Solis: Modern Descendants

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Solis: Modern Descendants Page 13

by elda lore

  “I…I…” How could I tell him? “A warmth,” I offered, swallowing hard on the word. It was all I could explain. An image of the lowering sun increased the tingling of my thighs, and I shuffled my legs for friction. Solis did not miss the motion. His fingers skipped to my side, his knuckles brushed around the swell of my breast and curved down my waist. Fingertips finally reached the band of my shorts and drew a line back and forth at the entrance.

  “Let me feel how warm you are?” The question rolled over me like clouds tumbling in an overcast sky. The words collided and thrilled me. A storm brewed between my thighs. A gray anticipation enhanced the desire. Solis wasn’t black or white, yes or no. I didn’t know where I stood with him or where this would lead, but gods forgive me, I wanted his hands on me. I hadn’t answered him before his large fingers dipped to slide my shorts and underwear to my hips and then slinked forward to my most intimate area. Cupping me at first, I flinched at the contact. The warmth of his palm heated me like the melting sun. A nervous giggle escaped. The tenderness of his touch and the intensity of his gaze tinted the moment as raw and real and frightening.

  “So hot, Veva,” he whispered. “I burn for you.” His lips didn’t reach for mine, and a combination of relief and disappointment warred within me. He hadn’t touched my mouth with his after our hasty kiss in the racing field, but my lips longed for another taste of sunshine. On the other hand, kissing increased any emotional connection, threatening to overwhelm me, and I didn’t need emotion to take over my heart.

  His curled hand relaxed to one slender finger slipping through sensitive folds. My breath caught again at the sensation. Heat sliced through me. Solis’ eyes watched where his hand worked, carving out the craving in my body and a notch in my heart. The length of his finger circled and curled until it found the right spot, the spot only I had discovered. My eyes flicked wide, and then lazily the lids lowered as I melted under the heat of his touch. The warmth of the setting sun spread, blanketing me in a blaze of desire that increased with the pressure of Solis’ fingers. As my breath hitched and my hips rocked, sparks kindled, creeping up my legs and catching at my core, begging to ignite. Solis took his time to tenderly tease me with tortuous twists and turns. A long, thick digit lingered at my entrance before lighting me up as it entered.

  “Solis?” I whispered, as confusion collided with the most exhilarating sensation. Warmth burst forth. My legs trembled. My hips slowed to dance over his palm. When his thumb found that special spot, I clenched around his finger. I wanted to hold him in. I wanted him to drag it out. I didn’t want any of it to end. My eyes rolled back. My fists clasped the sheets as my back arched. Animalistic and raw, I groaned as something powerful, wonderful and indescribable rippled through me. Like clouds in a heated battle for control of the sky, I crashed and rained down on Solis.

  “That’s it, Veva.” His voice tempted me, and his mouth found my shoulder as I rode the summer rainstorm. I soared through the lingering mist, floating a million miles from the bed. As I came down from my high, my eyes opened slowly to find a smirking Solis staring down at me. Torn between smacking him or kissing him, I cursed myself for letting him get under my skin. I swallowed, waiting for what would come next. My euphoric high threatened to crash into a full-on thunderstorm of tears at the sudden insecurity of that smirk. He’d gotten what he wanted. It would only be a second before he’d slink away. Liquid filled my eyes, and I fought off the tears with rapid blinks.

  Instead, he pulled up my underwear and kissed my shoulder again. He shifted, and removed his sweat pants to reveal dark gray boxer briefs. My heart raced anew.

  “I…” His finger came to my lips and held them closed.

  “I want to paint a picture of you in this moment.” He didn’t say it in his typical snarky way, but instead like he wanted to remember this second as a snapshot. He waited, eyes begging. My response involved my tongue slipping out to lick the pad of his finger. His eyes opened wider and a slow curve spread his lips. I kissed the tip of his finger, and then opened my mouth to draw in the digit.

  “Veva.” He exaggerated the Vs, moaning them, and I liked the sound too much. I sucked harder, releasing his finger after a slow drag to the back of my throat. His haunting smile grew and he pulled back his finger. He sat back, separating my ankles, and resting a hand on the tattooed one.

