The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 4

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)

  "Yep." I nodded.

  "I hope you aren’t getting in with the wrong crowd. He looks innocent enough for a vampire but…," His voice trailed off.

  I turned to see what Trevor was looking at and found that Siön Baptiste stood over my shoulder smiling down at me. "Good evening, Samantha." He ignored Trevor, watching me with his fiery gaze.

  "Hello." I couldn’t believe that was all that came out. Hello! Gosh, darn it Sam you can do better than that.

  He grinned. "If I had known you visited our end of the world we could have met here."

  What was that supposed to mean. Our end of the world? "I do venture down this way from time to time." Mostly to save your kinds, arse. Trevor grabbed my hand.

  Siön Baptiste glared at him as he moved closer. "And who is your charming friend, Samantha?" His voice glided sensually over my skin as he spoke.

  I wanted to say none of your business but instead replied, "Trevor is a close friend of mine." I turned to Trevor. "This is Siön Baptiste." Trevor nodded but didn’t say a word. He appeared to be in a trance.

  Both men were tall and predatory. The only edge Siön Baptiste had over Trevor was his power, which currently was sifting around us. As far as looks, they were opposites. One tall, dark, handsome, and scary as the devil himself and the other tall, light, sexy, and sweet.

  They were eyeing each other up when I interrupted. "Well, I guess we will see you in an hour or so."

  "You surely will." He bent down and kissed me on the cheek. The immediate heat of his lips against my skin made me pull back. "Good evening." He bowed and walked away, leaving a trail of energy floating through the room.

  I sat motionless, the lingering feel of his lips on my face. I put my hand up and felt the heated flesh. Siön Baptiste strutted away. The patrons in the restaurant couldn’t help but stare at the man. He demanded people’s attention with his predatory masculinity.

  The waiter returned with our meal, mumbling under his breath. "Gorgeous isn’t he. My favorite customer. He tips well too. I had no idea you knew him. Have you known him long?" He smiled placing our food on the table. After we ignored his question, the waiter shrugged his shoulders and left. "I really don’t like this," Trevor said. "If he so much as lays a hand on you again I can’t promise he won’t get hurt."

  "Don’t worry about it, Trevor. I can handle myself." I lowered my voice watching for any sign of Siön Baptiste.

  Trevor leaned into me grabbing my arm almost painfully. "You need to be careful, Samantha. You are the only family I have." His eyes locked on mine in a silent battle, fire dancing underneath his gaze.

  We both fell back into silence as we finished eating. The waiter came back and said the bill had been paid. I thanked him and we left a tip. Trevor was none too happy about Siön Baptiste paying. I think it hurt his ego.

  We finally headed toward our destination. Both of us remained quiet until we arrived at The Silver Fang. Why exactly they had called the club the Silver Fang, I have no idea. Rumors were circulating online that the manager of the club had silver heated and poured into a cast of his fangs. If werewolves attempted anything funny, one bite mixed with the silver would enable the vampire to kill the wolf. Who knows really but we were about to find out.

  Chapter 4

  The Silver Fang was located in the club section of the city, just off the north end of Bourbon Street. Vampires were all about sex, lust and more sex. They owned every strip joint and club from here to Pittsburgh. The werewolves owned the north and vamps and wolves just didn’t get along.

  I pulled into the lot and parked in the VIP reserved parking as instructed per Betty. Hope that girl got something right. She’d once sent me to a client and her instructions almost got me killed.

  "Enter without knocking, whatever you do don’t knock," she warned.

  They meant don’t enter without knocking. I almost had a bullet put through my skull that night. Maybe she was trying to get me killed, now that’s a thought.

  I flinched when Trevor said quietly, "Sam, it’s not too late to say no. You can always quit this damn job and get another. Maybe look into a safe job, like being a cop." I could feel him staring at me.

  Laughing I replied, "Trevor, you’ve been shot three times, not to mention 25 broken bones over eight years. Hello? Safe?"

  "You know I just care way too much for your smart bum." He smiled.


  "Yeah, why not." He replied.

