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Tampa Black: Part !

Page 11

by Unknown

“Bitch you better pray to God that I die because if I don't, you're dead bitch. Facts ...”

  Just as Kesha was about to lunge at Tasha, Jr. came running out of the back room with a bag of jelly beans in his hand.

  Even at the age of two, Jr. looked just like his father. Seeing the blood in his mother's face, he began to cry instantly. Just as Jr. was about to run to his mother, Kesha snatched him up off of his feet, and held on tightly.

  Raising his firearm, Zion hit Tasha across the back of her skull opening up a nasty gash. As she fell to the ground knocked out from the blow, he raised his gun again, this time aiming it at Jr... Turning to shield the baby from harm, Kesha stepped in front of him looking at Zion with fire in her eyes.

  “This wasn't part of the deal Zion, he's just a baby!”

  Sneering at her words, Zion pointed at Kesha's head.

  “Stupid bitch, all is fair in love and war ...”

  Without another word, Zion released two bullets into her face and watched her body drop. Falling to the ground, Jr. cried as he struggled under the weight of Kesha’s dead body.

  Pulling up to Tasha’s shop, Trion stepped out of his truck; and was only a few feet away from the door when he heard the gunshots go off. Pulling out his own weapon, his nerves were on end when he rushed through the door. Hearing the front door crash open, Zion spent towards the sound and opened fire out of instinct.

  As Trion and Zion exchanged gunfire there was nowhere to hide, and

  no more pawns left to be pushed in this game of chess. All that was left of their two empires were these two kings locked in the fatal dance of life and death. As both men exchanged mortal wounds they both crumbled to the ground bleeding out from gaping holes left by the foreign metal. Hearing the sirens closing in on the shop, Tasha struggle to break free from her slumber as Jr. patted on her face, while crying and begging her to wake up.

  Finally making it to her feet, Tasha grabbed Jr.’s face scanning for any wounds before kissing him on his forehead, then going to check on Trion. Although Tasha could see that he was wounded badly, she silently prayed that he would make it. Her son needed his father, and she needed her king.

  Hearing something moving behind her, Tasha spent around and saw Zion struggling to move. Taking Trion’s gun from his hands, Tasha walked over to Zion’s bullet ridden body looking down into his eyes, all she could see was all of the pain and destruction that he had caused her family.

  As Zion lay on the ground struggling to breathe, Tasha stood silent with tears in her eyes as she released the last four bullets from Trion’s clip into Zion’s skull. Walking back to sit beside Trion’s body, Tasha waited for help to arrive. As the police and the E.M.T's flooded the scene, Trion’s pulse begin to fade.

  Two days later, Tasha was released from custody. Walking out into the precinct lobby, she spotted the family lawyer Mr. Kessler. Stepping out of the police department’s doors, she hugged him as tears fell from her eyes. So many losses had been taken. So many lives had been lost, the pain was overwhelming

  Ushering Tasha inside of the waiting limo, Mr. Kessler gave her the breakdown of the present state of The Family.

  “Well I know that the last few days have been trying for you, but I have to update you on the current state of affairs. I regret to inform you that Smoke didn't make it. He and a few more Family members were killed by police at a warehouse on the docks in Port Tampa. A federal detective was also injured. He is still in critical condition. Formalities were foregone during the bust, so if any charges are filed; they will easily be beat in court.

  As for Carlos, he's being held on conspiracy charges, but don't worry; we will beat them. Mrs. Napper, in your case, Zions death was ruled a justifiable homicide due to self-defense. Trion is also still in critical condition. When I last spoke to the physicians, it wasn’t looking too good. One of his lungs collapsed during surgery, so it had to be removed. He is being cared for in Tampa General. That's where we're headed now.”

  Walking into Trion’s room, it felt like Tasha's heart was being ripped from her chest. So many machines were attached to him that you could hardly tell who he was. Although it looked like half of Tampa’s population was outside in the hallway to show their support, inside of the room it seemed like the emptiest place in the world.

  As Tasha sat beside Trion’s bed, to keep from falling asleep, she turned on the television. As a news reporter rehashed the elements of the past week, they showed a picture of Smoke being the latest body to fall in the streets of Tampa. As soon as his face crossed the screen, Tasha's tears begin to fall instantly.

  At only nineteen Smoke had lost his life to the streets like so many had before him, but now that he was gone, she prayed that he found the peace that he could never find on earth. As Tasha thought to herself, she realized that they're truly were no happily ever after’s for hood Legends. Some things just couldn't be fixed. Smoke was dead, Carlos was facing life in the Feds, and Trion was laying on his deathbed fighting for his life.

  So much for a happy ending….



  PART 1



  Jihaad was born in Tampa Florida only to relocate to Atlanta Georgia as a teen. After being sentenced to prison he found a gift and a passion for writing and social service. Co-founding a multimedia company and social club called Original Souls, he contributes monthly columns in their underground newsletter as he continues to pen poetry and works of engaging urban fiction. Being soft spoken, Jihaad offers,

  “The messenger is never more important than the message…”



  “Even if tomorrow never comes, the world will know that we were here today …”



  This work of fiction was created solely for adult entertainment purposes. I in no way encourage or support delinquent behavior, however life has many shade’s; So I feel that it is important that even within entertainment, touches of the true struggles and triumphs of society should be given a voice. All pictures aren’t perfect, nor are all waters tainted. With that said, I hope that you enjoyed this novel.


  © Jihaad and Original Souls Multimedia, 1/16/2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this book’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts, quotes and references may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jihaad and Original Souls Multimedia with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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  You can buy “WINDOWS 2 MY SOUL “

  Now on (Genre: Poetry)

  Be on the lookout for…

  Tampa Black II (The Black Carpet Affair)

  Tampa Black III (The Guillotine Game)

  2 Sides 2 Pain

  Windows 2 my Soul- (Fallen Angel Edition)

  And many more… THE BEST IS YET TO COME!




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