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Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes, and the Man Who Makes War Possible

Page 38

by Douglas Farah


  Meyers, Joseph M. “Jody,”

  Military Institute of Foreign Languages (Moscow)

  Mirchev, Petar

  Mobutu Nzanga

  Mobutu Sese Seko

  Montesinos, Vladimiro

  Morgner, Andreas

  Moscow Times

  Mother Jones

  Mpano, Douglas

  narcotics. See drug trade

  Nasr, Samir M.

  National Defense

  National Islamic Front (NIF)

  National Security Act

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  National Security Council

  Bout arrest warrant pursued

  Bout task force assembled

  Bush administration pursuit of Bout

  intelligence on Taliban

  interagency cooperation and

  on Russian affairs


  Nayhan, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al Saqr al

  Nayhan, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al


  New York Times Magazine

  Niccol, Andrew

  non-governmental organizations (NGOs). See also individual names of NGOs

  Norse Air

  Northern Alliance. See also Afghanistan

  nuclear weapons See also weapons

  NV Trans Aviation Network Group (TAN Group)

  Occidental Airlines

  Odessa (airline)

  Ofcansky, Tom

  Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

  Okapi Air

  Oklahoma City bombing

  Omar, Mullah

  “Operation Bloodstone,”

  “Operation Firedump,”

  “Operation Jacuzzi,”

  “Operation Palliser,”


  organized crime

  See also weapons

  Oster, Jeffrey


  Pahad, Aziz

  Pakistan. See also Taliban


  Peleman, Johan

  The Arms Fixers

  on Bout’s Ostend operations

  early intelligence on Bout by

  on Liberia

  Sergei Bout interviewed by

  on UN sanctions against Bout

  on U.S. contracts with Bout

  Peres, Shimon



  Pickering, Thomas R.

  on Bout and Liberia

  on Bout and Taliban

  on FARC

  Pietersburg Aviation Services and Systems Pty.

  Pietersburg (South Africa) Airport

  pilots. See airline personnel

  Piret, Olivier

  “Plan Colombia,”

  “plane spotters,”

  Planet Air

  Plaque, Lawson

  Poly Technologies

  Popov, Dimitri

  Popov, Pavel

  Potgeiter, Jakkie

  private military companies (PMCs)

  Putin, Vladimir. See also Russia

  “Putin’s Plutocrat Problem” (Wolosky)

  Qassimi, Sultan bin Mohammed al


  Rabbani, Burhanuddin

  Rabbani, Mullah Muhammed

  Radio Echo Moskvy

  Rahman, Omar Abdel

  Ras al-Khaymah

  Ray, Nancy

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reeves, Cindor

  Regional Air Movement Control Center (RAMCC)



  Republic Air

  Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO)

  Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)

  Revolutionary United Front (RUF)

  Bout’s plans for rutile

  UN intelligence on

  Rice, Condoleeza

  Rice, Susan

  Riggs Bank

  Roberts International Airport (Liberia)

  Rockman EOOD

  Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot (RPG)

  Ruprah, Sanjivan

  Belgian arrest of

  Bout plan for rutile and

  Italian arrest

  Ruprah, Simi


  Afghanistan and

  Bout arrest warrant and

  Bout living in

  Cold War planes

  Cold War weapons

  FSB (intelligence agency)

  organized crime in

  post-Cold War conflicts and

  “transnational threats” from

  UAE business growth and

  on UN intelligence on Taliban

  See also USSR

  Russian Today (television network)




  Institute of Policy Studies on

  Ruprah and

  UN Security Council arms embargo

  Sachs, Jeffrey


  San Air General Trading

  Sankoh, Foday

  Santa Cruz Imperial

  Saudi Arabia

  Savimbi, Jonas

  Scheuer, Michael

  Schneidman, Witney

  Sellers, Cameron

  Sellers, Mason

  Semenchenko, Andrei

  Semenchenko Group

  September 11 attacks. See also Al Qaeda


  as air hub for Taliban

  Ariana Afghan Airways

  Bout businesses in

  contractors hired by U.S. from

  International Airport

  Sharpatov, Vladimir

  Sheridan, Brian

  Sherin, Victor


  Sidorenko, Alexander Zakharovich

  Sierra Leone

  Bout plan for rutile and

  British troops in

  UN peacekeepers in

  UN Special Court for

  U.S. intelligence about

  Sierra Rutile Company

  Simon, Steven

  Sin Sad

  Sirrs, Julie



  Smith, Gayle

  Smolensk Rocket and Artillery School


  South Africa

  Bout arrest warrant pursued by U.S.

