Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3)

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Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) Page 28

by Rebecca Pond

  “Unfortunately, she was the only one of my staff willing to care for him. No one else in the entire infirmary would go in. I got to say, even though she is small, Laura is tough. She throws the insults right back at him.” He grew serious. “You do need to speak to the other survivor, though. He has a lot of information that you could use.”

  “Is he locked up, too?”

  “No, he has been…how can I put it? Very cooperative.” This time Zane couldn’t wait to see the reaction that Zeb was bound to have. Another warrior that he thought was dead and gone would soon re-enter his life, but this case it was a good thing. “Are you calmed enough to go see him? I don’t want you going in there and flying off the handle like you are very apt to do from time to time.”

  Taking a deep and relaxing breath, Zeb said, “Let’s go and get it over with.”

  Just outside Lars’ room, they ran into Brylon, who was returning from his trip home to clean up, eat, and check on Emma’s rewash. Zeb asked, “How’s Emma. Is she better?”

  “Emma is great. She is getting stronger by the hour. I should be able to take her home today,” Brylon said.

  Zane winked at Brylon behind Zeb’s back. “Brylon, would you mind coming with us to go visit the other survivor. Zeb would like to talk with him and I might need you to help me restrain him, if you know what I mean.”

  Brylon set down his cup and followed the two men to the room that housed the other injured man rescued from the crash. “Sure thing, not a problem,” he replied while trying to keep a straight face.

  Zane walked straight into a room with an open door. Zeb was surprised at this. Shouldn’t this man be locked in a room as well? Today was turning out to be one of the strangest days he had encountered in a long time.

  “This guy is not in the best condition, he has been through a lot so just remember that when you talk to him.” Zane pulled back the curtain that separated the bed from the rest of the room and then stood to the side so that Zeb could walk past him.

  Zeb walked with an attitude of confidence after Zane assured him that this man would be easy to talk too. He approached the bed and began to talk to the man lying there, “How are you doing sir?”

  Zeb’s eyes looked over the frail man that was lying in the bed. He could see evidence that the body of the man used to massive and strong, but now it was thin and emaciated. He couldn’t place it, but something in the man’s face looked very familiar to him. It wasn’t until he came to look upon the man’s eyes, eyes that were exactly the same as his stared back at him. The patient’s eyes that had the exact same gold flecks around the purple irises as his did. He drew in his brows in complete and utter confusion.

  “It can’t be,” he whispered. “It just can’t be.”

  Zirlo sat up in the bed as straight as he could as he watched his son walk into his room and over to his bed. He wasn’t going to say a word until the son he left behind ten years realized for himself who he was. For ten long years he had dreamed of seeing his son and wife again. For ten long years he worked his ass off in the Drylon prison camp not knowing if they had even survived the war.

  “My son,” Zirlo said in an unsteady whispered voice.

  Zeb was paralyzed. He didn’t know what to do or say. This was one of the few times in his life he didn’t know how to react. He was too afraid to move or look away because, the image of his father, sitting on the bed before him, might disappear from him forever. He had to be imagining all of this. He remembered when he and his mother had spread his father’s ashes in one of his favorite places after the Drylons, for some unknown reason, had sent the remains of his father back to them with the threat of doing the same to other Theron warriors. Could this really be his father?

  “Zeb, it is me, your father.”

  “You…are…dead,” Zeb stated.

  Zirlo’s laugh hadn’t changed over the years that he was gone, and the sound of it had caused a new look to cover the features his son’s face.

  “I assure you, my son, I am not dead. Zane and Brylon can attest to that.”

  Zane stepped forward, “Zeb, I ran tests on your father just to confirm who he is. That is your father sitting right there. Go on, Go to him.” He gave Zeb a gentle shove forward.

  Even though Zeb was the commander of all Theron warriors, at this moment he felt like a boy again. His father, that until recently was believed dead, was alive and well in this room. He tentatively reached his hand to touch his father’s hand. Once he realized that the man that was before him was solid flesh and bone, he grabbed the older man in an embrace that no one in the room would soon forget.

  Both men were openly crying and sobbing in each other’s arms.

  “May the Gods be blessed, I am home again,” Zirlo said through his tears.


  Emma woke periodically to find Brylon by her side. Once he was even curled up on the tiny couch that was positioned under the window. She knew there was no way he could be comfortable on the tiny thing, because he was such an enormous man. Nevertheless, her heart swelled with joy at the sight of him.

  He had come for her, just like her heart had told her numerous times out in the forest, he would. The feelings of her heart and thoughts from her brain had fought so often while she wandered through the forest. Now, that the fight was over for good. She knew in her heart that this man, the man who had saved her from such an unhappy life on Earth, truly loved her and wanted to be with her forever. She had just regretted that it had taken her so long to realize the truth of it. But, now she was resolved to push all those bad old memories away, and fill her heart and mind with new ones.

  “Brylon?” she called out while he was sleeping on the tiny sofa. He stirred for a moment and then settled back down into his awkward bent position on the couch. “Brylon?” This time she called just a tad bit louder, startling him awake. His head snapped to the side to see her watching him.

