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Dark Souls (Crime Kings Book 1)

Page 3

by May Gordon

  “Genius,” Liam says.

  “She’s right. Foster won’t turn on them,” Levi pipes up.

  “What if they’re working with him?” Liam asks.

  “Do a soft run. Make the first one a fake or something with little value. Then go from there,” Cleo says.

  “Make that happen and remember to keep your guard up for the Canaries,” I tell them.

  “Yes, boss,” they all agree.

  We get up from the table and the boys say their good-byes to Cleo, their familiarity with her pissing me off. Again.

  Fred walks up and gives her another hug. “Cleo, if you need anything please, call me.”

  “I will. Thanks, Fred.” She smiles at him warmly.

  He then turns to me and gives me a glare. I’ve known this man for many years and he’s always been loyal.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll come for you.” I can’t help but smile at his threat. I’m happy she has so many people in her corner, but at the same time jealous of all the attention she’s getting.

  “She’s in safe hands, Fred. I promise.” He nods and heads out the door.

  My phone rings and I see its Nick. “Yeah,” I answer.

  “Incoming. Your Mother just pulled up,” he tells me.

  “Shit!” I curse. “Why is she here?”

  “I told her you had a lady friend over.” He says smugly, trying not to laugh.

  “You’re fired.” I say half-heartedly, as if I could ever mean it and hang up.

  “Everything okay?” Cleo asks, touching my forearm. She looks concerned. She should be.

  “My Mother is here,” I tell her.

  “Okay,” she says likes it’s no big deal. Oh how wrong she is.

  “You should prepare yourself.” I grasp her shoulders and looking deep into her eyes.

  “For what?”

  “To be invaded.”

  Chapter 6


  Lawson wasn’t kidding about his mom. Beth is a wonderful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s still very beautiful and well put together. She walks into his house like she owns the place, practically throwing her jacket and purse at Lawson before rushing to me.

  “Oh goodness! When Nick and the others said you look like Cleopatra, I thought that just meant you were beautiful but you really do!” she gushes over me.

  “Those guys gossip like old ladies.” Lawson sounds annoyed as he puts his mother’s things away.

  “Oh dear, look at your head. Are you okay?” She fusses over me.

  “Mrs.-” She cuts me off right away.

  “It’s Beth or Mom,” She smiles brightly, like I’m Christmas in a person.

  “Beth, I’m fine, really,” I tell her.

  “Well, I’m glad to hear that. So that means you can come shopping with me?” She asks sweetly.

  “Mom, no. It’s not safe, and she needs more rest,” Lawson steps in.

  “Then send some goons with us, and she looks plenty rested to me,” Beth argues with Lawson.

  “I have clothes at my apartment, so I don’t need any new ones,” I tell her nicely. She just keeps smiling at me, it’s a little unnerving.

  “Where are you from, Dear? Your accent sounds Russian,” she says while taking my hand and leading me to the couch.

  “Bulgaria,” I correct her.

  “Oh wow, and how long have you been in the states?”

  “About seven years, but I’ve only been in D.C. for six months.”

  “Well then, you haven’t been able to explore! You must come shopping with me, I can show you some of my favorite places,” she gushes. I can’t help but smile in return. Hers is contagious.

  “Sure, Beth. I would love too.” She claps, happy about my answer.

  “Mom,” Lawson warns.

  “Lawson, why don’t Levi and Owen join us? I’m sure we’d be safe with them there,” I suggest.

  He lets out a long sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fine. But I’m coming with you.”

  Beth pouts. “But I want girl time with Cleopatra.”

  “Just Cleo,” I tell her.

  “Mom, it’s this or nothing,” Lawson informs her in a stern voice.

  She huffs then reluctantly agrees. “Fine.”

  So, we spend the next four hours going from store to store. I’ve never actually been shopping like that before and made the mistake of telling Beth that. She then proceeded to spoil me rotten and believe it or not, I actually had a great time. Levi, Owen, and Lawson were not as enthused as Beth and I were. After a long afternoon, we finally arrive back at Lawson’s, the men carrying bags and bags of clothes.

  “Beth, you shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble! I don’t know how I’ll be ever able to pay you pack,” I tell her.

  “Nonsense! You don’t need to! All I ask is that we be friends,” she says then gives me a hug.

  “Mom, it’s time for you to go.” Lawson gently pulls her away from me.

  “Okay, okay. Lawson, geesh. You won’t let me have any time with her,” she says with a pout.

  “Mom, you just spent four hours with her,” he points out.

  I grab her hands. “Beth, how about you come over for dinner tomorrow. We would love the company,” I offer just to stop the bickering between mother and son.

  “I would love that, dear! We can cook together and I’ll show you how to make Lawson’s favorite dish.”

  “Looking forward to it.” I hug her again and Lawson shows her out. I say goodbye to Levi and Owen as well.

  And finally, we are alone. I fall back on the couch and rest my head, closing my eyes.

