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The Lost Prince

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  “Stop me from destroying it.” Suddenly the satellite exploded.

  The Duke yelled, “Where is that ship!?!”

  “It’s not here!”

  The King listened and said, “You want something. What is it?”

  “First thing is for Cole to be released from confinement and put back to work.”

  “He conspired for the Princess to escape.”

  “That’s the other thing. I want you fanatics to get a real life and join the human race. You’ve becoming more of a liability than an asset.”

  The Duke screamed at him, but Drey watched the King’s expression. He was actually curious. The Duke disappeared from the display and the King said, “He’s really too emotional to hold that position. Tell me what you mean.”

  “Why did the highest ranking Royals on the planet leave and refuse to return?”

  “I’ve wondered about that.”

  “Rule this planet for about ten years and you’ll make a break for it as well. You have allowed yourselves to be trapped in a system that’s broken. All of Euclid’s Genetics are kept here, instead of being allowed to go out and improve the other worlds in the Union. You decree that the highest ranking Genetics must marry and do not allow any emotions to enter the process. That is insanity. What you’ll eventually end up with are genetics like I was in the Nebula.”

  “It’s necessary to marry the highest ranking Genetics.”

  “What’s the difference in the scores of the top fifty?”

  The King looked at a screen and said, “Two points.” Drey lowered his head and looked at the King through his eyebrows. The King saw him and said, “I thought there was a larger difference.”

  “I suspect there was a few hundred years ago. The smart thing to do would be to put the highest ranking Royals in the same school and whoever the top one matched up with, that would be the Royal Couple. That way they would have chosen each other and not only be bound by duty, but by real feelings for each other. The way you do it is asinine.”

  “They might not choose each other.”

  “Trust me on this one; they can only bond with someone they know. It’s impossible to care about another you’ve never met. They’ll find someone in their classes that will win their heart and they will match up.”

  “You took the one that was slated to marry me.”

  “How do you feel about her?”

  “She’s very pretty.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “I’m sure we’d get along.”

  “What about the one you really care about.”

  The King stared at Drey and his eyes narrowed, “Leave her out of this.”

  “Now ask yourself this one question. If you had to have someone at your back with a blaster, who would you want there?”

  “We do our duty.”

  “And create humans that will eventually be devoid of all emotion and feelings for anyone else. You’re brilliant idiots. Look at what the Nebula made me to be and you’ll see where you’re headed. How do you like that picture?”

  “You appear to be doing ok.”

  “You should have seen me two years ago.”

  “What happened?”

  “I took the medicine I’m asking you to take.”

  “I can’t change this with a wave of my hand.”

  “Why not? Are you the King or not? If you are, who can tell you no?” Drey paused and said, “This is an issue you will have to decide how to handle, but there are other issues at the moment we must handle and by the end of this conversation you will probably not like me very much.”

  “I don’t like you now.”

  “I get that a lot. However, there are some things you’ll need to get moving on and there are a couple of issues you will be forced to move on.”

  “If I’m King, as you say, how could you force me to do anything?”

  “By doing the things you can’t control to control you. The first item is that you will issue a Royal Decree that the Lost Prince and Princess, as well as the most recent Princess to disappear will be released from their Royal duties and accepted back on Euclid as full citizens.”

  The King smiled, “I’m not inclined to do that. It would cause others to disappear.”

  “You won’t have a choice.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The President of San Rosa has contacted the other planets in the Union and gotten them to agree to remove you as King if forced marriages continue.” The King’s expression turned ugly and he scowled. “Contact him if you like. Your legacy will be the first Monarch of Euclid to ever be removed from power.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “You should have paid attention to that recording. I don’t lie. You should be thanking me.”

  “Why would I do that!?!”

  “If you agree with their petition, you can marry the woman you really love and no one on Euclid can do anything to stop you.”

  The King’s expression underwent a strange metamorphosis. It went from rage, to shock, and then to a smile. Drey watched him and said, “Be honest. You thought about running away with her to be happy.”

  “I actually did.”

  “Now you have the perfect excuse to make this happen and end this madness.”

  “Why do you want the others pardoned?”

  “You’ve seen the information we’ve collected and what we did to collect it. They need to be at the pointed end of the Union’s spear against those slavers we will ultimately have to face head on. They have to have access to the scientists here to build what we need to face them and have any chance to survive.”

  “There’s another reason.”

  “I love the most recent runaway.”

  The King shook his head and smiled, “That is what will tip me toward your argument. If I do as you ask, will you share how you’re able to avoid detection?”

  “Yes, and I’ll bring the two ships back to download their information into your computers. That’s where the really good stuff is. Cole is the best one to make all this work.”

  “I’ve seen the records. Do you think we have a chance against them?”

  “Not at this moment, but I intend to redirect their efforts elsewhere.”


