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Drakon's Plunder (Blood of the Drakon)

Page 19

by N. J. Walters

  This was different, but no less potent. Where the last time had been like racing down rapids, this time was more like drifting on a lake in a canoe. There was no rush, only the unhurried advance and retreat as Ezra filled her again and again. She rocked her hips against him in a sensual dance.

  Her orgasm flowed through her in a soft wave, more twinkling lights than fireworks. Ezra moaned long and low, and she felt the warmth of his release fill her.

  He lifted his head and their eyes locked and met. “Thank you.”

  She wasn’t sure what he was thanking her for. For telling him she loved him, or for making love once again. “You’re welcome.” She wasn’t sure what else to say.

  She should be worried about unprotected sex, about a potential pregnancy, but that was the least of her worries. But still… “Should we be using condoms?”

  “No.” He stroked the side of her face and kissed the tip of her nose. “You won’t get pregnant unless I want you to.”

  Now that was a useful skill. “You’re sure?” Not that she didn’t believe him, but that was one heck of a thing to take on faith. Then she laughed. Considering everything else she’d taken on faith since they met, this one was actually lower on the list of crazy.

  “Positive.” Ezra eased away and sprawled next to her, his arms stretched over his head and his eyes closed. He appeared totally relaxed. A part of her envied him that, and another part wanted to smack him. How dare he be relaxed when she was in inner turmoil?

  She hated the separation even as she needed it. She had to get a grip on her emotions before she made her situation worse. She still had no idea what he thought of her confession, but he didn’t seem upset. That was something.

  Neither had he returned the sentiment, which she was doing her best not to dwell on. She was a big girl, a grown woman. She knew the score. People didn’t always love you back. It wasn’t the end of the world. In fact, it was probably for the best considering the impermanence of their situation.

  “So what now?” She grabbed the shirt she’d been wearing earlier and drew it on. There were only two buttons still attached, and she did them up. It was better than nothing.

  Ezra opened his eyes and rolled to his side. The sunlight made his tattoo shimmer, as though it were metallic. It was incredibly beautiful and another reminder he was more than a man. He was a rare and precious creature that had to be protected from those who wished to do him harm.

  He was totally unconcerned with his nudity, but considering what he looked like, why would he be? He was also still aroused, which she tried not to notice. It seemed that along with enhanced senses, he also had other extra skills, like being able to make love all night or day.

  Sam shoved thoughts of sex out of her head even as her nipples tingled. Now was not the time for more sex. She was going to be sore as it was.

  “Now,” he began. “Now I get dressed and go check on my salvage crew and the Knights.”


  Duty called, and Ezra knew he had to move. He should already be out there on his company’s boat, talking to the client and his manager, Kent, about the project. It was a big one, potentially lucrative for Easton Salvage. And honestly, Ezra wouldn’t mind taking the Knights’ money. It would only be a drop in the bucket for them, but it was the thought that counted.

  He really didn’t want to leave Sam. She’d gone from relaxed to stressed in a heartbeat. And the talk of children left him feeling unsettled. He’d never considered having a child until now. The thought of Sam growing heavy with his child filled him with longing even as the idea made him crazy. How could he protect a mate and a child?

  One step at a time. The first thing he needed to do was get the lay of the land. That meant he had to leave his island, something he was never fond of doing unless he was taking to the sea.

  He sighed and forced himself to roll to his feet. The day was wasting, and neither of them would relax until they knew exactly what they were dealing with. He held out his hand, but Sam waved it off.

  “You go ahead and get ready without me. We both know what will happen if I go to the bathroom with you.”

  As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew it was true. Sam looked tousled and rosy lying in the sunlight. She also looked pensive. The second he’d stood, she’d grabbed the end of the comforter and wrapped it around herself. He much preferred her naked.

  “I’ll only be gone as long as I have to.” His protective instincts were working overtime. The primal need to guard Sam was threatening his control and testing his sanity. The dragon in him wanted to drag her off to a cave where no one could find her. The more intellectual part of him knew information was power. Tarrant would be proud, as that was his brother’s mantra.