  “I’ve wanted to pet this bird for too long,” he muttered and I giggled.

  “You want to touch the peacock?” I teased.

  “No, that’s what I want you to do.” His tone was serious, despite the joking implication. Nervously, I reached for him, but he stopped me. He slid forward between my thighs that willing opened for him and I cursed my body again. What’s wrong with you? Why are you moving in unison with every command he makes of you? Bucking at the contact with the length of him, I had my answer. Only his briefs stood between the tip of him and the still-clothed core of me.

  “I just want to press against you, Veva, to feel the strength of you against the strength of me.” His hands braced on either side of my shoulders as he tenderly thrust forward, mimicking a motion I understood. Despite telling me he was a god, he wanted me to feel how real he was as a man.

  “This is as far as we’ll go, Vee. I just…I just…” A vein in his neck rose and his eyes closed as he drew forward. His head tipped back as he rocked against me. “I just need to feel you feeling me.” Strangely, I understood what he meant.

  “I want you to feel that I’m more man than god.” His eyes begged me to understand, but I didn’t. I was too wrapped up in painting my own image, one I knew would be permanently etched in my head. A snarky, cocky, powerful man, rocking over me, his face full of pleasure, his eyes filled with desire. This wasn’t my typical romp. This was something more, and it frightened me that it felt so strong. It scared me that it would burn, and yet, I wanted the flame. Solis did not disappoint. He danced over me and my body followed his lead. I gave in a second time with a subtler cry. This time, it was Solis who released the god in him.


  I fell into a restless sleep of fighting clouds and lightning skies. There was an argument of some type in my dream, and I was sent away from the estate. I cried out for Solis to find he was the one banishing me. I woke with a jolt, alone, and not surprisingly. Solis had already surprised me enough with his tender touch. Wrapping me into him, holding me tight against his chest, and stroking my hair until I slept, my awe was complete. Being alone did not shock me. What did, was the ache in my chest that he left.

  Why do men leave? I’d heard Persephone ask him in the rain. The same question haunted me. I’d been in enough compromising positions to know men didn’t stay if they didn’t get what they wanted, and once they got what they wanted, they always left. Either way, I lost. Solis was no different to me, and yet recalling his touch, I wanted him to be. The delicacy with which he traced over my skin, like he worshipped it, I wanted to believe he was different; that I was different to him, and that’s when it hit me. This is how he made them feel – all those girls – they felt like me. Worshipped. Replete. And totally taken by him. Sitting up, I ran a hand through my messy hair, still smelling sunshine on the sheets. When I turned to the night stand, a small cairn of rocks stood at the corner. A marker. He had been here. My lips warred with a smile at the sweet gesture while tears threatened to flood my eyes.

  I wandered to the breakfast room, wondering if I would find Persephone there. Instead I found Zeke again with Mel.

  “Good morning,” Zeke offered cheerfully, but Mel glared. “Did you sleep well despite the storm?”

  I turned toward the three large windows lining the dining space. “There was a storm last night?”

  “Yes. At one point the windows rattled. I thought the house would cave in.” Mel’s clawing sound ripped over my skin. Something seemed off about her presence at such an early hour.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” I replied, shaking my head at the thought. I hadn’t heard a thing outside of the breaths and g
roans of myself and Solis. How could I have missed such a powerful storm? “Well, it looks particularly bright and sunny today.”

  “It certainly does.” The booming tenor filled the room and I turned in the direction of Solis propped against the entrance to the room.

  “Solis,” Mel squeaked before I could respond. The momentary smile on his sunlit face faded instantly at the address from his previous lover.

  “Mel?” Solis’ eyes shifted from Mel to his father and back. “I see,” he muttered. The grinding sound of his voice made me shudder suddenly. My hands rubbed up and down my chilled arms. His eyes leapt to me.

  “We should talk,” Mel addressed him as she stood. She stepped toward Solis. My brows pinched in question. His body straightened and he raised a hand in her direction. I noticed Zeke lowered his head to his breakfast.

