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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 13

by Nancy Lieder

  lava on the ocean floor or air temperature, but also by pressure to some degree from the prevailing winds. Most

  importantly, the oceans are pulled to and fro by the gravity of the Moon and other planetary bodies. Once set in

  motion, water tends to keep moving for some time, high pressure areas dispersing to low pressure areas, just as in the

  atmosphere. Likewise, molten rock in the Earth's core is subject to influences - gravitational, from other planetary

  bodies, but also magnetic, as the composition of the molten rock contains elements such as iron prone to magnetic

  influences. Currents and tides develop in the molten rock, and this is either gentle and regular or vigorous and given to

  sudden spurts. The dispersing of the Earth's magnetic alignment is just another indicator of this phenomena.

  Note: added during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The Earth's magnetism is being disturbed now, when stable for thousands of years. Put upon the disruption now a core

  that turns completely during the pole shift, must realign, and consider that many parts of the core will be slowly

  finding their place in the mush. This equates to several decades of an erratic magnetic field, and by this time, any

  groups of mankind left will have switched to other means than compasses. Magnetic diffusion is already causing

  mankind to move to alternate means of establishing bearings. This has always been the case, as compass failure or

  erratic magnetic switching about has occurred in the past, unexplained, so sighting on stars or manual controls are

  always in place, just in case. Thus, to the man on the street, little will be said, as most of the time the field will guide compasses, and when not, it will be passed off as one of those erratic times, or a compass failure. Thus, you will find

  until the weeks when all are staring at the sky, pointing, that no mention of extremes in magnetic changes will be

  made. By then, no one will care.

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  ZetaTalk: Gravity Field

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  ZetaTalk: Gravity Field

  Note: written during the August 3, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Mankind, in his dealings with gravity, assumes a steady force from a given mass. His math lines up accordingly, with

  a larger mass having a greater pull, and his explorations off the face of Earth has not challenged this. In the last few

  years, he has found his probes not behaving according to gravity math, without explanation. And Recently, his probes have given him data to the effect that the shape of the Earth should have changed, per the gravity pull registered from

  the surface, but measurements do not support this shape change. What has occurred, to change the pull of gravity from

  the Earth to the extent that it is measurable from space? Mankind's theories include changes in the core, as they cannot

  see any ostensible change in the shape of the globe. As we have stated, gravity is a particle flow, with outshooting in a

  laser manner of intense gravity particle streams and a slow drifting back to the surface by the particles. It is the drifting

  back that creates the phenomenon of gravity, pressure downward, as the outburst goes between atoms and thus does

  not interact.

  Planet X is approaching from a point only somewhat below the ecliptic, at this time, a gravity pull we have described

  as disturbing the equilibrium. Man looks about him and makes assumptions on the status quo, and when the status quo

  changes he is shocked and cannot explain the changes. He does not understand the status quo, his explanations wrong, but when we tell him that the equilibrium has been disturbed, as an explanation, he argues. This is the case here, the

  flow of gravity particles normally involved with the Sun and other planets being considered normal by man, and now,

  an additional pull from the direction of the Ecliptic causing gravity particles to move in that direction, return from that direction, being noticeable.

  How is it that the other planets, such as Jupiter, do not cause such a leaning of gravity pull? Jupiter is estimated to

  have X mass, based on perturbations when it passes other planets, or is nearby. Mankind assumes this is entirely due to

  gravity, understanding only a fraction of a percentage the influences that planets have on one another. There are

  numerous particle flows, and depending upon the composition of a given planet, it will repulse, attract, or care not.

  Mars is tiny, the gaseous planets not massive enough, and the Sun the only element outside of the Earth itself to affect

  the even flow of gravity. The Sun likewise, with its outbursting matter, counteracts any excessive pull of gravity

  particles, in the manner that solar wind affects comet tails. Is Planet X that massive, that strong in its pull, that from a

  position outside the orbit of Pluto it could cause a change in gravity particle flow in the Earth? Yes, in a similar

  manner to magnetism flow, where magnetic fields are far outside what mankind imagines, in their reach. This gravity

  change, recently noted, will not be the last evidence that the monster is on the move, and will soon create havoc on

  your peaceful planet.