  Bout home in

  intelligence on Bout by

  Pietersburg Airport

  South America

  Soviet Air Force

  Soviet Union. See USSR


  Spurnov, Valery

  Standard Chartered Bank


  Suwaidi, Sultan Hamad Said Nassir al



  Tactica, Ltd.

  Talbott, Strobe


  Bout employees taken as hostages by

  Bout quoted on

  drug trafficking by

  Massoud and

  planes supplied by Bout

  Ruprah and

  thwarted attempts to purchase weapons, planes

  weapons supplied by Bout

  See also Afghanistan

  “Tatyana” (Bout employee)

  Taylor, Charles

  Bout and

  “Greater Liberia” ambition of

  international travel ban on

  plane registrations and

  Ruprah and

  rutile plans

  UN sanctions against

  U.S. intelligence about

  U.S. Senate inquiry

  See also Liberia


  Tesic, Slobodan

  Third World Relief Agency (TWRA)

  Thomas, Michael Victor

  Times (London)

  titanium. See rutile



  Trans Aviation Global Group, Inc.

  Transavia Travel Agency

  “transnational threats,”

  Tsiroulnikov, Igor

  Tupelovs (planes)

  Turbiville, Graham H., Jr.



  União Nactional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA)

  arms supplied by Bout

  UN intelligence on

  See also Angola

  United Arab Emirates. See also Dubai; Sharjah

  United Islamic Courts

  United Nations

  arms embargoes

  Bout asset freeze

  on coltan

  “name and shame” campaign

  peacekeepers in DRC

  peacekeepers in Sierra Leone

  Security Council intelligence

  Special Court for Sierra Leone

  Taliban asset freeze


  on weapons supplied to Afghanistan

  World Food Program (WFP)

  United States

  Africa as low priority of

  Bout assets frozen

  Bout chosen over U.S. contractors

  Bout contracts confirmed

  Bout contracts exposed

  Bout contracts investigated

  Bout contracts monitored by journalists, UN

  Bout corporations in

  Bout travel plans for

  early intelligence about Bout

  intelligence community cooperation and

  invasion of Afghanistan

  Iraq airlift

  Waasenaar Arrangement

  weapons manufactured by

  See also Bush, George W.; Clinton, Bill; individual names of agencies and agency personnel

  Urey, Benoni

  U.S. Air Mobility Command

  Bout contract with

  U.S. Defense Logistics Agency

  U.S. Department of Defense


  Bout contracts exposed

  “excluded parties” list

  Office of Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict

  U.S. airlift in Iraq

  U.S. Department of Justice

  U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

  U.S. Senate. See Feingold, Russell

  U.S. State Department

  Africa as low priority of

  on Bout contracts

  Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

  Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)

  Federal Register

  U.S. Transportation Command (Transcom)

  U.S. Treasury Department

  Bout assets frozen by

  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

  Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)


  GRU (military intelligence)




  post-Cold War conflicts and


  See also Russia


  Vakushin, Oleg

  Van Cappellen, Wim


  Vines, Alex

  Vympel Group

  Waasenaar Arrangement

  Walker, Christopher

  Ward, Diedre

  Wardak, Mohammed

  Washington Post

  Waters, Brad (pseudonym)





  Cold War inventories

  early intelligence on trafficking

  M-16 rifles


  “shadow infrastructure” of

  UN embargoes

  Waasenaar Arrangement

  See also Taliban

  Wechsler, William

  West Africa Air Services

  Whalley, Leslie

  Wilson, Edwin P.

  Winer, Jonathan

  Wolfowitz, Paul

  Wolosky, Lee

  on Bout and Taliban

  on Bout task force

  Bush administration pursuit of Bout

  op-ed essay by

  “Putin’s Plutocrat Problem” (Foreign Affairs)

  at State Department

  World Bank

  World Trade Center. See also September 11 attacks

  Yakovkevs planes

  Yavlinsky, Grigory

  Yeltsin, Boris


  Yuralex Corporation

  Zaire. See also Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

  Zarate, Juan

  Zawahiri, Ayman al

  Zeidan, Samir

  Zhuravlyov, Igor




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