  And speaking of his brother… “I’m going to call Tarrant before I leave. See if he knows more about Aaron Dexter, what’s going on with the Knights, and what he’s learned about the Dragon Guard.”

  He gathered the clean clothes he needed and headed to the door. “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “Guest bathroom. You can use the master bath. I should only be ten minutes. Maybe less.” He heard her scrambling to her feet and the bathroom door closed a second later.

  He made his way to the guest bath, sluiced water on his face, cleaned himself up, and pulled on his clothes. He was done in under five minutes. He listened and could hear Sam moving around in his bathroom. He liked the sound. It was homey. It felt right having her here, in his private space.

  He hurried downstairs to his office and grabbed his phone off the desk. He thought about calling Tarrant but knew Sam would want to hear whatever was said. Food was his second thought. He was still hungry.

  He pulled the fixings for roast beef sandwiches from the refrigerator and started assembling a stack of them. Whatever he didn’t eat before he left, he’d take with him. He also planned to hit up a drive-thru as soon as he hit town. He checked the time on his phone. He needed to get a move on if he wanted to get out to the Easton today.

  He heard Sam’s footsteps, even though they wouldn’t be audible to a regular person. She hovered in the doorway, wearing a long-sleeved cotton shirt that hit her thighs. Her feet were bare, as were her long legs. He stopped in the middle of slathering mustard on the bread just to stare. She had exceptional legs.

  “Ah.” She pointed to the utility room. “My clothes should be dry.” She hurried into the room, and he forced himself not to follow. The sound of her pulling on clothes made him twitchy. He definitely preferred her naked.

  By the time she returned wearing her own socks and jeans, he’d made an entire loaf of bread into sandwiches and used every piece of roast beef. He needed to go shopping soon. “You want one?” He motioned to the platter.

  “No. I’m still full from earlier. But you go ahead.” She looked longingly at the coffeepot. “Do you mind?”

  “Go ahead. Make yourself at home.” He sat at the counter, pulled the platter in front of him, and started to demolish the large stack of sandwiches. He liked watching her putter in his kitchen. She belonged here with him.

  “Did you call Tarrant?”

  He shook his head and swallowed before he spoke. “I knew you’d want to be here for it.” That earned him a smile that warmed his heart and other parts of his anatomy.

  Knowing there was no time like the present, he placed the call and put the phone on speaker. “Everything okay?” Tarrant demanded.

  “Yeah. I’m getting ready to head out to the Easton, maybe meet Dexter.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  Sam started the coffee machine and crossed her arms over her chest. “I told him it’s too risky.”

  “It’s riskier if I don’t show. That would be suspicious.” He took another bite and chewed. “Besides, as far as they know, I’m just a guy who owns a salvage company.” He knew Sam wasn’t thrilled with him and quickly changed the subject. “What have you got, Tarrant?”

  “Aaron Dexter, thirty-four, former military,” Tarrant ratt
led off the facts. “Spent twelve years in the army, most of them in special ops. Turned mercenary and was recruited by the Knights. Since then, he’s been working his way up their ranks. Seems to answer directly to Karina Azarov.”

  Sam poured them both coffee and joined Ezra at the counter. He silently offered her a sandwich but she shook her head.

  “I had a peek at his military record. This fucker is dangerous and smart. Determined, too. So watch yourself around him.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Ezra quipped.

  “You can do that?” Sam demanded. “Just have a peek at his military records. Aren’t they protected?”

  Tarrant sighed. “Why do I put up with such disparagement? Of course the files are protected. Of course I can access them. I keep telling you I’m the best.”

  “He is,” Ezra agreed. Sam was obviously reeling at the idea of someone having that kind of access to heavily protected files. Best not to tell her that Tarrant could reposition every satellite circling the earth if he wanted.

  “What are the Knights up to?” Ezra asked.

