The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 5

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)

  As soon as our hands touched, lightning heat spread up my arm over my whole body. It was both calming and exhilarating. I never realized a vampire’s hand could be so warm. He led me gently through the room. Amazingly, enough we didn’t bang into one piece of furniture.

  "Shouldn’t these clubs have emergency lighting?" I asked. No sooner had I said it, we were out in a hallway with emergency lighting.

  Siön Baptiste bowed and waved his hands pointing at the lights. "Your wish is my command, my sweet."

  My quick-temper took over as I shook my finger in his face. "As if you had anything to do with the lighting, you…" I stopped before I finished, "Don’t call me your sweet again." He was such a pompous, cocky son of a gun. I fully intended to shoot him the first opportunity I had. Just one wee little shot to the bum nothing too harmful. I smiled to myself at the thought.

  He answered while yanking me down the hallway. "Are you always this difficult?" He looked back only to laugh. "And I did help design this club including the lighting, my sweet."

  He was laughing at me. Demonstrating my anger, I squeezed his hand as hard as I could but his expression remained blank. Just as I let up on his hand I could feel his grip tighten on mine causing me to flinch. We rounded a corner just as he eased up. Ouch! I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction but I knew there would be a bruise in the morning.

  He stopped at the bottom of a long set of stairs spiraling up into the dark. Leaning against the wall, he folded his arms watching me curiously. "Ladies first, mon petit beauté." An odd look crossed his face as I moved past him. His accent lingered on my body like the warm touch of his hand.

  I swirled around only to notice him covering the smirk washing over his face with his hand. "Don’t get any ideas and what does that mean? Mon pet… whatever... you know what I mean." I asked.

  Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly he flashed me a sexy grin. "What does what mean, my beau l’orage?"

  His voice was so bewitching and I cringed to think he might be using it to seduce me. It wasn’t going to work. He can have his fun toying with me.

  Siön Baptiste held out his hand. "Why are you so angry? I have done nothing wrong." He smiled wickedly.

  "Forget it, let’s just get out of here." As we started up the steps, I remembered Trevor still waiting in the club. "Wait, Trevor! We have to go back and get my friend."

  Siön Baptiste looked lost for a moment, and then he shook his head. "We cannot go back, it is not safe." He kept pushing me up the stairs. "You will not die on my watch, beau l’orage." His voice whispered over my skin.

  I turned wide-eyed to him. He looked very serious, eyes swirling seductively. He cocked his head smiling widely causing my face to burn with anger. My heart hammered loudly in my throat as I moved closer to the edge of the steps. "I am not going anywhere without Trevor. And please stop using vampire tricks on me!" I screeched angrily.

  He watched me carefully and replied. "Then I will be forced to carry you, beau l’orage." With one sweeping motion, he effortlessly picked me up and headed up the stairs. "Oh, and I am not using my powers on you, beau l’orage. It is just my amazing charm and good looks wooing you." He laughed as he continued on his way. "You are beautiful when you are angry, little storm."

  Flashing a livid glance his way I continued to struggle in his arms. He just smiled holding me tighter against him. At least I still have my gun!

  As if he read my mind, he grabbed my gun and stuck it in the back of his pants. What the... nobody takes my gun. I started wiggling hitting his chest trying to get out of his strong grip. He was so damn sturdy. The whole time I fought him, he grinned mischievously at me. He was such a handsome cocky son of a bitch.

  "Put me down!" I could feel the anger mounting as I took a deep breath and calmly demanded. "Put me down or I won’t take this job."

  He shrugged his shoulders while squeezing me closer. I felt his hand slip under my skirt grasping my thigh in his palm. "Samantha, if you stop moving, it will make this a lot easier on all of us. Please, Samantha. I swore no harm would come to you. Stop struggling or you will hurt yourself." He slid his hand slowly to my butt, as he continued walking effortlessly up the stairs.

  I bit my tongue as my mind roared in anger, mumbling every profanity known to men. I tried to push him away as the heat built everywhere his body touched me. My response to his touch made me angry with myself. "Get your hands off me, you bloodsucker." We finally reached the top of the stairs and the last thing I wanted to do was plummet down those same steps killing myself. I would be patient and wait for the perfect moment, and then he would pay.