  Drey told him and the King laughed. The King pushed a button and another older face appeared on the display, “Arthur, all conventions of forced marriages, acceptance of titles, and Royals being restricted to Euclid are ended immediately.”


  “I also want you to send a Royal Decree to Mr. Drey Montgomery that any Genetic on the planet may leave any time, they choose regardless of rank.”

  “That is unwise!”

  The King looked at the Old Royal, “You don’t need to worry. They’ll come back looking for someone like them. I’ll explain why I’m doing this later, but it will be done. Do you understand?!” The old man stared at the King and saw he was serious. He nodded and said, “I’ll make the announcements.”

  “That would be good, Arthur and while you’re at it send a proclamation from me welcoming the Lost Prince, Princess, and her sister to come to Euclid with no encumbrances. Get a copy of that to Mr. Montgomery as well.”

  Drey stared at the King and saw him look back, “You didn’t think I’d do this?”

  “I thought it would require a show of force.”

  “I visited Cole in his cell and he told me about Ariene and the heartbreak they felt every day of their life. That was why he allowed his sister to leave. I look at Julie when she comes to court and I see it in her eyes. The only spark I’ve seen in them since the Coronation was when Andgell went missing. I’m going to put the fire back in her eyes and those aliens are going to have to go through me to do her harm.”

  Drey stared at the young King.

  “Will you accept me as your ruler?”

  “I will.”

  “Then go out there and buy us time.”

  “I’ll do just that, Your Majesty. But first I have to br
ing them back.”

  “I look forward to seeing them.”

  “Will Ian’s return force you from the throne?”

  “No, forced titles will also be eliminated. Do you think he wants it?”

  Drey smiled, “I think you’re safe.”

  “I thought so. Now where are you hiding?”

  Doc emerged into normal space and the King said, “Now that is a really good trick.”

  “You’ll be able to do it shortly, but first I need to convince three very hardheaded Genetics to come home.”

  “You don’t think the proclamations will do it?”

  “Would they work with you?”

  The king shrugged, “Good luck.”

  “I’m going to need it.”

  • • •

  Drey landed Doc at the outpost and Ian, Violet, and Andi came running out of the restaurant. Ian said, “What took you so long? Was there a problem?”

  “Cole has been incarcerated.”


  “That’s right, Violet. The Duke of Security discovered that he allowed Andi to escape and he also is charging him with your disappearance.”

  “He had nothing to do with me leaving!”

  “Tell it to the Duke. The Crown has requested you and Andi return to Euclid to clear this matter up.”

  Ian said, “What about me?”

  “You aren’t the issue.”

  Andi was upset, “What happens if we don’t go?” Drey looked at her and slowly shook his head. Andi said, “I can’t let him rot in prison.”

  Violet sighed, “Me either.” She turned to Ian and said, “You don’t have to go.”

  “I won’t let you go without me.”

  Andi looked at Drey, “What are you going to do?”

  “The ship won’t be the same without you. I’m going as well. E should come with us and remain undercover until this is resolved. We should go now.”

  The three nodded and boarded Doc. Their sadness was clear and the jump to Euclid was completed with them accepting their fate. Drey received clearance and landed Doc near the science building. The King was waiting and the four exited the ship and bowed to the new King. As soon as he said rise, Violet was in his face, “What are you doing putting our brother behind bars? You know the Union needs him desperately.”

  Andi went up beside her and also let him have it, “This is unimaginable that you would hold him hostage against our return. It’s barbaric.”

  The King looked at Drey and said, “You can join in anytime.”

  Drey said, “I’m sorta enjoying this moment. I suspect my time is next.”

  The three turned and looked at Drey as he handed each of them two Royal Documents. The three started reading and Andi said, “What is this!?” just as Cole came out of the science building and yelled, “I never expected you three to show.”

  The three turned to Drey and saw him shrug. Andi went up and slapped him hard on the cheek, “What was that for?”

  “You lied to us.”

  Drey looked at Cole, “Were you incarcerated?”

  “I was.”

  “Because of assisting your sisters to escape.”


  Andi looked at Drey, “Did you know he was going to be released?”

  “I was not asked that question until just this moment. If you had asked me that before we arrived…”

  “You would have redirected the issue to something else.”

  Drey smiled, “I fear you are getting to know me.”

  “I don’t know about trusting you.”

  “Andi, would you have come to Euclid, even if I gave you the documents and promised you’d not be forced to stay?”

  Andi stared at Drey and Violet said, “I wouldn’t.”

  Ian nodded and Andi said, “I don’t know.”

  “Yes you do; this was the only way to get you to come and you know it.”

  “Why is it so important for us to come here?”

  “What if something happened to me? How would you update the Union on what we’ve learned if none of you would come here? What we’re doing now is senseless. “

  The King said, “The documents are real. You will not be forced to stay.” He looked at Ian, “Do you want to take the throne?”


  “Just checking; by the way, welcome home.”

