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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 11

by Nancy Lieder

  water or air, most often, eat most anything at hand, divide to produce young and all in a day. What we are telling you

  is that the dinosaurs did not die because their food source failed to grow due to the gloom from dust thrown up from a

  meteor impact, nor did small mammals chew up their eggs faster than they could hatch. They died because they were

  genetically related, and were thus similarly susceptible to the same microorganisms. The killer is no longer

  recognizable, having mutated long, long ago into another path altogether.

  It would be sheer speculation as to what the intelligent species on Earth would have been, had this not occurred.

  However, most habitable planets do indeed evolve reptilian species, not mammalian, as the dominant species. This is

  simply first come, first serve. Reptiles evolve long before mammals, and have a head start. It does not follow,

  however, that the intelligent species is mammalian only where the evolving reptilian species has had a catastrophe.

  Most planets evolving mammals as the dominant intelligent species have not had such a history. Many factors come

  into play, among them how difficult life is for the various species. A difficult life, while a curse at the moment,

  induces intelligence.

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  ZetaTalk: Dolphin Talk

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  ZetaTalk: Dolphin Talk

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1996.

  Humans for eons assumed that whales and dolphins chirped, clicked, or sang to communicate with each other until

  they discovered, quite recently, that there were other means being used. As anyone underwater when a stone strikes an

  object will attest, sound traveling underwater is magnified beyond the affect above the surface. Of course, this is

  simply the mass of water moving, rather than the mass of air moving, and water is heavier, affecting the ear drum with

  greater force. Thus, when utilizing sound waves setting water in motion, whales and dolphins chirp or sing little notes,

  but never shout. But communication has been observed between members of a family many miles apart, even an ocean

  apart, and the means of communication is little understood. Man, who uses ricocheting radio waves as a form of

  communication, understands that as long as the sender and receiver are using the same code, any directed wave can be

  used as a communication tool, be it water waves or otherwise.

  Just as humans hundreds of miles from each other can be in telepathic communication by sharing the same brain wave

  frequencies in similar patterns, whales and dolphins as species with common biological backgrounds speak to each

  other in this way. They are suspected of having even greater communication talents by the military, which in their

  envy has studied them. Being biological creatures, whales and dolphins can only produce as a means of

  communication that which the corporeal body will support! Human beings clap their hands, wave, vibrate their vocal

  cords in recognizable patterns, and throw rocks. Whales and dolphins slap their tails on the ocean surface, chirp and

  sing, and swim in patterns that carry meaning to the others.

  Humans send telepathic signals that other humans attuned to them can and on occasion do receive. Whales and

  dolphins, not having an opposable digit that allows them to experiment with various means of communication, worked

  more intensely with what they had. Their telepathy for one another is operant, not only sent but listened to by the

  others. They not only speak soundlessly, they are heard. However, their songs, carried mile after mile through the

  water, does not lose its intensity as would a song in the atmosphere. Water in the ocean does not blow about as does

  air, as being more dense it sends pressure forward in the form of a wave, and from one side of an ocean to another this

  sound can carry. For a lost member of a family, hearing the song heard when young is a call to rejoin the family. Thus

  what humans are observing is not only the whale or dolphin's ability to receive what appears to be soundless

  communications, but strong hearts that act on these communications. They love one another.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:54:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Worldwide Infertility

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  ZetaTalk: Worldwide Infertility

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Dropping fertility rates, caused by PCB poisoning worldwide, has been a matter of concern to us during our

  reproduction program. Not a few of our male donors are frankly infertile, and not daring to admit this to themselves.

  They announce to their buddies that they have been lucky, in their sexual escapades, but privately anguish about their

  chances of fathering a child. Worldwide, the frowns are beginning to appear on male faces, and nervous discussion is

  starting in the women's circles.

  This is not a matter discussed broadly in the media, as it is given Back Page Coverage if any coverage at all. The reason for this hushed tone relates to the cause of the problem, for those who publish are golfing and breakfasting with

  the perpetrators of the problem, so all is kept quiet. For many decades several major industries dealt in what they knew

  to be poisons. We are speaking here of PCBs and their derivatives and their relatives. This was economical. The rich

  stayed away from the poisons, and thought themselves well rid of it, but a horror they never imagined occurred - the

  poisons escaped into the atmosphere, the waters, the soil, in short went everywhere. Now even the wealthy find their

  fertility dropping, but ease this pain by resorting to artificial insemination and adoption. What they seek to avoid at this

  point are repercussions, and thus the results of scientific studies are silenced, repeatedly.