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  ZetaTalk: Equilibrium

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  ZetaTalk: Equilibrium

  Note: written on Dec 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  If the 12th Planet is riding at the mid-point of its long and narrow orbit, during most of its slow motion between the

  Sun and the Sun’s dead twin, then how it that it can have an effect on the planets and moons in the solar system when

  it is only moving slowly from that virtual standstill? The outer planets were discovered only because slight

  perturbations in the known planets were observed and analyzed to point to another body in motion, farther out. But

  these perturbations were extreme, in comparison to an inbound object on a virtual straight line path, as their path of

  these outer planets were from side to side, thus causing a more noticeable motion in the perturbed bodies. Other than

  perturbing toward Orion, the direction of the inbound 12th Planet, by all the planets in the solar system, there is little

  steady evidence that the 12th Planet exists. But as it begins its passage, in the few short years prior to its passage,

  palpable changes are evident. The Earth’s core is heating up, the plates giggling into a lock so that quakes in one

  ricochet into the neighboring plate, and volcanic activity increasing as the core of the Earth swirls about. Europa, one

  of Jupiter’s moons, is noted to be heating up too. How can an object so distant affect the planets and moons?

  Human theories about the motion of the planets in their orbits, their placement, are based on theories that have little

  basis in fact. All slung into position when the solar system first formed, and motion and centrifugal force are holding it

  all in place. This is nonsense, as we have explained, and man’s theories fail to account for the vast majority of factors

  that actually hold the motion of suns and solar systems in place in an equilibrium established coming out of any local

  Big Bang. Mankind has faint explanation for why all the planets line up in the ecliptic, though this clearly is a flow of

  particles and the planets are in the backwash. Earth’s magnetic field does not point in the direction it does by accident,

  nor does the field simply encompass Earth. It goes far beyon
d the solar system, into several nearby systems and

  beyond. Gravity, which holds the planets close to their Sun but also keeps them apart by the repulsion force, is little

  understood by man who failed to understand this phenomenon in the context of a particle flow. They are still clinging

  to the theory, without basis, that the Sun has magnetic reversals, as this is an explanation for why wandering poles are

  evident on the crust of the Earth, when pole shifts are the obvious explanation and Hapgood long ago presented this.

  Thus, they cannot conceive of an equilibrium in the solar system, being out of touch as they are with so many basic


  When the 12th Planet is riding the mid-point of its orbit, the equilibrium exists. When it begins to approach, several

  particle flows are changed, and as these particle flows envelope and influence Earth and the other planets in the

  system, these changes become evident. Gravity and magnetic particles are only a couple of the flows affected. Now, in

  any given equilibrium, change is noticed where the equilibrium is taken for granted. Thus, the fact that the Earth

  rotations, has x temperature in its core, points in x direction, is taken as normal. When its temperature raises, this is

  noticed, and commented upon. Why would the temperature not raise, when the core is pulled in more direction, has

  more activity, and is thus exuding more heat particles. Magnetic diffusion is another change noticed, but this is easily

  explained in the context of yet another magnetic planet coming closer, so that magnetic particles are flowing more

  here, less there, in the vicinity of Earth. Thus, it is not so much what causes every change, upon the approach of the

  12th Planet, as it is a mystery of why mankind is astonished. He is asleep on his assumptions, and only waking when

  they move about! Thus, the approach of the 12th Planet is evidenced by changes in the solar system because the

  equilibrium is being changed, the status quo altered, when it moves from a virtual standstill mid-way in its path to

  begin a passage. This equilibrium should be viewed as a net reaching out into the Universe, encompassing not only a

  local solar system but a galaxy. Why do the galaxies stay where they are? This is not a local affair!

  Note: added during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stated that Planet X is disrupting the Earth's equilibrium, and the equilibrium of other planets and their

  moons, from afar. We have stated in explanation of this that mankind little realizes what an equilibrium in a solar[2/5/2012 11:54:13 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Equilibrium

  system means, understanding little of the factors involved. We have stated that mankind assumes the planets are

  staying where they are due to centrifugal force and motion established a long time ago, and has no explanation for the

  ecliptic or the steady and undegrading orbits of the planets. We have stated that should mankind understand all the

  factors involved in the solar system equilibrium, they would not be surprised at the changes, but they are so far from

  understanding that shock is the reaction.

  But a valid question, in this, is how the Earth could continue to be affected to the point of expressing magnetic

  diffusion, when the Sun, the giant magnetic influence, stands between the Earth and Planet X. Is this not a buffer?

  Would the magnetism not return to normal during these times? A disturbed equilibrium is not a simple thing, a wire

  placed between the planets such that cutting this wire returns all to what man considers to be normal. A disturbed

  equilibrium is many, virtually thousands, of factors, pulling in all directions, piling up and spilling over slowly,

  disbursing in directions and then returning. Particle flow is something mankind does not understand, assuming gravity

  to be a force, not a flow, and magnetism creating magnetic fields for unexplained reasons. Thus, when the Earth moves

  such that the Sun is between Planet X and itself, all the many factors throughout the solar system continue to push and

  pull, unchanged, and unchanged disruption in the equilibrium.

