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Dave Cameron and the Extraterrestrial

Page 12

by V Bertolaccini

  Sounds of pounds of some heavy beast emerged, like it were there but not there, and he was surprised that the ground even gave shudders, and he wondered just what it was he had witnessed, and why he needed the neighbors to confirm it!

  He considered how he could photograph it, and realized he could not leave to get a camera, and wondered what he could tell his psychiatrist about it and if he would believe that anything like it could possibly exist.

  While he looked straight into its central region a massive strange dark shadowed formation emerged out, and shifted about in the surrounding mist, with the light behind it, from where it had come, creating mind-bending shifting shadow shapes all across his front, which weaved and probed their way about and to him, and he occasionally stopped his contemplation of the occurrence to consider what the hell was going on, especially as he had proven all the events of the previous night had not actually taken place!

  In the end, after realizing how the psychiatrist would react he believed there had to be something solid there and that something was there that he could not quite grasp, and he considered if it was a new form of hallucination, and decided to force his brain into waking and pulling itself out of it and grasping what was actually there, realizing that something real had to be there all along and that he had to get to the bottom of things!

  So when the shape emerged out of it he stood glaring at its giant monster shape in the light and darkness outside his front door and in the end he just laughed loudly at it, holding his belief that a hallucination would not be able to do anything, and vanish!

  It was then the monster alien, the second alien leader, from the starship, which had teleported itself there to make contact with him, Dave Cameron, stood furiously watching him, wondering what he was, and detected something and gasped in horror, and Cameron lost his temper and started shouting and swearing at it and told it go away and to stop bugging him, and he refused to accept it existed and he grabbed the first object he found and threw it at it, and threw an old beer bottle at it and it bounced off its head!

  The alien leader lost its temper and altered into an early form of its species and a giant alien bug and it sprayed him with yellow slime and tried to grab him around the waist but he avoided it and grabbed another empty bottle and charged at it as fast as he could, still attempting to force his mind into accepting nothing was there, and he ended up frantically wrestling with it all around his lawn, in the middle of the night, with him shouting loudly and swearing!

  Before all the neighbors looked out their windows and come out houses the alien and phenomena had vanished and all most of them saw was Dave Cameron rolling about on the dark lawn drunk with an empty bottle of beer shouting and swearing loudly!

  Once again Cameron got to his feet dizzily and feeling the drink and ran blindly without looking at full speed and dived on top of one of his neighbors, thinking he was the creature, grabbing at him and wrestling with him, and the other neighbors managed to grab him and carry him into his house, with him shouting out at it!

  Later that night he awoke, where his neighbors had left him, when he heard his bell ring and he frantically grabbed a vase and ran at full speed to the door and yanked it open and the monster smashed the vase and attacked him over and over throwing him about his lawn, and thumped him in the stomach, and he doubled over and collapsed!

  The next morning he was awoken by a paperboy in a heap in a large bin, wearing his pajamas!

  Chapter 11

  The Last Alien Leader

  Cameron was ill the next morning and was furious too, and knew it existed now and he had enough evidence to prove it, and early in the day he rushed out and met a guy in a bar, someone in the army had introduced, and he bought an old rusted rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and declared war on the alien bugs!

  On Sunday night Cameron no longer thought about what had happened on the pervious night and only thought of his wounds!

  His last thoughts of it were what to tell his psychiatrist on Monday, after the weekend, and in the end decided it was not worth mentioning to him.

  After watching and ignoring the news programs and endless newspapers and magazines he decided to ignore it all until he had evidence the Prime Minister was back from where he was!

  He ended up watching horror films and drinking until it was late and ended up almost in the same state as the night before, even though he intended to remain sober!

  So when the third and last alien leader arrived to continue the first contact scenario he never heard the doorbell when it started ringing as he was in deep sleep, and when he awoke later he rushed over and grabbed his gun and loaded it.

  The bell had been damaged, and with it continuing to ring, and was bouncing about on the wall beside the door and he ignored it and waking neighbors, which he wished to avoid, even though the police were looking for him, after they had chased him out the bar.

  He conclusively unlocked the door and rushed out with the gun and he instantly saw something actually appearing in the thick mist there, from somewhere else, and he blasted three rounds at it, and he examined it at different angles, and while he reloaded the gun he saw it was like seeing another world and something emerging through a gateway, and he saw parts of it through gaps in the thickened fog and saw regions of something strange in places, and saw a major region open and studied it furiously and saw what was there on the previous night and a form of chamber full of technology that was part of something.