  The cause of the infertility is a sequence well understood - the poisons mock female hormones and thus simply

  confuse the ingestor, who drinks them daily in his water, eats them daily in his food, and is even breathing them with

  every breath. Can the establishment cleanse the world, and undo their damage? No. What filter does man possess that

  could wash a poison out of the ocean, or suck a poison out of the winds, or refresh every farmer's field, worldwide?

  An antidote is required, and none is in sight.

  As long as this situation exists, the matter will be kept hush-hush. Meanwhile, the problem worsens, and threatens to

  shock a world long concerned with a massive over-population problem. The threshold where a male can no longer

  impregnate his lady, no matter how valiantly he tries, is about to arrive. And when it does, the cries of newborn babes

  in hospital corridors will drop dramatically, and merchandisers selling baby supplies will find their sales suddenly

  plummeting, and formerly busy schools will wonder where their enrollees went. If there is no solution at hand, the

  problem will not be allowed press time even then, as those who rule the media are too close to those who would take

  the blame.

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  ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

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  ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Scientists are lately busy mapping the places in the human brain that are active during thought. This is a time honored

  practice, and not far off base. When a human stares at an
object the visual areas of the brain are more active than

  usual, and when another is in telepathic communication with the staring human, both have the same areas of their

  brains active. This has been known and recorded for decades. What is recent is the attempt to document by what

  means humans think, arrive at conclusions, or have, for instance, a brilliant insight. One can map with simple animals,

  trained in a maze, the learning curve whereby they learn that to follow the smooth wall, for instance, they arrive at

  food. The first time this occurs it is by accident, so the rat makes an association. Smooth walls = food. The next time

  the rat is put into a maze, if hungry, the rat will give more weight to exploring smooth walled paths over rough

  textured routes. What's going on here?

  The mental association in the rat's brain is a chemical sequence in the existing brain cells in certain areas of the brain.

  Hunger in the rat is now connected to those sections of the brain which hold visual and tactile imprints. These

  imprints, as well as the pathways, are chemical. These imprints, or stored data, and pathways wax strong or weak,

  depending on how often they are used. More use, strengthened chemistry. Less use, debilitated chemistry. If the rat

  does not continue to find food via smooth walls, it will explore these paths less and less often, until smooth walls have

  no more significance for the rat than any other type of wall. These chemical pathways are not identical. They have

  characteristics that relate to the area of the brain they point to, and in simple worms are somewhat transferable.

  Worms, taught to head to the right or left for food or to avoid injury, can have their brains fed to other worms, who

  then seem to have ingested knowledge. What's going on here? The brain chemicals, not broken down during digestion,

  migrate in the blood stream to the brain, and being of similar chemical composition in similar worms, attach to the

  brain pathways of the new host. The chemistry for right or left is specific in these worms, being on one side of the

  brain or another with some slight differences, and where these differences weigh only slightly they weigh enough to

  set the ingesting worm to favor connecting to one side of the brain or another. A transferred learned response, proving

  that the brain works by chemistry, chemical paths and chemical images.

  Emotions are chemistry, generated from within. Sensations, the power of the brain to retain ideas, is also intrinsically

  allied with chemical reactions. In fact, it forms the base. What else would there be? Hormones stimulate feelings, and

  homones are created by nervous stimulation of the glands. It is all intertwined. Senses receive light rays or heat, or

  other such stimuli that create chemical reactions that travel along nerves and are then stored in your brain by chemical

  changes. These chemical changes are so slow to deteriorate that you die before many of them do, which is why you

  have a memory. This is a chemical store, similar to a computer databank, in which chemical changes are virtually

  permanently etched in your brain.

  Complex thought can be broken down into thousands of steps, where sensory memories are related. Even the abstract

  concept of numbers is related to sensory memories. The child piling blocks is noting that four blocks pile higher than

  three, and the concept of greater than is related to these counts. Does the one pile not loom higher? When adding just

  one block onto the short pile, they are equal. An incipient algebraic equation is building in the babe's mind. Great

  thoughts are built from many small mental data stores, and many more connections. Great insights are simply where

  two or more formerly unrelated connections bridge, to become related. How does this bridging occur?

