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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 27

by Nancy Lieder

  or too early twilight, the distinct Second Sun no longer discernable.

  During the months since the Earth’s orbit halted, visibility has been limited to the Moon Swirls that dance before the Sun,

  capturing the light of the Sun and funneling it through the swirls such that they become a beacon of light. As crop circles

  increasingly warn that the Sun’s dominant influence on the Earth’s magnetic alignment is being supplanted by Planet X, which

  has moved into position between the Earth and Sun, where is the corpus now? As Planet X passes in front of the Sun, it is lost in the Sun’s glare, with only indirect evidence of its presence - the fireballs thudding to Earth as debris in the tail are wafted into Earth’s atmosphere, the discernible Earth wobble creating an early Fall in eastern North American and Canada and extreme heat

  in Japan and Alaska, all on the same latitude, and a polar melt at the N. Pole which is exposed exceedingly to the direct Sun like no normal Summer in the northern hemisphere, as the spot where the Sun shines the least is not situated over the N. Pole. Until

  the dance between Planet X and Earth engage to the point where the tail if flowing directly toward the Earth and appears as a

  writhing fire dragon in the sky, the monster is likely to remain so shrouded in the glare of the Sun through its close hugging dust cloud.[2/5/2012 11:54:54 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Shrouded Monster

  Signs of the Times #1048

  North Pole is Falling Apart [Aug 15] ‘The northeast passage

  across the siberian polar ice is open. The glaciers on Ellesmere Island and the northern and northeastern

  shores of Greenland are collapsing within a matter of days. The channel between Greenland and Ellesmere

  Isalnd is open. And only about 250 miles of ice remains on the north shore of Greenland connecting it to the

  polar ice. And that is breaking up. Vast stretches of polar ice are pulverized and floating free in the Arctic

  ocean. Thousands of square miles of ice are pulverized and on the edge of breaking up into a billion ice bergs.

  An immense rent has formed in the ice north of Queen Victoria Island. An even larger tear reaches up from

  Siberia poking at the north pole itself. The entire north shore of Akaska is Ice free, as is all of the northern

  Siberian shore - all the way to the New Siberian Islands and beyond. The last of the ice blocking the

  Northwestr passage at the east end of Queen Elizabeth Island is breaking up.’ [and from another source] Here

  is the brown ice photo from NOAA

  [Note: dirty snow, a sign of melting snow.][2/5/2012 11:54:54 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Photographic Proof

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  ZetaTalk: Photographic Proof

  written Sep 21, 2004

  Humans are accustomed to thinking of up or down, right or left, from an egocentric posture. But a man in Alaska, or

  on the opposite side of the globe in Australia, sees an opposite view of the constellations and the Moon and would not

  agree on these directions. The planets sharing the Ecliptic with the Earth seldom appear exactly to the right or left of

  the Sun, due to the slant of the Ecliptic as viewed from Earth. Man, standing on the surface of the Earth, is leaning,

  almost invariable, so the Ecliptic is seen as slanted. Now Sun centered, Planet X appears more in keeping with objects

  in a line with the middle object centered, so that the middle object appears left when the viewer leans to the right, at

  sunrise, and moves to the right when the viewer leans to the left, at sundown. Previously, when Planet X was out of

  the line of sight when looking directly at the Sun from Earth, as it was to the side of the Sun, the view from Earth

  presented the Second Sun as being to the right along the Ecliptic at sunrise and, when the viewer was literally standing

  on its head at sundown, had moved to the left at sundown.

  What do these photos, from Italy, reveal? In keeping with a Sun centered Planet X, as viewed from Earth, we see the

  dust shrouded corpus to the left at sunrise and moving to the right into the afternoon. Not the case last March, when the position of Planet X appeared along the Ecliptic to the Right at sunrise and to the Left at sunset. A similar study of photos from the southern hemisphere would have these positions reversed. This is photographic evidence of movement

  during the ensuing months, movement from a location to the side of the Sun to a placement between the Earth and

  Sun, movement from a location below the Ecliptic to a placement nearly at the Ecliptic, and movement from a distance

  from the Earth to a placement much closer to the Earth. Close, at the Ecliptic, and moving![2/5/2012 11:54:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Photographic Proof

  Signs of the Times #1140

  To the left of sun it is pretty apparent with red tail/dust to the left of it also. [and from another

  source] Photos taken at 5:10 PM Sep 21, 2004. The reverse of what is seen in the northern

  hemisphere, Planet X is now to the left in the afternoon, the reserse of what was seen last Mar 4,

  2004.[2/5/2012 11:54:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Big Squeeze

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  ZetaTalk: Big Squeeze

  written Mar 23, 2004

  In thèMeaning of Sednà the Zetas statèThis [Earth twin] will become visible

  soon, if not already, and will come close to the Earth before other dramas

  intervene’ when talking about the Earth`s twin. That would mean that the twin is

  only a quarter of a turn around the sun away from us now. The repulsion force

  from the twin is possibly a significant factor in the sequence of events leading up

  to the pole shift - forcing the Earth in towards Planet X more than just the

  sweeping arms of the sun are now.

