Blitz: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Series (Books 1-5)
Page 27
"Axel Cooper?" I asked, already knowing it was him. I'd seen his face a thousand times on TV and the internet. He was even better looking in person. His eyes fluttered open, and when they finally focused enough to take me in, a soft smile spread over his face. My heart stuttered as I noted the light butterscotch flecks hidden in the deep brown caramel of his warm and tender eyes.
"Well, hello there," he said, sitting up.
"Hello," I squeaked. I cleared my throat and took a breath. "Hello," I said, stronger this time. "I'm Kaitlyn Wright. Your new therapist."
"Gee," Axel blinked and kept a straight face. "I wish someone had told me there was a team therapist coming. I just paid some quack $500 for Prozac."
I stared back at him, hiding the laughter that bubbled inside me. The rumors were true. Axel was charming. But I had never bedded a football player, and I didn't intend to start now. Especially not my first day on the job. When I didn't respond with a smile and a wink the way he'd hoped for, Axel's eyes wavered.
"Just kidding," he said. "Though I'd be happy to get on your couch any day."
I hardened myself against his charms and jumped straight to the point. "I don't fuck football players," I said.
Axel's eyebrows lifted. "Whoa. No need to get defensive or anything."
"I need you up on the massage table. We're gonna work that knee today."
Axel sighed. "Whatever." His face hardened as he stood up. His lips pressed together.
"How much pain are you in?" I asked, leading him to the table in the corner.
"Not much," he said.
"Wanna hear a secret?" I asked, batting my lashes.
"Sure," Axel said. I could see his wheels spinning, hoping for something dirty.
"Years of working as a physical therapist has given me X-Ray vision. I can see right through your bullshit."
Axel's face fell. He stopped flirting and sat on the table. My jaw hit the floor as he took his shirt off. The rich gold that colored his face didn't stop there. His whole body was one golden lollipop. I wanted to lick him from head to toe. He grunted as he lay back. The shorts he wore rode up his thigh as I bent his leg, revealing tight skin that begged for me to touch it. My sex ached as my fingers moved over him.
"Turn on your back." He grunted again as I tried to maneuver his knee. Something else I had learned as a physical therapist was that when someone was in serious pain, it was best to keep them talking.
"Tell me about your daughter," I said. "Sounds like she's growing up a little too fast for you."
Axel moaned. His hand brushed over his forehead again. "You heard that, huh?"
"Yeah. The sound carries in locker rooms."
"Riley's four and already asking me where babies come from. I think my brain melted for a minute when she asked me that. I don't know what I'm gonna do when she's sixteen and brings a boy home for me to meet." He reached for his wallet, which sat on a side table, and pulled a picture out. Riley was cute. Her sweet little face stared back at me and made my heart melt. A woman sat beside her in the picture, smiling.
"What about Riley's mother? Couldn't she talk to her about this stuff?"
Axel froze. "Riley's mother... she..."
His thighs tightened under my hands as he tensed up. I rubbed my hands slowly up and down, easing his nerves. My heart fluttered the closer I got to the center between his legs. The bulge which lay hidden there seemed to call me closer.
"I'm sorry," I said. "Did she... did she pass away? My own mother passed away when I was just a kid."
Axel looked at me. His deep brown eyes melted into my soul.
"No, she's alive. But it would have been easier if she wasn't. I know that sounds cold, but it's the truth."
"Sorry, it's none of my business," I said, getting back to his leg.
"It's fine. Riley's mother, Taylor, had a terrible drug problem. I tried to help her, but... one night she hurt Riley." His eyes darkened. "I couldn't help her anymore after that." He glanced up at me, and it took all my willpower not to lick his chest with my thick, pink tongue. I shook my head, clearing it. What was wrong with me? Players never affected me this much.
"Why do you still have a picture of Riley's mother then?"
"It's the only picture I've got of her where she doesn't look strung out. I was gonna toss it, but one day, Riley might want to know what her mom was like. I figured I'd better hang onto it."