  "Trevor, bum doesn’t work. If you’re going to pick up my terminology at least get it right. Smart arse would have been better." My laughter echoed down the alley and through the parking lot.

  "And you know as well as I that I don’t quit, ever." My mind and heart was still contemplating what he had suggested. The only word that came to mind scared me. Quit, never! Fear gripped me and I prayed that my voice would hold up. My neck was sore, and my shoulders were so tense from this completely crazy day. I lowered my head trying to ease the pain. "My work is all I have."

  He nodded and sighed. "You know I love you more than anyone in the world." He paused as if he sought the right words to say. "I know you’re scared to lose me, but I swear whatever it takes we will be together forever."

  I couldn’t face him as the tears threatened to fill my eyes. God knows I hated to cry and especially in front of someone. I felt weak as I looked at him, and if I didn’t get a grip, the scared little girl who lost her parents so many years ago might never stop crying. A scream threatened to escape but I quickly choked it back down, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. I took his hand and squeezed it gently and he squeezed back. I knew he could feel me trembling.

  My foot tapped nervously as I struggled to say, "We have work, let’s talk later."

  He squeezed my hand in return and we both got out of the car. As I walked to the club, I heard his footsteps behind me. I couldn’t bear to look him in the face, not yet. He was all I had except for my job.

  We passed the line of people waiting to enter, and headed straight towards the ape at the entrance. The girls in line watched Trevor, jaws dropping and eyes popping out of their heads. I just smiled politely and released his arm giving him space. Wanting Trevor to finally date was only part of the reason, the other was meeting a client and the need for professionalism.

  The big ape of a guy was keeping the peace. He escorted people in to the building, checking ID’s as they entered. The line to the club wrapped around the building filled with young kids seeking vampire thrills.

  He eyed both Trevor and I from head to toe. He sniffed the air and smiled wickedly. "I smell cop," he growled. "Get in the back of the line." He sounded menacing or at least attempted to play the part.

  I couldn’t help but smirk. "Wow, big boy can speak? I am impressed. You will let us into this nice club because we are here to see your boss." He just stared straight ahead void of expression. "Let’s try this again, my name is Samantha Houston. I am here to see Nicholi." I slowed the last sentence down so he could understand, but he didn’t seem to get the joke and he wasn’t happy about it either. What a beefcake.

  Sometimes I couldn’t help but be a pain in the arse, it felt so natural. Trevor took my hand as we slid by the ape. "Knock it off Sam, you’re going to get yourself killed," he muttered under his breath.

  I stole a wicked glance back at Trevor. "Who me?"

  "Sam, you’re a nut." He grinned.

  We both laughed aloud, as we stumbled into the club.

  Trying to distract my roaming thoughts of worry for Trevor’s well being, I scanned the club. The Silver Fang was packed with both vampires and humans alike. A wall-to-wall orgy with men and women making out, and God only knows what else they were doing. The music pulsated through the building thumping in our ears. Mist floated up from the floor enhancing the image of danger. Americans loved their vampires. Clubs like the Silver Fang were growing in popularity.

  "Mama Mia," Trevor’s eyes were wide as pancakes.

  "Put your tongue back in your mouth." I
smiled at him.

  Movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention. A vampire latched onto a woman’s throat. Yuck! The woman had her hand down her skirt pleasuring herself while the man drank from her neck. Double Yuck! The vampire met my gaze, the woman’s blood dribbling down his chin. She took her finger, wiped his mouth, and began licking it seductively. Another sick vampire hang out.

  Trevor took my hand in his, "Finger licking good."

  "Disgusting," I said, grimacing at the thought surviving on blood alone.

  Someone standing in the corner of the club drew my focus away from the couple. The man turned and caught me staring at him. He loomed over the crowd. His hair was white, held away from his face in a loose ponytail down his back. There was an unnatural animal shine in his eyes as the pulsing lights streaked across the room. I quickly looked away as his eyes turned to me illuminated from across the dance floor. I couldn’t help but wonder if every vampire in New Orleans hung out in this club.

