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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 31

by Nancy Lieder

  out of season, are occurring.

  ZetaTalk: Weather Wobbles, written Dec 6, 2004

  Signs of the Times #1302

  Edgar Cayceś prediction about Earth change activity in the South Seas also goes on to state that activity would

  coincide with activity at Mt. Etna. Within three months of these events you could expect the pole shift. ... Edgar Cayce

  most certainly did predict this Tsunami. He also said that a major sign to watch for, following this, was Mt Etna in

  Italy becoming active the same time as a volcano in the Caribbean. Yesterday 3 volcanoes in that area also became

  active. ... Question: How soon will the changes in the earthś activity begin to be apparent? Cayce: When there is the

  first breaking up of some conditions in the South Pacific and the sinking or rising in the Mediterranean and the Etna

  area then we would say they have begun. [and from another source] Gondolas stuck as Venice waters recede [Jan

  13] ‘Gondolas are running aground and hotel docks hang in midair as Italyś lagoon city Venice, more commonly

  awash at high tide, dries out.’ [and from another source] This is not normal at all. This is the flood season in Venice

  and there is NO record of the canals ever going empty like this. ‘Acqua alta (High tides): Generally Venice only has Acqua Alta in Autumn and Winter when some streets and squares flood. The city is

  well prepared with pedestrian routes equipped with special footbridges to avoid the high water and to reach the main

  parts of Venice.’ [and from another source] News on TV in Spain today saying the water level is down 65 centimetres

  in Venice. About 10 days ago there was also news on the weather report of one of the big channels here explaining to

  people why the level of the Mediterranean Sea on the shores of Barcelona was down 20 centimetres - they said it was

  due to an unusually high pressure area over the Iberian Peninsula and much of the rest of Europe. Seemed very odd.

  [Note: interesting correlation between Cayce predictions and present day occurrences, the tsunami in Indian Ocean,

  volcanic eruptions of late, and now a heaving floor in the Mediterranean.][2/5/2012 11:55:06 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Storm Clash

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  ZetaTalk: Storm Clash

  written Feb 18, 2005

  The twin cyclones in the South Pacific correspond with the recently observed change in surface spin!

  We have defined Weather Wobbles as atypical wind storms resulting from sudden movement of the crust under the

  atmosphere during the Polar Wobble, but ocean currents are also affected, rushing first one way and then the next.

  Why would these not form, in the oceans, as a result of increasing wobble, especially as warm and cold air will mix

  during this sloshing, adding to the formation of tornadoes in the water, the whirlpool effect. What effect will an

  increased wobble, a more violent wobble, have on the major storms that form over the oceans of the world? Air

  currents follow the temperature changes in the ocean waters, heating and rising, or cooling and suddenly plunging, the

  normal storm formation finding a new additive to the mix, one the forecasters had not taken into account. It is of

  record that the Hurricane season in 2004 had more storms of higher violence than every before. It is of record that the

  typhoon season in Asia had almost double the number, breaking all previous records. The cyclone season for 2005 in

  the South Seas now appears to be following suit. But beyond stronger and more frequent storms, and more whirlpool

  formation, there will be an as yet unanticipated effect, storm clash.

  The circular pattern of major storms on both hemispheres is due to the greater distance traveled at the Equator

  compared to the poles, the crust of the Earth pulling under the water at a faster pace at the Equator, thus creating a

  void behind water pulled toward the East, which is filled by water dropping into it from the direction of the poles, thus

  starting a clockwise rotation in the water in the Northern Hemisphere, and a counterclockwise rotation in the water in the Southern Hemisphere. This fact can even be noted in water in micro-environments such as toilets or bathtubs,

  where the swirl of the descending water most often takes this direction. The fact that magma under the surface is also

  moving in these directions adds to this tug. During a violent wobble the Earth lurches quickly, as has been noted at

  times by startled observers seeing the Moon or constellations move too quickly or the Sun hovering too long at certain

  times of day. Those carefully observing and recording such things are astonished, sensing they are actually observing

  the wobble, no longer theoretical but palpable. If water in a toilet or bathtub forms predictable little whirlpools as it

  goes down the drain, then water in the oceans, finding that part near or far from the Equator suddenly changed, or the

  magma motion suddenly changed, will have its dynamics changed. Where are the voids formed? What portion of the

  ocean is now moving faster, to create a void? And what effect will this have on an already formed storm, building in

  fury as it marches across the water toward land?

  Swirling in the oceans and the air will only increase, not only becoming more violent and following each other in short

  order, but also will begin slamming into each other, creating weather conditions utterly unpredictable and horrific in

  their consequences. Forecasters will be dismayed. Water on the move, finding a blockage before it, mounts high, on

  land termed a tidal bore but in the ocean creating gigantic waves when the force of water moving in one direction

  meets another. These waves do not simply stand in place, they move in all directions, choppy, and huge. The storm

  surge anticipated during major storms is predictable, coming from one direction, as is the wind, but what would be the

  effect of surges and wind coming from different directions, simultaneously, during such storms. This battering will tear

  buildings to pieces, send missiles from all directions to smash into each other, and the crush of water from more than

  one direction crushing boats and barriers unlike the force of water on the move in a single direction. Those living

  under the path of these storms will be driven to their knees, and no explanation for why this has afflicted the Earth that fits, other than the Earth wobble.

