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Wishing For A Happily Ever After (I Wish Book 2)

Page 5

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “I’ve also gone ahead and booked a table at a five-star restaurant with a wide range of foods, so everyone should be happy with the choice. Tickets for the play are ready to be picked up at the front desk at the Hilton. Just give them your name and they’ll hand them over,” I tell her as I read through my notes, checking everything off as I go. Not that I need my notes; it just gives me something to concentrate on instead of my eyes straying back to Drake, which they’ve been dying to do for the last five minutes.

  Pam looks at me, relief in her eyes. “Thank you. I completely forgot about the hotel and tickets. It’s been a busy few weeks.”

  I smile, tilting my head to the side. “It’s my job, Pam. It’s why you hired me, to keep everything running smoothly and to make sure you are where you need to be.”

  “Still, thank you, dear. You really are a godsend.”

  Her approval makes me blush a little, and I clear my throat once again before looking at the next topic on the agenda. “Okay… next is the fundraiser. Since you’ve let us use your hall, the house is going to be really busy today. My colleague Jessica, who should be here shortly with the catering staff, will be running everything. The rest will flow in and out throughout the day.

  “We already had two bouncers and six security guards hired for tonight, but because it was originally at a hotel, we didn’t feel the need for any extra security. With the items of value around your home―”

  She waves me off. “Shane was informed yesterday morning about the change of schedule and has hired a valet parking service and my normal security staff. We use them for other events like this one. They’ll make sure everyone is kept in the ballroom and the gardens. We’ve have the stairs roped off, along with the left side of the manor. But to be safe, if you could get your team to check in with Shane when they arrive, he’ll instruct everyone on where to be so there’s no confusion.”

  That’s actually brilliant. It takes another load off Jessica and me.

  “Thank you, that will be a huge help.”

  “It’s our pleasure. And I’ve already had the kitchen prepped and the ballroom cleaned and ready for you. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss about tonight?”

  Looking down at my notes, I see I’ve gone through most of it. “Not today, but I would like to sit down with you and Amelia when you’re back from your trip.”

  She nods before turning to Ada, giving her a knowing look. “Did you pack?”

  Ada huffs, glaring at her daughter. “No. I still don’t understand why I can’t stay here with the kids. You know I hate all that uppity crap. And a play? I’m gonna be bored out of my brain.”

  “Mother, we’ve talked about this. The kids want the house to themselves for the night,” Adam tells her, treading carefully.

  “Yeah, and I bet they have more fun than me. And they’ll have alcohol.”

  Drake chuckles under his breath, and goosebumps run up my arms. For a moment, I forgot he was even there.




  Yeah, I totally need to get laid, or find a new hobby.

  “Grams, the police were called the last time we were alone with you,” Drake says, causing his dad to chuckle and Pam to glare at both of them.

  “Revenge is best served sweet,” Ada says, shrugging as she twirls her knife.



  I don’t tell her the saying is ‘Revenge is best served cold.’ I don’t want to get on her bad side, especially with the way she’s eying that butter knife.

  “You put a laxative in his drink,” Adam reminds her.

  “And his pudding,” Drake adds.

  “After you somehow made sure none of the toilets were working,” Pam says, sounding a little sceptical.

  What on earth?

  She’s just a tiny old lady.

  I’m actually starting to think I should’ve taken Alison’s pleas for Ada to stay away a little more seriously now.

  This is just plain crazy.

  “He cheated on me, then had the balls to bring her to my favourite restaurant, where he took me,” Ada snaps, spinning the knife a little too hard.

  Why is Cher Lloyd’s “I Want You Back” ringing in my head?

  “Mother, you sent them a voucher to get them there,” Pam tells her, sounding vexed.

  “And forced Jesse and me to take you there under false pretences,” Drake says, sounding more amused than anything.

  “And you hit a waiter with your bag,” Adam adds, his lips twitching.

  Okay, next job I’m totally doing background checks―on the whole family.