  With a quick flick of his hand, the door before us blew off its hinges flying into the alley. I heard something in the background as we headed through the opening and outside. People were screaming and sirens howled all around us. What the hell! "What is going on?" I smelled smoke. "We need to get Trevor."

  When Siön Baptiste didn’t respond to my pleading, I began to struggle. "I will not leave him," I screamed and kicked more fervently trying to break his hold on me.

  A thick dense smoke floated through the air as Siön Baptiste knelt and put me in a limo. Before I could attempt an escape, Siön Baptiste managed to slide in beside me. "GO!" He yelled, hitting the front of the car.

  As the car pulled out of the alley, I could see the Silver Fang on fire. People ran from the building while the smoke poured from every opening. Tears filled my eyes as I gritted my teeth together trying to force them back, I would not cry. I am not going to give this freak the satisfaction.

  Clutching his arm, I shook him violently. "Please, Please let me go get my friend, please," I begged as I fought back the tears, struggling to open the door. Siön Baptiste’s large body wrapped around mine, holding me. He prevented me from escaping and the determination in his eyes pierced my skin as he held me against him.

  He took both of my hands, drawing them against his chest. "Madam, if I take you back and harm should come to you, I will be killed. If we go back, we might both die. What would that accomplish? I must get you to my master." Frustration laced his words.

  Shoving him away I demanded, "Let me go." I felt the warm trickle of tears running down my face. I kicked the door with my heel trying the handle again with no luck. "If Trevor is harmed in any way, you will pay! Maybe not now or tomorrow but I will hunt you down." I retreated as far away from him as I possibly could.

  Siön Baptiste nudged me back towards him, lightly pressing his mouth to my head. "My sweet, I cannot take you back. I am sorry. Your friend will be fine," he said quietly.

  My anger got the best of me and as I pried away, I slapped him, leaving a red handprint on his cheek. The expression on his face when I hit him was priceless. He showed no emotions, his face was totally blank while he glared at me. His lips rose ever so slightly, showing me his sharp fangs. Both eyebrows lifted in amusement and surprise while he mumbled under his breath.

  It pleased me that I had the nerve to hit him. I sat back silently laughing. He had asked for it since the first time we met. He looked so shocked I couldn’t help but laugh. A slight vibration interrupted my satisfaction, my cell phone. I quickly put my hand down my blouse, retrieving the phone from between my breasts.

  Siön Baptiste spoke quietly, "You continue to surprise me, Samantha."

  I answered the phone. "Sam, its Trevor. Are you okay, are you out?" I heard the panic in his voice.

  Watching Siön Baptiste, I answered carefully. "Trevor, I’m okay, I think. Are you okay?" The tears now fell freely from my eyes.

  "I’m fine. The paramedics want me to go to the hospital. I ran back in to find you." He paused. "Stay at my place. They are going to admit me into the hospital and they won’t take no for an answer. I will call you as soon as I find out what is going on."

  The connection began to break up as I said, "Trevor, be careful."

  I wasn’t willing to lose Trevor and the thought tore a hole in my heart. Placing the phone on the seat, I lowered my head
and cried.

  Siön Baptiste thoughtfully considered my reaction before he said, "Madam, where do you need to go?"

  "313 West Boulevard, Welche's Place." I could hardly see. My eyes were burning from the tears and mascara running down my face.

  Sensing Siön Baptiste’s body stiffening while I was on the phone, I shifted uneasily in my seat. What had changed from just a moment before? His voice sounded flat and cold as he spoke. "I will stay the night to protect you, Mrs. Houston." He rubbed his chin as if in deep thought. "And tomorrow night we will meet Nicholi."

  Correcting his mistake immediately I replied, "It’s Miss Houston and I don’t need your protection. I’m not sure I want your job either." I took a deep breath, my body suddenly feeling very weary.

  He faced the window turning his back towards me. "That was not your husband on the phone?" He asked, curiously.

  "No, and even if it was, it’s none of your business. I don’t need to explain anything to you." I suddenly wanted to be anywhere but around Siön Baptiste. I wanted to find Trevor and I wanted out.

  Siön Baptiste acknowledged my irritation with a smug nod. "Madam, I am sorry if I offended you, I meant no harm."