  Ian turned to Drey, “I can see you had to do this to get us back, but why is it so important? We could have just sent E with the information.”

  Drey shook his head, “And how would you get any updates done to him? I’m guessing Cole has come up with some things in our absence and it’s not a huge leap to assume you will be needed to download any changes to keep the system intact.”

  Ian looked at Cole and he nodded. “Cole, would we really have to be here in person for any changes?”

  “Actually, we’ve built three new ships that we need to transfer your ships’ computers to. Whoever linked with the ships would have to be here to make the exchange.”

  Ian looked at Cole and then turned to Drey, “You did the right thing.”

  Andi looked at Drey and sighed, “I’m sorry.”

  Drey rubbed his cheek and said, “I’m surprised you ran the risk of hitting me, knowing my history.”

  “I actually did it to see how far along you are.” Drey raised his eyebrows and Andi smiled. “Andi, now I don’t know if you’re being honest or not.”

  “And I’m not going to tell you.” Drey shook his head and said, “Why three ships?”

  “They’re the first three completed; we’re building more. You’ll take two of the ones that are ready and we’ll continue to build them.”

  Ian said, “It might be a good idea to take all three of them.”

  “Drey said, “If you have three, we need them. What are you going to do with the ships we have?”

  “They’ll be the shuttles for your new ships.”

  Drey did a double take, “Just how big are these ships?”

  “They’re in the compound across the field from here. Let’s go take a look.” Cole looked at the King and said, “With your permission, Your Majesty.”

  “By all means do what needs doing; just plan to meet me tonight for a small get together.”

  Cole bowed, “I’ll contact Arthur and get the details. The King turned to go and Cole said to the four, “Come on, I think you’ll like what you see.”

  As they walked to the hangar Ian said, “Cole, I like the ability of our ships to hide in that other space. I think being small helps that happen.”

  “That might be true, but what I’ve discovered from what Drey left before he went to gather you runaways, the ability to move into that space is done faster if there is adequate power to the jump field. Your blasters will also be more effective with additional power. Your small ships limit how much power they can hold. Reactors, after all, do require a significant space to package them safely in a mobile platform.”

  Andi said, “Are you saying you’re placing more reactors in the new ships?”

  “No, we’re placing a different type of reactor in the ship and the shielding requires more space.”

  “What type are you going to use?”

  “We developed fusion technology some years ago and use it on a limited basis to power the Obelisks. They are hotter than any fission reactor and getting them so they can withstand the increased gravity loads and stresses of a spaceship has not been very high on our priority list. The Nebula rebellion changed all that and we’ve developed a harness that allows a mobile application.”

  Drey said, “How much stronger is the fusion reactor?”

  “We really don’t know. We’ve not been able to get a measure because we’ve not been able to do anything that would stress the system to the point where all of its power is needed.”

  “Have you powered a force field and fired the Obelisk at it?”

  Cole stopped walking and turned to Drey. He shook his head and said, “Now that is something I didn’t
think to do.” He shook his head and started toward the huge hangar door. He entered a code and the giant hangar doors began moving upward and the four were stunned by what they saw. Cole was right, E and Doc would easily fit in the giant landing bay. The ships were lined up in the giant building and were shaped like a boomerang. They were thin on the leading and rear edges and thicker toward the middle of where the bridge was located. They were easily five hundred yards from wingtip to wingtip. The thrusters were inside the body of the giant craft where the bend in the wings came together behind the bridge.

  Violet smiled, “They’re beautiful Cole.”

  “They’re also functional. Their flat shape allows most of the ship to be just below the surface of normal space and all the electronic scanners and communication antennas are at the level of the bridge. They can be raised and lowered while the ship is just out of normal space.”

  Drey said, “Where will Doc be stored?”

  “Directly under the bridge; the door will slide into the hull and allow a ship or shuttle to enter or leave without breaking the lines. This ship will be extremely difficult to see or detect from head on or from the rear.” Cole looked at Drey, “Actually, we’re moving your computer to the new ship and will be leaving a copy of it on the old.”

  Ian said, “Have you made any changes to the computers?”

  “We’ve increased their storage and processing capacity by three hundred percent. We’ve also increased their speed by more than ninety percent.”

  “What about speed?”

  “These ships will be the fastest FTL vessels we’ve ever built. The force fields around the wings are sharp edges at the wings and will funnel any atoms or dust around them. We’ve taken them on a trial run from here to Andromeda in less than two days.”

  Andi shook her head, “That’s impossible.”

  “There’s not as much material between galaxies. It was very possible and I believe it can be done faster, if needed. We didn’t take them above more than sixty percent power.”

  Drey stared at the wings, “What are those covers on the wings?”

  “Those are missile launchers; now you can launch a missile from any angle. We decided that having the missiles in the nose of the ship required turning the ship toward its target. This way, missiles can be fired from the outer edge of the wings as you pass your target or at any angle of approach a pilot chooses to take.”


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