  Are they not worried about that knife she’s freaking spinning at all?

  “Like I told the copper, it was an accident. I was aiming for him,” she tuts, rolling her eyes.

  “It’s a moot point since you’re still coming with us. I don’t want you getting the kids into trouble this close to the wedding.”

  “Whatever,” Ada mutters before sulking off. She looks like a kid who just had her tablet confiscated.

  When she’s gone, I’m able to relax. The knife is still there, which has to be a good sign. Though I still can’t help but wonder how someone her age, someone who looks adorably sweet, can be so… so… I don’t even know what to call it, but it’s something.

  “You do realise she’s gonna be here for every other gathering for the wedding?” Drake points out, shovelling eggs into his mouth.

  Lord, even his mouth closing around a fork is sexy.

  “She’ll be on her best behaviour,” Adam says, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

  “Yes,” Pam agrees, taking a sip of her drink.

  And, I note, also avoiding our gazes.

  “They’re lying, aren’t they?” I whisper to Drake.

  He grins, all straight white teeth on show, with a little dimple in his cheek. I find myself sighing at his perfection.

  “Yep,” he says, popping the ‘p’.

  I close my eyes, seriously hoping I don’t have to deal with anything she does. I can only handle so much. And I don’t want to get arrested. I wouldn’t look good in a prison uniform.

  My phone beeping has me looking away from Drake’s amused eyes and down to the screen. I groan when I read the message.

  ALISON: If you don’t come and save me right now, I’m quitting. I should be getting paid danger money. And why the fudge does she want a copy of the wedding itinerary?

  Oh no!

  “I have to go!” I rush out, glaring at Drake when I see his shoulders shaking in laughter.

  Without looking back, I race out of the room, leaving Drake to explain to his parents about my sudden departure.

  As I run up the stairs, I pray like hell that I won’t need to find a new assistant by the end of the three weeks.


  Being an event planner means being on the go constantly. You have to know the where, when and who. But when you haven’t been on the project for more than a day, it sucks. It’s guaranteed that there will be more than one mistake, and trust me, today has been a day of mistakes.

  First, the caterers mixed up their menus, cooking for a venue they have for tomorrow. Then we had a mishap with the live band, but thankfully it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed. Then the hotel wouldn’t let Jessica’s assistant pick up the raffle prizes and auction donations, even after giving them permission over the phone, so I had to hold the fort while she went to sort that out.

  By the time I left Jessica less than an hour ago to greet the guests arriving, it was too late for me to do my normal ‘get glammed up’ routine. And now my mood is dwindling. To feel great, I have to look great, but I just don’t. I don’t even have time to moisturize since I was already expected to be downstairs half an hour ago.

  I barely have my silver strapped heels on when there’s a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I call out, finishing up my buckle.

  “Hey, Jessica—” Drake starts, stepping in
, but then he stops. I look up to see what has him so distracted and find his eyes on me, his expression heated.

  His intense appraisal has me blushing and running a hand down my dress self-consciously. I’m not ugly, but the way I’ve thrown my outfit together doesn’t warrant a look like that.

  My hair’s in a messy bun, leaving a few strands framing my face. I didn’t have time for full make-up, so I gave my cheeks a good pinch and applied pink lip gloss.

  My silver silk gown falls to my ankles. It was something Alison had packed in case something happened to one of my other dresses. Boy I’m glad she did.

  Drake shakes his head, his gaze travelling up my body, clearing his throat when he meets my eyes. “You look beautiful,” he tells me hoarsely.

  Blushing, I tuck my hands behind my back. “Thank you.” I clear my throat, looking anywhere but at him. “Um, you mentioned Jess?”

  “Oh yeah, she wanted me to come check on you and let you know the auction will be starting soon.”

  Yep, totally freaking late.

  I nod, taking his arm when he offers. “Have the wedding guests arrived?”

  “Yeah, and Jesse and Amelia brought the best man and maid of honour with them. My sister Gabby won’t be here till tomorrow morning.”

