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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 38

by Nancy Lieder

  water fall has spin, but the water at the bottom of the fall cannot affect the water at the top, so the spin is not

  compounded. Water in a drain compounds the spin at the top by affecting the path of least resistance for the water at

  the top of the drain, and thus the little tornadoes in draining water.

  Spin occurs faster when the spinning object is narrow as there are fewer factors to counter the spin. A large air mass

  such as is moving during a hurricane is spread out over a larger area of the core of the Earth, and thus the impetus to

  move with the core is countered by the fact that one of the outer edges, the one on the pole side, is lined up over core

  parts that are moving slower than the other outer edge, the one on the equator side. Thus small tops can spin faster for

  the given impetus than large tops, and figure skaters find they can spin faster by reducing their overall size by drawing

  their arms in and hugging themselves.

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  ZetaTalk: Statistical Analysis

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  ZetaTalk: Statistical Analysis

  Note: written on Jan 15, 1996.

  Humans have a saying, that one can lie with statistics, because numbers can be manipulated to support any argument.

  If one wants to demonstrate that the populace is not starving, one adjusts the threshold where starvation sets in. If the

  numbers run up on one group don't look so good, pick another group. If the average is too low or high, go for the

  median and arrange to discard the high or low end. Statistics, done honestly, can make a statement like no other, but

  done dishonestly are deeply deceptive because the readership believes the numbers have been run up honestly.

  In an era of increasing distress, governments want the statistics on the homeless, the unemployed, and the uninsured to

  appear healthy. Likewise, corporations wishing to lie to consumers or to their stockholders discard the unpleasant from

  the computation and hope no one looks too closely. However, they are likewise being increasingly challenged. What

  was included? How did you arrive at these figures? The squeeze is on. An easy out in these circumstances is to make

  the formulas more complicated. Then the common man can't understand and the factors can be argued endlessly. One

  trick is to factor in a null, a zero, as a theoretical possibility, when no such possibility in fact exists. Another trick is to

  hop through the data in intervals, taking a summation of spot testing, rather than a summation of all the data. If

  hopping through the data with one interval doesn't give the desired results, try another interval. All in a day's work for

  the dishonest statistical analyst.

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  ZetaTalk: Time Travel

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  ZetaTalk: Time Travel

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Time travel is a mystery we cannot explain fully to you. This is not dependent on our wishes, or your desire, but on the

  rules we must follow. These rules are above the Council of Worlds. These rules are not negotiable. However, we can

  give you some sense of what is going on. Beyond this, there is not much we can say until you reach 4th Density.

  Time is linear only in your mind. It is not what it seems. Your sense that time is linear in the Universe is supported by

  what you observe: clocks running in seeming syncronicity; planetary movements that are predictable; testimony of

  other people you interact with to the effect that they, too, observe the same time passage as you do. However, time is

  only a factor, and as such when put into mathematical calculations can be affected along with the other factors. The

  Universe is such a huge mathematical calculation. In the portion of the world that you live in, the factors are stable

  enough that the time factor never varies enough to be noticed. This makes you think that time is a fixed factor. It is not

  fixed. We understand what other factors are involved, and how to modify them so that the time factor changes as we


  The issue of time travel is confusing to humans, who see the movies where parties go into the future as well as the

  past. Would that not be the case, as if one can go in one direction, why not the other? One cannot travel into the future,

  except in small increments, hours at most. Leaping into the future is a fiction. One can travel into the past, as that is a

  trail marked in the substance of the Universe, strands that can be unwoven and rewoven, a rope that stretches back

  endlessly. The past has markers. Grip points. It has been built, where the future has not yet been built. A phrase much

  in use is the Time/Space Continuum. This is simply a way of stating that matter may be in a different place, or space,

  depending on the time, and that matter leaves a trail, or continuum, over time. You can equate the Time/Space

  Continuum to our term strands, being woven and unwoven, which we consider more exact as it refers to the webbing

  that takes place.

  What would happen if one went back along a particular strand, unraveling it, and changed the circumstances

  surrounding the strand. Would it change the present, and thus the future? Yes, but not to the degree depicted in the

  movies, where people wink out like lights and buildings disappear from sight and even from the memory of all. How

  could it, as each of these occurrences is composed of numerous strands, weaving in multiple directions, and it is

  impossible to change them all. What in fact occurs, should one be allowed to go back in time and make an alteration,

  is that the future is essentially unchanged. We say essentially, as there has been change, but due to the interweaving of

  other strands, this is muted. The Council of Worlds strictly administers time travel, as should one go back in time and

  really work at it, changes would begin to appear.