  Signs of the Times #1340

  Twin cyclones batter the South Pacific, could combine into 'Perfect Storm' [Feb 16] 'Twin cyclones

  battered three south Pacific nations and weather experts warned they could combine into one giant,

  destructive storm center that would create havoc in the region. Olaf slowed down in the hours[2/5/2012 11:55:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Storm Clash

  before it closed in on the main Samoan island of Savai'i and was a strong Category 4 cyclone, out of

  a maximum of 5, producing sustained winds over 250 kilometers (155 miles) per hour and 15 meter

  (50-foot) waves. Nancy had weakened from a category 4 to a category 2 cyclone as it passed

  through the Cook Islands, probably due to interaction with more powerful Olaf to the NW. The

  Cooks were still recovering from significant damage caused by a category 4 cyclone, Meena, which

  struck just 10 days ago.’

  Signs of the Times #1333

  GPS systems are being updated nightly. [Feb 1] GPS was

  updated 20 minutes after the quake. I work for the USN. Believe this, we are not done rolling either,

  we are up
dating everyday between 2200 and 0100 nightly, check your GPS at this time they will not

  be correct. [and from another source] Funny my GPS did act up last night, It was late but don´t

  know what time it was, I´d have to say around midnight does that fit the time frame given? Don´t

  know military time table. [and from another source] Mine acted funny the other night, couldn´t get it

  to work for a good half hour, then it just came back on and worked. Is something going on? [and

  from another source] Yes, what ís goining onís called recalebration. [Note: Earth wobble forcing

  recalibration nightly.]

  Signs of the Times #1324

  Heaviest Snowfall Ever Hits Moscow [Jan 31] ‘ powerful

  snowstorm that raged in Moscow on Friday was the heaviest day's snowfall since weather records

  began. Winter's return came with a vengeance after some of the mildest January temperatures on

  record, which recalled weather more like that experienced in April. Thursday was also the coldest

  day this winter, with the air temperature plunging to minus 17.6 degrees Celsius -- 2.4 degrees

  colder than the average for this time of year. [and from another source] A summer day of dust,

  thunder and freezing rain [Feb 3] ‘Freak weather brought a dust storm to Brisbane, heavy rain and

  hail to Sydney, and gave Melbourne its coldest February day on record yesterday. Lashing rain

  caused flight delays at Sydney airport after an electrical storm ripped through the city, bringing

  down power lines and trees and tearing roofs off buildings in the inner-west suburb of Gladesville.

  Hailstones the size of golf balls were reported in Sydney and the Blue Mountains, and wind gusts of

  50 knots were recorded at Richmond in the west.’ [and from another source] Today - in Feburary -

  our hottest month, it is snowing on the Brindabella ranges around Canberra. Weŕe lucky if it snows

  on them in the middle of winter, yet alone the middle of summer. I don´t think that has ever

  happened before.

  Signs of the Times #1321

  During the last week of January, observers all over the world noted a visually obvious wobble in the

  Earth. [and from another source] El Paso, Jan 22-23 Six hours and a 45 degree shift in the Moon.

  Apparently, the wobble is taking place from 22:00 to 24:00. [and from another source] Australia,

  Jan 23: It looks as if the earths rotation stalled for a while on Sunday evening whilst Alt continued

  to decrease. Did it tip at this point whilst being held in position? [and from another source]

  Mississippi, Jan 25: The moon Friday and Saturday night stood still directly overhead for an hour.

  Last night (Sunday) it slowed but kept moving. [and from another source] Arkansas, Jan 25-26: On

  Jan 24, 2005, first light was around 5:30 AM and on Jan 26, 2005 first light was around 6:30 AM. I

  would say the wobble is getting worse. [and from another source] Australia, Jan 27: This morning

  Sigma Octantis appeared ten degrees left of a terrestrial target suggesting Earthś South Pole axis

  was moved to the right away from the rising Sun. [and from another source] New York, Jan 27: I

  was staring at the night sky straight at the moon. I could swear that I saw the moon quickly shift to

  the left and back to its original position. My heart skipped a beat. [and from another source] Italy,

  Jan 23: I have scientific evidence of the tilt and wobble of the Earth's axis. I cut a slice of one spot

  in the images of Big Bear each hour. I put them in the exact position and we can see that the line

  from a spot and next is not linear .As the scope has a linear movement this line is the wobble of the

  axis. In the other side I take the same spot in different day from SOHO and an Earth observer. We

  can see that the angle is different by 6 degree. SOHO is correct. [Note: SOHO is not the Earth, and[2/5/2012 11:55:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Storm Clash

  is not wobbling! Earth is wobbling.]

