Book Read Free

Most Likely to Succeed

Page 3

by Shawn Lane

  The elevator opened, and they got in. Thomas waited to see which floor Clark would push. He hoped it wasn’t the penthouse. He already found himself feeling a bit like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Clark pushed floor ten.

  Thomas blew out a breath and tried to relax. He was a bit nervous, though. After what happened in the restaurant, he knew why Clark had invited him over. He wasn’t naive. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex with Clark. Hell, he did. The handjob had just whetted his appetite. But he was definitely out of his league.

  Once they were inside Clark’s apartment, Thomas couldn’t help but be impressed. Immaculate white carpeting, black leather furniture, and a killer view of the city from the windows lining the wall.

  “This is amazing,” Thomas said, looking out over the city lights. “How does it feel in an earthquake?”

  Clark came up to stand beside him at the windows. “About what you’d expect. Lots of swaying. Fortunately I haven’t experienced too many since I moved here.”

  He had to admit the place was breathtaking, but there was also something sterile and cold about it. Definitely not a place Thomas would ever choose to live.

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “About a year. It’s not too far from work, it’s in a great area, and I like being pampered,” Clark admitted. He shrugged. “Am I going to live here forever? No. Someday I’ll probably buy a nice house in the suburbs, but for now this place is fine.”

  Thomas nodded and moved away from the windows. They made him just a bit nervous, being floor-to-ceiling. He wanted to be casual about this, but it was difficult for him. He wasn’t really a casual guy.

  “So, someday, when you meet that special guy, you’ll settle into the domestic life in the suburbs?”

  Clark smiled. “Something like that. Have a seat, Thomas. Do you want white or red wine?”

  Thomas sat on a big plush leather sofa in the living room. He eyed the white carpet. “White, please.”

  Clark disappeared for a minute, then came back with two glasses of white wine. “Gewürztraminer.”

  Thomas took a sip. “Oh, nice.”

  “Only the best.” Clark set his glass on a nearby end table and sat on the sofa next to Thomas. He rested his hand on Thomas’s knee. “So, tell me the truth, Thomas. Is there something between you and Matt?”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Ah, but there was. I thought so. Vibes.”

  “Yeah, but it’s been over for a while. Matt has a new boyfriend, Josh, a fireman.”

  “How do you feel about that?” Clark gazed at him shrewdly.

  It was on the tip of his tongue to lie. To say it didn’t bother him, didn’t faze him. He wasn’t even sure why he was having such a serious conversation with someone who probably viewed him as just another conquest. Clark said he didn’t sleep around, but lots of men said what you wanted to hear.

  “It bothers me a little, I guess,” Thomas admitted. “It’s not really that I’m hung up on Matt or anything. I do love him, but that’s not it.”

  “Did he break up with you?”

  “No. I ended it with him. We just…It wasn’t right. We started off as friends—you know, we met in college, and then we were friends with benefits. We definitely cared about each other. After a while, we moved in together. But it was never like intense for us. The sex was good. But not mind-blowing great.”

  Clark took a sip of his wine and shook his head. “Maybe because that kind of sex doesn’t really exist outside of fairy tales and fantasies.”

  “I think it does,” Thomas said. “And that’s what I want.”

  Clark’s lips twitched. “Well, that’s a tall order to fulfill, but I’ll try my best.”

  Thomas opened his mouth to protest that wasn’t what he meant, but he realized Clark was just teasing him. Keeping it light. He grinned. “Great, I’ll hold you to that.”

  The other man took the wineglass from Thomas’s hand and set it next to his glass. He lightly ran his thumb over Thomas’s jaw. “Tell me, Harrigan, is it better to give or receive?”

  Chapter 4

  When Thomas turned a dull shade of pink, Clark thought maybe he was coming on too strong. He was treading on shaky ground here. For all he knew, Thomas could turn around and sue his ass for sexual harassment. It might even serve him right. He’d tried to rein in his desires a bit by making conversation, but man, his dick was rock hard. And Clark had never been a shrinking violet when it came to going after what he wanted.

  “You okay, Thomas?” he asked, touching the man’s hand. “Do you want to go home?”

