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Darkness Arisen

Page 23

by Stephanie Rowe

  “Fuck!” Ryland slammed his fist down so hard a crack split the earth. “We can’t lose him.” His face contorted with anguish, and he bowed his head, his body trembling with the effort of holding back the dark forces within him. Alice didn’t know what he was, but she knew she’d seen that kind of taint before. Slowly, he raised his head, his eyes glittering as he looked at Alice. “It’s up to you, angel. How do we make this right?” He called out his machete and held it to her throat. “And you will find a way.”

  Alice stared at the machete, her heart hammering. She knew she couldn’t save him. She’d already tried. “Why can’t you save him? Can’t you offer him your healing capacity, like he did with me?”

  Ry and Kane exchanged grim looks, then they nodded. Alice’s throat tightened as both warriors bent over Ian, their hands on his chest. The air between them began to hum, and she heard their voices reaching out to their fallen Order member.

  Ian. Kane’s voice was first. Come back to us. As he spoke, Alice felt a rush of healing warmth fill Ian. It poured into the atmosphere, a burning hot strength that seemed to ignite the air. It was like what Ian had done for her, but without the sexual undertones.

  Fitz. Ryland’s words were rough and dark, laced with a lethal force that made her skin crawl. Dante would kick your ass if you gave it up right now. Get your shit together. Then his energy joined Kane’s and filled Ian’s body.

  Alice’s throat tightened at the sight of the two massive warriors fighting so hard to save the life of their fallen comrade. It was obvious that it didn’t matter that Ian had been kicked out of the Order. Their commitment to him was absolute, and she felt the urgency of their need to save him.

  “Alice,” Kane said. “Connect with him.”

  She shook her head, feeling so useless and isolated. “I can’t help him—”

  “Maybe not as an angel, but you can as his mate.” Kane’s voice was rough and low, laced with the energy he was pouring into Ian. “Trust me when I tell you that the power you carry for him is off the charts. You can make a difference, just you alone, not as an angel.”

  Alice hesitated, all too aware of her limitations. “You don’t understand. I truly can’t save anyone’s life—”

  “He doesn’t need you to save it,” Ryland snapped, glowering at her. “Just be there for him, tell the bastard you love him, and give him a reason to fight to come back.”

  Heat fused through her. “I don’t love him—”

  “Fuck that you don’t.” Ryland’s eyes had turned a turbulent shade of purple. “You’re an angel. Don’t you love everyone? Isn’t that what angels do? You’re his damned mate. Be an angel to him!” As he spoke, he grabbed Alice’s hand and slammed it down on Ian’s chest. “Love him!” he commanded. “Now!”

  The minute her hand touched Ian, Alice was inundated with the pain ricocheting through him. Her heart tightened, and she huddled over him, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to bring him peace, to take away the pain. Ian. It’s me. You can do this.

  “Offer him your golden healing light,” Ry demanded. “You have that, don’t you?”

  Alice shot him a surprised look. “How do you know about our golden light?” Golden lights were something angels could give only once every thousand years, to a soul deemed worthy of receiving it, a soul that was so important that humanity would suffer if it died. Only souls of the greatest power and in the deepest agony could handle it. Every angel had it to offer, but it was a great risk because it would overwhelm all but the strongest souls. It wasn’t a life-saving light. It was a light of peace and comfort. A light to heal the soul. It was a gift from one pure heart to another, a finding of serenity through the blackest of nights. Had an angel once given it to Ryland? Is that how he knew about it? No. It was impossible. No one who carried the amount of darkness that Ryland did could have been able to receive it. So, how did he know about it?

  “Give it to him!” Ryland grabbed her shoulders and shook her, his eyes blazing ruthlessly. “Give him your golden light!”

  Kane was staring at her. “Ian’s my friend,” he said. “You better not hold back anything you can offer him.”

