Solis: Modern Descendants

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Solis: Modern Descendants Page 14

by elda lore

  “Take my hand,” I commanded with a whisper. Her fingers shook as she reached for mine. Entwining our fingers, I led her a step toward the birds. Despite her intrigue at the peacocks, something weighed on her mind. Thinking my brave Veva was suddenly frightened of the unusual creatures, she stared down at our linked fingers.

  “What is it?” I squeezed.

  “She slept with your father. Doesn’t that anger you?” Her question completely shocked me, referencing Mel who I did not wish to bring into our day.

  “Not as much as the possibility he wants to sleep with you.” I tugged her forward another two steps. The closest birds parted at our approach.

  “That’s gross. Zeke is like a father to me.” Her brows pinched in consternation.

  “That won’t stop him.”

  “It will stop me.” The conviction in her statement pleased me. I bent to pick up a long, lone quill admiring the varying colors in the feathery shape, in particular the one at the center that matched her eyes. I twirled the feather between my fingers, not letting go of hers with my other hand. Pointing the plume in her direction, I tickled it down her neck. She giggled in response to the touch.

  “He’s very persuasive.”

  “Then I see where you get it from, because so are you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” A smile graced my lips. I stopped our slow pace and stepped closer.

  “Did you like me persuading you last night?” I drew down her neck, dragging the feather between her breasts, watching her chest rise as she sucked in a breath. She bit her lip and my mouth watered.

  “Could I persuade you to do another thing?” I tugged her to my chest and her hand landed over my heart. She hadn’t answered before my lips were millimeters from hers. “Kiss me.”

  The words exhaled over her mouth. She answered with a tender brush of peachy lips over mine, too soft and too brief. As she pulled back, I captured her mouth instantly, refusing to let her go. I wanted more, so much more and my lips demanded it of her. Tugging the deep bow of her bottom lip between mine, I held her still until our mouths matched in contact. The hand holding hers released and wound upward into her hair, tugging her closer by the nape of her neck. My other hand wrapped over her hip, pinching the feather with my fingers at her side. I had plans for that feather and the rest of her skin, but for now her mouth was my desire. Warm, wet, and willing, she dove into this kiss, responding to each nip with one of her own.

  When my mouth took her lower lip, her tongue teased my upper one with a lick. The temptation triggered a full onslaught of lips on lips and tongues twirling with tongues. She pressed into me, and my mouth claimed hers, sucking on her tongue before beginning a delicate dance. Our mouths melded together as if her lips were made for mine. That strange familiarity overcame me, as if I knew her mouth, as if mine had been waiting to return to hers. This kiss answered my quandary. Her lips belonged to me, but even stronger was a sense she owned mine in return.

  I’m not sure how long we stood among the peacocks and kissed, but when a feather brushed my ankle, I pulled back at the strange sensation. Looking down and around us, the birds surrounded us, as if we were part of their flock. Statuary and still, we stood amid a sea of royal blue and feathered eyes draped like a bridal gown train behind each owner. A vision of Veva dressed in white, with a tail of feathers following her, flashed before me. When a slow smile lit her face, warmth filled me and my heart ached at the thought of her marrying a real man one day. As if to drive the vision home, I turned toward the Jeep to find a rare, solid white peacock perched on the hood. Its beady black eyes focused on Veva, sharing a secret with her royal highness before taking a giant leap for the extended length of a wooden fence.

  “Wow,” Veva sighed, following the movement of the unusual bird.

  Wow, I thought when Veva turned back to me, her eyes alight, matching the color of the creatures so connected to her. She leaned forward to kiss me again, with lips persuading me she might pick me as that future man.


  Two days later, the games began. The yard bustled with activity. White tents circled the large expanse of lawn outlined for a variety of classical Olympic competitions. While the friendly banter among brothers and cousins included taunting teases and insinuating insults, an underlying tone of battle ensued. Each competitor wished to win and earn the good graces of Zeke, a true patriarch to his family.