  The Earth in her orbit is hapless and passive, and most certainly cannot escape the forces that push and pull at her. In


  1. She is bound to the Sun, the gravity giant.

  2. She is pushed away from the Sun by the Repulsion Force, balancing this gravity pull.

  3. She is kept in the Ecliptic by a backwash of particles that emerge from the poles of the Sun and wrap around to

  return at the Sun’s middle, thus coming in from above and beneath the Earth, holding her in that Ecliptic.

  4. She is swept along by the Sweeping Arms of the Sun which arrive regularly and maintain the momentum the

  planets in their orbits exhibit.

  5. She is put in her orbit by the other planets, which when passing each other in their orbits exert their own gravity

  and Repulsion Force pressures such that the planets find their orbit to ease these pressures all around.

  When an interloper such as Planet X comes into the neighborhood, it at first tries to avoid this tight network of pushing and pulling forces and take the easy path by plunging 32° below the Ecliptic from its approach 11° below the Ecliptic.

  1. But as Planet X is plunging toward the Sun in the forces that push and pull at it, this only delays the crunch.

  2. At the current mass of the Sun, for Planet X the Repulsion Force clicks in only after it has passed Earth’s orbit

  and stands within Earth’s orbit. At this point is slides long the Sun, held away by the Repulsion Force.

  3. The Ecliptic backwash has, during the approach from below, pushed Planet X toward the Sun, along with the

  gravity pull of the Sun, but to punch through the Ecliptic and emerge leaving the Sun fro
m above requires that it

  meet the backwash head on during its exit from the inner solar system. This is not a rapid resolution, as the

  Ecliptic forces above and below are strong and equal, so the balance is tripped by other forces which play out.

  4. The Sweeping Arms are one of these forces, as at each pass Planet X bumps over them, in its retrograde orbit

  manner, and other planets coming head on to Planet X are swept into Planet X. While there is wiggle room in

  this dance, the gravity Repulsion Force and magnetic clash with other planets is resolved by the weak link. For

  the Earth and Venus, this has meant halting and reversing in their orbits, swept into Planet X at a Sweeping Arm

  pass and then bouncing back.

  5. Where the planets can, on occasion such as last May 5, 2000 stretch out in a line from the Sun with no distress

  on this proximity to each other, when not in such a lineup there is wiggle room. But by retreating in their orbits

  Venus and Earth are creating such a lineup again, and Mars is approaching this point out beyond the orbits or

  Venus and Earth, and yet another, the Earth’s dark twin, is coming up behind the Earth in their shared orbit. This

  is a jam-up with only one resolution.

  As has been seen since last Sep 23, 2003, where the Earth rose up in her Ecliptic plane in response to the approach

  from the South of Planet X, and after the Dec 25, 2003 when the Earth halted in her orbit, a temporary drop down in

  the Ecliptic, staying within the Ecliptic plane is not a rigid rule. Thus, in this crunch, one of the Planets may move up

  or down to ease the crunch. As has been seen since Dec 25, 2003, a planet halted in its orbit despite the influence of[2/5/2012 11:54:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Big Squeeze

  the Sweeping Arms is the lesser when faced with a strong Repulsion Force issue in front of the planet, halting in an

  orbit is not a rigid rule. Thus, in this crunch, the Earth’s dark twin or Mars may halt their orbits, and even reverse, to

  ease the crunch. But where is the earth in this? She has Venus to her left, Mars to her right, and her dark twin bringing up the rear! The big squeeze, and Sweeping Arms throw them all at her, and bouncing Planet X toward her, regularly![2/5/2012 11:54:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Waiting to Exhale

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  ZetaTalk: Waiting to Exhale

  written Mar 26, 2004

  What to expect, over the next few days or weeks, regarding the sweeping arms and their expected impact.

  During the Aug 14, 2003 sweep blackouts occurred round the world due to electromagnetic surge, but then that

  phenomena seemed to pass. At this point Planet X was positioned behind the Sun from Earth, yet swooping in

  from the outer solar system and thus this motion caused disruption in particle flows normally flowing outward

  evenly from the Sun. The Earth was in a direct line for a blast, based on this temporary position. In this, the

  Earth could do nothing but endure the blast.

  The Sep 26, 2003 sweep saw 8+ Richter quakes in Japan and Siberia, and the Earth rising in her Ecliptic by

  several degrees, holding that position through the next sweep on Nov 9, 2003, when compass irregularities

  increased radically, the only observed result. This was, as we have explained, a reaction of the Earth to having a

  giant magnet approach from the South and Earth lifting up to position her S Pole above the approaching N Pole

  of Planet X. In this, the Earth attempted to reduce magnetic stress by lifting in her Ecliptic.