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  ZetaTalk: Status Quo

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  ZetaTalk: Status Quo

  Note: written on May 15, 2002

  We have explained on numerous occasions how equilibrium in a solar system works, but still this is confusing to our

  audience. The existing structure is explained by mankind’s scientists as coming out of the big bang, planets caught in a

  gravity field, on the move so not going directly into the sun, and thus establishing an orbit. Why all the planets are in

  the ecliptic, like the rings of trash around Saturn, is not explained. How the Moon can remain aloft above Earth, while

  so massive and moving so slowly, is not addressed, even though this does not compute when Newton's law of

  Centrifugal Force and the Inverse Square Law of gravity, both mankind’s staples, are applied together using real, not

  theoretical, factors.

  Mankind cannot explain how his own solar system is structured, but presumes to insist that Centrifugal Force is what

  keeps everything in the place it is, when combined with gravity attraction. In this context, it is understandable that

  mankind is confused as to why a planet some 9 Sun-Pluto distances away can create a swirling core in the Earth when

  first starting out on its periodic passage through the solar system. Gravity must be mild, as Jupiter does not seem to

  affect the Earth. Magnetic confusion should be minimal, as Mercury is closer and seems to have no effect on Earth.

  What is missing in these conclusions is the network that is in place, a stabilizing of all these pulls and pushes, which is not apparent to man as he is seeing the result, not the arrival, of the stabilizing.

  Were everyone in a group to hold hands tightly, in a circle around a large air balloon, they would become fixed in

  place, unable to move unless a grip was let go. A child, seeing this, would assume that this was "normal" and set about to play in the grass nearby. Should someone ask the child why these people were standing thus, he'd be puzzled, not

  having noticed them, still as they were. But should a grip let go, on the opposite side of the balloon, bodies might jerk,

  adjust, and the child startled. He does not see the point where the grip released. Likewise, a decrease in pressure in the

  balloon would cause wiggling in the people thus circling, it, as now there was wiggle room where before they were

  stretched tight. The child would be alarmed! Why are these people shuffling their feet, moving their handshakes up and

  down! Perhaps turning their head to look his way! Thus, like a child, not understanding that the solar system you are

  used to is the result of many factors fixed, but now adjusting, you see every change as a shock.

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  ZetaTalk: Resonance

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  ZetaTalk: Resonance

  Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The magnetic field of Earth is weakening, since a strong point estimated to be 2,000 years ago. Deep earthquakes

  which rose almost exponentially between 1985 and 1995 have locked down the plates of Earth, such that quakes in one

  plate ricochet to another place, and this process and be charted from quake statistics. The weather on Earth has gone

  from be
ing a bit wild to breaking records regularly to being so bizarre that broken records are never mentioned

  anymore. More volcanoes are active on Earth than at any time in the memory of man. And though the oceans are

  heating from the bottom up, and glaciers are retreating at an astonishing pace. The Earth’s rotation is slowing, such

  that the full moon seems now to come early. But is it just the Earth that is affected by the movement of Planet X

  toward the solar system, after its long stay at essentially the mid-point between its two foci?

  From Mars, the Earth would appear to be quiescent, as few of these symptoms would be visible from space. Melting

  ice is noticeable, and this has been noted on Europa, a moon of Jupiter. A slowing rotation would also be noticeable,

  but until this becomes extreme would be hard to measure from a distance. What effects can be expected, in the planets

  that share the solar system with Earth, as Planet X approaches?

  Mercury, as Earth, has a magnetic core, and tilts in the same direction as Earth. Were Planet X to pass within 14

  million miles of Mercury, as it is projected to pass Earth in 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], Mercury would experience a pole shift, though there is no life on that dead planet to care. Likewise, a slowing rotation would

  occur on Mercury, due to the magnetic interference of Planet X during its approach.

  Mars has given evidence of past pole shifts, as your scientists are aware from NASA reports. Is it being affected

  during the coming approach? In the past, when the Sun had more mass, Planet X passed through the Asteroid

  Belt, creating the accidents that the litter in this belt attests to. When passing closer to Mars, then a warm planet

  with a molten core, pole shifting on occasion happened to Mars, but its distance from such trauma now is what

  makes it attractive as a shift-evacuation point by NASA and the elite who control and dominate NASA.

  Perturbations in the orbits of the outer planets will be palpable during the passage. Those planets on the

  approach side will linger, and those attempting to leave or arrive at the approach side will slow or speed up in


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