La Patron's 2nd Christmas
Page 8
Hawke laughed and placed one arm over his eyes while pulling her closer with the other. “We made an oath, what happened last night would never be repeated to anyone except our mates. I can share what I did but not what anyone else did.”
“That good, huh?” She tried to imagine a drunk La Patron and couldn’t. Angus, maybe. The twins? Yes, she could see that. Her father… no, she couldn’t.
“It’s an interesting new tradition we plan to enact from now on.”
“Yeah? The 23rd of December the men get together and drink?” she asked.
“Drinking was a part of it. We bonded differently, became closer. That’s important. Before I would’ve given my life to La Patron mostly because of how good he was to you and Sarita. I think your father and Damian were the same. But getting to know the man without the label, that’s invaluable and the reason I’ll serve him with my last breath.”
She searched his gaze, read his sincerity and nodded. “That’s good, then. Most of our time was with food and wine listening to Mama talk. She told stories of her childhood, I saw the world differently through her eyes, the sacrifices made so I could be here. As bad as my life was with the Liege, it could’ve been worse had her father found me. I wouldn’t be alive.”
Hawke placed a kiss on her cheek.
Asia held onto him tight. “We spent hours thanking God and the Goddess for so many things that we lost track of time. Mama gave the manager a $500 tip when we left.”
“I’m sure he’ll open for you anytime.” Hawke chuckled.
She shrugged. “Like you said, we grew closer. I never clicked with Victoria. She shared parts of her life that surprised Jasmine. For the first time I could see why Jasmine and Renee are such strong women. Victoria is a survivor.”
“Is that going to be a holiday tradition? The ladies taking a day off?” he asked.
Asia snorted. “Holiday? Try monthly. We decided the next time we’re taking Rose, Lilly and Danielle, maybe while the kids are in school or something. But we need at least 12 days like yesterday a year.”
She smiled and rolled out of bed. “The Christmas play is this evening and we open one gift afterward. Mistress says it’s normally the gift she and La Patron give. The children will pass them out, and Sarita’s helping this year.”
“Oh, that’s going to be interesting,” Hawke said watching her. “And you, what are you hoping for beneath the tree?”
She left the bathroom and stared at him from the doorway. “You.”
“That you already have.” He rolled onto his side and propped his head up with his hand. “What does a man give the woman he loves when she has everything?”
Intrigued with his question, she sauntered closer. “It’s Christmas Eve, I hope you’ve answered that question already.”
He smiled.
She waited for him to say something, when he didn’t she raised her brow. “Oh, so it’s going to be a surprise?”
She frowned. “I didn’t realize we were going to surprise each other.”
He shrugged and continued staring.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait, then.”
“Yes you will. Come here.”
Smiling she moved closer to the bed.
He grabbed her and rolled her beneath him. His lips brushed against her mouth and then he deepened the kiss, stealing her breath.
They separated on a gasp, she clung to him. “Goddess I love you,” she whispered against his mouth.
“I love you too. Stay with me, here in bed, a little while longer.” His large palm cupped her hips and rubbed her against his hardness. “Your parents want some time with the kids.”
Asia’s brow rose at his assumption but she didn’t argue. She’d missed her man and locked the door from any interruptions.
“Mama, Hawke and I will be busy for a while, can you fix the kids breakfast?” Asia asked her mother as she walked slowly to the bed.
“With pleasure, although not as much as you’re about to have.” Amynta laughed and disconnected.
Chapter 14
Jasmine watched the faces of all the kids and adults who came to the courtyard to see the Christmas play. Jacques read the script again this year. Tyrone and Rose were Mary and Joseph. They used Jewel, Victoria’s smallest, as baby Jesus. Everyone seemed just as enthralled this time as they had been last year.
Silas pulled her close and nibbled on her ear. “Last night you denied me. Tonight I will be your Santa Claus and give you your present.”
“Stop teasing me, last night I’d had a bit too much to drink, you didn’t appreciate my dance.”
“You kept falling, it wasn’t as sexy in reality as you thought.”
She laughed. “I was sexy and tipsy.”
“Tipsy? Is that what you’re calling the inability to walk a straight line these days?”
“Behave, we have a long ways to go before tonight. But… I’m looking forward to seeing you in just your Santa hat.” She winked at him, took his hand while the audience applauded and stood in front of the crowd.
“As you know this has been an exceptional year, a lot of things changed in the Nation and our den in particular. But the Goddess smiled upon us and we stand before you again on the eve of Christmas day,” Silas said, his voice strong as he look at everyone and then at her. “My mate started a tradition last year that’s being duplicated all over the country right now. We remember the sacrifices made by others so that we can live free, both spiritually and physically.”
The crowd applauded and whistled.
“The pups did a wonderful job singing those songs earlier.” The children received another standing ovation.
“We have eaten, given thanks to the Goddess and the Christ Child for all blessings. Now we will show our appreciation to you. Come here, pups,” Silas said waving to his children.
David, Adam, Jackie, Renee and Sarita, all dressed in coats, gloves and boots walked forward.
“Please remain seated as the children bring the gifts to you,” Jasmine said. She leaned forward and reminded them to say, “This gift is from La Patron’s den to you.”
Holding hands, Jasmine and Silas stepped back as Tyrone and Tyrese stepped forward to the table. Cameron and Damian stood behind them ready to replenish the table with more gifts from the stacked boxes.
