Book Read Free

Most Likely to Succeed

Page 6

by Shawn Lane

  “You wanted to see me, Mr. Sterling?” Thomas stepped into Clark’s office.

  Clark leaned against the front of his desk, his suit coat discarded across the back of his chair. Today he wore a pristine white dress shirt, smoky-gray pants, and a yellow-and-gray pinstriped tie. He was gorgeous.

  “Lock the door,” Clark said.

  The coolly spoken words sent an instant jolt straight to his cock. Thomas complied without question, turning the metal twist to lock it.

  “Now come here, Harrigan.”

  Thomas walked forward and stopped when he was positioned between Clark’s slightly spread legs. Clark snagged Thomas’s tie and pulled him into a kiss.

  “Mmm. Hi.” Clark smiled.

  “Hi, yourself.” Thomas kissed him again. Sure, they’d awakened together that very morning, but it seemed like an eternity since he’d seen him, tasted him. Yeah, he was definitely falling.

  Clark drew back, giving him a quizzical look. “What is it?”

  Thomas shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “Bullshit. There’s something. What is it, babe?” His arms encircled Thomas, pulling him closer.

  Unexpected warmth filled him. That was the first time Clark had called him an endearment. He was such a geek getting all excited by it, but he did.

  “Well, the bar results come out next week.”

  “I’m aware of that. So?”

  Thomas exhaled slowly, comforted by Clark’s arms wrapped around his waist. “I know I passed.”

  “I’m sure you did.”

  “But if I didn’t—”

  “You’ll take it again and pass next time.” Clark smiled. “Are you asking if you’ll still have a job?”

  Thomas bit his lip and nodded.

  “Yes, Thomas, you’ll have a job.”

  He hated himself for asking, but Matt had put all sorts of doubt into his head. “Is that because we’re together?”

  Clark shook his head without hesitation. “No. I’d like to think I’d give anyone in your position a second chance. Look, the California Bar Exam is one of the toughest, if not the toughest, and even perfectly smart, great lawyers have failed it their first time.”

  “You didn’t.” Thomas winced when he heard the accusation in his own voice.

  “No. But I had friends who did. And some did lose jobs because of it. No question there are firms who would decide not to hire you if you failed. You couldn’t practice as an associate until you passed, but I’d keep you on as a law clerk until you did. Now, if you were to fail it a second time, then yes, your job would be in jeopardy.”

  “Okay.” Thomas nodded, leaning down to kiss Clark. “Thanks.”

  “Now,” Clark said. “I called you in here for a very important meeting.”

  “You did?”

  “Yep. Of our bodies.”

  “What? Here?” Thomas’s heart thumped wildly.

  His lover grinned. “I know, pretty inappropriate, but I own the firm, and who’s to stop me?”

  “No one, I guess. How about a condom and lube? No offense, but you’re sort of big to take without some sort of prep.”

  “I have condoms and lube.”

  Thomas’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t help it. “Here at the office? Wait, why would you have that stuff here? You don’t—”

  Clark stopped his words with his fingers pressed across Thomas’s lips. “No, Thomas. I brought them here today. I grabbed them before we left the apartment.”

  “Oh.” Thomas’s cock perked up again, rising, pushing against his briefs. It was totally wicked to have sex in the office, but he was definitely learning Clark liked wicked.

  “There’s something else though.”


  Clark darted his tongue out to trace Thomas’s bottom lip. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Chapter 8

  “Really?” Thomas knew his voice came out way too eager, but he hadn’t imagined Clark would give up such control. The man definitely continued to surprise him.

  Clark laughed. “Really.” He reached over the desk and pulled out a strip of condoms and a bottle of lube from the drawer.

  “I guess I just assumed you were a top.”

  “I am, mostly. But once in a while I like to be fucked. Enough talk for now.” Clark slid the coat off Thomas’s shoulders and tossed it on the chair. He grabbed hold of the tie again, pulling Thomas close. “As nice as it is to drag you around by this, I’d rather take it off.”

  Thomas licked his lips. “Okay, you take off yours and I’ll take off mine.” He loosened his pale-blue tie and pulled it off. He thought it landed on his coat when he threw it, but he didn’t watch it. He was too busy watching Clark undo his cufflinks and then unbutton his shirt.

