The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 2

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)

  I managed to relax and gave the vampire my most professional smile. "So what do you want with our company?" I asked.

  Waiting patiently for an answer, I contemplated my next course of action noticing how uncomfortable my client seemed. His accent floated sensually over the room. "Miss Houston, you did not answer my question," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  What question? Way to go Samantha.

  I didn’t realize he had spoken until he coughed, drawing my attention back to him. It would be just my luck to ignore the best client in ages, only to lose him because my mind kept wandering off. I eyeballed the length of his body back to his face, wow! He was very good looking, but had an air about him that would give anyone an inferiority complex. Just too arrogant for my taste.

  "Miss Houston?" He smiled. "I have been waiting patiently and you still haven’t answered my question." His smile was rigid and his words were laced with a hint of irritation.

  The more I thought about his annoyance the more annoyed I became. How dare he get upset about me ignoring him, just who did he think he was. Best client in months, that’s who....

  Somewhere between fear and fantasy this vampire had sidetracked me so much I forgot the question, so I decided to distract him. My fingers tapped lightly on the desk as I watched him carefully. "Who is the man in the picture?"

  He lowered his glasses. "His name was Leonardo Darius."

  WOW! His eyes were a perfect shade of green. Stunning, was the first thought that popped into my mind. He was gorgeous and full of himself, not a good combination.

  "Well, Mr.?" I stopped waiting for him to fill in the blank.

  "I am sorry how rude of me, my name is Siön Baptiste. Do you agree to take the job?" His voice echoed through the office deep and masculine as he stood hand held out.

  Oh, yes the question about taking the job. Duh!

  He was much taller than I expected. I reluctantly grabbed his hand and to my surprise, it was warm. The warmth turned to scalding heat as my hand started to tingle as waves of pleasurable electricity washed over my entire body. He smiled and held on as I tried to pry loose. His eyes held mine and my body began to shake as the sensations I didn’t recognize continued. My mind screamed to make him stop yet my hand wouldn’t budge. It felt as if his hand was cupping the most sacred parts of my body. Something burst between my legs causing me to buckle at the knees nearly forcing me to the ground. I almost tumbled back but caught myself before I fell to the floor. He released my hand grudgingly, eyes wide with surprise, as I plopped back down in my chair disgusted with myself for reacting to his power like a love struck teenager.

  I just stared at him breathlessly as he returned lazily to his seat as if nothing had happened. Only his eyes revealed his own shock.

  "What did you do to me?" I asked, my voice heavy with the aftermath of pleasure.

  He just smiled.

  "I’m not sure what you want me to do?" My voice trailed off as he began to laugh.

  I had never succumbed to a vampire’s powers before, but this guy had me swooning. His laughter sent a second wave of spine tingling chills over my entire body. "You are Samantha Houston, one of the best known detectives in New Orleans." He grinned wickedly. "And we would like to hire you."

  They should outlaw voices like his.

  Vampires possess the ability to control most people with their words alone and there was no doubt in my mind this vampire could do just that. Alluring eyes highlighted his handsome face making him even more daunting. I gazed into his lovely eyes trying to decide on the color. Never had I seen eyes that shade of green, but I knew behind the beauty, hid a cold-hearted killer.

  He distracted me from my thoughts as he winked slowly, licking his lips. The action sent a warm blush racing up my neck and across my face. This guy was cocky. He was so sure of himself, it made me sick and his accent was starting to grate on my last nerve. Sexy voice, sexy accent and it irritated me for some reason. Could it be he was getting under my skin? Jerk! My sudden burst of anger cleared my head as I began to contemplate my next course of action. Whatever I was going to do, I had to tread carefully. This vampire was very powerful.

  Forcing my eyes from his, I set my sight on the two thugs beside him. "Why didn’t you let our agency know you were a vampire before arriving today? Why all the secrecy? You should know better than anyone, protecting a vampire is more difficult than most jobs. How can I do my job if you aren’t willing to tell me what this job entails?" I knew if I wasn’t careful, I could lose this client. I tried desperately to mask my growing irritation and instead smiled sweetly.