  “Emma!” He was on his feet in the next instant and over to her bed. “You are awake! How are you feeling?” He reached for her hand and held on to it tightly.

  “I am tired, but other than that I’m feeling much better.”

  “My love, you scared the hell out of me. When I found you, your body was burning up with fever. I was so afraid that I’d lose you. Why did you run away from me?” His eyes were full of the emotion that he was struggling to contain.

  “I didn’t run away. I got lost when I went for a walk after you left. I was so angry with you. I just needed to get some air.”

  She scooted over and patted the mattress for him to join her on the bed. As he sat, he asked, “But, why would you go for a walk in the forest at night?”

  “I didn’t mean to go very far, but by the time I realized I had gone too far, I was hopelessly lost. I was trying to find my way back when I came across a very ugly and mad pig looking animal.” She watched his face as she spoke. “I have got to say. Your planet has some seriously ugly and mean animals that I don’t ever want to cross paths with again!”

  “We think that you came across an olaffub based on the tracks that we found following yours. Olaffubs are one of the meanest and rarest animals in the forest. It was very unusual for it to be found that close to where we live. Most of the time the olaffub stays deep in the forest and out of sight because there are so few of them left. I don’t know how you did it, but that animal could have killed you.”

  “I didn’t escape intentionally, you know. The damn thing kept chasing me and wouldn’t give up. I was at my wits end when I found myself falling a long way down that cliff. Thankfully the pig didn’t follow me. That’s how I injured my leg.” She pointed to the bandage that covered her leg.

  “I saw the gash on your leg when I found you in the forest with Zirlo. Zane was able to clean and heal it when we got you here, but it was the fever that we had to fight. Your friend Laura is really smart. Zane didn’t know what she was doing with all that ice. It turns out that he learned a lot from her knowledge of Earth tricks to bring down a fever.” He s
miled at the memory of her covered in ice and shivering.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Laura had covered you in sheets, and then put ice over your entire body. She told us that your fever was so high, that if we didn’t get it down quickly, you could have suffered other health problems. I am so thankful that she has the knowledge of human medicine. She has become such a great asset to Zane and the rest of us. I will never be able to repay her for saving you.”

  The careful control of his emotions was starting to break. She could see the tears as they started falling from his eyes. She had never seen a grown man cry. Emma watched as this massive, fierce, and kind-hearted man struggled to contain what he was feeling for her. Never in her life had anyone shown her such love and commitment, and now after all she had been through, she was going to give this man her heart.

  “Brylon,” she asked in a soft, barely audible voice.


  “Kiss me?” She smiled at the smile that spread across his face.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  Chapter 27

  “Brylon, would you please treating me like I can’t do anything for myself. I am fine!” Emma complained for the hundredth time.

  “I don’t want you doing anything until you are fully healed.” He placed the tray of bhakta, larma, and leppa juice on her lap. “Zane told me to take you home and take care of you.”

  “But that was over two weeks ago. I am fine.” She balanced the tray more securely on her legs.

  “I know you are fine, my love, but I want to do this.”

  Emma had the feeling that he was acting in this unusual manner because he felt guilty about what had happened to her after they fought. He rarely left her side for the last three weeks. While she was in the infirmary, he had asked Avery to take care of her rewas so that he would not have to the leave the hospital. The only time he did leave Emma alone was to take a shower or get something to eat. Even back at home he didn’t leave her side for very long. She had never had this much attention in her entire life, but secretly, she was kind of enjoying it.

  “Would you please just stop. Come sit by me.” She patted the cushion next to where she sat on the couch. “I want to talk to you.”

  Just as she said that, three little rewas came charging in, one after the other, climbing up to the spot she had patted for Brylon. They looked up at her and chatted to her as if she could understand everything they said to her. She could tell that they had missed her, because they were always near or within ear shot of her voice. The littlest sound she made would cause the trio to come charging in.

  “You girls are so funny. I didn’t call y’all. Now get on down and let Daddy sit.” She snapped her fingers towards the floor. “Go play outside.”

  “We are definitely not getting any more of them. Three is all I can take. Every time I turn around one of them is under me feet. I swear they are trying to kill me.” Brylon plopped down onto the cushion, grabbing a slice of larma in the process. “You okay?”

  “Stop worrying so much. You are driving me crazy.” She giggled as she chewed on a piece of the bhakta bread. “Can I tell you something?”

  Brylon ran the back of his hand along the side of her cheek. He still couldn’t get enough of touching her even though they hadn’t made love since she had come home. He was worried he would hurt her.

  “You know you can tell me anything, little one.”

  “Umm…I never apologized for the fight that we had that night. I caused so much trouble. I am very sorry.” She choked up at the end of her confession.

  “Apologize? I should be the one apologizing. I was the one acting like a foolish oaf, and I drove you away from me. I never intended for any of that to happen.” He sat up and took the tray off her lap, putting it on the table in front of them. He then turned around and scooped Emma up in his arms and sat her on his lap. “I will never treat you like that again. I promise.” He took her face in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I love you Emma, and I never want you to leave me again.” He kissed her again, but this time he deepened it until she opened up to him. His tongue slipped inside her moist mouth and ran alongside her tongue. When he pulled back an inch he said, “Gods, you taste wonderful.”