  Signs of the Times #1315

  Coast Guard sends help to stalled

  'Semester at Sea' ship [Jan 26]

  ‘Coast Guard rescuers are rushing to

  a Semester at Sea research ship with

  990 people on board that lost power

  in roiling seas Wednesday afternoon

  in the North Pacific south of the

  Aleutians. A 50-foot wave smashed

  through the bridge windows of the 591-foot MV Explorer around 2:30 p.m., pouring saltwater over

  electrical components on board and disabling all four of its engines. The Explorer, which was en

  route from Vancouver, B.C., to Japan, contacted the Coast Guard about five minutes after the wave

  toppled the ship. Semester at Sea is a university program sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh.

  It takes approximately 600 students from colleges and universities from across the United States and

  abroad, around the world for a semester.’[2/5/2012 11:55:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bigger and Closer

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  ZetaTalk: Bigger and Closer

  written Feb 4, 2005

  Can Zetas provide answer as to what this is? See the image at 2005/02/02 15:18. Exposure time was 19.1

  seconds according to NASA.

  Debris from Planet X has been increasingly entering Earth’s atmosphere in the form of meteors or fireballs, once rare

  but now reported almost weekly in the news, when they are given media attention at all. Exploding with a bang,

  turning the night sky bright, rattling windows, thudding to Earth next to startled humans. Was this the usual rate just a

  few years ago? For every fireball not captured by Earth’s atmosphere, there are dozens outside her atmosphere,

  whizzing about, one of the reasons we have warned that Satellites will not function well in the months leading into the pole shift, and that the Space Station and those riding her are doomed. It is only a matter of time, for man’s

  technology, aloft. The massive tail of Planet X, being composed primarily of magnetized iron oxide dust, is hosed

  away from the N. Pole of Planet X, and thus up until now has been pointing toward the Sun, not Earth, as Planet X has

  been struggling to rise above the Ecliptic and thus must align along the magnetic Flow Lines in the Sun’s southern hemisphere. These flow lines require the N. Pole of Planet X to be pointed toward the Sun, the S. Pole slung outward.

  But what happens when that N. pole slings outward, during the

  270° Roll that Planet X will make as it turns in place and then[2/5/2012 11:55:08 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bigger and Closer

  stands upright, side-by-side with the Sun in a position strong

  enough to halt the Earth’s rotation in the days before the pole shift.

  As the N. pole begins to sling toward the Earth, it hoses the

  massive tail and the debris in that tail toward Earth. If fireballs

  have been an occasional entertainment, they will soon become a daily affair almost everywhere, and simultaneously no

  longer in the news as during a cover-up, such bad news is suppressed. While the SOHO still functions, these fireballs

  at times make a graceful pass past the camera, moving in waves. We have, in the early days of ZetaTalk, described

  why a Wave Action exists for sub-atomic particles on the move. They are on the move, and while on the move are in a dance with each other as they are in perpetual motion, either moving toward each other due to their desire to clump, or

  moving away from each other to
equalize crowding. This action, the wave action, and the reasons for it, are not

  restricted to sub-atomic particles. The moons of Planet X likewise Dance with each other in what we have described as

  Moon Swirls. The same mechanism applies, for minor debris dancing within the fringes of the massive tail of Planet X.

  Did this meteor leave a twisting path? Evidently. Meteor trains that twist noticeably are rare - and even

  more rarely photographed - but have been noted before. The underlying reason for unusual meteor trains

  is that many meteors are markedly non-spherical in shape and non-uniform in composition. Meteors,

  usually sand sized grains that originate in comets, will disintegrate as they enter the Earthś atmosphere.

  Non-uniform meteors may evaporate more on one side than another. This may cause a rotating meteor to

  wobble slightly in its path, and also to spray fast moving debris in a nearly spiral path. The fast moving

  meteor debris ionizes molecules in the Earthś atmosphere that subsequently glow when they reacquire

  electrons. Surely no meteor is perfectly uniform and spherical, so that a slight swagger that is below

  perceptibility is likely typical.

  NASA Explanation[2/5/2012 11:55:08 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Beneath the Dust

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  ZetaTalk: Beneath the Dust

  written Feb 4, 2005

  How do the inhabitants of the Planet X deal with the heat from the Sun, considering how close it comes to

  it and how long it stays between the Earth and the Sun? Would not the temperature be to great too allow

  the continuation of life on that planet?

  We have mentioned the degree to which Planet X is shrouded by a close hugging dust cloud, such that is only dimly visible from Earth as it stands between the Earth and Sun, reflecting most of the sunlight that strikes it directly back toward the Sun. From the Earth, this planet, only about 4 times the size of Venus in man’s view at its current distance,

  appears to be a dull gray fuzz ball, a slight shadow in the Sun’s glare, and thus visible to man only under certain


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