  I’d had nothing to do with setting up this meeting and the person responsible was going to get an earful. I was personally going to kick Betty’s butt for letting him in without a proper introduction.

  Siön Baptiste leaned over to the man at his right whispering quietly to him. I strained to hear what he was saying but he spoke in French. I wasn’t good with foreign languages, but it definitely sounded French to me. In college, I’d worked with a French manicurist who spoke the language fluently. She happened to be a French manicurist who was actually French. The vampire in front of me didn’t seem to be interested in a manicure so I figured I had better keep the comment to myself.

  The man on Siön Baptiste’s right looked around the room nervously. He appeared torn between leaving Siön Baptist alone with me and facing Siön’s anger for not obeying him. The big lug shook his head and led his overgrown buddy to the door, exiting the room. Before shutting the door, they both glanced back solemnly. What was little ol’ me going to do to the big bad vampire sitting across from me? Jeesh, some people and their pets!

  Turning my gaze back to Siön Baptiste it became apparent just how alone we were. His power surged over my body heating the air around me. Someone definitely needed to turn the air conditioning on before I roasted to death. Shifting in my chair as the men shut the door, I slowly scooted up to my desk. Trying to distract the vampire, I bent forward providing him with a decent view of my cleavage. On more than one occasion, I’d used my body to sidetrack a man. As he watched me, I maneuvered my right hand on my gun, which was neatly strapped to the belly of the desk. Removing the gun gently out of the harness, I placed it carefully in my lap.

  Siön Baptiste rubbed his chin raising an eyebrow. A devious grin crept across his mouth as if he already knew what I was about to do. With one smooth motion, he slid his chair nearer to my desk. As he moved forward, my heart leaped into my throat, the movement causing me to gasp. I wondered if he sensed my body tightening as he bent closer to me. His masculine scent filled the room inundating my senses. His eyes watched me as if he caressed my entire body. Shuddering at the thought of any vampire let alone this hunky hulk touching me, I frowned. I focused my gaze on the blinds instead of his face. Even with the blinds closed and lights dim, I could still see his perfectly chiseled features. He was one good-looking bloodsucker and he knew it.

  "Ahem… Ahem…" Clearing his throat, he drew my attention back to him, only to notice a smirk cross his face. He knew how uncomfortable I was looking at him. He was so self-assured and arrogant. His confidence seeped through every pore, floating effortlessly into the air. "Would it have mattered to know I was a vampire ahead of time? The Eldon Agency works with vampires, does it not?" He grinned like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse.

  Cursing quietly, my stare roamed to his mouth, curious if his full lips felt softer than they appeared. His smile was magnetic and terribly appealing. I shook my head lowering it to hide my feelings. He had to be using some type of hypnotic vampire powers on me. Vermin!

  Concentrating on his face, I moved my gun into position, watching for any advance warning. "Do you know who is responsible for his death?" I asked, pointing at the pictures. I couldn’t help but notice it was getting dreadfully stuffy, almost claustrophobic.

  He was genuinely surprised as one eyebrow lifted showing an amused expression. "So you will take the job?"

  "Do you have
any idea who killed him?" I asked again.

  He started laughing and as he continued laughing, I became increasingly uneasy. "We have our suspicions but are not sure. We were hoping you could help in this matter."

  The sun peeked through the shades from behind him. The light appeared blindingly bright against his dark silhouette. He almost looked angelic with a shiny halo behind his head. Awe! Not! I knew better than to assume this man could be an angel. We all know where assuming gets us--in a crap load of trouble. The thought ran through my head bringing a smile across my face.

