The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 1

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)



  Tamara Gray

  © copyright December 2004, Tamara Gray

  Cover Art by Amber Moon, © copyright December 2004

  ISBN 1-58608-273-6

  New Concepts Publishing

  Lake Park, GA 31636

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

  Chapter 1

  I was alone. A sudden feeling of despair crept into my mind as I perched on the edge of the barn roof overseeing the landscape below. An eerie fog swirled lazily across the trees billowing down to the yard covering everything in a blanket of gloomy mist. Rolling my shoulders trying to release the tension and fear, I huddled against myself wrapping my arms tightly around my legs. A mind-numbing chill ran up and down my spine, and the only thing I could feel was my body trembling uncontrollably mixed with terror and adrenaline. Concentrating on survival was the only way to dispel the pending feeling of doom that now inundated my senses. The only hope of escape was inside the barn, and somehow I had to build up the nerve to make my next move. Scanning the area one last time, I reluctantly stood. Taking a deep breath, I leaped into the fog floating effortlessly through the cool night air. The mist chilled my skin while the long leather jacket I wore flared out around me. Flipping in mid-air, I landed safely with a small thud. Nostrils flared as the stench of the dying creatures mixed with freshly cut grass. The smell of blood and danger mingled in the cool evening breeze causing my stomach to churn with hunger. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts and forget the flashbacks of the attack. Now what lay before me was silence filled only with the pounding of my heart.

  Squatting low to the ground, I peered cautiously into the night. The moon illuminated the gloomy world causing silver light to dance over everything in its path. Aiming my guns into the darkness, I propelled my power searching for what my eyes could not see. My energy flowed effortlessly, but could only find dead or dying creatures. Dawn was approaching and the moon was descending rapidly. I might actually survive this hellish night.

  A bolt of fear jolted through me as a long sharp cry pierced the silence. My power probed the creature nearest me. I stiffened waiting for a possible attack. Sending my energy deep inside the creature it turned to meet my gaze, red eyes glowing angrily as he sniffed the air feeling my presence. The werewolf let out a blood-curdling scream trying to escape my grasp.

  "Die," I whispered wrapping my power around its beating heart squeezing with the unseen force. I watched from afar, as my energy captured its heart, exploding it into a million pieces. The monsters deafening screams and claws slashed at me breaking my trance even as I felt its life slip away. The smell of rotting inhuman flesh and muffled whimpers was the only evidence left of the fight that occurred moments before. I stood, my emotions buried somewhere deep within. The numbness moved across my whole body as the rush of power tingled over every muscle and cell. Smirking wickedly over my triumph and the fact I was still alive and the sun was about to rise, I turned to face the barn doors shoving them open. I cringed as they swung inward creaking and banging into the wall.

  "Shoot!" I cursed, knowing that the noise probably woke the dead.

  As I entered a wave of stagnant, warm air floated over my face stealing my breath away. The moon’s light cast ominous shadows around the barn, but I did not need the light to see my intended target. "God bless you old man." I whispered, thankful the car was parked exactly where he said it would be. Staring into the dimly lit building, I waited patiently for any sign of the creatures that hunted me. Nothing!

  I bolted for the car wrenching on the door handle. Locked!

  My hands were shaking as I raced to the passenger side it was locked also. Just my bloody luck. "Who leaves their car keys in the car when it’s locked?" I grumbled to myself, getting angrier by the minute. From what I could see, the car looked to be in good condition and the keys were exactly as the old man said, in the ignition. I screamed internally as I kicked the door of the car.

  I hated getting messy. That thought made me chuckle softly as I looked down at the cuts and bruises from the battle with the werewolves. I quickly removed my leather jacket while moving back to the driver side, wrapping my arm and gun in its velvety protection. I struck the weapon against the glass shattering the window sending shards of glass onto the front seat and barn floor.

