go on the move, and bump each other during this activity,

  so the exploding ma
ss as a whole requires more space. There is pressure outward. But explosions seem to be

  accompanied by heat, where the formation of ice crystals seems to be due to the lack of heat. So why would ice

  crystals expand, requiring greater space than the liquid state just before? Gaze at a drop of water and the same water

  molecules represented as fluffy snow. Snow, as the weary crews that plow roads in winter are painfully aware, takes up

  so very much more space. Several feet of snow, when melting in the winter, end up representing only a few inches of


  Heat is composed of several subatomic particles that act as a lubricant for molecular motion, where atoms change their

  position with respect to one another. Thus, as is well known by humans, hot metal or rock can become liquid. The lack

  of heat particles creates a situation at a certain point where atoms are pressed against each other, and a different drama

  ensues. Just as within explosions, where subatomic particles on the move require more space than in the prior, pre-

  explosive state, just so the near proximity of other atoms can create this need for more space. The loss of heat does not

  necessarily accompany this expansion, as the processes are separate though often occur simultaneously. In the case of

  ice formation, there is a steady lose of heat during the freezing process, however, so to some degree one might call the

  formation of ice a controlled explosion.

  What occurs at the point that freezing water turns to ice is that subatomic particles trapped within each water particle

  are encouraged to move into areas formerly occupied by heat. Like children under a teacher's thumb while at their

  desks, when the teachers are elsewhere, they scamper out into the halls to play. They no longer bump into heat

  particles flowing between atoms when the normal course of their movement within the water atoms brings them to the

  periphery. Just as in an explosion, where the rearrangement of particles at the atomic level requires more space, just so

  the quiet explosion that freezing water represents requires more space. The water atoms are now increasingly sharing

  subatomic particles, which move to the periphery of an atom and loop through and around other atoms before

  returning. Thus the atoms become bound to each other by the wash of this motion, and become static ice!

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  ZetaTalk: Explosions

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  ZetaTalk: Explosions

  Note: written on Mar 15, 1997.

  Humans are most aware of atoms bonding due to the sharing of electrons, but bonding due to sharing of the many

  other subatomic particles on the move around the periphery of the atom also occur. During explosions, a bonding

  process begins and does not end until an equilibrium is established. The addition of heat to spark an explosion or

  compression both result in the same atomic drama - heat particles and other subatomic particles flood a given atom in

  excess of what the surrounding areas contain, and these particles go on the move. At the point where this wave of

  motion is traveling outward, a temporary liquidity of atoms is created, as the heat particles form a type of lubricant, so

  the atoms have mobility beyond their prior state.

  Suddenly freed from the prior bonding, atoms on the edge of the wave find themselves free to form new bonds, which

  they do in accordance with their chemical nature, i.e. their ability to hold subatomic particles such as electrons based

  on the weight and composition of the nucleus. This new bonding results in excess heat particles, which now do not

  have room due to the new bonding arrangement, and the explosion process is acerbated. Where the new bonding has

  been facilitated by the lubrication factor of excess heat, heat particles are not the dominant factor in the new bonding.

  Other subatomic particles, such as electrons, dominate and dictate the bonding process.

  If the chemical mix is such that this re-bonding is just waiting to happen, inhibited only due to the strength of the prior bonds, then it is, as you say, an explosive mixture. This is why certain chemicals or chemical mixes are handled with

  care, and others are not deemed capable of engaging in an explosion. Those chemical mixes that result in an explosion

  even without the addition of heat or compression are a mixture of atoms prone to many bonding combinations. They

  enter the explosion bonding in a manner that is less stable than the new potential bond, which they rapidly migrate to,

  causing the familiar release of heat and light particles.

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  ZetaTalk: Subatomic Particles

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  ZetaTalk: Subatomic Particles

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  At one point in the not too distant past humans thought of matter as a substance, like wood, water, air, or sand.

  Common folk, of course, deal with matter in this way still. In addition to matter, there was energy, like light or radio

  waves. Theoretical physicists concluded, based on the observable and measurable chemical, electromagnetic, and

  fractal qualities of matter, that an atomic structure existed. In those days the concept was simple, involving an atomic

  nucleus with orbiting electrons, but the concept has rapidly evolved to include dozens of theoretical subatomic

  particles, and since Einstein's theories have become acceptable, the concept of energy as being, in fact, just rapidly

  moving small bits of matter.

  How close are the many theories of man to the Zeta understanding? In concept, humans are on the right track, but in

  detail they are not yet half right. For instance, humans are searching for a quark, a particle that would make their

  formulas work, where no such particle exists. The fault is in the formulas, not in the elusive quark. The formulas to be

  made whole by the elusive quark have invented the quark, which takes shape only to fill the void, to balance the

  equation. There is nothing wrong with this logic, this approach, when one bears in mind that the invented particle is

  only a theory, but where scientists go amuck is in claiming a subatomic particle real because it has leapt into their

  imagination. A bit of reality testing is required. The electron first appeared on the drawing boards of scientists, but

  reality testing followed theory in the development of electrical energy, so widely used in human society as to need no

  explanation. All this groping about to explain the workings of the little universe that exists inside each atom is made

  difficult by the nature of the study. The subject can't be seen, or measured, so the theories can't be proved. This does

  not stop theorists from arguing with one another, however, as the goal is heady. If one understands how the atom

  works, one could plot and achieve marvelous feats.

  Humans are continuously frustrated by the limitations of their knowledge. Where the common man looks with awe at

  academia and scientists working in labs because they seem to understand how it all works, in fact it is no secret that

  they are all quite confused. The various departments in the average university could not sit down and discuss the

  smallest scientific statement without breaking into argument. The disciplines of science openly contradict each other!

  The confused student is left scratching his head, but is still expected to pay his fees promptly. Likewise, research labs

  proudly announce their successes, but bury the
ir failures. No right minded financial backer or scientist would proceed

  to build something based on theory. Why? Because the theories seldom hold when experiments are run. Most scientific

  discoveries are made by accident, and that's a fact. The milk spills into the vinegar by accident, and now the vinegar is no longer sour. By accident.

  So, how small is small? To put it into perspective, the electron, which humans now think of as one unit but are casting

  a suspicious eye toward and thinking may perhaps prove to be many types of particles, in a clump or acting

  independently, is composed of some 387 discrete types of particles. This number of subatomic particles is the count

  we, the Zeta, are aware of, but we suspect even we are ignorant of the true count and may be in error on some of our

  assumptions. After all, we're only Zetan.

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  ZetaTalk: Unified Theory

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  ZetaTalk: Unified Theory

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1996.

  Einstein understood far more than he relayed to mankind. Einstein spoke to mankind within the confines of their

  ability to digest at the time. Great minds, visiting the primitive, lose the audience if they speak well beyond the

  capabilities to understand. His audience was in the main scientists, and they were able to barely comprehend what he

  was addressing as is. Now long after his death he is deemed a genius, and correct on many matters. Should he have

  drifted further afield, he would have been dismissed utterly. He withheld information, deliberately, as do all visitors to

  a 3rd Density world where spiritual growth is incomplete and high tech weaponry would give the self-serving too

  much of an advantage. Mankind thus got a glimpse, and a glimpse only, into a world they will not be allowed to

  explore at this time.

  Einstein's theory of relativity, which challenged the accepted notion that matter and energy could not transmute, was

  violently resisted. In putting forth his Unified Theory, Einstein was not attempting to explain to everyone's satisfaction the factors that govern the motion of planets and sub-atomic particles. He was attempting to wrap his relativity


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