I couldn't stop the heat from rising in my chest. Axel wasn't like most football players I'd met. His devotion to his daughter was obvious. My fingers ached to touch more of him than I should have been allowed.
"Sorry," he said. "About your mom, I mean."
"Thanks." I wasn't looking at his face anymore.
My head was buried against his leg as I worked his muscles over and over again. My hands inched up his thigh, and I felt the steady throb of my pulse beat deep inside my pussy, making me hot and wet.
When I lifted my eyes from his knee, Axel's dick had risen to greet me. But instead of irritating me the way most football players would when their dick rose to attention, Axel's erection unleashed a deep curiosity. What did it look like under those shorts? Perhaps I should find out.
My head rang with pain as Kaitlyn stretched my leg into the air. It might not have been so bad if only she wasn't acting like such an elitist snob. I don't fuck football players. That was what she'd said. I don't know why she insisted on being difficult. How many women had I bedded simply by flashing them a smile?
"Turn on your back," she said. Her voice grated against my ears. I could hear the fans cheering in the stands. I should be out there with them.
"Look, how long is this gonna take?" I snapped.
"The more you persist in fighting me, the longer it'll be. Cooperate, and we'll get through this in no time."
"Fine," I grumbled.
There was a long pause where I concentrated on not puking as pain shot up my leg. "Tell me about your daughter," Kaitlyn said.
It was easy to talk about Riley. She was the one good thing I had in my life right now. With my football career currently shot for the season, I didn't have much else driving my spirits. Yeah, Coach let me hang around the stadium, and I know he tried to make me feel like I was helping out, but deep down, the truth was the team was doing fine without me.
I tried not to grunt when Kaitlyn bent my knee, but it was hard.
"Sorry," she said. Her hands moved over my skin, running up my thigh and making my prick tingle. I pushed it aside, trying to focus on something other than the softness of her hands as they worked their way further up my leg, then back down again. Her hands were strong and patient. My heart skipped a beat as she brushed her fingers over my ass. Was that an accident?
The more Kaitlyn spoke, the sweeter her voice sounded. I wished she hadn't heard my phone conversation with Riley. I still felt my cheeks flush at the thought of Riley's question.
When Kaitlyn asked about Taylor, my guard went up. I felt my dick bow back down and was about to tell her it was none of her business. But then she'd said that stuff about her own mother passing away when she was just a kid. Kaitlyn was only trying to help; I didn't need to be an ass.
I decided to let it all go and closed my eyes. We relaxed into a deep silence. Her breath was hot and heavy as she leaned over my chest. I felt the fabric of her shirt as her breasts pressed against me. She really took her job seriously. Much more so than the last therapist I'd had. She'd been won over with a few sweet words and my million-watt smile.
The longer Kaitlyn worked on me, the more resistant she seemed to my charms. It irritated the hell out of me.
"You seem tense," Kaitlyn purred. She had a way of making words like "tense" sound dirty. Maybe it was just the way her hands wrapped harder around my leg the more I tried to move. I shifted on the massage table. It was too hot in the locker room, and I was getting uncomfortable. No one had really worked my leg like this since I'd torn my ACL.
"Stop moving," sh
e scolded. Her soft, pink lips turned down at the corners as she frowned. I was about to try throwing my charm out at her again when my phone rang. I turned on my side and answered it. Kaitlyn exhaled a frustrated breath.
"I can't work while you're on the phone," she said, but her hands stayed where they were.
"It's my mother," I told her. Kaitlyn's irritation softened immediately. "No more baby questions, Mom, please," I said, answering the phone.
"Axel." I heard the alarm in my mother's voice.
"Mom? What's wrong?" I shot up on the massage table, much to Kaitlyn's chagrin. "Is Riley okay?"
"Axel, take a deep breath. Riley's fine. But you won't believe who was just here."
"Who?" I asked. I hated it when my mother made me guess at things.
My jaw dropped, and my back tightened. Kaitlyn moved behind me and began massaging my shoulders.