  Tossing the gun and jacket into the car, I bent down to unlock the door. That was when the hair on my neck bristled standing on end. Clenching my fists, I swerved around to meet the beast, sensing the evil clawing at my mind. The creature’s power engulfed me sending fear pulsing through my veins. Waving my hands, I frantically tried shoving the wicked energy away, to no avail. I backed slowly up against the car and reached in grabbing my gun, never taking my eyes off his amber demonic stare. Gun in hand I moved away from the car as the beast stalked closer.

  Losing my footing, I stumbled back as the monster took another step forward mirroring my every move. The werewolf was hideous, eyes glowing red with demonic power and hate. His body elongated standing on hind legs that were once human. Blood dripped from his massive fangs pooling in the hay at his feet. Its claws had chunks of skin and flesh clinging to his long razor-sharp nails, some of the flesh, my own. The smell of death forced me to retreat until I was cornered between the beast and the vehicle. I was trapped, nowhere to go, frozen in horror.

  Move, Samantha! MOVE! My mind screamed in terror as I contemplated my options. The thumping of my heart roared in my ears drowning out the growls of the beast before me. As I inhaled the warm musty air, pain shot through my lungs. I slowed my heartbeat attempting to catch my breath while the adrenaline raged unchecked inside my body. The creature effectively blocked the barn doors with his enormous frame. Samantha, stay in control.

  "Ty, you don’t have to do this," I pleaded, hoping he could understand what I was saying. "You have a choice."

  The creature only watched oblivious to my pleas. In a whirl of inhuman speed, I darted past the car, heading for my only escape, a ladder leading to the second floor of the barn. The ladder seemed to be moving away from me, rather than closer, as I sprinted towards it. If I could get to the second floor, I would have a clean shot at the beast. Turning I sent a couple rounds in his direction. He avoided the bullets with ease. Reaching the first step, I leapt up, grasping the rung holding on for dear life. Swinging myself into action, I started to climb.

  The monster crashed through the barn following its prey. Crouching directly below my escape route the werewolf lunged into the air. He made it up two steps when he reached for my leg. A warm power tore through me as his claws began to shred my flesh. I screamed as bones snapped tearing tendons and muscles beneath the onslaught of his fury. My leg dangled as he continued to rip into my soft tissue exposing crushed bones beneath. He jerked me downward and as he did, I dropped my gun screaming from the pain. Blinding white light and dizziness overwhelmed me as I fell back landing on the ground with a thud. Slowly pulling my body up I tried to crawl away from the monster. I could only move from the waist up, the rest of my body immobile with throbbing pain. My arms steadied my weight as I slid across the floor. Straw stuck to my wound causing me to cry out in agony.

  The werewolf jumped, landing with a loud bang. He remained motionless in front of me watching my painful progress. I screamed as he put his lengthened claws around my neck lifting me into the air. I dangled helplessly as he held me inches from his distorted face. Excruciating pain shot through my body as he shook me mercilessly.

  He was going to snap me in two.

bsp; The creature’s lips curled back showing his needle sharp fangs. The blood on his breath made me gag while my eyes blinked in disbelief at the repulsive monster. He leaned over my neck taking me into his mouth. I felt warm liquid flood down my neck and chest as he crushed and shredded my muscles, growling with pleasure. With every beat of my heart, the warmth spread over my body.

  My sight blurred as I fumbled for my second gun. Fingers shook as I aimed the weapon at the demon’s deformed head. My body shivered uncontrollably as I could feel my life slip slowly away.

  I managed to gargle what would be my last word, "DIE!"

  I fired the gun over and over until it clicked empty. It released me as it fell, while my torn, limp body slammed to the floor. I had to get to the car. With every ounce of strength, I dragged my body towards the vehicle. The smell of my own blood blended with the straw made me retch with nausea. My eyes hazed over brining on the welcoming darkness. Soon my cries of pain diminished to shallow whimpers as the smell of lilacs filled my nostrils. Lilacs? I don’t remember….

  I was dying, alone and cold. I had never feared death but the thought of dying by the hands of this monster just didn’t feel right. In the back of my mind, I knew the end was near. The last few days of my life flashed before me in a blur. So many risks had been taken and for what? I had finally found a purpose for living and now the end was crashing down around me. It had all started with him. He came into my world and changed me forever….