  "Bite me!" I knew as soon as the words left my mouth it was the wrong thing to say.

  Siön Baptiste quickly closed the gap between us sliding across the seat. He hovered over my ear so close I could feel his breath against my neck. "My pleasure." His tongue flicked tantalizingly against my skin while his fangs scraped over my pulse.

  I froze in panic as his mouth worked its magic. I was in some kind of trance and couldn’t move. I felt a small pin prick then a wave of pleasure as his fangs sunk into my neck. I cried out as wave after wave of hot liquid lava pumped through my veins. He slowly pulled away licking the pinholes he left. I felt like I was floating above and out of my body.

  I wiggled away from his mouth moving to the opposite side of the seat. A warm blush crept up my neck covering my face. My body sizzled at the burning sensation caused by his touch. I felt very uncomfortable; I wanted to jump out of the car. "You… You… Your teeth were in my neck!"

  He shuddered, his voice husky with desire, "Yes, and that is just a taste of what I can offer you. Did you not ask me to bite you?" His eyes were dilated and fangs were elongated.

  The car rolled to a stop and I immediately recognized the street corner. I tried opening the door but it wouldn’t budge. "Let me out. I can walk the rest of the way!" I was tired and my voice shook with anger and frustration. "Let me out!" I struggled with the handle and I sensed Siön Baptiste drawing closer. He reached across my lap, grabbed the handle, and gently opened the door. I slid out and started to shut the door but Siön Baptiste stood towering over me before I had a chance to walk away. He was too smooth, too fast for me.

  I waited, hands on my hips while my foot stomped furiously. "Oh no you don’t, get back into that car." I pointed angrily at the limousine. "You are not coming anywhere near me. You bite people!" I screeched the last words out feeling my face redden in anger. He was really starting to piss me off, so much I couldn’t think straight.

  "Madam, my master will kill me. I must stay to make sure nothing happens to you tonight." He pleaded, holding his hand out to me moving closer. I backed up and when I refused to take his offer, he simply shrugged his shoulders. "You are a spoiled brat, Samantha Houston."

  "A brat?" I chuckled. "You have no idea. Give me my gun now."

  "Why?" He asked.

  "Oh no reason at all other than I WANT TO SHOOT YOU." I hollered hands on my hip.

  He put his hand down and shook his head. "No, I do not think that would be wise in your present state of mind." He looked around the empty sidewalk nervously. "I will not flash a gun out in the open when there is no need. Come with me, Samantha."

  "You can’t just bite me!" I didn’t give him a chance to finish before I started hurriedly down the sidewalk.

  "But I did." He chuckled loudly.

  I cursed him under my breath repeatedly. The nerve of him, to bite me and then act as if he owned me. I refused to turn back to see if he was following. I just wanted to get to the apartment so I could call Trevor.

  A brat, how dare he. I got half way down the street and something halted me in my tracks. I tried to move and I couldn’t.

  "You can run my darling, but you cannot hide. You are part of me now. Come back to me."

  "GET OUT OF MY MIND, YOU FREAK!" I screamed. I ran to the apartment complex. My car was still parked at the club along with my keys to get into the building. I had an annoying habit of leaving my keys in the car. I kicked the brick wall and pounded my fist into the building. Ouch! It was all his fault, Siön Baptiste would pay. This night can’t possibly get any worse. I marched up the stairs to the door.

  I rang Mrs. Fields call button. "Mrs. Fields, can you let me in? I forgot my keys." I turned to the dark empty street sensing a strong rift in the cool evening breeze. "Mrs. Fields, are you there?"

  Starting to feel a little frightened, I reached for my gun and realized Siön Baptiste still had my weapon. Looking down the dark street, I thought I saw a shadow larger than Siön Baptiste heading in my direction. "No, No, this night can’t get any worse."

  I rang Mrs. Field’s call button repeatedly. "Please, Mrs. Fields pick up."

  That was when I felt the sensation crawling up my skin into my mind. Someone was watching me and it wasn’t Siön Baptiste. I whipped around only to notice a man dressed in black stalking me from across the street. He smiled flashing white teeth. The aura was inhuman and dangerous. He was a werewolf. I wanted to scream as he took a step in my direction. It was the same feeling of dread I had when I left to pick Trevor up at his building. This being had followed me earlier.