  “It won’t save his life,” she explained. “That’s not what it’s for. It’s for the healing of the soul and the offering of peace. It can be offered only to someone of great importance to angels, someone deemed worthy—”


  Alice looked down as Ian’s voice wafted through her mind. His body was arched in pain, and his mouth was twisted in discomfort. Tears filled her eyes at his torment. How could she let him suffer like that? She couldn’t save his life, but Ryland was right. This man, her soul mate, the man who had touched her heart, he deserved all that she could give him.

  Suddenly, she didn’t care that Ian wouldn’t fit the requirements of a soul worthy of receiving the golden light. Screw that! He had opened her to feelings and emotions she’d craved her whole life, and now he was dying because he’d tried to save them. What could be more deserving than that? Yes, maybe he couldn’t make the earth spin, but dammit, he made her world spin, and that was enough.

  Screw angel rules. She was giving her light to him, and that was the way it was.

  Leaning over him so her hair dangled on his chest, Alice pressed her palms to his chest. She’d never called upon her golden light, but she instinctively knew exactly how to do it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reaching inside her for the golden light that burned so brightly in every angel. The one that could never be shared, except for that one moment, that one rare moment when it was right.

  She inhaled again, opening her heart to the beauty of the golden light. It began as a small glow, and she gently called to it, asking it for help. Please offer peace to Ian, she asked. He is in pain.

  She was vaguely aware of Kane and Ryland bent over Ian beside her as they infused Ian with their healing energy, offering to him what they carried within themselves. It was strangely comforting to be wedged between their broad shoulders, to be sandwiched between their bulky frames as they all worked together as a team. She could feel their energy infusing her through her connection with Ian, and it was incredible how pure and strong their life forces were. They were completely committed to Ian, giving him everything they had, their low voices talking to him as they helped his body fight off the poison.

  The golden light began to swell inside her, and Alice held out her hands and cupped them. As she watched, her arms began to emanate a faint golden energy that slid over the brands to her hands. A golden ball formed in her hands, a whirring sphere of energy so bright that Kane shaded his eyes.

  But not Ryland. He was staring at it, riveted by the orb, even as he continued to pour his healing strength into Ian. He raised one hand and brushed his index finger through the glowing light that was reflected like the flames of candles in his eyes. “I can’t feel it,” he said.

  “That’s because it’s not for you.” Alice moved her hands over Ian’s heart as the golden light sparkled and drizzled between her fingers. A large droplet splashed on Ian’s chest, melting right through his shirt. He sucked in his breath and shuddered. Ian. She reached out, connecting to his mind. This is my gift to you. The peace you’ve never had. Then she tipped her hands, and the orb spilled out and landed on his chest. For a moment, it glowed brightly, as if it were the sun itself, and then it melted into him, spilling out across his body. His skin turned gold, radiating the most beautiful orange and amber colors.

  “It’s incredible,” Ryland whispered as his energy suddenly surged, blasting Ian with unbelievable amounts of healing power.

  Ian gasped and his body convulsed.

  “Bring it back, Ry!” Kane ordered. “It’s too much!”

  Alice’s heart jumped as the two warriors tried to balance the energy they were feeding Ian. She tried to shut them out as she focused on Ian. Putting the golden light in him was only part of it. The other part of the healing and peace had to come from her.

  She closed her eyes and con
centrated on the warmth of his skin beneath her palms. She focused on the steady thump of his heart, slowing hers until it matched his. She allowed the golden light to spread through her, lifting her own heart. The most astonishing sense of serenity seemed to take over her, releasing the tension that she’d held for so long. Her shoulders relaxed, her arms felt limp, and her heart seemed to take a giant breath and simply let go. It was the purest of emotions, the gift of complete peace in her soul, and she gave it to Ian.

  Chapter Fifteen





  Words foreign to Ian filled his mind and took over his consciousness. He felt the most incredible sensation of peace cascade through him, like millions of sparkling snowflakes on a moonlit night. Six hundred years of tension and hardship floated away, leaving him with a quietness in his soul that was incredible.

  Ian. Accept this gift I offer you.