  "Keep your eyes peeled for our contacts, Trevor." I said, tugging him nearer.

  "Sam, I’m not helpless."

  I shrugged my shoulders raising my hands frustrated with the idea of spending all night waiting for a client. "I know, but I’m not sure what is going on here, and I don’t see Siön Baptiste so he’ll surely send someone to escort us. Probably another one of his dumb pets."

  We both inspected the club readying ourselves for any sign of our associates. My hand instinctively reached for my weapon. Having a gun in hand was always soothing. Most women would find comfort in a man. Not me, my Beretta will work just fine.

  I tightened my grip on my gun through the material just as fingers slid over my shoulder grasping me. Trevor’s expression told the story as I slowly turned around. I was now face to face with the man who stood across the club earlier, I backed up. Looking at his hand, which was still securely attached to my shoulder, I gave him a stare that would scare any vampire. He released his grip immediately.

  "Miss Houston, Nicholi is waiting for you downstairs." He pointed toward a door that said, "Employees only." He waved his hand leading the way. "Follow me, please."

  I didn’t even get to answer and he was already rushing off towards the exit. The vampire moved easily through the dance floor as the sea of bodies parted for his large frame. His eyes scanned the room, gleaming fluorescent yellow. He just plain freaked me out.

  Trevor hooked my arm in his as we maneuvered through the gyrating bodies heading for the door.

  When we reached the vampire he held up his hands and said, "You must leave him here. He is not allowed past this point."

  I shook my head. "No, if he doesn’t come, I don’t come." My voice sounded steadier than I felt at the time.

  He ignored me crossing his arms over his bulky chest. "Miss Houston, we cannot allow him past this door. My master has many enemies and he will have to stay or you both leave." His voice sounded deeper and if I didn’t guess wrong, I would say I heard a low deep growl coming from his throat. This vampire was used to getting what he wanted.

  I turned to Trevor. "Stay here, I’ll be back in 30 minutes. If I’m not back by then break the door down or better yet call the cops." I wanted to make sure the big guy heard me. I didn’t think the vamps would appreciate the fact that I’d brought a cop to our meeting so I left that little tidbit out of the conversation.

  "No, I’m coming with you." Trevor was getting his stiff lower lip syndrome.

  "You’re staying here or I will shoot you myself." Pushing him slightly I blew him a kiss. "I’ll be fine. Thanks for coming. Keep your eyes peeled, lots of vamps here and who knows what else."

  I nodded at the big guy. He opened the door and I exited the booming dance club into a dark stairwell. I could hear Trevor cursing as the door shut behind me.

  The atmosphere in the bar was nothing like below the club. A staircase spiraling downward was encased with stone walls the entire length of the steps. Only lanterns lit the way down.

  The big man followed me closely as if to say, "don’t try anything funny."

  As we walked I asked, "So, what is your name?"

  He didn’t say a word. I twisted my skirt as we continued down the stairs, so I could reach my gun with minimal hesitation. I’d learned early on in this business you hesitate, you die, or your bread and butter dies. I felt goose bumps prickling down my neck and arms as we headed further into the club’s underground basement.

  At the bottom of the steps, I could see a bright light at the end of a long hallway. The club didn’t seem this long from the outside. A thick film permeated the air the closer we got to the door, reminding me of a sauna without the steam. I couldn’t catch my breath making it feel like I’d hit a brick wall. The light blinded me and for just a moment, I felt fear, but suppressed my desire to scream.

  The room had white walls, white furniture even a white bar adding to the blinding brightness. I turned around to ask the big guy a question but he was gone. Vampire tricks, got to love them.

  "You may take a seat on the couch, my dear," the voice echoed in the room as a cool wind blew down my neck. I knew it was Siön Baptiste by the accent and the cocky tone in his voice. My blouse was sheer with a low front revealing just enough cleavage. The voice seemed to crawl inside my clothes washing over my skin.

  Peering around the room, I couldn’t see anyone. Walking cautiously to the middle of the room, I answered the voice. "I prefer to stand, and who am I talking to?" I asked making sure it was Siön Baptiste.