  An example might be a child, born with a genetic defect. Should one go into the strands leading to conception, and

  change the DNA strands affecting the defect, the child would be born whole. However, each second that ticks past the

  moment of conception complicates this, as the webbing of strands has begun. At three months the fetus has strands of

  interplay with the mother's host womb, her blood and DNA makeup, such that simply changing the makeup of the

  genetics of the fetus is not enough. A panoply has been set in motion, and defectiveness to some degree will still

  present at birth. At three months, to effect a cure, one must also delve into the strands that weave into the mother's

  system, the womb, even out into the environs surrounding mother and child. It's all quite complicated. So if this is the

  case, why would the Council of Worlds bother to watchdog time travel? Where changes are subtle, they can effect the

  overall when done systematically. As intense as agendas are, masters over minions could set them about a never

  ending routine that would affect what has been written, trip the balance enough to be worthwhile to the master.

  Is not one moment another's future and yet another's past? If we today travel back, would we not be deemed visitors

  from the future? And in this context, if the Earth were to hypothetically receive visitors claiming to be from the future,[2/5/2012 11:55:28 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Time Travel

  would that not mean that we are not the present at all, and that the future, for us, has therefo
re been written? This

  confusion can be settled if one understands that the Earth is not having visitors from the future, no matter how this

  may have been stated. Misunderstandings occur during genuine channeling sessions, and an example of what will be

  more prevalent in the future can be misunderstood to be an actual visitor from the future. The future has not been

  written. You are writing it now, moment by moment, decision by decision. When travel back through time occurs this

  is not recorded in the memory of nonparticipants, only in the memory of the travelers. Pains are taken to ensure that

  this be so. Travel back in time is done for such matters as capturing genetic material long lost, for instance, not to

  distort or pollute a memory.

  Future travel is done only to coordinate activities of contactees and ourselves, where one has to be, as you say, in two

  places at once. This is not done casually, and in all cases for the procedure to be applied to a particular contactee or

  alien visiting Earth, the Council of Worlds must give its approval. This means that one contactee must experience

  missing time, but another may be jumped forward in time for a conference and then returned. Their subconscious

  records the memory as lineal, a fuller day. This is done on a person by person basis, so that for some countactees,

  involved in what is deemed crucial activities having a great impact on the Transformation, permission is granted. The

  same logic applies to ourselves, who are held under stricter rules. There are no Zetas in the Service-to-Others, in your

  Solar System, who currently are allowed to be in two places at once by inching forward in time. How is this future step

  done? The strands, in their current momentum and direction, are accelerated for that individual contactee, and then

  unwoven again. The entity, who is not affected by this weaving and unweaving, remembers, and speaks to the

  subconscious later, building a memory of the encounter.

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  ZetaTalk: Time Flow

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  ZetaTalk: Time Flow

  Note: written on May 15, 1998.

  As we have stated, time is but a factor in our equations, which allow us to travel back in time, when permission is

  granted on rare occasions and for good cause, and travel forward on even rarer occasions. The motion and placement

  of objects, sub-atomic or otherwise, are predictable, given their placement and motion and composition at any given

  point. Likewise, just as you can back-engineer technology, just so we can reverse-engineer objects, their atomic

  structure, and their motion and placement a moment ago. Time travel involves reversing or accelerating activity that is

  predictable. This reversing or accelerating involves forcing the issue, as under normal circumstances objects proceed

  based on their surroundings, your familiar world.

  Factors, ingredients that we are aware of but you are unaware of, are involved in the forward progression in time, and

  a lack of these ingredients results in a backsliding in time, as though falling into a vacuum. The forward press or

  falling backward is due to direction of flow, of what is just another element in your Universe. You are unaware of this

  element, as the steady forward progression is something you consider a given. Nothing is by chance, and no motion is

  without reason or cause. To you, in your perception, time is steady in its progression, but when the press of this

  ingredient is stopped, or diminished, what had occurred telescopes back in activity that is the reverse of what just


  The grip points we refer to are places in the orderly arrangement of particles where we can, in essence, set our sights

  and target, and stop during a time travel, else the unraveling of what has occurred would continue unabated. One does

  not start on a journey without brakes! Grip points are predictable points where particles are structured in a particular

  pattern, and we aim for this pattern. This could be equated to so many ticks of the clock, or so many clangs of the hour

  bell, as the periodicy is predictable and reliable, like clockwork. All these matters are outside of the world you

  understand, but are as much a part of our science as working with solids and liquids and vapors are to you. Our young

  experiment briefly with these matters in school, in preparation for the day they may be required to use time travel, be

  called upon to set this in motion.