  In many ways, I was no different. I wanted Zeke’s approval. I needed to prove I was not the prophecy. I was not his enemy; I was his son. I looked for Veva in all the excitement. I needed her strength and I envisioned her under me, looking up at me with those haunting eyes. She needed trust from me and I wanted to give her everything. But these were thoughts I had to suppress in order to perform. Keep your head in the games, my trainer admonished.

  Political, athletic, and artistic, the modern event on Zeke’s estate was no different than those original games in appreciation of the body. Descendants battled for Zeke’s attention. Competitors fought for victory. Artists admired the athletes in song or modern artistry—photography. I found myself in the center of such a display, as a set of special-invitation media hounds took photographs, recorded interviews, and asked for autographs. Let the games begin, I muttered in my head.

  “Solis, any comments on a special woman in your life?”

  “No comment.”

  “So does that mean there is one?”

  “No comment means no comment.”

  In that moment, my eyes found Veva’s on the edge of the crowd. That pained look I’d seen before returned, but I didn’t wish to expose her to all the attention. I wanted her attention on me. The opposite occurred—she turned away, with Callie, Di, and Ionia at her side. My insides roiled with the thought of ex-lovers comparing and sharing stories with Veva, but the first call to games went out, and the crowd dispersed as a whole.

  Traditional sports recalled our heritage. The first events included racing, and the clear winner would always be Hermes. Known for his speed and agility, Hermes was a wily guy. A trickster at heart, speed was his sport, and car racing was a more modern interest. Our father disapproved. Leos presented a second disfavored son in car racing. His thieving ways added to our father’s disapproval.

  In wrestling and boxing, there was no match for War. A descendant of a close relative to my father, the military hero in him knew how to fight. He also fought unfairly in love. His interest lay with Heph’s fiancé, Lovie, and their uncensored attention proved embarrassing. While Heph had no place in most of the day’s events, the fight in him could be unparalleled if called to action. He saved his competitive spirit for long jump, an event he surprisingly dominated despite the bum leg. Triton would take all swimming events, which were added over time to appease Idon and his offspring. Dionysius remained uninvolved in all sports other than the skill to lift a glass to his lips and drink heartily. The final competition would be in discus and javelin throwing.

  I still hadn’t found Veva again, but I assumed her present. Everyone was. As I lined up against my competitors, I saw Veva standing near Leos. Smiling brightly at her, he pushed back a stray hair and held his hands behind her neck as he spoke. The position was a familiar stance of my own and it irritated me that he copied my move. Anger roared through me. Everywhere I turned, men were taken with Veva. More annoying was her interest in them. I wanted her attention on me. The clear sunny sky was slowly invaded with rolling dark clouds. A crackle of thunder off in the distance drew some attention. Zeke signaled to speed up the games with the opposing weather front. His eyes met mine across the field.

  Discus was first. A circular object similar in size to a dinner plate, the object weighed over five pounds, in solid metal forged by my very own brother, Heph. I spun in the necessary circles and released the disc, watching it spiral to the projected target area. Several competitors followed me, but only one concerned me. Leos had strength to master this event, and his practiced arm threw the disc just far enough that it landed on mine, dangling off
to the edge. The symbolic image wasn’t lost on me. The sun overpowered the clouds most days, but my destiny included the complete sky.

  The next event was javelin and my power would show who held the strength between Leos and I. His glorious, ray of sunshine javelin burst forth and flew quite a distance. The crowd cheered and applauded his tremendous ability. Leos exited the arena and walked straight for Veva. My father’s eyes met mine again before shifting to Leos. He smiled appreciatively at his son’s effort. Then his eyes narrowed. Reading my face, he knew my intentions. His head shook once in warning, but the caution came too late. I reached behind my back, closed my eyes, calmed my breath and removed the scar. The air crackled and sparks lit from my back as the jagged rod fulfilled its destiny and became a lightning bolt with my touch. Held high in my hands, I aimed for Leos’ ray of sunshine. Poised for the throw, I released the bolt with a mighty thrust and watched as it far surpassed Leos’ reach. The bolt hit a tree, splitting it in two before igniting it in flames. The earth rumbled with aftershocks and the dirt shuddered at my feet. A mighty roar of wonder exploded among the observers. My father stood, unimpressed.

