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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 22

by Nancy Lieder

  dusting upon the Earth on occasion, and when disbursed turning the skies a pink/purple even when

  a sunset or sunrise is not in process.

  What caused the EIT to be over-exposed, over a period of hours, by the

  supposedly disabled SOHO? Light from a single source such as starlight or the Sun can be

  calculated, and the SOHO programmed to deal with that. Light from solar flares are likewise

  accounted for, and do not cause the over-exposure of late appearing. It is the very closeness of

  Planet X, a light-emitting brown dwarf in its own right, that is responsible. It is not only the

  light from this brown dwarf, but primarily the scattering of sunlight such that the majority of

  sunlight that would escape and not impact the SOHO lens is bounced back. It ricochets around

  in the dust cloud, which is massive and reaches far beyond the size of the face of the Sun as

  viewed from Earth, and at times comes in as an overwhelming burst of light rays at the SOHO

  lens. This cloud is in motion, whipped about as Planet X moves, pulled toward the Earth by the

  Solar Wind, and swirling with the moons within the cloud as they dance around each other.

  Thus, there are many dynamics, but suffice it to say that there will be few solid images of the

  body of the Sun, or any area around the Sun, secured from now on out.

  The dust cloud, already causing comment worldwide even among those peoples not informed in

  any way of the approaching Planet X, known in folklore as the Destroyer, the Fire Dragon in the sky. As Planet X has

  now crossed the distance where its tail was only faintly dusting Earth, to arrive where this will not escape notice

  anywhere, this will change. The establishment, wanting to avoid any mention of signs that would signal talk or relate

  to prophecy, will either have to address this or be noted by their lack of comment as hiding something. The latter is

  more likely, as announcements from the establishment become increasingly irrelevant, and their agenda increasingly

  suspect.[2/5/2012 11:54:39 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Charged Dust Cloud

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  ZetaTalk: Charged Dust Cloud

  written Oct 24, 2003

  Here in the northeast coast of the USA (NJ and PA) we keep having occurances [Sep 4] of

  stray small, very red (almost neon) clouds that will emitt lightning from them. No thunder, no

  rain. These clouds stand out by themselves.

  Signs of the Times #248

  Here in Norway [Oct 10], suddenly the whole sky was illuminated and all the traffic lights

  blacked out for 2 seconds. A bright light followed by a blackout could suggest that it was just

  lightening, but it was nothing like that. There was no thunder or other lightening all day. The

  sky was relatively clear. The entire sky was illuminated and looked nothing like lightning.

  Signs of the Times #346

  Iron ore is magnetically configured to pull out of any soup it is free to move within, and does

  so particularly in space. Planet X, like a big magnet, swept through the [Asteroid Belt] and

  emerged with a larger dust cloud, each time. We have mentioned that the tail curls toward the

  Earth, pulled by gravity and magnetic and other attractants. The cloud itself exists because

  there is some kind of glue holding it together. There is more than gravity involved, as this is

  too simplistic an explanation, and more than magnetism though the iron ore is certainly more

  magnetically active than most dust clouds.

  ZetaTalk: Red Dust, written Jan 11, 2003

  Dust, in Earth’s atmosphere, drifts down to settle, at times slowly depending upon its weight but the process is

  invariable, often clearing out during a rainstorm where tiny dust particles cause the moisture to cling, a start to the

  raindrop. Why then, on a water planet such as Planet X, does a dust cloud shroud the planet, perpetually? The dust

  cloud, composed primarily of red oxidized iron particles, is charged, and the particles thus more interested in a

  magnetic dance, particle to particle, than in any gravity attraction that the weighty corpus of Planet X might present.

  The cloud bristles, resisting gravity as electrified hair brushed on a dry winters day does, standing out from the head

  and crackling. What happens when this charged dust approaches the Earth and enters Earth’s atmosphere?

  Man is familiar with magnetism and electricity, and thinks of these two phenomena as one since an electromagnet can

  engender a magnetic field from an electron particle flow. They are not one, not two, but hundreds and man has

  scarcely imagined the scope of the phenomena. What causes the tail of Planet X to curl toward the Earth as the passage

  approaches? It is not merely that the solar wind blows it in the direction of Earth, as placement and proximity would

  have allowed this for some weeks, if not months, already. It is certainly not the gravity attraction of Earth, puny in

  comparison to the home planet, Planet X. Likewise the magnetic attraction of Planet X vastly out commands Earth.

  The tail becomes caught in a particle flow between the Earth and Planet X, surging with this particle flow toward

  Earth, and where not seen at that time from Earth due to its dust clogged view, back toward Planet X at the periphery.