  “Pay attention to your own undressing, Thomas,” Clark said.

  Absently, he pulled his shirt out of his pants. He only had to undo the first few buttons before he yanked it off over his head. For some reason the glint of the sun’s reflection on Clark’s office windows caught his eye. He had big glass windows that nearly covered all of one wall.

  “Are you sure we should be doing this here?” he asked in a moment of sanity.

  Clark grinned. “Uh, yeah. You don’t know me yet?”

  Thomas felt his face heat and reached for the hem of his undershirt. Clark had been quicker to undress and was bare from the waist up. He swallowed, unable to tear his gaze away from Clark’s abs.

  Clark stepped out of shoes and unbuckled his pants. He glanced at Thomas and smiled. “Come here.”

  He took just the couple of steps, and Clark dropped to his knees in front of Thomas’s crotch. He palmed Thomas’s erection through his slacks.

  “Oh God,” Thomas gasped.

  Clark lowered the zipper, slipped his hand in, and pulled Thomas’s cock and balls through the opening. His mouth covered Thomas’s balls, sucking them inside the moist warmth.

  “Ah, fuck.” Thomas dug his fingers into Clark’s bare shoulders. Was that a chuckle he’d just heard?

  Clark worked on his balls for several moments, sucking and tugging on them. Thomas gritted his teeth. Too much more of this and he’d be coming.

  His lover released his balls to flick his tongue along his shaft. Clark lapped up the precum there before he engulfed Thomas’s cock halfway down his throat.

  Thomas went weak in the knees. “Clark, please. If you want me to fuck you, you’d better stop.”

  Clark released Thomas’s dick with a pop. He laughed. “All right, all right.” He braced his hand on the edge of the desk and stood. He covered Thomas’s hands with his and peeled Thomas’s undershirt off. “Sorry, babe, but you’re just too slow.”

  Thomas let him push his pants and briefs down only far enough to expose his hard cock. He couldn’t keep the moan from escaping, and he reached to remove them. Clark stopped him.

  “No, leave them partially on.”

  “Okay.” Thomas shivered. “What about you?”

  Clark removed the remainder of his clothes efficiently. All except his socks. Thomas stared pointedly at the charcoal socks. Clark laughed. “Don’t want my feet to get cold.”

  Thomas pulled him close, wanting to feel Clark’s lips on his again. He noticed Clark tasted faintly of cock and spearmint, like he’d recently chewed a piece of gum.

  Clark sat on the edge of the desk. Wrapping his legs around Thomas’s ass, he drew their bodies close, their cocks pressing into each other.

  Thomas thrust his tongue deep in Clark’s mouth. Never in a million years would he have imagined a day where he would have sex on Clark’s desk.

  He reached for the strip of condoms, ripped off a packet, and tossed it at Clark. “Open that with your teeth.”

  Clark raised a blond brow but tore open the packet.

  Thomas grabbed the lube and sloshed a generous amount all over his fingers. Clark straightened just enough so he could reach Thomas’s cock. He rolled the latex on Thomas’s shaft.

  “Lie down,” Thomas ordered,
enjoying the more aggressive position with Clark. He couldn’t help but grin. He lifted Clark’s ass just a little, inserting one lubed finger in Clark’s opening.

  Clark tensed.



  “More lube?”

  “Good idea.”

  Thomas oozed out more and pushed in two fingers to the knuckle. “Better?”

  “Oh yeah,” Clark said a bit breathlessly. “More.”

  Thomas added a third finger, spreading and preparing. He pushed all three past the ring of muscle, lubing up Clark’s entrance as much as he could.

  Clark stroked his own cock, biting his lip, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.

  He withdrew his fingers and poised his cock at Clark’s hole. “Ready, babe?”


  Thomas groaned and pushed the head of his cock inside. It was so intense he nearly lost it and came. He bent his head, praying for control.

  “Um, Thomas?”


  “You think you might want to go in all the way?” Clark gasped.

  Thomas laughed. “I’m trying. I’m just really fucking turned on right now.”