  He stopped moving as Mrs. Fields voice came over the speaker. "Sammy, is that you?" Standing in the dark, I was relieved when her sweet old voice broke the deafening silence. Knowing I was just a step away from safety allowed me to release the breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

  "Yes Mary, it’s me. Can you buzz me in? Quickly, Mary." My voice was shaking as tears started billowing down my face. I was afraid to look back in the direction of the werewolf. "Hurry. Hurry." I begged.

  "Of course, sweetie. Tell Trevor I said ‘Hello.’"

  With a buzz and a click, the door unlocked. I just wanted to get inside away from the creatures of the night. I knew with the bloodsucking vamp on my arse and now a werewolf, I was in genuine danger. Her voice trailed off as I started to enter the building. Before I could move, a long arm reached over my head pushing the door open.

  Frozen in fear, my eyes followed the hand up to the arm, I turned to see Siön Baptiste with a very smug look on his face while he held the door. He wasn’t around a minute ago and this disappearing and reappearing act had to stop before I lost it and started shooting things. The werewolf was gone.

  "You look pleased with yourself." I shook my head furiously causing my hair to whip around my face, but I was truly relieved to see the vampire. "Siön Baptiste, you have to leave. I am not letting a vampire into my friend’s home to bite his neighbors." My voice was stern, as I turned to face him head on.

  He leaned up against the door with his hands folded over his broad chest. "Would you rather I invite the werewolf to spend the night with you? His bite would not be as pleasant." He was so confident that I couldn’t resist him, but he was dead wrong. "I cannot leave you to that fate or Nicholi would have my head."

  I waved my finger in his face finally shoving it into his firm chest. "I am so sick of hearing your sob story. Get over it. You’re already dead, nothing new." I walked into the building and as soon as he slid in behind me, I pushed him up against the wall and grabbed him firmly around the neck. "A girl can only take so much, Siön Baptiste. You are dangerously close to pushing my last button." I said.

  "Has anyone told you how lovely you are when you’re angry?" He held my gaze with his eyes. He smiled but the fire burning behind those beautiful green gl
obes held dangers I could only imagine. Sneering he said, "I would very much like to push your buttons, my beau l’orage."

  "If you so much as lay a hand on anyone in this building, you will regret it." As I spoke, I raised my knee, pushing it into his groin. "Do you understand?"

  He coughed and nodded. "Oh, I think I get the point." He mumbled in French as he watched me. I didn’t understand a word he said and it only further fueled my anger. I so wanted to slap him again, wiping the grin off his pretty little face. Instead, I walked to the elevator and waited. After all the steps tonight in heels, I was going to take a shortcut.

  "It might help if you push the button, my sweet." He whispered in my ear emphasizing the word push. Taking my finger, he guided it to the button. Warmth spread up my entire arm with his gentle but strong touch. He forced me to push the button, the movement of his hand over mine prodding me forward.

  I couldn’t take the heat from his gaze or touch so I pried my now tingling hand away from his grasp. Pushing past him, I entered the elevator embarrassed by my stupidity.

  He followed me, asking what floor. As he pressed the button, he turned with a devilish grin, "Madam, does that include you?"

  I looked at him puzzled, "What?"

  "Can I lay a hand on you tonight or two?" He smiled, eyes twinkling as he ran his hands through his hair.

  He was so infuriating I wanted to scream bloody murder. "Are you going to force me to take my frustrations out on you? Because if that occurs I can’t promise you what might happen. I really don’t want to hurt you." I scoffed. Well maybe just a little.

  His smile quickly faded as he moved to my side. Purring in my ear he said, "I do believe you will hurt me someday, Samantha, but not physically." He paused, blowing teasingly over my neck. "Just try to take your frustrations out on me. It will not be as easy as you think, my beau l’orage." He moved his arm over my stomach. My double-crossing body wobbled from the nearness of his warmth.

  My stomach exploded in a sea of arousal under his heated gaze and smoldering touch. I lowered my eyes pleading with him. "Why don’t you just leave? What do you really want from me? Why did you bite me?" My voice just a whisper.


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