  Imagine this scene, Planet X as the bully magnet entering the neighborhood from the South, its N Pole pointing toward

  the Earth’s S Pole. Where both planets align with the Sun’s magnetic alignment, static despite NASA’s claims that this

  alignment switches about during solar flare cycles, the approach of Planet X from below the Ecliptic is such that its N

  Pole engages the Earth’s S Pole first, in the drama. The Earth has reacted to this approach by rising up in its Ecliptic

  Plane, so the flow of magnetic particles can move from the N Pole of Planet X into the S Pole of Earth, the alignment magnets prefer. Thus, as the magnetic fields touched and engaged, the red dust cloud already had a path to align with.

  When rotation slows to a stop, it is because the planets have come closer to each other, and this flow, from N Pole to S

  Pole, increases in intensity.

  The dust cloud then swarms toward Earth, from the south, roaring past Earth to coalesce at the N Pole and out again to[2/5/2012 11:54:40 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Charged Dust Cloud

  swing back far afield with the particle flow around to the S Pole of Planet X. The effect is a massive swarming red

  dust cloud, with the bright corpus of Planet X seen in the center, in appearance as though attempting to engulf the

  Earth. This dust lands in significant amounts only when the atmosphere of Earth is stripped away so resistance is

  lessened, during the days of rotation stoppage when the flow of magnetic particles has put force behind these charged

  particles. They are then bombarding the Earth in a sand blasting effect.[2/5/2012 11:54:40 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Sacred Orbits

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  ZetaTalk: Sacred Orbits

  written August 20, 2003

  The annals of antiquity record orbits of Earth and other of its neighbors to be other than what mankind understands the

  current orbits to be. Velikoveksy, in particular, in his book Worlds in Collision, documents these aberrations. Are not

  orbits sacred, in accordance with Newton’s Laws, set out in time long past by motion countering the draw of gravity to

  be unchanged through time? As we have stated, Newton’s Law are nothing more
than a mathematical description of

  the scene that Newton viewed during his time. He explained what he saw, but could only speculate on why orbits or rotation exist. He was almost entirely wrong regarding the forces at play. As we have explained, Orbits within the Ecliptic and the Rotation of bodies are caused by Factors outside of themselves, including the flow of Gravity particles

  and the Repulsion Force that balances this, Magnetic particles, the Sweeping Arms of the Sun, and the backwash of particles at the Ecliptic going into the Sun. Thus, orbits are living things, quickly re-establishing themselves if interrupted, and interruption does not spell doom.

  It has been noted, during the agony of the date not known, that the Retrograde orbit of Planet X and the regular orbit of Earth would cause these planets to pass, given the passage of time. Indeed, as of the date of this writing, Planet X is

  well at the point where it is likely to be past standing between the Sun and Earth, a situation we have described as key

  to rotation stoppage and the shift. Does this mean that stoppage and the shift are immediate? As we stated on July 20,

  during the Lou Gentile show, days or weeks, not months, would pass [see White Lie explanation re 2003], so obviously the date is close. However, the exact date cannot be surmised by the position of Earth and Planet X vs a vs the Sun and

  each other, for the following reasons:

  Orbits are not sacred, can be stopped, can be reversed, can be altered such that a planet veers closer to its Sun or

  outward in a more elliptical manner, can dip down or raise such that the orbit takes a different path, and then

  return or not return, depending. Thus, the current Earth orbit should not be considered written in stone,

  immutable, and any change is possible.

  Life on a planet does not end if an orbit changes, and often scarcely notices. The days may be cooler or warmer,

  the stars in a different place, and the seasons and sunset and sunrise times radically different, but overall, unless

  an orbit change puts a planet into the Sun such that life fries, or into cold space such that it freezes, it is not a

  death sentence.

  In the battle about to ensue between Earth and Planet X, the larger will get a grip on the lesser and not let go

  until havoc has been unleashed on Earth. Why would Earth’s orbit, in this drama, be exempt from such a grip?

  What would stop the orbit of Earth from reversing, stopping, or drawing closer to Planet X? There is no force

  other than the benign forces that gently called Earth’s orbit into being in the first place to intervene.

  The forces in this grip are some of the most powerful in the interplay between planetary bodies - magnetic and

  gravitational. Where the Repulsion Force prevents Earth and Planet X from colliding, both draw upon the other

  with a gravity force, and Planet X envelopes the Earth in its magnetic field. Both these forces are strong enough

  to stop both planets in their orbits, temporarily, but in that Earth is the lesser it alone is affected, so no alteration in the orbit of Planet X occurs.

  The massive dust cloud and tail of Planet X, composed heavily of oxidized iron dust, is drawn toward Earth and

  surrounds Earth during this grip, such that the size of the Planet X complex viewed seems to grow horrifically in a few

  short days. By this time, mankind will be aware that their orbit has been affected, but will not care. But prior to this

  time, the grip, there will be evidence that the orbit of Earth is not proceeding as expected. As there is no gravitational

  pull on mankind from an orbit, during a slowing or even reversal in an orbit, mankind would be unaware of this. He is

  aware of the Earth’s orbit only from the movement of stars. Mankind’s gravity focus is the Earth itself. As long as the

  tilt of the Earth remained the same, based as it is on the Earth’s own rotation, there would be scant clues to orbit

  changes unless the days were abnormally long or short, the Sun rising and setting out of ordinary, and this would have[2/5/2012 11:54:40 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Sacred Orbits

  to be extreme before the common man would even notice. You say that some of these Observations have already been

  made? Perhaps, then, the orbit has already been altered![2/5/2012 11:54:40 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Light Illusion

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  ZetaTalk: Light Illusion

  written Nov 29, 2003. Note: seasons mentioned are appropriate for the northern hemisphere.