  “Actually, I have plans.” With those words, he spun on his heels and exited the room. Mel turned to glare at me again, but I returned the smirk. I had my own demons with Solis, for leaving me alone this morning. Facing off with Mel, only added to my displeasure. I reached for a chair, although I was no longer hungry. As my fingers curled around the back of the seat, movement caught the corner of my eye. From where I stood, I had a clear shot out the entrance of the breakfast room. Solis stood within the shadows motioning for me to come to him. My eyes pinched in his direction for a moment, but his waving insistence continued in earnest.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” I coughed. “I’m not really hungry after all.” I pushed at the chair before me and walked slowly to the exit of the room. Solis had already stepped farther away from the dining area. Once I crossed the threshold, he continued to walk backward motioning me to hurry. He turned slightly, holding back his hand, but continuing to pace forward, picking up his speed. By the time I reached for his hand, heels clicked on the tile behind me. Wrapping my fingers in his, Solis practically dragged me along behind him.

  “Solis.” The screech echoed off the hallway walls chasing behind us as we ran. We broke through the front door and Solis shifted behind me. With ease, he gripped my hips and hoisted me into his Jeep. He used the roll bar to hoist himself upward on my side and swung over me to get to his seat. Falling in the driver seat with a heavy thump, he twisted the key as the front door opened. With another shriek of his name, he hit the gas and the open vehicle lurched forward. I had no idea where we were headed, but I smiled at the fact that Solis picked me.


  I shook with anger. My father slept with Mel. There was no other explanation for her presence so early in the morning. It might even explain her appearance last evening. She must have wandered off from him in hopes to tell me this morning. She continued in vain to tempt me with jealousy. The only person worthy of such an emotion sat next to me and the laughter escaping her lips as we cleared the dirt drive relaxed my tension. Bubbles floated upward and popping in surprise, and my smile grew that she produced that sound for me.

  “That was crazy.” Her hands clapped and she turned back in her seat, but we were too far from the front entrance for Mel to see anything. The estate gates parted for us and we hit the open road.

  “Where are we going?” She yelled over the whipping wind. I’d hit eighty-miles-per-hour almost instantly and her hair blew wildly in the open air of the Jeep. Attempting to brush it back herself, I reached over and held a clump at the nape of her neck. Tugging at it forced her to look at me.

  “I love to look at your neck,” I blurted. “And I’m sorry you woke alone. I had training this morning and I didn’t want to wake you.” I smiled to reassure her as I’d seen the doubt in her blue eyes. Hurt filled that turquoise center as she looked at me across the breakfast room. A slow smile curled her luscious lips. I couldn’t forgive myself for not kissing her first before I touched her last night. I hoped today would make up for it. Finally getting to massage the inked bird on her calf gave me the idea after I left this morning.

  “What training?”

  “The Olympiad games in two days. It’s the highlight of the week, next to the ball.” My grueling training sessions included more than basic calisthenics and boxing.

  “I still have so much to learn about my powers,” I offered. I drew closer to mastering my strength. I’d let the power control me. Once. The result was deadly, and I didn’t wish to repeat it. The weight of that sin bore heavily on me. I had to be ready.

  “What power?”

  “I’ll show you some day. When I’m ready.” I wanted to be able to control it before I flaunted it.

  “What are the games?”

  “The games were the highlight of the week for my father’s celebration. Traditional sports battled on an open field.” They seemed like pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey compared to my personal training, but there was still a need to prove myself amongst the other competitors, most of whom were siblings or cousins.

  “It’s all cousins and siblings competing in good fun, but also to impress Zeke. Everyone wants his favor.”

  “Except you.” I snuck a glance at her, as her eyes weighed on me.

  “I want to impress him, too. I want him to know I mean him no harm, despite the things he does to me. He’s still the one who found me and brought me here. He could have turned me away as he’s done to others. I have that one bed, that one roof, that I mentioned last night.”