  It is known that people think best while pacing, and that palsied children not able to crawl or walk lack some ability to

  learn concepts. Bridging occurs when the chemicals needed to build a new pathway are in abundance in a certain part

  of the brain. It is accidental in that the connection is only by proximity, but no accident in that the brain areas rich with

  these chemicals are so active because they relate to the issue at hand. Thus the brain is just making an introduction.[2/5/2012 11:54:08 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

  Here, you two places are both active, speak to each other. Thus, the child finding himself staring at a wall he wishes to

  climb over, and seeing some boxes near at hand, recalls his pile of blocks. An a'ha occurs, as his memory of blocks

  connects to this sight of the boxes, which have a similar shape. Presto. Thought.

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  ZetaTalk: Brain Waves

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  ZetaTalk: Brain Waves

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1995.

  The human brain is more complex than your scientists suspect. They are busily mapping where certain functions occur,

  and how parts of the brain activate in syncronicity. They know that parts of the brain, near the stem, are older than, for

  instance, the forebrain, and that a human can survive remarkably well with only half a brain, as long as that half is

  either the right or left, intact. But what your scientists do not know is that beyond the old brain and the new, the

  subconscious and the conscious, the right and the left halves - there are yet more subdivisions of the human brain.

  Where it is known that the brain seems to specialize in activity that requires Beta frequency brain waves during

  wakefulness, and Alpha frequency waves during sleep or meditation, and Theta waves during rage, and Delta waves in

  coma - no one is quite sure why. We will tell you.

  Where brain functions are localized close to the data stores, the chemical paths and links that constitute memory and

  the potential for thought, these functional mother lodes cannot be mined without the greased lightning that is the

  communication substrata. We are not speaking here of synaptic junctions, the ends of one brain cell's dendrites

  touching another. We are speaking here not of chemistry, but of a communication method not understood by your

  scientists, as it cannot be pressed between glass plates and peeked at under a microscope, or placed in a vial of

  chemicals to test its nature. It requires a living brain to express itself, and beyond the difference in frequency, its nature

  is unknown to your scientists.

  Brain waves are but a symptom of the process, whereby the brain, as an organ, hums to itself. Think of the choir,

  where all warm up with the same musical scales - synchronicity. But the true musical potential is where the choir, open

  throated, strikes harmonious chords. So how does the brain hum and harmonize, and what does this have to do with

  communication? This music, as we have said, is not chemical but the result of chemical interactions, which result in

  what you may term a variation on electrical energy. Electrons are not the only particles involved in electrical current,

  which is much over simplified in man's theories. There are hundreds of sub-atomic particles that constitute electric

  current. The motion of this energy is in waves for the same reason a body of water has waves. For motion to occur at

  all there is pressure and release, then bumping and reaction. And how does this assist communication? Once the choir

  is humming, the voice of the soloist is complemented. She finds her note more surely when the basso is striking a

  chord with her. She swells to a hig
h note more confidently when the altos are coming behind her, to cover her gasp

  when she runs out of breath. They are a team, the choir, and so are your brain's various frequencies. They all occur at

  once, but are noticeable at different times because of the dominance. Listen carefully, and you will hear the full choir.[2/5/2012 11:54:09 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Brain Waves

  The brain waves you are aware of differ because they are supporting different parts of your brain. Not this spot which

  when poked causes a sound to be heard, or this spot where when poked makes a finger twitch, but throughout the

  brain. They are different because they serve as a communication support for entirely different processes, which we will

  tell you about. The Delta waves, noticeable only during coma, are basic only to those parts of your brain which run the

  body. The basic processes, like digestion, heart beat, temperature control, blood pressure, and reaction to gross stimuli

  like a direct punch to the stomach or a match to the finger tip. Fish and worms have Delta, should anyone want to take

  note. Theta, evident during rage, is basic to the animal's reaction to dire threats, where blind rage is the only hope and

  sometimes a savior. Theta controls muscular control, focusing the resources of the body such as nutrients in the blood

  to the muscles and parts of the nervous system on alert. It is more than the chemical assist that comes from adrenaline.

  It directs the nervous system to forget all else, and concentrate on the fight. Poltergeist activity sometimes is related to

  Theta activity, and not by accident, as the mind is mentally as well as physically throwing things in order to survive.

  Alpha is the brain wave belonging to that part of your brain that deals with scope, spiritual as well as physical. It pieces

  it all together, makes sense of it, or tries to, and listens to the subconscious, where the real story is always recorded.

  Meditation is done in Alpha, and hypnosis, and sleep, where dreams emerge. All this deep understanding of the nature


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