  We have explained that Planet X comes in from the direction of Orion, from the mid-point between its two foci where it stood at a virtual dither for over a millennia, at a high speed approaching the speed of light in the scant years preceding the passage, and then slowing as it approaches the Sun due to the Repulsion Force setting in. These statements of ours are supported by the need for the IRAS team to go above the atmosphere to spot Planet X at the

  dither point in 1983, observations by three teams visiting their local observatories in early 2001 when it had started its plunge toward Earth, capture by observatory infrared equipment in early 2002 when it had come closer still in its

  approach, capture by amateur CCD equipment in the full light spectrum in the fall of 2002 when it had again come

  closer, and finally naked eye sightings of a red light blur winking in and out by late March 2003.

  We have explained that Planet X assumes at first the direction of turn the

  other planets in your solar system take, where they are swept along in front

  of the sweeping arms of the Sun, but assumes a retrograde orbit when

  coming closer due to the skip and push back effect instituting. This is

  supported by the Planet X body being found at our coordinates, consistently,

  in line with our original path laid out in 1997.

  We have explained that in order to fool the establishment, those members of

  the elite who would enslave mankind during the coming shift and turn the

  globe back into the Dark Ages of oppression and kingship rule, May 15 was

  selected because at this time Planet X was coming into view from the opposite side of the Sun, what astronomers term

  ‘in the Sun’, so that mankind on Earth was blinded in exacting determination, the Hubbell useless, the SOHO too

  narrow a view, and all probes sent forth for triangulation disabled by ourselves. This is supported by the May 15

  admission by the US government: Operation TOPOFF involving 100 agencies initiated on May 12, operation Planet X

  in Iraq unfurled on May 15, and Homeland Security going to level Orange for two solid weeks after specific dates of

  May 20-27 were given by ZetaTalk on the Lou Gentile radio show.

  We have explained that Planet X dips below the Ecliptic to be 32 degrees vs the 11 degrees on initial approach, to avoid the crowded Ecliptic and position itself for a clean cut through the Ecliptic. On May 15, per our coordinates, it

  was nowhere near that placement below the Ecliptic, a clue that this date was NOT the date, should one have noted.

  We declined to clarify a number of matters during 2003. We declined to clarify the exact distance of Planet X from the

  Sun in the spring of 2003, allowing only human speculation and refusing to comment even upon that. We declined to

  give coordinates for Planet X past May 15, as these could be used for triangulation and the US and their chronies were

  planning to nuke Planet X despite our warnings that such an attack on an inhabited planet would not be allowed. To

  the extent we could arrange it, the elite, as well as the common man, were left scratching their heads, noting the Earth

  changes but uncertain when steps they were planning should be

  We have explained that the Planet X complex is emitting light primarily in

  the red light spectrum, which as any school child gazing at the rising and

  setting Sun can see is bending round the globe as it passes over the gravity

  core, thus tends to bend more readily than other spectrums. We have

  explained that this causes most of the light from the complex to head for the

  Sun as the gravity draw in the neighborhood, only veering toward Earth due

  to scattering and Earth’s own gravity draw acting as a sink. This is

  supported by the wealth of photographic evidence from April to the present,

  all showing Planet X personas in the vicinity of the Sun.[2/5/2012 11:54:41 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Light Illusion

  Assume that on May 15 Planet X was not close to the Sun, but at a distance. It’s speed up to that point was rapid, and

  just when the brakes were applied could not be determined due to the complex being in the Sun. Being on the opposite

  side of the Sun from Earth, most of the light would come directly toward the Sun, thus like a flashlight pointed toward

  the viewer, light not being blocked would arrive in force. Thus an inner solar system placement might be assumed by

  the confused elite, who like the common man were seeing an increase in intensity, and a steady placement of the light

  from Planet X near the Sun.

  Assume that during the summer of 2003, the dip to 32 degrees below the Ecliptic occurred, in conjunction with a

  retrograde orbit in the outer solar system. The light emitted is still drawn toward the Sun, and due to increasing

  closeness the quantity of light so drawn increasing, and until the end of summer, the angle of deflection toward Earth

  not that great. Like a flashlight turned at an angle from the viewer, only deflected or bent light arrives, an illusion that

  the beam is lessened. Planet X drew closer, while the angle from the Sun sharpened, so overall the light intensity

  seemed static, as though the complex had parked itself someplace, waiting.


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