  “It seems like it’s still not enough, though.” How observant my little peacock was, as she sat, correct in her assessment. There remained a missing piece to my safety and stability. A final link to feeling whole sat under my grip at the nape of her neck. I just wasn’t ready to tell her that yet.

  “I’m working on it,” I offered, sensing she waited for an answer.

  “Speaking of the ball, I never thanked you for the dress,” she said shyly. Her lids dipped and a small smile curled her lips.

  “I can’t wait to see you in it.” Not only did I replace the dress I’d ruined by dropping us in the pool, I purchased a second one. Thinking of her in it, and then her out of it, strained my lower regions and memories of last night filtered through my brain. Veva under me painted a vivid image, but I needed more to complete the masterpiece.

  I didn’t release the hair I held at her neck, and we drove on in idle chatter after that. An hour later, we reached my undisclosed destination. Pulling into a parking space near a public park, Veva instantly noticed my surprise. Grabbing the roll bar at the top of the front windshield, she pulled herself to stand and stared forward. Her eyes gleamed and her mouth curved wide.

  “Peacocks?” She questioned with a giggle.

  “Peacocks.” Dozens of the royal blue-necked birds filled the open space, wandering freely among the fences, bushes and grass. In an effort to migrate the peacocks away from the surrounding homes, the community built a bird park. The space worked. While the gorgeous creatures still wandered amid the clapboard houses of the community, the nuisance of their roaming dissipated with the new area. Veva continued to stare in wonder.

  “I’d never seen one before.” I stood to match her position, crossing my arms to rest over the roll bar.


  “Yep. A first.” A smile filled her voice as she continued to watch the creatures strut slowly amongst each other.

  “Another one,” I mumbled, proud of myself. I had no doubt the result of touching Veva had been a first for her. In many ways, it had been a first for me as well. I wasn’t used to taking time. I rushed in, I claimed, I retreated. I didn’t linger and I never stayed like I had last night. But the look in Veva’s eyes as she watched me rock over her, the longing to trust me and the conflict to not, stabbed at my heart.

  “Can we get out and pet one?” She asked, ignoring my comment. Her mouth twisted with the innocent question.

  “I’m not sure. This is their natural habitat. I think they can be mean when frightened.” Veva shook her head in understanding.

  “They are so beautiful. Graceful and exotic.” She sighed watching as a few pranced together toward a
larger bird.

  “Yes,” I exhaled, watching her watch them. The peacock symbolized her. She matched the bird in grace and poise. Her beautiful eyes matched the brilliant colors of their plumes, making her exotic as well. She turned them on me, and the excitement at my gift intensified in their reflection. I was mesmerized. She cast a spell on me. The noisy cackling of the birds broke our connection and Veva twisted to observe them again. One rose its tail feathers, literally, and the elongated design spread to a full fan. Thousands of eyes stared back at us.

  “They’re looking at me,” she said nervously. “The feathers are staring at me.”

  “They recognize a queen.” The comment jolted her attention to me, but I turned away this time. All those eyes watching her. Watching me. That’s how I felt on the estate. They were all watching, waiting for what I would do. Would I fulfill the prophecy? Would I dispel it instead? The question haunted my father. Keep your family close, your enemies closer, unless they were one and the same.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said they see their queen.”

  “No,” she said. “After that. About enemies.”

  I hadn’t realized I’d muttered the saying aloud.

  “Keep your family close, your enemies closer, unless they are one and the same.”

  “Isn’t it keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?” She chuckled lightly.

  “Not in my case,” I exhaled, letting my hands gently tap the glass beneath them.

  “What does that mean?”

  “My father says it.” I paused, hesitant to tell her more. She loved my father. She trusted him, and I didn’t want to ruin her relationship with him, but I didn’t trust him around her.

  “Let’s get out and walk. We’ll see how close we can get.” Knowing she waited in anticipation to be closer to the birds, I decided I would deny her nothing. Hopping out my side, I hollered back for her to wait for me, but she’d already jumped down from her side of the Jeep. I came around to her and reached out a hand to guide her closer. She hesitated. More distrust.


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