  “Holy crap,” Triton laughed, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “How did that feel?” He understood my struggle. I had the strength to kill within me, and I’d worked hard to suppress the ability. Seeing Leos flirt with Veva after Triton’s attempt only a few nights before drove me from valley to mountain top in range of anger.

  “Amazing,” I sighed, stretching back my shoulders at the release of the weight. The bolt lay dormant until I needed it. I’d only used it once, in extreme anger. The results had been deadly.

  Adrenaline rattled through my body and prickles of electric shock worked their way to my fingers and toes. The energy would release slowly and rebuild within me. There was another way to remove the electric energy faster. I turned to find Veva staring at me. Her hand covered those peachy lips that belonged to me. I strutted for her, never losing connection with her eyes. The instant I reached her, I didn’t stop, but reached out for her wrist and tugged her behind me. Sweating and shaking from the heat, I pulled her toward the backside of the pool house. A row of semi-private showers lined the back wall.

  “Solis?” she cried behind me, but I continued onward, ignoring her. “Solis, where are you taking me? What are you doing? Are you all right?” Her last question lowered an octave, full of concern after the initial shock began to wear down.

  “Solis, you’re…you’re…” She wouldn’t have an answer. I wasn’t exactly bleeding in the true sense of the word. My back would appear wounded and open, but the natural course of my skin would heal and repair quickly. A smell of burned skin lingered like a person too long in the sunshine. I needed a shower. And Veva was coming with me.

  I yanked open the wooden door and gently dragged Veva inside. Slamming it shut behind me, we stood close in the tight confines. I spun the faucet and instantly we were drenched in warm water.

  “What do you think you are doing?” she yelled, but her throat caught on unquenchable laughter and her hands cupped water before pushing back her soaked hair. I reached for her neck and tugged her to me, my mouth claiming hers as water pelted us. Her shirt plastered to her luscious shape and her jean shorts, cut too high, slowly retained the water hitting her side. My hand found her backside and cupped one succulent globe, forcing her to crush against me. Our mouths fought, hers mixed with irritation and concern, mine searching for comfort and relief. We carried on for several minutes, kissing and sucking and licking at lips before we heard an undeniable sound.

  “Oh Heph. Yes, Heph.” A corresponding grunt or two or five accompanied the cries. The wooden wall of the shower stall at Veva’s back began to rattle and shake. Veva giggled, and I covered her mouth with my hand. My forehead came to rest on hers. The noise continued at her back. Heavy breathing added to the disturbing symphony, and Veva’s eyes opened wide at a tender moan. A final huff of weighty breath and the rumble of the stall stopped. Veva’s eyes hadn’t left mine. When the door to the used stall opened, and then creaked closed, I removed my hand and Veva bubbled into laughter.

  “Oh my God.”

  “Yes, well, even a god wants to be treated like a man.” I chuckled and Veva gaped at me a moment before launching herself at me. I fell against the support behind me and her legs wrapped around my hips. Holding both delicious backside cheeks, one in each hand, our mouths crashed together again before I winced.

  “Did I hurt you?” She pulled back from my lips and I longed for her immediate return, but my tender back bumping the wooden wall pinched. Her hands wrapped over my shoulders and she paused.

  “Does it hurt?” Her eyes searched my face, longing for understanding of the un-understandable.

  “It stings. It will take a little while before it feels normal again, whatever normal might mean.” Still perched in my hands, pressed against my waist, she watched my mouth as I spoke.

  “You just pulled that off your back.” It was a question and a concern rolled into one, and it gave me pleasure that she cared.

  “I did. It’s what I’ve been training for.”