  His tone when he mentions the best man and maid of honour has me giving him a sideways glance as we make our way down the hall. “Isn’t the maid of honour Amelia’s cousin?”

  “Yeah, and she’s a freaking bitch, just like Amelia’s mum. How Amelia came from her or even survived it still surprises me. She’s everything her mum isn’t. Angela’s mum, Amelia’s aunt, is a peach though. Lovely woman.”

  “That bad?” I ask, gulping.

  One thing I can’t deal with is bitches. I’m a cheerful, bubbly person, so when someone around me wants to sour that, it riles me up and I end up doing and saying shit I shouldn’t.

  “She’s the spawn of the Devil himself. Amelia’s mum is the Devil’s sidekick.”

  Hmm…. “And you don’t like your brother’s best friend?”

  He grunts. “No. He’s an entitled prick, or acts like one. He’s a snake, but my brother is too nice to say anything. He helped Jesse out in law school and they’ve been inseparable ever since. But the guy is a dick, a total womanizer. He tends to treat every female like gold until he gets what he wants. Like I said, a snake. Just be careful around both of them. Something about him has always bothered me,” he warns me as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

  I’m about to ask why but Jessica steps in front of us, her headpiece on and a clipboard in hand. “Hey, you made it,” she beams.

  “Hey. Where do you want me?” I smile.

  “I don’t. You’ve got the night off to enjoy yourself. Mr and Mrs Donovan agreed with me.”

  “But the auction―”

  She waves me off. “We have it covered. I just wanted to make sure you were in attendance. I know you were looking at bidding on the spa weekend.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, since nothing really went to plan today. I bite my bottom lip, ready to get to work, but Drake places his hand on my back and I bite back my words. His hand is warm through the thin material, and tingles shoot up my back.

  “She’s sure. Now let’s get you a glass of champagne,” he says.

  Jessica grins, her eyes sparkling as she eyes the both of us like she knows something we don’t. I guess with how close Drake is, and with him touching me so intimately, we must seem like we’re a couple to her.

  She winks at me, waves and turns to leave. I roll my eyes, letting Drake steer me towards the ballroom.

  “That was rude to assume,” I remark, smiling at people as I pass.

  “Just relax and have some fun.”

  Everyone is dressed to the nines. My eyes rake over everyone, admiring the beauty surrounding me. And I don’t just mean the people, but the room too.

  It’s absolutely breathtaking.

  I left the floor staff to sort out the room around noon, so I’m seeing this for the first time. How they managed to pull this off in one day is incredible.

  Jessica didn’t order decorations for the event since it was being held at a hotel. Somehow, with the large chandelier, twinkle lights surrounding the doors and bar, and with the architecture of the room, it doesn’t need any fancy decorations. Although, picturing what this room will look like for the wedding has me giddy with excitement.

  Glancing around, my eyes land on the stage where a live jazz band is playing and I smile. Jessica really went all out when she acquired everything for tonight. What amazes me more is that she got it donated or at a discounted price.

  Guests seem to be enjoying themselves, socialising, some dancing, and all chatting and having a good time.

  Waiters and waitresses are walking around handing out champagne and appetisers. The second one is near, I snag a glass off the tray, Drake doing the same.

  “Wow, I didn’t realise this many people would be here,” he says in awe, glancing around the room with the same expression I just had.

  “It’s one of our biggest fundraisers. There are a lot of wealthy people here, and family of fallen or injured soldiers,” I explain. “Once word spreads, tickets usually sell out within a week or two. Our other biggest fundraisers are for children in need and women’s aid.” His expression burns into me so I turn his way. “What?”

  “You really love this, don’t you? Organising events.” He stares down at me.

  I smile, gazing right back into his eyes when I answer. “I do. It’s the best feeling in the world, but when we do fundraisers, it means something much more to me. Knowing a community of people―rich or not―who probably never speak, know each other, or get along can come together to support something so meaningful and worthwhile… I don’t know. It’s spectacular. It shows that as people, as a country, we can come together peacefully. And knowing we could help someone, at least one person, with the money we raise is a gift no money can buy.” I trail off, thinking about all the women we’ve helped with our women’s aid fundraisers.