  “They’re quiet, which worries me.” The sound of clicking came over the phone speaker, and he knew his brother was busy working the keyboard. “There’s some chatter about Karina. Seems Temple isn’t thrilled with her and is trying to feel out some other members about that.”

  “You think he’s going to mount a takeover?” The Knights were constantly jockeying for power and position.

  “I think he’ll try.” Tarrant was silent for a several seconds. “I don’t think he’ll succeed. He might think he’s ruthless, but my money is on Azarov.”

  “I probably don’t want to know how you know about someone else’s phone calls and emails.” Sam rubbed her hands over her face before she gulped a mouthful of coffee.

  “Best not to,” Ezra told her. “The Dragon Guard?” he prompted Tarrant.

  “They’re even more secretive than the Knights, which is saying something.”

  Ezra had to agree. The Knights had public faces they showed to the world, but the private activities of their group were well protected.

  “But I am finding some historical references dating back several centuries about a group dedicated to protecting dragons. I’m still looking into it.”

  “Why don’t you believe they exist?” Sam asked. “After all, they approached me.”

  “You really can’t be that naïve, can you?” Tarrant asked before Ezra could shut him up. “It could simply be another branch of the Knights. How better to catch a drakon than to tell him you’re trying to save him and his kind.”


  Sam thought she was going to be sick to her stomach. She’d never considered, not for one second, that she might have inadvertently been a pawn of the Knights. “Do you really think that is what’s happening?” Had they planned to use her skills to try to find a drakon? She’d thought she was the one infiltrating their group to try to disable them, however slightly.

  “Doubtful,” Ezra said.

  “Possible,” Tarrant admitted at the same time. Ezra glared at the phone, but she knew Tarrant was only telling the truth. “I’m still looking into it. Until then, I wouldn’t trust anyone claiming to be a member of the Dragon Guard.”

  “But what about Gervais Rames? He told me all about the Knights. Just before he disappeared, he told me he had a lead on a book. He was going to try to steal it from the Knights. Why would he have done that unless it was to protect it from them?”

  “So he could use it himself.” Ezra’s quiet reply hit her like a punch to the face.

  She buried her face in her hands. “I played right into their hands, didn’t I?”

  Ezra’s big hand rubbed up and down her spine. “You don’t know that. The Dragon Guard could be real.”

  “They could be,” Tarrant admitted.

  “But you’re still looking into it,” Sam parroted. It seemed to be Tarrant’s standard line.

  “I’m going to the mainland to hit the office before I head out to the Easton. I’ll have my phone with me. Call if you get any other information.”

  “Sam’s not going with you, is she?” She wasn’t sure if Tarrant was worried about her or Ezra.

  “Don’t be an idiot. Of course she isn’t,” Ezra shot back. Sam chose to keep her mouth shut. If she thought there was a way she could go without endangering him, there’d be no way to stop her. But the unfortunate fact was she’d be more of a hindrance than a help. The best thing she could do was stay here, rest, and think about the situation and how she might best fake her own death so the Knights would believe her dead. Right now, all they had was speculation.

  “If I don’t hear from you, I’ll call you when I get back.” Ezra ended the call and shoved aside the empty platter. He’d demolished an entire mound of sandwiches. “I hate to leave you here alone.” He swiveled around on his stool so he was facing her.

  “But you have to.” As much as she hated the idea of him out there on his own, he was right. Having her with him would only put him in danger. “Don’t take any chances.” The thought of the Knights getting their hands on her drakon scared the crap out of her.

  And, yes, he was her drakon.

  “I won’t,” he promised. “And, hey, you can take the time to examine all the stuff in my office.”

  She knew he was trying to lighten her mood, so she smiled, or at least tried to. She knew she’d failed in her attempt when he took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “I’m going to the office on the mainland and then to the store to get some supplies before I head out to the Easton. Once I talk with Dexter, I’ll come straight home.”