  The Dec 25, 2003 sweep, though marked by earthquakes again, was transparent to man at first as the force of the

  sweep resulted in a halted Earth orbit. Sweeps then began striking the Earth more frequently, as the Earth was no

  longer chasing in front but was standing in place. At first a tilt of the N Pole outward from the Sun, giving

  Iceland and surrounding locales a deep freeze, then a tilt inward toward the Sun, and then increasing until the

  lean toward Planet X was the 23° delineated in our ZetaTalk Triangle. In this, the Earth adjusted by changing

  her tilt and lean, a soft adjustment to mankind crawling about on her surface.

  What man has noticed during this confusing time is that the Sun is more intense, very bright, for an exit from Winter

  in the Northern Hemisphere or a entry into Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The Earth has, during sweeps since

  Dec 25, 2003, pulled in toward the Sun in the manner depicted by recent crop circles and ancient relics such as the

  Nebra Disc. This is disguised during the current time as the Northern Hemisphere is still warming up from the Winter

  freeze, but those land masses subject to breezes from vast ocean regions, which can warm up quickly and move this

  warmth along, are already roasting. The N Pole, melting like an ice cube under a heat lamp, is draining between

  Greenland and Nova Scotia, creating a temporary late Winter in the regions affected by this flow down along the East

  Coast of N America.

  Imagine a globe shuttering in aftershocks for 3,657 years, allowing the weak places in the crust to give and adjust. All

  this is equivalent to dust settling on furniture in a vacant room, the air current stopped. Now this arrangement is

  considered normal, with only the occasional deterioration in this or that piece of cloth on the apolstery giving way to

  cause a tiny adjustment in the arrangement, a snap or rip. Thus, when Planet X first begins his approach, the Earth has

  many weak points in her crust, places where the deterioration in the crust has occurred but not been challenged, which

  break. During this challenge, a lockdown in the crust first occurs, steadily, as solid plates are jammed against each

  other, until pressure on the crust results in global trembling, the Global Quakes noted for the past year, but not violent large quakes.

  The Earth, thus, cannot be expected to react during any future sweeps in the exact manner she has in past sweeps. Like

  a python increasing its squeeze only when the victim exhales, there are pause points when no change seems to be the


  A jamup of planets has occurred, where Venus and Earth and Mars are lined up in front of Planet X, the

  monster, creating pressure on the Earth which seeks to avoid rather than cooperate with the magnetic alignment

  now tilting her N Pole toward the S Pole of Planet X. This can only increase, resulting in an increased tilt, such

  that what the ancients have reported about the Sun rising in the North and setting in the East may seem to be[2/5/2012 11:54:56 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Waiting to Exhale


  At the present time, the massive tail of Planet X, debris and Moon Swirls, is aimed outward from the Sun, but as

  the tilt of Earth toward an end-to-end magnetic alignment increases, the oxidized iron ore in this tail will swarm

  toward Earth, creating a drama in the sky described also by the ancients.

  The Earth’s dark twin, approaching from behind her, has scant months to reach her and create a crisis. Earth

  stopping on Dec 25 allows for a full half orbit by this twin by June 25, 2004, but the crisis will occur sooner and

  for many reason. This twin cannot go to the left, where Venus lies, nor the right, where Mars rides, and cannot

  move forward. The effect of such a traffice jam is not within man’s knowledgebank.

  The Earth rotates from West to East because the molten lava surrounding her core is reaching in this direction,

  attacted go elements elsewhere. In a severe tilt this re
ach would not be from West to East, but move more to a

  South to North flow, thus potentially changing the geographic N Pole and S Pole and/or putting bumping stress

  under the crust.

  Just which sweep, on what day, may bring these phenomena or others not yet described by ourselves into play we will

  hold in abayance, until such time as the establishment begins sharing what they know with the common man, and

  promptly so.[2/5/2012 11:54:56 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Plowing Ahead

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  ZetaTalk: Plowing Ahead

  written May 9, 2004

  The cycles are no longer 2.5 days between, but have tightened up to 2 days between the Bump/Sweep/Hop

  of the Whiplash, showing a tightening up of the planets to each other. I expected Monday May 3 the start,

  and we had May 3, 5, 7 clearly, a 2 day pattern. The photos showed in the late April sweeps that the Earth

  and Dark Twin were running backwards (11.3 day cycle of a reversed orbit) away from Planet X, as we

  seemed to have lost the tail and moon swirls in the main in the photos. Now they are back, big time. What

  does this mean?

  In the battle of the titans, a planetary shoving contest, who wins? What factors weighs in to decide the contest? Is it

  the mass or heft of the planets, the speed going into the contest, or external forces such as the Sun with its Sweeping

  Arms? All of these, and more.

  We had mentioned, some weeks ago, that Planet X was

  picking up speed, and that its dominant gravitational

  force having passed the apex was soon to be a repulsion

  force push. Rushing into the Sun, the gravity pull and

  high speed it attained during the approach assured a close

  apex, with Planet X sliding past the Sun at this point,

  held out from the Sun by intense repulsion force

  pressure. In the matter of gravity, this is not a rebounding from the Sun, like a ball thrown against a wall, where


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