"Taylor? You're shitting me."
"No. She wanted to see Riley."
"What did you tell her?"
"I told her to get out of here before I called the cops."
"Damn right."
"Axel... she said she was clean. She... I think she wants Riley back."
"No way in hell is Taylor getting Riley. I've got custody of her, and I'm not giving it up."
"But if she's clean—"
"Mom! The last time Taylor saw Riley, she put her in the hospital. Remember the broken arm? The black eye? No way in hell will Taylor set one foot near Riley as long as I breathe."
"Honey, I'm on your side. You know that. But, well, you might want to call your lawyer. Maybe you can get another restraining order against her."
"Yeah. I'll call Bill right away." I was conscious of Kaitlyn standing behind me, listening, but somehow her hand on my shoulder soothed me rather than irritated me more. I took ahold of it, grasping it tightly in my hand. Taylor! I knew she didn't give a shit about Riley. So what was she after? Money?
"Did Riley see her?" I asked. My throat was so dry, I could barely get the words out.
"No, Riley was taking a nap. She has no idea Taylor was even here."
"Good. I'll... I'll call you back after I figure this out."
I hung up and sat with my head in my hands. I called Bill, but he didn't answer. I left him a message. "What am I gonna do?" I asked, turning to Kaitlyn. It wasn't her job to answer me, but I needed something, someone, to hold onto right now.
Kaitlyn's hands rubbed against my back. She was so warm. So soft. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and she didn't stop me. She was looking at me with a deep passion I recognized at once.
"Axel..." Kaitlyn said. Her hand moved to my cheek. Her liquid blue eyes swam toward me. Energy shot between us as Kaitlyn pressed her lips to mine.
My lips burned as I pressed myself against Axel's hot mouth. His lips invited me in, and I obliged. My tongue slid along his, tasting the sweet juice that bubbled out of him. I knew I was breaking every rule I'd ever set, but I couldn't control myself. I reached down and grabbed Axel's cock through his shorts as my thighs burned. I longed to feel him inside me. My body grew wet as he hardened against me.
Axel's hands raced up and over my body. My breasts pressed against his rock hard chest. With each breath, I dug deeper into him. Axel lifted my shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor. My breasts bounced against his face as he leaned into them, circling my hard, pink nipples with his thick, pink tongue. I shivered against his touch. My pussy ached for his fingers to touch me. My blood pulsed through my veins, making my head spin.
I knew someone could walk in at any moment, but that only made things hotter. I climbed onto the massage table with Axel, straddling him as he continued to work his perfect tongue over my breasts.
"Oh God," I said, leaning backward so that my back was touching the table.
"Your body's perfect," he whispered. My pants came off, and Axel buried his head against my pussy. Moist heat grew between my legs as Axel pushed my lace panties aside. His tongue slid along my strawberry cream lips, inhaling my sex.
"You smell delicious," he whispered.
His tongue dipped in and out of my opening, making my legs tremble. My back arched as he wound his way deeper inside me. His slick tongue lapped at my pussy faster and faster, drinking me up like a saucer of milk. I lifted my hips to his face, driving his tongue deeper into my cave.
When I couldn't take anymore, I stretched my arms out and sat up, kissing Axel's chest. My tongue slid over his chiseled abs as my hand reached down and massaged his cock. I felt him tremble under my touch and pulled harder at him. His member engorged and pressed against me. I opened my legs wide for him, pressing my hips against his. Axel responded by pounding against me. His erection grew another foot, and I longed for it to pound its way inside me.
"Fuck me," I whispered, knowing we had passed the point of no return. My panties still clung to my hot, damp thighs. I pushed them the rest of the way off, helping Axel with his shorts. His erection sprung free, slapping against my sex with a loud thud. I sighed happily and closed my eyes.
"Taste me," Axel directed.
I reached my head down and pulled Axel into my mouth. His cock tickled the back of my throat as I lunged forward, sucking him hard. My mouth was so wet that Axel's member slid back and forth with ease. Axel shivered, his back arching as I gripped his ass. It was tight and golden, and as he pushed himself deeper into me, I felt his blood pulse with anticipation.