  If Thomas said yes, Clark would make sure he got back to his car and his house. He wouldn’t be happy with only his hand for company the rest of the night, but no way would he coerce Thomas.

  Thomas shook his head. “I’m fine. I’m just, well, not used to such plain talk, I guess. Matt was the only real boyfriend I’ve had, and other than some blowjobs in college, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had casual sex.”

  Clark wondered if Thomas counted him among the casual-sex partners. He threaded his fingers through Thomas’s and tugged him up from the sofa. “Let me show you the bedroom.”

  Thomas followed him, and Clark was glad it was with no reluctance. His bedroom was probably his favorite part of the apartment. He’d decorated it in dark cherrywood and forest greens. The sliding-glass doors led out to a balcony, which held a big plush lounger. On summer nights he often lay out there watching the sights and falling asleep.

  The master bedroom also had a large bathroom with an oversize jetted tub. Another favorite feature. And, of course, there was his king-size cherrywood bed he had spent a fortune purchasing. The few times he’d been able to sleep an entire night in it, he’d decided it was well worth the cost.

  Still, Clark knew the apartment didn’t really have a warm, cozy feel. It suited his needs for now. He’d needed something sterile, cold, and unemotional after the horrible break-up with Aaron.

  “What do you think?” he asked Thomas.

  “Nice. Very nice. Really cool bed.”

  Clark smiled. “Want to see the view from the balcony?”


  He unlocked the slider, and they stepped outside. The night was cool, breezy, and clear. If it weren’t for the city lights, they’d have an excellent view of the stars.

  “It’s really pretty,” Thomas said. “I remember the first time I flew into Los Angeles at night. The lights you could see for miles were just amazing. I love flying in at night.”

  “Me too. Were you born in California?” Clark stood behind Thomas and slowly inched his suit coat down his shoulders.

  “Yes. How about you?” Thomas tilted his head, giving Clark better access to his throat, which Clark had already exposed to his lips.

  Clark sucked on Thomas’s pulse there. “Mmm. Yes. I did spend a year in Europe several years ago, but I was born and raised here.”

  Thomas shrugged out of the coat, and Clark tossed it onto a small round table he’d set out by the lounger for drinks. He had unbuttoned Thomas’s dress shirt and had it halfway down the man’s arms. Clark rained kisses all along the exposed collarbone.

  “Shouldn’t we go inside?” Thomas asked, his breathing rapid.

  Clark unbuttoned Thomas’s cuffs and pulled the shirt the rest of the way off, discarding it with the coat. Now Thomas’s top half was bared to the world.

  “I have a confession to make.” Clark’s tongue darted down, flicking over the other man’s biceps.


  “I’m something of an exhibitionist.”

  Thomas’s inhaled sharply. “Wh-what?”

  Clark chuckled. “I would have thought you’d realize that after the restaurant. I said I’d rather do it than watch, and that’s true, but I like the thrill of possibly being seen by someone while I’m having sex. A little crazy, I know.”


  But Clark noticed Thomas didn’t push him away.
Clark roamed his hands over Thomas’s beautiful pecs and down over his smooth, rippled stomach. Thomas had a smattering of hair on his chest, but he wasn’t a gorilla. Thank God. He stopped at the waistband of the other man’s pants.

  “Okay?” He nuzzled Thomas’s throat, loving the tiny goose bumps and slight dampness there. Thomas smelled clean and male with just a hint of peppermint. An oddly intoxicating scent.

  “Uh-huh,” Thomas moaned.

  Clark undid the button and zipper of Thomas’s suit pants. He slipped his fingers into the other man’s briefs, barely grazing the erect shaft before he inched toward Thomas’s tight, round ass.

  Moving his lips to Thomas’s ear, he whispered, “I want to fuck you right here, right now, on the balcony. Will you let me?”

  Thomas leaned back into him, groaning. He turned his face until their mouths were just inches apart. “I shouldn’t.”

  “Yes, you should.” Clark touched his lips to Thomas’s, but only just a teasing touch. Later, in bed, he intended to kiss Thomas breathless. Now, he was interested in other sensations.