  Alice’s voice was so soft and beautiful in his mind, like the sound of angels singing just for him. Her presence seemed to fill him, an incredible gift of peace and love. Golden light blossomed in his mind and before his eyes, but it didn’t blind him. It simply wiped away six centuries of grit and hell, until all that was left was the sensation of rightness, that all was well. Alice. He wanted to reach for her, but he couldn’t seem to move his hands. He became vaguely aware of a searing pain in his body, of Ryland and Kane chanting in his mind, but he couldn’t bring himself to worry about it. He just wanted to see Alice, to feel her touch, to breathe her into his being. She was all he needed. Where are you?

  Right here, Ian. Her fingers slid between his, squeezing gently. Will you accept my gift?

  Yes. He couldn’t believe how right it felt to have her hand in his, and to feel the delicate warmth of her touch. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had touched him like that, as if he were a treasure that needed to be soothed. He liked it. Really liked it. He tried to squeeze her hand, but he couldn’t make his fingers respond. Why can’t I move?

  You had a bit of a run-in with an angel of death. You need to heal yourself. Can you feel Kane and Ryland? They’re helping you.

  Her voice was like magical bells in his mind, and he sighed deeply, basking in the sensation of her presence. They’re saving me?

  They’re trying. But you need to help. The golden light seemed to glow brighter, and Ian took a deep breath, cleansing his lungs. Tension seemed to dissolve from him, and the despair that had weighed him down for so long seemed to vanish. He had no fear of Alice or their connection or the ill-fated sheva destiny. It simply felt good and right.

  Come on, man. Ry intruded upon his moment of tranquility. You gotta help us. If you don’t save your ass, then I’m going to take your angel and keep her. She’s fucking incredible.

  Possessiveness thrummed through Ian, and urgency began to simmer inside him. A need to claim his woman, to make her his. He began to struggle to regain consciousness, to move his body. Alice. Where are you?

  Here. Her fingers tightened in his. Always here.

  Ian focused on her hand in his, on the tightness of her grip. She was there with him. She wasn’t leaving. All was well. All was well. The words seemed to free him, and he felt power begin to build inside him, strength that had been deteriorating as he’d fought the curse. Without the fear or despair holding him back, there was no longer a drain on his resources. He focused on the healing energy coming from Kane and Ryland and fed it through his body. He found the black pockets of poison in his soul, and he summoned his own healing strength and joined with his teammates to purge it. One by one they attacked the poison spots, and Ian never let go of Alice’s hand. The golden light continued to burn brightly, filling him with her spirit, and the most incredible sense of calmness and hope.

  He didn’t need to die today. He didn’t need to die ever. Alice? This time, he managed to tighten his fingers slightly, and he wanted to shout at the victory of locking her hand more securely in his, of claiming her.

  I’m still here, Ian.

  I’m not giving up. It can work out. We can make it all work out okay.

  A wave of her emotions crashed over him. A yearning so powerful it seemed to come alive and plunge into his chest. Don’t say that, Ian. I can’t deal with that—

  It’s true! Fierce determination flooded him, and he fought the poison even harder. He needed to open his eyes. He wanted to see her face. He had to make her understand that there was hope, that there was always a chance. With a roar, he and his teammates blasted through the last of the taint, the part that had locked around his heart. It shattered like a crystal ball, its fragments dispersing harmlessly through him as the unified Calydon healing energy swallowed the last bits up.

  Air rushed back into Ian’s lungs, and he gasped, sucking in oxygen as he bolted upright. The first thing he saw was Alice leaning over him, her auburn hair framing her face like a silk curtain. “Alice!”

  Joy flashed across her face, and he heard Kane and Ryland whoop with triumph. But his team didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except Alice. He framed her face with his hands and pulled her to him so he could kiss her. Her lips were soft and warm, and sudden hunger exploded through him. He needed her, this woman who had given him the first peace he’d ever experienced in his life. Alice. He infused her name with all that he felt, with his gratitude, his awe, and his need for her.

  A soft noise of desire echoed from her throat, and she kissed him back, a kiss of desperation, joy, need, and promises of so much more. Ian slid his hands around the back of her neck and—

  Kane cleared his throat, jerking Ian back to the present. He swore and broke the kiss, grinning at his teammates as he slung his arm around Alice’s shoulders so she tumbled against him. “Can’t a guy get some privacy around here?”