Each child took boxes and passed them out. Jasmine smiled as children in the audience tore off the paper and yelled their excitement. More than once Tyrone or Tyrese had to wave their siblings back to the table to stop them from staring at someone’s gift too long so they could get more presents.
Jasmine and Silas eventually sat with Angus, laughing as the children took longer than necessary to pass out presents. When they finally finished, they opened their gifts and headed over to the other children to play. Hawke, Asia, Barticus and Amynta approached and sat next to them.
“Thank you so much for the gift,” Amynta said holding her wrapped present.
“You’re welcome, we’re so glad you’re here,” Jasmine said accepting the one armed hug from Asia’s mom.
“I had Damian drop off a few things at your rooms earlier for in the morning,” Asia said.
Jasmine laughed.
Silas smiled.
“A few things?” Jasmine shook her head. “Two bags are not a few things. Mama said Damian dropped boxes off at their apartments too.”
“And the twins,” Silas said.
“And me,” Angus said. “I didn’t see all of those boxes when you arrived.”
“We shipped everything two weeks ago. Amynta picked up a few things yesterday,” Barticus said smiling at his mate.
“Well thank you,” Jasmine said. “The children will be on cloud nine in the morning.” She looked at Silas. “So will I.”
He kissed her softly.
“Merry Christmas,” Cameron said, his arm wrapped around Lilly’s waist as they walked over.
“Merry Christmas,” Jasmine and the others said.
Tyrone, Tyrese and thei
r mates strode over and exchanged greetings.
Silas stood and extended his hand to Jasmine. “It’s time.”
She nodded as she took his hand and they walked to the middle of the courtyard to start the receiving line to personally wish each person Merry Christmas.
Christmas morning Jasmine and Silas were roused from their sleep by four eager children telling them of the gifts beneath the tree. Silas kissed Jasmine, rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom while Jasmine tried to listen to all the chatter at once. When Silas walked out, she ran inside and took a quick shower.
“We have to wait for your Mama,” Silas said, his voice raised so she could hear. Jasmine showered and dressed in 10 minutes. She walked out and ushered the children from their bedroom into the living area where the tree stood prominently in the middle of the small sitting room. Brightly wrapped presents flowed from beneath the branches taking up most of the floor.
“Everyone go sit in a corner, your mother and I will pass out gifts. Can you wait until they are all passed out before opening them? We’d like to watch you,” he said.
“Awww,” Adam said crossing his arms and pouting.
“We won’t take long, we promise,” Jasmine said picking up a couple of gifts. “But this way we can take picture and watch.”
“You want to take our pictures?” Renee asked.
“Yes, so be good and don’t open them until we’re done, okay?” Jasmine said.
“Okay,” David and Jackie said taking seats on the sofa.
Jasmine and Silas moved quickly to give out the gifts but there were quite a bit. She was surprised by the amount with her name and placed them in a separate pile next to Silas’.
When they finished, they took pictures of the children surrounded with boxes.
“Okay, now you can open them.”
Silas, wrapped his arm around Jasmine’s waist as they watched the children tear off the paper and make pleased sounds over their gifts.
“Thanks for my present last night,” Silas said.
Jasmine rubbed her ass and looked up at him. “You’re welcome.”
He brushed a kiss against her lips and placed a small box in her hand. She looked at him and unwrapped the box. Inside was a brochure for Niagara Falls.
Her eyes widened. “We’re going?”
“Yes. I think the pups will like it. We’ll start small and as they grow older we can take more trips. But this is a nice start, don’t you think?”
“Yes, I’ve never been there.”
“I know. I want to take you places you’ve never been. It’s the wolf in me.”
“I love both the wolf and the man.”
“Merry Christmas, Sweet Bitch.”
Thank you for taking the time to read La Patron’s 2nd Christmas. I love paranormal books and characters in general and shifter stories in particular. Throw in the romantic element, strong Alpha characters who bend beneath the power of love and I’m over the moon. Sighs…
In La Patron’s 2nd Christmas, Silas and Jasmine deal with a number of issues with their kids, Joint Chiefs, and KnightForce activities around the holiday season. As the children grow, Silas must balance their need to experience life with security, it’s harder than he thought, but he’s willing to make allowances for his mate. Asia, Hawke and their den receive her parents in the ultimate reunion. Family within the compound is growing and the best time to celebrate family is Christmas!
Feel free to follow “Dressing Jasmine, La Patroness”!
You’re invited to journey with me through all the books in this series. If you like fast paced action, suspense and great love connections like me, you won’t be disappointed. Feel free to drop me a line, or join my Facebook group, La Patron’s Den, where discussions regarding Silas and the Wolf Nation abound. Also you can find me at my website,
Knight Chronicles is a newsletter for my Readers Group from the characters of the series to keep you informed of what’s going on in the Wolf Nation. Each issue has a personal message from Silas Knight, La Patron, or his mate, Jasmine. Character profiles with in-depth interviews and thoughts you won’t find anywhere else. Also works in progress, new releases and special giveaways in every issue.
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Sword of Inquest
Sword of Mercy
Sword of Justice
La Patron’s Christmas
La Parton’s 2nd Christmas
KnightForce 1
KnightForce Deuces
KnightForce Très
Book sets
La Patron Series Books 1-6
La Patron Series Books 4-6
La Patron’s 2nd Christmas
Sydney Addae
Copyright 2015 by Addae, Sydney
ISBN: 978-1-937334-63-5
First Edition Electronic December 2015
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author‘s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, businesses, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. The publisher does not have any control over or assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their contents.
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