  “How is that a problem?”

  “Shh,” Thomas said, pressing in farther. He pushed all the way until he was balls-deep. Still he paused, trying to will the orgasm teetering on the edge to wait just a moment.

  Clark tilted his ass up, urging him to move. Thomas couldn’t refuse and started thrusting in earnest. Pumping again and again, trying to hit Clark’s sweet spot, knowing how much he enjoyed being prodded himself. He grasped Clark’s calves, pulling him closer still, slamming in.

  “God, Thomas.” Clark groaned, increasing the speed of his strokes on his shaft. “I’m gonna come.”

  “I hope so, ‘cause I can’t last much longer.” Thomas felt a tingle at the base of his spine. He stilled for a moment, watching Clark’s face. His lover was influencing him more than he’d thought.

  Clark’s eyes widened, then closed. His breaths came out in short gasps. “Yesssss!”

  Creamy, white liquid shot all over Clark’s abs.

  Thomas’s own release pulled at him, demanded he allow it. He thrust again and again to the hilt. His fingers dug into Clark’s calves as he rammed harder and harder. Sweat dripped in his eye, but he didn’t stop to wipe it.

  “Clark,” he said on a guttural cry. “Love you.” He pumped a couple more times, letting Clark’s ass milk him dry.

  Gulping for air, his heart pounding wildly, he withdrew, sinking to his knees, unable to find the strength to stand.

  After what seemed like hours but Thomas knew was mere minutes, Clark struggled to sit upright. “Ouch, my ass is sore.”

  Laughter rumbled up from his chest. “Sorry.”

  “You don’t sound a bit sorry.”

  “I’m not really. It was—”

  “Mind-blowing,” Clark finished for him.


  * * * *

  Clark parked in front of his sister’s suburban home and for a moment just stared at it. He wanted a home of his own, sure. Who didn’t? But having the house with the picket fence hadn’t kept his sister from having a crummy marriage.

  “You okay?” Thomas asked him from the passenger seat.

  He forced a smile. After all, he had a lot to be happy about. Not the least of which earlier that day Thomas had said he loved him. It was during sex, so Clark couldn’t be sure he’d meant it, but still he’d loved hearing the words. Even if he hadn’t responded in kind.

  “Yes, fine. Let’s go.”

  They got out and approached his sister’s house. The door opened just before they reached it to reveal his twelve-year-old niece.

  “Uncle Clark!” Brittany launched herself at him, throwing her arms so hard around his neck she nearly knocked him over.

  “Easy, easy,” he said, laughing, hugging her. “Hey, pumpkin, glad to see you too.” He set her on her feet.

  She turned her big brown eyes to Thomas. “Hi.”

  “Hello, I’m Thomas.”

  “Oh, you must be Uncle Clark’s new lover.”

  “Brittany Susan!” her mother yelled, coming to the door, hands on her hips.

  Patty had similar coloring to Clark’s. Blonde hair, gray eyes. She was a few years older than him with a few more lines here and there on her face, but the family resemblance was there.

  “We do not use that term.”

  “But, Mommy, that’s what you called him when you were talking to your friend Candy.”

  “I didn’t know you were eavesdropping. Now, apologize and don’t do it again.”

  “Sorry.” Brittany blushed. “Boyfriend.”

  Clark cleared his throat. “Want to let us inside?” He reached for Thomas’s hand and pulled him inside his sister’s house. “Thomas, this is my sister, Patty, and her precocious daughter, Brittany.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Thomas murmured politely.

  Brittany stared at him. “So, you’re gay too?”


  Thomas laughed. “It’s all right. Yes, I am gay too. I wouldn’t be your uncle’s new boyfriend otherwise, now would I?”

  She nodded. “I guess not. You’re really cute.”

  Patty sighed.

  “I know, I know,” Brittany said. “I’m sorry.”

  “Well, you are right.” Clark ruffled her hair. “He is cute.”

  “Don’t encourage her, Clark.” Patty crossed her arms.

  “Lighten up. What’s for dinner, anyway?”

  “Lasagna. Brittany, set the table.”