  Out of nowhere a powerful light emerged through the thickest formation of mist, which made him gasp and jerk, and he moved back, and he stood watching its radiance pulsating and illuminating his garden and house out of the darkness, and he spotted one of his neighbors glaring out a window and recalled the man from the previous night in his garden and wondered why he had not acknowledged the alien existed, and he saw other neighbors looking out after seeing the tremendous bright light illuminating the buildings and their bedroom walls, magically illuminating the fog, and he carefully watched his neighbor’s faces studying it all.

  As soon as he heard the sounds of pounds of the heavy beast emerge he lifted up his gun and aimed it at it, and placed bullets where he could easily get them.

  He instantly heard the ground shudder and prepared himself, and he wondered just what it was he was witnessing, and why the neighbors on the previous night had not confirmed it existed.

  What would he tell his psychiatrist about this in the morning? He surely would not believe anything like it could possibly exist!

  The alien seemed to see him as its strange dark shadowed formation emerged out, and shifted about in the surrounding mist, and it rushed through and he wondered what the hell he was doing and he started firing bullets into it and shouting!

  It jumped out at him and stood glaring at him as he shot bullets into its giant monster shape!

  Cameron felt his sore head and the drink and was furious at what had happened on the previous night and rushed forward and started firing hundreds of rounds of ammunition into it while shouting and declaring war on the alien bug species!

  He dashed around the garden blasting bullets at it and the monster grabbed him and threw him about his lawn until he collapsed and it dumped him in bushes, and it vanished, just as a large group of police vehicles arrived and surrounded his house and garden, hiding behind vehicles with guns!

  Some hid at houses where his neighbors told them of all the shouting, and of Cameron running around in his pajamas shooting bullets everywhere, screaming that they were carrying out a planned alien invasion and that the Prime Minister needed to arrange a Cobra meeting immediately!

  Chapter 12

  The Monday Morning

  Cameron rushed into the London psychiatrist’s waiting room late, on morning for his appointment, and avoided doing his clumsy trip and crash through the psychiatrist’s door.

  Though when he knocked and was politely asked to enter he rushed in and tripped over his carpet and landed head first into his desk, smashing al
l the objects on it up into the air and over the floor, and he immediately started collecting the objects off the floor and standing objects back up in their original positions, and finally looked over at the aged psychiatrist staring at him insanely.

  He calmly studied Cameron’s face, and gasped, “You again ...”

  “It’s me!” he replied, embarrassed.

  “Well, at least you managed to recall the positions of all the items on my desk!” he moaned. “I also see that you made it into this morning’s papers”

  Cameron gasped and watched him show the front headlines of newspaper with photos of him being arrested the night before, which now felt like days ago, and gave headlines and articles of a crackpot running about with a gun claiming there was an alien invasion taking place.

  “How did you avoid being arrested?” he asked, curiously, examining his features, unable to fully believe something.

  “I do not know!” he replied, confused. “I think I collapsed ...”

  “Tell me what happened from the start!”

  He carefully explained what had happened over the weekend and him finding monsters at his door, avoiding saying many things that would confuse him any further.

  He clearly thought he had made the story up to get his attention and Cameron realized that he might not believe anything he said.

  “What can I do?” he asked, after a minute of silence and him staring at him crazily.

  “Not much!” he moaned. “Ignore it! There are just some nasty bugs going around!”

  What amazed Cameron about the whole incident was that the police had caught him and he was free, and he wondered why he was not identified as the bank robber and the person they had chased out of the pub toilet, which had appeared on all the newspapers.

  He wondered if they had not recognized him in the mess and condition he was in, or if it had been something else, and his eyes suddenly fell on one of the newspapers, at a lower article, which told of the real bank robbers being arrested and he realized how lucky he was and that it was only the gunman that shot at him left.

  “You’re ...” the psychiatrist accidentally moaned, out of the blue, with his mouth wide open.

  Cameron gave him a pleasant smile and shrugged.

  “Your memory loss?”


  The psychiatrist started writing notes and instantly ignored him and Cameron sat and rested, still exhausted from the night before, trying to work out if it was the drink, hangover, lack of sleep, the physical exhaustion, or a combination of some or all of them.

  This had to be his lucky break – and he realized that he had actually talked Sergeant Malone into arranging the whole trip to London and appointment with the psychiatrist, and that his stay there now had been extended until further notice, which had been told to him early that morning – and that it could solve his problems and allow him to explore and meet the Prime Minister and discover if he was the Prime Minister’s twin brother, which the taxi driver had convinced him he was, which he had not been so far able to confirm or prove wrong!

  Even Dory had not told him if he was actually David Cameron’s twin, and he was sure that nobody had said it to her!

  “Now tell me if you have recalled anything new from when you first lost your memory and what occurred afterwards!” the psychiatrist spoke firmly.