  Siön Baptiste shifted in his chair bending forward while the sun crept across the contour of his features. The moment the light hit his skin I nearly jumped out of mine. My mind repeated what I refused to believe. He was a vampire out during the day. My heart somersaulted within my chest climbing into the back of my throat. Why hadn’t I noticed this important fact previously? I tried to stay calm, but I feared the pounding of my heart and perspiration sliding down my face would give me away. If I panicked, I might never see a sunset again. How was this possible?

  Don’t let him see you sweat, I thought to myself wiping my face with my hand.

  He shook his head whispering as if he read my mind. "Don’t look so shocked, you know I am a vampire. I will explain myself tonight after your visit with Nicholi." He was pleased at my stunned expression.

  Visit with Nicholi? "Just who do you think I am visiting tonight?"

  He smiled. "My master would like to meet you personally to extend our offer."

  I never thought vampires could be so happy. He had a permanent grin on his face while his eyes teased, infuriating the hell out of me.

  "You think this is funny? Enough with the small talk, I want some answers." I stood grinning with satisfaction. The shock on his face as I pointed the gun at him was highly entertaining. Go Samantha! He masked the emotion immediately when he saw my grin. I was brave yes, smart not always.

  Waving the gun I asked, "Tell me why someone would do this? And stop using your vampire tricks on me. I am not beyond putting a bullet in that beautiful mug of yours." I tried to sound like the bad ass I usually am but somehow the shock of what sat before me overwhelmed my senses. A vampire out during the day? Then I remembered I had called him beautiful. A faint blush floated beneath my skin. Smooth Samantha. Smooth!

  Laughing aloud, he slapped the desk with his hands. Moving swiftly and effortlessly, he leaned closer grabbing a pen from my desk and began twirling it between his long fingers. He spun the pen like a toy and I had the feeling he was definitely toying with me.

  Lifting an eyebrow while grinning he said, "My master would like to hire you to find who killed Leonardo. He has had several threats on his own life of late and is looking for a bodyguard with a perfect record. He would like to discuss details with you in person tonight." His voice was so soothing and controlled, I almost believed him. He flipped the pen and it flew across the room hitting the wall behind my desk. Happy with himself he grabbed a second pen from the cup on my desk sporting a devious sparkle in his eye.

  Shrugging nonchalantly, I continued to point the gun in his direction. "I don’t know what you think you’re doing but stop playing with my pens," I growled.

  "Meet me at 8:00 at the Silver Fang and we shall discuss this further. Nicholi is looking forward to meeting you tonight," he coaxed tilting his head sideways. The second pen went flying across the room landing somewhere near the filing cabinet. His smile broadened and ignoring my warning he reached to grab another pen.

  I quickly slapped his hand away from the penholder. He pulled back snickering. I had an overwhelming desire to wipe that grin off the smug bastards face with another slap. Instead, I glared menacingly at him. "I am glad I can entertain you Mr. Baptiste but what makes you think that I want to meet your master and that I will take this job?" I raised my voice as I spoke.

  He appeared taken aback by my response, but obviously he didn’t know me that well. Siön Baptiste shook his head, mumbling quietly in French. His long fingers caressed his chin while watching me. "Madam, do not disappoint us this is of an urgent matter. It is not wise to disappoint Nicholi. Plus, I feel you enjoy intrigue and Nicholi never disappoints. Put that silly weapon away, it will do you no good against me." His last comment sounded like a warning.

  Still pointing the gun at him, I eased back into my chair. Then deciding it was better to be polite for once, I placed the gun carefully on my desk. John always handled the clients. I wasn’t patient enough for them. I would never win a Miss Congeniality award, but I was good at saving lives. I glanced around the room looking for an escape route if necessary. I tried to read his perfectly masked expression, but it was blank.

  The truth of the matter was he was just plain easy on the eyes. A girl could enjoy the view, couldn’t she? He was the stuff women dreamed about on cold winter nights. Come on Samantha think girl, think. I was really getting distracted. He threatened me with his good looks and his soothing words. Don’t let him take advantage of you, girlfriend.