  Chapter 2

  Betty was a 22-year-old secretary just out of college who was trying to finish her masters in theology. My secretary. She was a cute short blonde-haired woman, about 5’6" who always seemed to attract loser boyfriends. Right now all I cared about was taking her out back and beating her with a stick. She was officially on my hit list for letting vampires into my office.

  I forced a smile at the men in my office between clenched teeth. My hands fumbled nervously as I looked at the photos before me. They were disturbing despite knowing the victim was a vampire. I work for vampires occasionally, but somehow a few of their kind seem to get maimed or killed in the process. Good thing for me laws were only just recently passed to protect vampires. Animals had more rights than vampires, but even that was changing. Under the new law, vampires could own property without paying taxes. This alone made them enemies of the tax paying citizens of the country. Guess the reputation I’d earned of being a real perfectionist was something the vampires admired because I’d had three vampire clients in the last 6 months. Of course, when you make a mistake in the bodyguard business someone dies, so perfection was a necessity. I shoot, ask questions later, and my clients respect my ability to keep them safe.

  I tossed the pictures across my desk and stared at the men in my office, gorgeous for vampires. Especially the one who appeared to be in charge. Dating vampires was a dangerous game to play. Personally, I never had the desire, but this man would tempt even a saint.

  John Wilkins and I started the Eldon Agency over ten years ago. We had built a large client base with a lot of hard work, sweat, and blood. Mainly my hard work, sweat, and blood. John just liked to sit back and boss me around from behind his desk. He mentioned a new client coming in today, but forgot to include the fact he was a vampire. John never excluded important information like dealing with a master vampire. Sometimes John let the money do the talking instead of asking the right questions. Although I couldn’t hold it against him since we needed the income desperately.

  I had a "knack" at detecting vampires, especially lately. Master vampires have been known to hide their true identities, but I felt something in the air when they were around, a power or rift around their bodies as they moved. Vampires give off a certain aura depending on their age and strength and this group was sending a strong vibe over the entire office.

  The auras I saw strengthened significantly around vampires, psychics, and werewolves. I felt weird telling people about this strange gift, if it was a gift at all. Vampires hiring our agency were requesting me over everyone else in the company, even over John. I often wondered if my success in the business had to do with my power or an untapped strength from within.

  Observing the vampire before me, I quickly noted him and his two companions were watching me as if I might make a good snack. His aura was blindingly bright. Discarding the thought from my head, I concentrated on the job at hand. My clients appreciated the fact I was discreet about my work, especially the supernatural dudes. They always gave me the most unusual jobs, but I enjoyed the challenge and I could tell by looking at him that this vampire would definitely be a challenge I would never forget.

  From the tilt of his chin, I could tell he was focusing his gaze on my body. I felt his eyes upon me despite being hidden behind his sunglasses. He was ogling me slowly up and down. A cool chill ran up my spine as he slowly licked his lips. I was accustomed to men looking at me, but the sunglasses hid his eyes and that bugged the hell out of me. There was something about looking a person in the eyes, the doorway to their soul. Only his smile and raised eyebrows gave his thoughts away.

  I just hoped this vampire would behave himself. He was undeniably a looker and for some reason I had the feeling he was used to getting what he wanted. I sighed deeply starting to wonder if the choice of clothes I’d worn to work were a bit too revealing, and adjusted my blouse. Being beautiful was a distraction from the job--one might even say a curse. However, beauty, blonde hair, and big boobs came in handy sometimes. Distracting a potential threat could be beneficial if not fun.

  We occasionally run across those freaky clients who liked the idea of hiring women bodyguards. They wanted a pretty face to escort them around town, not my cup of tea. A little dirt never hurt anyone and I personally enjoy getting dirty occasionally. However, on more than one occasion, I had run into trouble with clients who couldn’t seem to keep their hands to themselves.