  The only thing she could do was not add to his worries. “I’ll be fine.” She might be stressed, but she’d survive. She’d lived through much worse than waiting in a cozy house with all the amenities. But she’d never had so much at stake before. She’d been ready to sacrifice her own life if necessary to reach her goal of striking back at the Knights. What she wasn’t prepared for was having Ezra risk his life.

  He had to be safe.

  “Go ahead and get ready. I’ll clean up here.” She eased off the stool and began to tidy the kitchen. Thankfully, Ezra left her to the task. She couldn’t talk about it anymore. The faster he left, the quicker he’d be back.

  There wasn’t much to clean up, but once she was done, she went to peer out the living room window. Ezra joined her, his reflection appearing in the glass. He was wearing jeans and work boots and had pulled a cream-colored sweater over the long-sleeved tee he wore. He had a plaid jacket slung over his shoulder. She knew the heavy clothing was for show and not because he needed it.

  “I need clothes.” Not what she’d meant to say. Obviously, her brain didn’t want to deal with the fear any longer and focused instead on the mundane.

  “I’ll get what I can.”

  She shook her head. “No. You can’t buy anything around here. Someone might notice.” She’d gotten paranoid over the past year, and for good reason.

  He rubbed his jaw and nodded. “You’re right. We’ll order some things for you online later. Tarrant set it up so I have an account and credit card that are untraceable. Everything will be delivered to a post office box in Bar Harbor. I’ll drive down and pick it up as soon as we think it’s safe.”

  Sam had no doubt that if Tarrant had set it up, it probably was safe, even from the Knights. The man seemed to hack military records with ease. Setting up an untraceable credit card was probably child’s play. Besides, the Knights didn’t know about Ezra. Only her.

  “Okay.” She really didn’t care about clothing. She turned and wrapped her arms around Ezra’s lean waist. “If you let the Knights do anything to hurt you, I’m going to be pissed.”

  He chuckled and nuzzled her hair. “Since I’m more afraid of you than I am of them, I promise I’ll be safe.”

  She didn’t want to let him go but stepped back and dropped her arms to her sides. “How exactly are you getting to the mainland? Don’t you have to swim to g
et the boat we used earlier?”

  He lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, not exactly. There is a path I can use. It’s rugged, but I can get to the cave from the outside.”

  “Could I?” She narrowed her gaze and scowled at him.

  “Doubtful.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “I’ll be back as fast as I can, but I’ll likely be gone for hours. Try to rest, you’re still recovering.” He hurried out of the house, leaving her alone. The house felt different without him in it. Bigger. Lonelier.

  She stood at the picture window and watched until he disappeared over a rise. Ten minutes later, the small boat she’d been in last night burst into view, jumping over the choppy waves.

  She turned her back and headed to his office. She had to do something to pass the time or she’d go crazy. How better to spend it than learning more about the man she loved. Ezra’s office offered a multitude of treasures for her to explore.

  It even smelled like him in here—sunshine, ocean, and crisp air. The leather chairs were inviting and the desk was substantial, but it was the shelves that interested her. She ignored the slight hum coming from the floor safe. It was mostly muted, and she blocked it out, a skill she’d been forced to learn during the course of her career.

  She walked over to a shelf she hadn’t examined yet. It held pottery shards as well as some complete pots. It was a cornucopia of history, the pieces coming from various cultures and time periods. She leaned forward and studied the small vase on the first shelf.

  Chapter Twenty

  Ezra hated leaving Sam behind even if it was the best thing for both of them. He placed an order at the grocery store that would be ready for him to pick up on his way home. That done, he headed to the office next. He kept a truck in a shed by the dock so he had transportation.

  His headquarters were little more than a converted boathouse. It was big enough for a small office and to store their gear. He checked the files—because while they had a computer, Kent tended to write things down instead of using the machine—but found little more about the man who’d hired his firm. Dexter was playing his cards close. Not surprising, all things considered. The offices weren’t being watched, which was a bit of a surprise. Of course, they had no reason to believe Sam would come here, and they certainly didn’t know Ezra was a drakon.


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