  He knelt behind Thomas, tugged down the man’s pants and briefs, then spread Thomas’s cheeks.


  “Shh.” Clark trailed the tip of his tongue along the crease of Thomas’s ass. With his hands, he pushed a little to get the other man to bend at the waist. “Brace yourself on the railing.”

  He was pleased when Thomas complied instantly, using his hands to secure himself, his legs slightly apart and giving Clark better access.

  Gripping the two perfect globes, he stabbed his tongue into Thomas’s entrance, liberally wetting it. He didn’t really rim very often, finding it rather an intimate act he didn’t think he ought to share with just anyone. Yet, for some reason, he’d wanted to taste Thomas.

  “Oh my God,” Thomas whispered. “That’s amazing.”

  Clark laughed, his breath fanning the tiny little hairs there. “Glad you think so.”

  “God, yes. What about lube and a condom?”

  “I pocketed one and a little bottle earlier while I was getting our wine. Now, be quiet and just feel.” His tongue shot in deep, swirling around, moistening. At first Thomas had tensed, but the more Clark slathered him, the more relaxed he became.

  Without stopping, Clark unfastened his own pants. He pulled out his hard cock and stroked the shaft, rubbing in the pearled drop of precum. His own hand had been the only way to pleasure himself for too long. He worked too much, not to mention his involvement in his sister’s problems.

  Thomas’s head was bowed, his heavy breathing rising above all other sounds—cars rushing by below, the occasional honk, and other miscellaneous street noises. On either side of his balcony was a stone wall overhang, so it would be difficult for anyone on the neighbors’ balconies to see them. Across the street from his building, however, stood a high-rise condominium complex with windows facing out.

  Clark withdrew his tongue and leaned back a little. He removed the travel-sized bottle of lube and foil packet from his pocket. He tore open the condom and rolled it over his straining erection.

  “How long has it been?” he asked, squirting lube on his fingers.


  “Since you’ve had a cock inside you.”

  Thomas quivered. “I…A while.”

  Clark nodded and pushed two slicked fingers gently inside Thomas.


  “Okay?” He paused.

  “Yeah, yeah, just stings.”

  “How long?” Clark pushed his fingers past the tight ring of muscle.

  “Not sure. Years, maybe. When I was with Matt, I fucked him.” Thomas blew out a breath. “Can we talk later and fuck now?”

  He laughed. “I’m just making sure you’re prepared, Thomas.”

  “Oh? Is your cock all that, then?”

  He heard the amusement in Thomas’s voice. He slapped one of the man’s butt cheeks. “Smart-ass. As a matter of fact, my cock is all that.”

  “Hmm. I wouldn’t know.”

  “Okay, okay, sheesh. A second ago you were whining that it stung.” Clark rose and shook out the awkward stiffness in his legs from kneeling on the concrete. He squirted a bit more lube out and oozed it over his cock. Gripping Thomas’s hips, he brought the other man flush against him. “Link your arm around my neck.”

  Thomas leaned against Clark once again, his bare back making contact with Clark’s dress shirt. Another kink Clark had was having his lover more naked than himself during sex. For some reason it turned him on to be nearly fully clothed. Thomas’s arm wrapped around his neck, and he tilted his face enough for Clark to reach his lips. He’d told himself he would become well acquainted with Thomas’s thoroughly kissable mouth later, but the temptation proved to be too much, and he claimed the man’s lips.

  It was no gentle, romantic kiss but instead a rough, hard, demanding, take-your-breath-away kiss. Clark thrust his tongue in Thomas’s mouth at the same moment he pushed into his ass.

  “Ah, fuck.” Thomas gasped into Clark’s mouth.

  “Uh-huh.” He slid in balls-deep and stilled. Savoring the moment, the joining. Clark broke the kiss and looked at the city, at the night. The thrill that someone could be watching from across the street shot through him. The night breeze had cooled. Thomas’s dark hair blew in the wind.

  Thomas closed his eyes. “Please move.”

  “I will. First, open your eyes.”

  After a slight hesitation, Thomas’s lashes lifted. The city lights reflected in his amazing green eyes. Clark stared, his breath stuck in his throat for just a second. Shit, when had he become so sentimental anyway?