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  ZetaTalk: Interstellar Travel

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  ZetaTalk: Interstellar Travel

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Most certainly we have interstellar ships, else how would we, as incarnated entities, arrive? The means of travel is not

  what humans assume, propulsion. Humans use propulsion, as in sailing vessels propelled by the wind in the sails, or as

  in planes propelled by air sliced and pressed backwards over specially shaped and rapidly rotating propellers and then

  over specially shaped wings designed to give the plane lift, or as in jet planes propelled skyward by the continuous

  explosion occurring in the jet engines, or most recently by the virtual firecrackers that propel the astronauts into space,

  holding their breath all the way, brave souls that they are. As humans can only move by a snails pace unless they are

  propelled, they assume that interstellar travel is by propulsion. It is not, it is by attraction, and a quick kiss it is.

  We have explained how we move from one density to another, by making a reservation in the density we wish to

  move to, and then simply making the move. Likewise, when making long distance travel, we make a similar

  reservation, and then simply move. How does this work, in a manner that the limited intelligence of humankind can

  grasp? We have spoken of the mutual attraction and repulsion of matter, which is, of course, what causes the planets

  and moons to go into orbit around each other and their suns. Normally this goes into balance, not by accident but by a

  series of maneuvers until the attraction and repulsion are equally strong, one not affecting the regularity of motion

  more than the other. Balance is assumed when the motion takes on a regularity. Imagine what would happen if the

  repulsion were eliminated, in a given interchange, and the attraction had no counterbalance? How fast is fast?

  Should we be asked to explain, in formulas that humans could potentially understand, how repulsion could be

  eliminated so that attraction is the only force in effect - we cannot. This is not to evade scrutiny, but to prevent humans

  from getting about in the Universe in their present spiritually immature state. In 4th Density there are rules in force

  that allow you to have this knowledge, and use it, while abiding by the rules. In 3rd Density you are allowed to mess

  around without rules, guided only by your free will. This is why entities of higher densities cannot interfere with you,

  unless you give The Call. Your world is essentially a play pen. Children are not allowed into the computer room, nor

  into the Air Traffic Control tower. We trust you will understand, though we expect you will be resentful.

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  ZetaTalk: Hover

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  ZetaTalk: Hover

  Note: written during the 2001
sci.astro debates.

  How do we hover, in our spacecraft, without whirling blades or blasting jets? How do we negate the downdraft of

  gravity particles toward the surface of the planet we are hovering upon, while at the same time negating the upblast of

  gravity particles which would send us upward in a wink unless also countered? We control both directional flows,

  creating a gravity barrier around the ship. Likewise space travel, our irresistible kiss, creates a tube through space

  composed of this same barrier. Gravity particles exist in the space within this barrier or tube, but only create their own

  gravity dance among themselves - not enough time or quantity to coalesce a gravitational giant. And what is this

  barrier? It is composed of gravity particles themselves, glued with an overabundance of another particle it does interact with, unlike the majority of sub-atomic particles which interact with gravity particles only in a mechanical manner.

  Does this not produce a situation where the space or tube might become permanent? There is a time factor, such that

  we must continually reproduce a space for our craft to hover, and quickly use the tube arranged for instant space travel.

  The barrier degrades, in a wink, equalizing into the surrounding area where it was gathered to be the glue. You can

  equate this to your use of electricity, where it dissipates quickly into becoming electrons behaving normally in the

  surrounding matter as soon as interference by man in making them stream ceases.

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  ZetaTalk: Super Conductors

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  ZetaTalk: Super Conductors

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Are we aware of super conducting material that can operate at room temperature? Of course, but it would do mankind

  little good as the materials exist on worlds not compatible with Earth. The substances would either not remain in a

  pure state here, or explode or rapidly burn, or poison the Earth when they escaped their bounds as they inevitably


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