  “Shit, man.” Ryland’s hand slammed down on Ian’s shoulder. “Good to have you back.”

  Kane let out a low whistle and sat back on his heels. His face was drawn from the effort of healing Ian, making Ian realize exactly how hard they’d all had to push to bring him back.

  “Thanks, man.” Ian slugged a handshake with Kane, who nodded once, then he glanced at Ryland. “Thanks, Ry—”

  His words died in his throat when he saw the darkness in Ryland’s eyes. It was getting worse, a man so close to the edge that it looked like he’d snap at any moment. “You okay?”

  Ryland wiped his forearm over his forehead, leaving a streak of dirt through the beads of sweat. “Yeah, fine.” His gaze flickered to Alice, and there was no mistaking the hint of awe in his expression. “Shit, man,” Ry said. “You’re one lucky bastard.”

  Ian grinned and pressed his lips to the top of Alice’s head. “Yeah, I know.”

  She smiled up at him, and his heart almost stopped at how beautiful she was.

  “You need to smile more,” he said, tracing his fingers over her upturned lips. “You’re radiant.”

  Her smile widened. “I’m just feeling the high of that golden light. It affects me, too.”

  “You’re not basking in the joy that I lived to see another day?”

  A mischievous light glinted in her eyes. “Of course not. You’re trouble.” She held up her arm. “You’re reeling me in, and last I heard, Calydons who fully bond with their mates meet a terrible demise. I want romance, not ugly endings.”

  A smug possessiveness thrummed through Ian at the sight of his almost-complete brand. “I’ll romance you,” he said. “I’ll bet there’s a lot of info on the internet about how to romance a woman.”

  “Flowers,” Kane said. “Chocolate. Foot massages.” He grinned, looking like a freaking Cheshire cat who’d just swallowed a whole can of caviar. “And get her knocked up. Women go soft for babies.”

  Alice’s cheeks flamed red, and a strange emotion settled in Ian’s chest. Something that made his lungs feel sort of thick and heavy.

  “Babies?” Ryland snorted, moving away from them. “Jesus, Kane. We’re in a war
zone and you’re talking about babies?” Tension radiated through his body again, and he shifted restlessly. “Why in God’s name would you bring a kid into this world when it’s crumbling down around us?” The venom in his voice was virulent and sharp. His eyes were a turbulent purple and black, and there seemed to be a faint black cloud around him. He shook his head. “No kids. No fucking kids.” Then he turned and walked off, his body rigid.

  Ian pulled Alice closer to him as he watched Ry. “He’s going to go any day,” he said. “Now that Dante’s dead, there’s no one to keep him in balance.” Dante had been the Order’s leader since before any of the current team had joined them. He’d brought them all together, and created a unit that had been struggling to hold together since his death.

  “Thano had a connection with Ry,” Kane said. “If Thano’s really dead, Ry won’t hold out. His only mission since Thano disappeared has been to get him back.”

  Ian thought of the irreverent warrior who never missed a chance to remind them that they were all old geezers in comparison to his thirty-five years of life. Thano was the one who was always there with a quip to diffuse the tension when things got too heated. Resolution flowed through him. “I want him back, too.”

  “Me, too.” Kane’s eyes glittered. “If he’s alive, we’ll find him.” He glanced at Ryland, then leaned toward Alice. “Can you give Ry some of that golden light? He could use that peace.”

  Alice shook her head. “An angel can offer it once a millennium. I can’t.”

  Ian looked sharply at Alice. “Once every thousand years? That’s it?”

  She nodded. I wasn’t supposed to give it to you. But I did.

  Son of a bitch. She’d chosen him to receive it? Suddenly, he felt overwhelmed by the moment. He took her hand and pressed his lips to her palm, not even sure what he wanted to say or how to say it. As he kissed her, he suddenly noticed that the pocket of her shorts was glowing blood-red. He paused. Alice? What’s that?


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