  He probably thinks I’m a certifiable nutjob.


  He shocks me when he places his hands on my waist, pulling me against him. I gasp, meeting his eyes in shock as tingles rush through my body. My heart slams into my chest as I try to control my emotions.

  His eyes dilate and a look I can’t decipher flashes through them. His expression is warm and, if I’m reading him correctly, loving.

  “You really are special, Pagan Salvatore,” he whispers, lowering his head towards me.

  My heart beats against my chest.

  Holy crap! He’s going to kiss me.

  And I think I’m going to let him.

  And maybe kiss him back.

  “Pagan, Drake, there you are. My, don’t you look dashing, dear,” Pam calls out from nearby.

  We jump apart, turning to his mum who pulls me in for a quick hug, pecking both cheeks.

  “Hi, Pam. So do you,” I tell her, gesturing to the red sequined dress she’s wearing. Pam can certainly pull off most outfits even women my age can’t.

  “Thank you.” She smiles. “I’d like you to meet my son, Jesse, and Amelia. You’ll also get to meet Aaron and Angela.” Her expression scrunches in disgust when she mentions Angela’s name, making my lips twitch.

  When Pam gestures for us to follow her, I give Drake a wide-eyed look but find him too busy staring down at my lips, seeming lost in thought.

  Not wanting to think about what may or may not have just happened between us, I clear my throat, pointing in Pam’s direction. “We should follow her.”

  Snapping out of it, he places his hand on my lower back, nodding mutely.

  “Are they really that bad?” I ask, wanting to get rid of the awkwardness between us. Or maybe it’s just me who feels it and I’m making it awkward.

  He gives me a smile and a wink, seeming more like his normal self. “Nah. Aaron is a pansy, and Angela is just a witch who likes to thr
ow tantrums.”

  I nod, straightening my back when we come to a group Pam’s talking to. I notice Adam and Ada straight away. Two people have their backs to us, but Jesse and Amelia, who I’ve seen pictures of from Pam, I recognise right away. But even without having seen pictures, the way they’re acting together would’ve confirmed it. I can tell they are totally, irrevocably in love with each other.

  They’re practically glued at the hip, but it’s the way they look at each other that cements my notion of them being in love. They look blissfully happy, and seeing something so beautiful makes me smile. The way they are together, I already know I’m going to enjoy working for them.

  Still, I can’t help but be a little envious of what they have. Reminds me so much of what my brother has, and my mum and dad. I desperately want what they have more than ever, but love like theirs can’t be forced, or found. It’s magnetic, pulling together two people who belong with one another.

  “There you two are.” Pam beams, turning to face us. “Pagan, I’d like to introduce you to my son, Jesse, and my future daughter-in-law, Amelia.”

  I smile wide and take a step forward, ready to give handshakes, but the two people who had their backs to me turn around and the smile falls from my face. I pale, taking a shaky step back.


  Fucking Aaron.

  Aaron, my high school boyfriend till we were eighteen. Then I found out he cheated on me. Right before he dumped me, saying he got some girl pregnant and was leaving to be with her.

  That’s all I got after five years of being with him. No ‘I’m sorry’, no explanations and no goodbye.

  The break-up destroyed me, leaving me broken-hearted. I think it took just over a year for me to move on, to finally get over it. But when I did, it was to my sister-in-law’s ex, who was abusive to her. He used me just to get to her, and being used twice made dating less and less appealing for me.

  I pick some real winners.

  That said, this is the first time I’ve seen him since.

  “Pagan? Pagan Salvatore? Oh my gosh, hi.” He smiles widely, stepping forwards to hug me.

  I don’t think so, buddy.

  Taking one huge step back, I end up bumping into Drake. Not apologising, I keep my eyes on Aaron, narrowing them. “Aaron,” I hiss.


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