  With the most determined look I could muster, I very abruptly told him, "I don’t work well with threats Mr. Baptiste and especially threats from a bunch of bloodsuckers like you." I felt my face redden with anger as I spoke.

  Leaning forward, he placed both hands on my desk. "Madam, this is no threat, just a request. A great sum of money has been offered for your services. We agreed on six figures minimum."

  He smiled and I could feel the heat rising as his warmth continued to swamp my office. He had another pen in his hand by the time he nonchalantly sat back in his seat. I hadn’t even noticed him take it from my cup, but I knew it was my pen. What male vampire would carry a purple pen with pink hearts?

  He pushed the pen in and out of his fingers rapidly. The movement was embarrassingly sexual. His face flushed and his accent became more prevalent as he mindlessly maneuvered the pen between his long masculine fingers. He thinks he can push me around. I’ll show him. Two can play this game.

  Clearing my throat, I replied coyly, "I don’t remember agreeing on taking your money or your job." Pausing I took a deep breath and continued. "I will however agree to meet Nicholi if you get the hell out of here."

  I stood, making sure to use my height to my advantage. "No funny business. The minute you or your boss gets out of line, you can forget hiring me. Do you understand?"

  With the last statement, I fondled my gun one last time before walking to the door. Standing impatiently, I hastily pointed to the exit. "If you want to see me tonight you had better leave now."

  Siön Baptiste gradually rose to his feet, looking somewhat dejected. I was very satisfied with myself as I turned to escort him out of the office, except he stood directly next to me. I blinked, confused at his sudden movement and my body immediately tensed at his nearness. Vampires move faster than humans do, but I had never seen one move like this before. He just appeared out of nowhere. Towering over me with a smirk on his face, I was immediately aware he had to be a good 5-6 inches taller. I wasn’t short so that made him at least 6’4". While he sat in the chair across from me, he seemed tall but not that tall. Siön Baptiste smiled, making sure to show me every inch of his fangs.

  God, they looked sharp.

  By the expression on his face, he didn’t act as if he appreciated being treated like a child. His eyes swirled with anger. "Madam," as soon as the word came out I flinched. He spoke very quietly. "Madam, I assure you, you will be safe tonight. No ‘funny business.’" Pausing for only a moment, he continued. "You intrigue me, which is a rare event for a vampire as old as I." He chuckled causing me to recoil further away from him.

  Countering my retreat, he dipped into my body while his legs brushed up against my skirt. A low noise escaped my mouth as heat spread between my thighs. Moving his head to my hair, he sniffed softly sending vibrations over every nerve. I was frozen, engulfed in his power. The tingling sensations moved in waves as his breath skimmed my cheek. He brushed his soft lips lightly against mine
while grinding his hip into me. I stood unable to coax myself to move as my traitorous body reacted to the tender strokes of his hands on my arms and the erect mass below, now hardening against me.

  Clenching my fists, I dug my fingernails into the soft flesh of my palm. The pain quickly brought me out of the obvious spell he was casting over my senses. My knees buckled as I shoved my now bleeding hands between his chest and mine. Every move I made he countered, propping up against me, sending tremors through my body. The fire moved over my skin like a warm breeze on a cold night as I struggled to get free of his hold. I pressed his chest as hard as I could, feeling his heartbeat rapidly against my hands. My struggles only seemed to excite him as his strength captured me completely. His eyes dilated with an animal hunger, warning me I was in grave danger. I immediately ceased my fight and froze in fear.

  Trembling I reminded him, "Like I said earlier, either you leave now or the meeting is off." Even as the words came out, my body leaned into him as if my mind had control of my voice but not my will. His breath and soft lips caressed my neck, his tongue flickering wet and moist against my throat.

  "And put the pen back," I gasped.

  My body burned, shaking with fear and something else I didn’t recognize. He had to be using his power over me to get me to react this way. He ignored my pleas, sliding the pen down my face. I shut my eyes evading the heat from his gaze. "You are resisting me, why?" His sensual voice slithered down my spine.


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