  He laughed a touchable, caressable laugh, making my body shudder. "Madam, please take a seat. My master will be but a minute."

  The cool, soothing voice collided into me causing a small gasp to escape my lips. I could have sworn I heard the voice from the corner of the room. The feeling of his power lingered, stimulated my body as if he spoke from within. This can’t be right. "No vampire trickery or I leave." I whispered trying to regain my composure.

  "Madam, please sit." He said softly.

  I swiveled to see the other side of the room and when I did, I felt a hand on my back. I turned back around and Siön Baptiste stood directly in my path. Son of biscuit….

  I was about to tell him exactly what I thought of him using a few choice words when he gently put his finger on my mouth grinning. "Now, now, a lady should never curse."

  I retreated slowly from his heated touch. He was wearing a black silky shirt with the top two buttons opened, revealing a smooth flawless chest. My eyes roamed over his body taking in its masculine beauty. His black leather pants looked as if he’d poured them on. His hair was down around his face with little strands covering his forehead. He looked like he just woke up but in that sexy just out of bed way. If possible, his eyes seemed greener against the black.

  I took another step back from the sexy vampire in front of me. "It isn’t very nice to sneak up on people." I could control my emotions better than any vamp but he unnerved me. I knew he could read it in my eyes and body language.

  "Samantha, you have the most marvelous eyes I have ever seen on a woman." His voice caressed my body as he advanced closer.

  I stood my ground. "Thank my mother. I hope your master shows better hospitality than you have shown here tonight." You could hear the bitterness in my voice.

  He nodded. His gaze swept over my body as he slowly circled me. I was a deer caught in headlights. "Madam, I do apologize for the location. I am sure my master will clear up any questions you might have." He bowed, grasping my hand. His lips brushed softly over my wrist moving slowly up to my palm. As he released me, his tongue flicked slowly over my skin. My knees buckled as his mouth took my breath away.

  Warm butterflies fluttered in my stomach moving down my legs and up my chest. I blushed, yanking my hand away. The temptation to slap him almost got the best of me, but instead I wiped my hand on my skirt. "What was that? Don’t play games, Siön Baptiste or I’m leaving," I croaked, his heat still swarming my senses.

  He acted as if wiping his kiss was
an insult, but then his expression went blank as quickly as I had seen the emotion. "Madam, Nicholi will be here shortly. Would you like a drink?" He turned and moved fluidly to the bar.

  Watching him move, I immediately appreciated the wonderful view of his butt. He was gorgeous in leather. I reluctantly tore my gaze away from his bum and decided to look around the room again. A fireplace on the opposite far wall escaped my notice earlier. How did they get a fireplace in the basement? I always checked out my surroundings, planning the best and safest exit route, if needed. I saw two doors, the one I’d entered and another door near the fireplace. How did fang boy get in the room?

  Out the corner of my eye, I could see Siön Baptiste pouring himself a drink. He was mumbling under his breath in French. He ran his hands through his thick hair, pulling it back from his face. His face was flawless, breathtaking.

  Gulping I cursed him silently while watching his body flow effortlessly. "Siön Baptiste, I don’t mean to be rude, but where is your boss?" As soon as I said boss the lights went out. Darkness completely engulfed us. My heart beat rapidly against my chest loud enough I could hear the thundering in my ears. I fumbled down my thigh and retrieved the gun from between my legs. Taking the safety off, I crouched low to the floor.

  "What is going on?" I could barely hear my voice over my heart. As soon as I spoke, someone took hold of me. I shoved the gun into the side of the person.

  The man stumbled back but still held on. "My sweet, it’s Siön, Samantha, it’s me!" I heard alarm in his voice.

  I made an effort to withdraw with my elbow hitting muscle, but his superhuman strength held me tightly. "You almost got yourself killed and if you try anything funny, you will." I attempted to sound calm as the dark swallowed us both.

  In the dark surrounded by the arms of a vampire, not my idea of a party.

  Chapter 5

  "Madam we must go at once." He released his hold, placing his hand in mine, uprooting me as he spoke.


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