  Her legs slipped but I hiked her upward, not wanting to let her go.

  “I’m too heavy for you.”


  “Let me go.”

  “Never ever.”

  She smiled slowly. “How about, put me down?”

  “You know all I want to do is light you up.”

  She laughed heartily, jiggling in my arms and jostling herself against me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled herself to nuzzle into the crook at my shoulder.

  “I can’t believe you can joke after what just happened. It must hurt.” Hesitant fingers skimmed my shoulder blade and reached for the wound that had already almost closed. She forced herself free of my hold. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she nudged me to turn. All the while, we ignored the streams of water pouring over us, but the direct contact made me flinch as my back, facing her, centered under the spray. She reached to turn it off but made no other move. Without seeing her, I felt the weight of her eyes taking in my back. My spine crisscrossed in a jagged line, raw and red from the release of my energy source. When her hand came to rest at the base of my spine, I flinched again.

  “Did I hurt you?” Her tender tone relaxed me, and my shoulders fell.

  “No. Just surprised me.” I took a calming breath and looked over my shoulder at her. Her hand returned to my back and delicate fingers traced up the line of the removed bolt. Taking her time to outline the length and then cross the width, her fingers soothed the lingering burn. My hands came forward to rest on the wall of the stall and I hung my head, allowing her fingers to explore. Eventually, they deepened into a massage. Pleasuring pressure worked from the base of my spine upward, until a hand delved up the nape of my neck and into my hair. Tugging it gently, my head pulled back, and Veva stepped closer.

  The brush of her wet T-shirt against my skin sent shivers rippling through me despite the heat. Her mouth came to my shoulder blade and small pecks increased to full sucks of skin up and down and over my back. She worked her way along the scarred skin until she reached my shoulders. Standing shorter than me, her mouth could reach no further, and I spun with the intention to capture her lips again.

  “I know he’s around here somewhere.” The clawing screech of a familiar voice stopped us both just millimeters from meeting mouths.

  “I don’t know why you keep chasing after him.” Another, deeper, female voice responded. Veva winced in my arms.

  “I’m not chasing him. I’m saving him. His father’s making him do it.”

  “I don’t know, Mel. He seemed pretty intense when he looked at her.”

  “He didn’t look intense. He looked pissed off. I know that look. He doesn’t want her.”

  There was a pause as the voices drew closer.

  “Besides his father’s making him babysit her.”

  The separation from Veva was instantaneous
. Her shoulders fell and her feet lowered. As we stood in our perpetual pose of anticipation, Veva had been on her toes. She stood flat-footed and pressed on my chest to release her.

  “Vee,” I whispered shaking my head adamantly.

  “Babysit her?” Di asked.

  “Yeah, Zeke told him he has to watch over her during the week to make-up for throwing her in the pool. He’s almost free of her. Tonight, after the ball, he’s released from his duty. He’s only doing it so he isn’t kicked off the estate.”

  With those words, Veva stepped away from me in the small confines, her back pressed against the wall behind her. Not letting her retreat more than a few inches, I followed her, filling her space.

  “Veva, don’t listen to that. It’s not true…” But she pushed against me hard enough I fumbled backward. The slam of my back against the opposite wall forced a sharp cry. In my weakened moment, Veva reached for the door and pushed outward. She exited the stall, the door slamming in her retreat. I instantly followed, to find a startled Di and a smirking Mel a few feet from the shower. Pleased with herself, Mel turned in the opposite direction of Veva, who stalked back toward the competition field. Di stood still and stared at me. Silently standing beside her stood Letty, with a tear slipping down her face.


  “Where have you been?” Persephone entered our room the next day.

  “Where have you been?” I teased in return. I hadn’t seen my roommate in nearly four days. Her face instantly blushed and her swollen lips spoke a truth her mouth would not mention. Reunited with Hades, I imagined their solitary confinement created a world for only the two of them.

  “You have some explaining to do.” I used my best accent to further tease my best friend.


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