  Cameron sat firmly and nearly moaned out loud and he realized how many times he had actually thought of the incident, and that he had lost faith in doing it, and realized that he could have damaged his memory permanently with it! Yet if anyone could solve his loss of memory and could have a way to do it then he was sure he was at the right place to find him, and that there had to be many other cases, and he would at least get if there was an answer to it and perhaps he could help him accept the facts.

  “Ever since I found myself face down in a pool of mud in a farm field I’ve lost my memory of my identity and have been trying to get it back, and I have not realized how I got there and can barely recall anything I did before it occurred!

  “A taxi driver I questioned later told me that he had seen me with someone that looked like me just before the occurrence at a nearby wood!”

  “Someone who looked like you! Who could that have been?”

  “I have so far been unable to find anything out about it!”

  The psychiatrist asked many questions and Cameron continued telling him everything he knew, and still avoided telling him of the army being there to investigate a suspected alien landing/crash, but he did give him the strange dream of him as a werewolf as he was sure that the incident somehow explained something, and he was now sure it could be a mental problem!

  Why had the British army, US military, and NASA insisted there was an alien, and investigate the crash site to such a degree, and he started wondering what he was missing?

  After the three aliens attacking him outside his house he was unsure what to think though, and why he never thought it was them that had crashed there, but he was sure they were somehow connected to it or he had sustained brain damage and was seeing fantasy alien invasions.

  He tried to connect the incident but could not and knew if he could grasp some small piece of information that connected the incidents that he would connect everything, and wondered how he would cure his memory loss!

  Questions were still unsolved and there were now more, and even worse after his dream of the alien, the alien invasion, what he had been doing in London, and how he had ended up in the army in the first place.

  He realized that he should just ignore it all and let time solve the mess for him, and he should stop wasting his time, but he wanted to find out what he was like, people he had known, and his real life he had been living up to the incident. Perhaps even why he was looking for treasure and why he was so sure that it had existed. Why had they found that well at the location the treasure was supposed to be, and why had the information he had given the three soldiers about it been enough to convince them that there was something there? Which surely was evidence enough!

  The psychiatrist examined him physically before he left, trying to find anything that he had missed, and was surprised at his bruises and the weird places that he had them, and kept questioning him on what the three alien visitors had done, and examined marks around his shoulders and showed them to him in a mirror and asked what they were, and he examined them, and recalled that it had been caused by the tentacle of one of the aliens when it had thrown him about his garden!

  Chapter 13

  The Strange Discovery

  While Cameron stood wearing a pristine business suit listening to the partying, loud rock music, shouts and screams, laughs and giggling, from large celebration parties, he studied Dory, looking like a model on a magazine, with her incredible black dress, and they made their way to a nightclub.

  Everything was perfect, and even he could not imagine anything going wrong, and it had been a great night but what still annoyed him was that he did not know what she was doing at times and it was as though part of his brain would not tell him what he needed to know to grasp it, and he could not grasp what he had thought of her before then, and what their relationship was, but he was entirely glad he had told her what had happened when they had met.

  A powerful rifle blast astonished him and everyone there, and even silenced the partying, and he gasped and realized that it could be the gunman back, and he saw where a bullet had smashed his glass into pieces on a table, and he shot away as fast as he could towards cover, knowing he, Dory, or someone else would be killed if he stayed, and he confirmed it when the next shot landed behind his back foot, and he decided to leave Dory and the others and to find a hiding place.

  The explosions sounded so powerful he believed the gunman was using some form of high explosive in the bullets, and realized he could have been nearby and could have been bad at aiming!

  Whoever was after him had to be crazy and stupid for doing it at such a populated area, with so many partygoers, and at the same time as
thinking it he heard police sirens blaring out in the city night, racing through the streets to there, and he realized the problems he could be in if the others there named him as the target, as they surly would want to question him!

  He could not realize who was there trying to shoot him and just accepted that they were, and in the distance behind him he spotted a police car with a bright flashing light and blaring siren arriving at where he had been, and gasped at the distance he had shifted from there and at the speed he was racing away at, and realized he had actually become faster and was running far faster than world record speeds, and he tried to explain it but he could not and tried to work out how an accident that made him lose his memory and end up in a field could alter his body. The hospital check ups he had attended had not shown anything and he even wondered if he was imagining it, and wondered what would happen if he proved it to one of them and if he would get an answer on what it was.

  For a long time he saw he was following roads and lanes, and somehow recognized them, and was going somewhere and he just remained going, to get as far away from the gunman and to answer what his body was actually doing, and his speed seemed to increase and he knew that there were no real populated areas where he was going, and he was surprised at the faces of the few people that he raced passed, who stood talking and only saw him flash passed in the darkness like an hallucination.


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