  I was presently fighting a lawsuit from one such client. He claimed irreparable damage to his--well let’s just say… damage to his package. Nevertheless, even I had to be careful with master vampires. They were on a completely different playing field. Master vampires were powerful beings who could control minds as well as the elements. I once witnessed a master vamp set flames to an attacker’s car with just a mere thought. It was an awesome and scary sight to behold.

  I was brought back from my thoughts by the overwhelming power saturating the room, knowing it was nothing quite like I had ever experienced before. Shuddering I pinched myself, trying to focus on my hunky client.

  "What happened?" I asked, despite the grisly story the pictures told looking from one vampire to another. Three in one room at once was enough to make anyone squirm.

  A chill ran down my back as I carefully examined the photo of the man hanging from a darkened room. Silver chains were strung through the victim’s body embedded deeply into his flesh. The skin had literally been torn from his limbs and torso.

  My eyes widened in horror as I imagined the last moments of this man’s life. Hey I didn’t like vampires, but nobody deserved this kind of treatment. "He was alive during this photo." I tapped the picture. "From what I can tell he is talking or screaming, but I can’t be sure which." I whispered to myself. "Whoever took this picture enjoyed themselves immensely," I continued, ignoring the man before me, deep in thought.

  "How do you know this?" The vampire asked.

  I jumped at the interruption, bringing me back to reality. "He took his time documenting the murder from beginning until the end. Look, this picture has nothing but charred remains, and this picture shows the victim without any injuries at all." I pointed out, laying the pictures in order from what I thought was start to finish. "See here, his flesh isn’t torn. The victim was more than likely still alive when the picture was taken." I knew the cops wouldn’t work on the case because it involved vampires. Humans tend to fear that which we don’t understand. Since vampires had come out of the closet, everyone felt uneasy around them. I didn’t even want the case, but we needed
the clients.

  I thumbed through the rest of the pictures when something caught my eye. "Wait, what is this?" I pointed to what seemed to be red glowing lights behind the man’s body. I brought the picture closer, turning it from side to side trying to figure out what those lights were. I grabbed another picture from the pile that contained the lights.

  "You have a keen eye." The vampire chuckled. "I now know why my master decided to hire you."

  Ignoring his comment, I took a third picture and grabbed my magnifying glass from my desk drawer. Lifting the picture to the light, I placed everything in front of me. I looked up, mind swirling with curiosity. "It looks like eyes."

  The vampire extended his hand and I slid the photo to him. He looked at it carefully, stiffened suddenly, and then placed it face down on my desk. "Indeed they are eyes."

  "Werewolf?" I mumbled, shaking my head in disbelief. I had no idea what was going on in the vampire community, but lately they seemed to be in a lot of trouble with werewolves.

  The pictures had me seriously freaked out and my suspicions of the vampire sitting across from my desk had me instinctively reaching for my gun. I scooted my chair back as I sensed the strength of his power permeating through the room. He could have killed me if he wanted to already.

  I watched him and his buddies carefully. He was tall, at least six feet, with dark shoulder length hair that curled in ringlets around his face. Sunglasses hid his eyes making him appear mysterious and deadly. From the view at my desk, I could tell he had broad shoulders, which tapered down to a slim waist and long legs. He sat back in his chair like a cool cucumber while I assessed him. His chest rose softly with every breath, giving me a hint of his well-defined muscles, from beneath his clothes. He wore a black button down shirt with black pants. The dark color seemed to emphasize every movement he made with his powerfully built body. Most of the vampires I had worked with were on the smaller side, but this vamp had a large frame and nice build. My eyes moved back to his face, handsome, not pretty like the majority of vamps I had seen. Actually, he was down right breathtaking. There was definitely something different about this vampire and the two men with him. I just couldn’t understand why a vamp this powerful would need my protection. If he wanted to take me down he could in an instant, and if he could take me down he could most certainly protect himself from the vampire haters in the world. I was a force to be reckoned with, but even the great Samantha Houston had her limitations.


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