  He pulled out until just the tip of his cock rested within Thomas. He gritted his teeth against the urge to ram, to conquer. He would not hurt Thomas.

  Clark thrust in all the way once more and then repeated the withdrawal and thrusting over and over, slow and thorough. Thomas wanted mind-blowing sex; well, Clark was determined to give it to him. To make Thomas crave it with a savage desperation.

  Okay, so somebody was full of himself. But he could dream, couldn’t he? Didn’t every man want his lover to beg for it?

  His fingers dug into the indentation of Thomas’s hips, trying to pull him even closer. Clark increased his thrusts even as Thomas whimpered low in his throat. Thomas leaned forward, bracing his hands on the railing again. His ass pushed back aggressively, meeting the now urgent pumps of Clark’s cock.

  Clark knew he couldn’t hold his orgasm much longer, but he wanted to make Thomas come first, wanted to make the other man scream with his release.

  “Stroke yourself,” he said.

  Thomas didn’t respond at first or fast enough.

  “Do it, Harrigan,” Clark ordered.

  Thomas peeled one hand off the railing and reached for his dick. It was perhaps a little shorter than Clark’s but a bit thicker. Thomas gripped it in his fist and jerked. Clark slowed his thrusts down so he could watch his lover. It was a beautiful sight, especially when Thomas gave extra attention to the spongy tip. He couldn’t keep his pace slow for long, however, and he was soon pumping at furious speed once more.

  “Clark,” Thomas gasped.

  “Yes, that’s it, Thomas. Say my name. I want to hear my name when you come.”

  “Ah.” Thomas moaned and released his cock, grabbing the railing with both hands. His cock jumped, and white globs of cum shot out. “Clark, please.”

  Thomas’s ass gripped Clark’s cock. The tight clench had Clark’s own release exploding from him with unexpected ferocity. He came and came, stripping him of all energy and dignity as he pulled out of Thomas and collapsed onto his knees on the balcony. “God.”

  Thomas dropped down next to him, heaving great gulping breaths. “Yeah.”

  Clark leaned against the closest wall and closed his eyes. He was sticky and sweaty. He felt great. “So?”


  He opened an eye to look at Thomas. The other man’s head was bo
wed, but he peered at Clark through messy dark bangs.

  “Did I blow your mind or what?” Clark tried to ask it casually, making it sound like a joke. But really, he was pretty sure he’d feel like crap if Thomas said no.

  Thomas smiled. “Oh yeah, you did.”


  “And if you give me a moment, we can get up and go inside and I’ll blow yours.”

  Clark laughed. “My mind?”

  “Sure, that too. Your mind, your cock. Everything.”

  Clark released his anxiety with a sigh.

  “You were right too.”

  “Well, I’m not surprised. But what was I right about?”

  Thomas crossed the space between them and plastered his lips to Clark’s. “I’m definitely staying over.”

  Chapter 5

  Thomas hunkered down in the warm tub, bubbles threatening to ooze over the side. Had he ever taken a bath like this before? Not that he could recall, that was for damn sure.

  “Wow, this is great. I could really get used to this.”

  Clark, who sat nude on the edge of the oversize tub just dangling his feet in, laughed. “Yeah, it’s definitely one of my favorite features of this place. When I finally get a house, I’ll have to put one of these babies in.”

  “So, what are you really waiting for?”

  “Waiting for?”

  Thomas shrugged, bubbles sizzling from the movement. “You’ve got the money. Why wait for some vague time in the future to get a house? What’s going to change even five years from now?”

  Clark frowned a little. “I don’t know. It’s just always seemed like something I should get when I’m older and working less. Sort of a reward or something.”

  “Well, okay, but it sounds like a shame to wait to me. Have you ever seen It’s a Wonderful Life?”

  A blond brow raised, Clark merely nodded.

  Thomas grinned. “One of my favorite parts of that movie has George Bailey asking Mr. Potter why people should wait to be able to live in a decent home while they work and struggle all their lives. Mr. Potter thinks they should wait to save the money and buy a home when they are old and unable to enjoy it.”


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