He tasted like sweet cream as I moved my head up and down. I lifted my head, panting, and Axel sat up, putting his hands around my hips and pulling me higher toward him. My opening lay just above his erection. The tip of his cock teased me as I bounced on top of him, finally sinking onto him. His member slipped inside me with ease. Hot, wet energy flowed between us, sending my brain into a light-headed spin.
I began to bounce. My hips moved up and down. Axel's own hips met mine thrust for thrust. He slid in and out of me, teasing me with alternating depths and speeds. My head fell back, and I moaned. Axel's dick was rock hard, a solid mass of steel drilling its way deep into my pussy. His stamina was like nothing I'd ever known. Just as I thought he must surely be winding down, his body shifted once more and found a way to reach even greater depths.
I moved faster and faster over him, trying to keep his knee steady as I moved so he wouldn't get hurt. His skin glistened with sweat. My brain had given up all pretense of acting like this was wrong and instead saturated itself with the intensity of Axel's passion.
We moved toward our climax together. I felt Axel stiffen under me. His cock filled me from side to side, fitting me so completely that I felt sorry for other women who had never known such pleasure. The friction and heat was almost too much to bear.
"Make me cum," I screamed.
Axel lifted his hips off the massage table, pounding against me as I dug deep into him. His scent—green grass and sweat—filled my nostrils, sending shivers up my spine.
"Again!" I screamed. "Harder!"
Axel obliged, pounding against me once more. The lights on the ceiling fell out of focus. My head spun out of control. I heard Axel pant as he pumped faster and faster against me. Then his heat was filling me. Energy exploded out of him, shooting deep into my cave. I relished in the hot, sticky sweetness of it all as stars exploded around me. The chasm between my legs tightened and released. I threw my head back and let out a loud cry before falling back, exhausted.
Axel lay panting under me. "I thought you didn't fuck football players," he laughed.
"A woman has the right to change her mind," I smiled.
Wow. I could still taste Kaitlyn's lips on mine as we got dressed. I'd never experienced anything as intense as I just had with Kaitlyn. I racked my brain, trying to figure out what to do or say next. Normally, I'd just send the woman home in a cab. But Kaitlyn... I was already craving her. Her sweet smell. Her warm lips. Her pussy so wet that it was
like stepping into a hot tub.
"I need to get up to the stadium and see how my team's doing," I told her. "Why don't you come up with me? Maybe after the game's over, we can grab a bite to eat." I tried not to look too concerned about whether she said yes or no, but I snuck a sideways glance at her and saw her eyes stuck to the floor.
"No big deal if you can't hang," I said, hoping I sounded nonchalant. "Just thought I'd ask."
She lifted her eyes, and I saw uncertainty there. "I'm not done with you yet," she said.
"Oh?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. I was delighted to find such a devil inside this beauty. She blushed and looked away.
"I meant," she said, pushing her hands lightly against my chest to separate our bodies, "that I'm not done with your therapy."
"Oh. My knee feels great," I told her. I meant it, too. My knee hadn't felt this good since the day Jeff Ridgley had tackled me and tore that thing in my knee. Kaitlyn looked at me doubtfully, so I stepped on my leg to prove my case. The second I put my weight on it, I felt my knee try to buckle. I grabbed hold of the massage table and shifted my weight off my foot. Kaitlyn smiled and handed me my crutches.
"You were saying?" she smirked.
I sighed. My phone buzzed, and I saw my mom's text pop up. What did your lawyer say?
Shit. I couldn't believe I'd let myself get so distracted. When my mom told me Taylor had stopped by, it was like my brain just froze. It had been two years since she'd dared to set foot on our doorstep. I'd gotten the restraining order after I'd come home one day to find Riley crying in a corner, her arm mangled and her face bruised. Taylor had begged me not to go to the cops, but I'd told her to fuck off.