  A short time later, they were just finishing up the meal and Brittany had started clearing the dishes when Patty turned to Thomas and studied him critically.

  “So, tell me, Thomas, did you get a job at my brother’s firm because you knew he was a hot gay guy and you figured you could sleep your way to the top?”

  Clark choked on his iced tea. “Fuck, Patty.”

  She shrugged, unrepentant.

  Thomas seemed unfazed. “I did want to work there because he was gay, yes.”

  Clark set his glass down, leaning back in his chair. “You did?”

  “Yes. But not because I planned on some hot affair or anything. I figured as a gay man yourself, you’d be much more accepting of a gay employee. While I was putting myself through college and law school, I worked at some places that were pretty uncomfortable for me when they found out I was gay. I didn’t want that at the law firm I worked for, so you being gay definitely influenced my decision to apply there.”

  Clark smiled and reached for Thomas’s hand. “A wise and well-thought-out answer.”

  Patty sniffed. “I guess you seem all right.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Thomas said with a grin. He caught Clark’s gaze and then yawned. “Wow, I’m really tired. Great meal, though.”

  She waved her hands. “Go on, go on. I get you two want to leave.”

  They got up, said their good-byes, and headed back to Clark’s apartment. He realized as he got on the freeway he really was tired.

  “You know what I want to do this weekend?” he asked Thomas, who was slouched in the seat with his eyes half-closed.


  “I think maybe I’ll have a real-estate agent take me around to look at some houses.”

  Thomas straightened. “Really?”

  Clark swallowed. “Yeah. Want to come look with me?”

  “Yes, I’d love to.”

  He nodded. “Great. It’s a plan, then.”

  Chapter 9

  “Try to contain your enthusiasm when we look at this house, Mr. Harrigan,” Natalia Kosimov, Clark’s real estate agent, warned as they approached the ranch-style house in the Los Angeles suburb, Glendale. The dark-haired beauty, who originally came from Russia, had been one of Clark’s firm’s clients, Clark had told Thomas, and also a good friend.

  This was the third house they’d visited since they star
ted Saturday morning. Natalia had started off telling them not to show too much enthusiasm when viewing a property because that told the seller more than they needed to know. Thomas, naturally enthusiastic, had had trouble curbing it at the last home in front of the owner, a friendly doctor, and her adult daughter.

  His cheeks warmed. “Sorry. I’ll try to do better this time.”

  Clark laughed and grabbed Thomas’s hand. “Don’t let her intimidate you, Thomas.”

  Unfortunately, it turned out to be harder than Thomas thought. He loved this house. It was his favorite. The kitchen was huge, with one of those island things in the middle. It had a big backyard. If it had a huge tub in the master bathroom, Thomas would be hooked but good.

  Not that he had a right to voice his opinion on Clark’s house. Well, he hoped maybe someday, if things kept going as well as they had between them, they’d get to live in the house together, but he figured they probably had a long way to go before that happened. Didn’t they?

  Wednesday he’d even blurted out that he loved Clark. Of course, Clark hadn’t said anything in return, and even though they’d spent every night together since, Thomas hadn’t said it again. What the fuck…Really, weren’t they already kind of living together? When was the last time he’d slept at his apartment?

  “Thomas,” Clark said loudly.

  He realized by the looks on both Clark’s and Natalia’s faces that he’d been ignoring them for a minute or so. He cleared his throat and offered a smile. “Yes?”

  Clark tugged him down the hallway toward the master bedroom. “Just wondered what you thought so far. You’re being very quiet.”

  Thomas eyed Natalia, who walked ahead of them. “Following orders.”

  He gasped when they stepped onto the plush white carpet. Across from the bed was a fireplace. He stared. “Wow.”

  Clark chuckled, and they both refused to look at Natalia. They walked into the bathroom. Sure enough, it held a large spa tub and a standalone glass shower. Even HIS and HERS sinks. Or in Clark’s case, HIS and HIS.

  Mirth bubbled up from within Thomas.

  Clark squeezed his hand. “What?”

  “Nothing. I just like the sinks.”

  “They’re nice,” Clark said, an understatement if ever he’d heard one. Obviously Clark had no trouble containing his enthusiasm.


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