  Now it was her turn. She turned her body on his lap until she straddled him. Her hands rested on his chest when she leaned in to capture his mouth in another mind blowing kiss that sent tingles all the way down to her core. She immediately felt her juices start to flow from just his kiss. It had been far too long since he had made love to her. Her hands moved further down, but were halted in mid stroke.

  “Emma…” Brylon said breathlessly as he tore himself away from her mouth. “I am not sure we should be doing this so soon.” She could see the desire for her filling in his eyes and the bulge of his cock in his pants pressed against her crotch. She was not going to let him make excuses for her. He was going to take her now and make mad and passionate love to her if it killed her.

  “Just shut up…” She pulled his head back to her mouth while she moved her hips in a slow rotation on his growing cock. She slipped her hand down his chest and placed it directly on the bulge of his hard cock. “I want you inside me.” Her husky breathless voice made him jump in response.

  Without another word, Brylon swiftly stood up with Emma still on his lap. She squealed in delight and wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her up the stairs to their bedroom where he abruptly dumped her on the bed. “You want me inside of you, huh?” He waited for her reply as she watched him slowly undress. “Say it again Emma. Say that you want me.” He was waiting to remove his pants until he got his answer.

  “I want you Brylon. I want you inside me.” Her eyes grew wide as he pushed his pants down his muscular legs, kicking them to the side of the room. His cock sprung free from its prison like it had been waiting for her forever.

  Once he was undressed, he laid his naked body on top of her fully clothed one. His mouth and tongue sought out hers in a kiss, while his hand caressed and massaged her breast. He rubbed and squeezed her breast until he could feel the tightening of the flesh of her nipple through the thin fabric of her shirt. He shifted his position ever so slightly so that he could deliver the same attention to her other breast while still possessing her mouth with his own.

  A loud moan escaped into his mouth as his attention to her breasts grew to more than she could bear. That signaled him that he needed to make it possible to have skin to skin contact with her. His hand meandered its way down to the edge of her shirt then tugged it up and over her head until she lay naked beneath his touch.

  “Your breasts are so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear before placing a trail of soft kisses down her neck to the mounds of her breasts. Moving downward, he was now laying just to the side of her so that he could have complete access to every part of her body, even those parts that were still hidden beneath her clothing. “Look at me, Emma.” His copper eyes waited for her green ones to look into them, and once they did, he smiled wickedly before flicking his tongue across the peak of one of the taut hard nipples.

  He heard her draw in a sharp breath at the feel of his tongue on her sensitive skin. Brylon flicked his tongue across the tip a few more times before he took it into his mouth and gently sucked them. His hand slipped down her stomach and just under the waist band of her pajama pants, seeking for the opening of her pussy. Her fingers reached for his head as he continued to caress each of her breasts, giving them both his equal attention, while his hand had skimmed over the sensitive flesh that hid her core. His fingers gently massaged her entire mound before one long think finger slipped between the folds. There he was met with the desire she held for him. She was ready to receive his cock.

  “Gods you are so wet,” he raised his head away from her breast and placed a kiss on her stomach before moving in between her legs. He withdrew her pajama pants down and off her legs in one swift movement and was back between her legs in the blink of an eye. “Op
en for me, my love. I want to see you, all of you.” He urged her to spread her legs as he ran his hands up the insides to the tender flesh of her upper thighs. There he stopped, leaned forward, and blew the warm air of his breath over the outside of her pussy. He placed a kiss on each of her thighs before using his two thumbs to pull back the outer folds of her pussy. “Gods, Emma…” he leaned all the way in a kissed her pussy with his mouth, causing her to let out a low moan.

  He glanced up to her face to see if she was still watching and was excited to see that she was. He kept eye contact with her as his tongue snaked out and flicked across her pearl. Her hips jumped at the sudden intensity that she must have been feeling, and she closed her eyes as if a feeling of pure ecstasy was washing over her.

  “Brylon!” The one word set him off. His lips latched onto her clit and sucked as one of his fingers searched for the entrance to her womb. Finding the entrance to her pussy nice and wet, he inserted first one thick finger than another. He was careful not to hurt her even though he wanted her so badly. As he continued to suckle at her most sensitive pearl, he moved his fingers in and out of her pussy in slow easy strokes. He could feel the muscles within her beginning to contract and squeeze around his fingers. He was going to bring her over the edge with his mouth and fingers before he claimed her with his cock. He was going to make her cum and cum again while screaming out his name.

  “Brylon, I am going to cum!” Her breaths were coming fast and hard and he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, and suck on her clit. He released her clit as he answered her plea.

  “Cum for me Emma, I want to feel as you cum around my fingers.” He flicked his tongue quickly over the extremely sensitive spot as his fingers plunged in one last time before sending her over the edge. Her hands gripped the covers on the bed just as the muscles within gripped his fingers. She screamed out his name as waves of pleasure washed over her again and again. Her juices poured out of her as her pussy coated his fingers still inside her.


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