  “Tired?” I hear Lawson ask as he sits next to me.

  “Your mother has a lot of energy. I don’t know how she does it,” I mumble.

  I hear him laugh. “She likes you. A lot.”

  I turn to look at him shocked to see his face so close to mine. “I like her too. A lot,” I tell him with a smile.

  I see his dark brown eyes glaze over in hunger and feel my whole body grow hot. I have the urge to lean in and kiss him, but Lawson makes the decision for me. He leans in slowly, giving me enough time to pull back if I want to, but I don’t. His lips touch mine, and the spark I’ve been feeling since I first met him ignites. I wrap my hands around his neck and crush him to me, deepening the kiss. I moan when his tongue touches mine, and he lets out a growl. Lawson grabs my hips and pulls me onto his lap so I’m straddling him. I go wild in his arm and, he seems to thoroughly enjoy my eagerness. I don’t know where it is coming from. I’ve never been with a man before. But I want to be with him, more than anything.

  We pull back, each trying to catch our breath. He leans his head against mine and says, “God Cleo, I want you so badly. It was torture seeing you try on clothes all day.”

  I laugh and tell him, “Let’s call it foreplay.”

  He growls and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he walks upstairs to the bedroom. He plops me on the bed and just watches me. “You like staring,” I state the obvious.

  “I like staring at you,” he replies. “Now take off your clothes,” Lawson says with a wicked grin.

  More than ready to comply with his demand, I slowly peel off my new clothes. He reaches out and helps takes off my pants, and soon I find myself in just my underwear.

  Lawson runs his hands over the various scars that litter my body. I’m not perfect that’s for sure. I’ve had a hard life and it shows. He leans down and kisses my hip, just above my panty line, then moves higher and does the same to the bullet wound on my side. “You are so beautiful,” he says, sounding out of breath.

  I can’t help but laugh as I gesture at myself. “I have many imperfections.”

  “Imperfections create beauty.” He says right before his lips land on mine, and I feel utterly lost in his passion and completely safe.

  Chapter 7


  She’s a goddess, beautiful beyond anything I could ever imagine. Her scars make her more appealing. Why
? Because I have them too. We were both born into this life, have dark souls from it, and that’s why she’s perfect for me, the perfect Queen for this underworld kingdom I’m a part of.

  I slowly kiss down her neck and reach behind her to pop open her bra then peel it off her. Her breasts are large and glorious, her skin an amazing olive color. I can’t stop touching her and start kissing the side of her breast, leaving goosebumps in my wake.

  “You like that?” I grin up at her.

  “Yes,” she says breathlessly.

  I move to her nipples and gently take one in my mouth. Cleo instantly moans and arches upwards. Her hands go to my hair and grip it tightly as she wraps her legs around me. I groan when her hot center pushes against my stiff cock still trapped inside my pants.

  I feel her hands move down my back and pull out my shirt, trying to yank on it. “Take your clothes off,” she demands in a strained voice. I can’t help but chuckle at her bossy attitude.

  I reach up and quickly kiss her before standing and pulling off my shirt. Cleo crawls toward me then unbuttons my pants. I help her push my pants down and I hear her small gasp when my cock springs free. I look at her and see she has a shy yet intrigued look on her face.

  “It’s okay, Cleo. I won’t hurt you,” I reassure her.

  “Doesn’t the first time always hurt?” She asks innocently, and my knees feel weak from her confession.

  “You’re a virgin?” I want her to confirm it.

  “Yes,” she says and rises, wrapping her hands around my neck.

  I think I’ve died and gone to heaven with her hot naked body pressed against mine. And she’s all mine, only mine, forever.

  I push her back on the bed and climb over her. “It may, at first. But I promise it will be fucking amazing, Cleo.” I lean down and kiss her passionately. “Promise,” I whisper against them.

  “I trust you.” She smiles up at me, and I feel a wave of contentment fill my heart and soul.

  “I love how you trust me.” I kiss her soundly. She returns it with just as much passion. Once again, I trail down her body until I reach her panties where I hook my fingers in the side and slowly pull them down her legs and throw them to the floor.

  She lays completely naked on my bed, our bed, and once again I’m struck by her beauty, and that it’s all mine. I gently stroke her thighs and part them, opening her for me. I lean down and kiss my way up her thighs, her smell her reaching me drives me crazy. When I finally get my first taste of her I almost pass out from the pleasure. Cleo moans when my tongue comes into contact with her already wet center. I drive her to the edge of sanity, causing her to grab my hair and hold me to her. I lick, suck, and kiss every inch of her until I finally get what I wanted, her release. I didn’t think she could get any better, but that on my lips is by far the best thing I have ever tasted.

  I slowly move up her body again, leaving kisses all over until I reach her face and see her dreamy smile. “You like that?” I ask, already knowing the answer. Her arms come around my head, and I kiss her, making sure she tastes herself on my lips.

  “Show me more,” she whispers.

  Thank god. I didn’t think I could take much longer without having her. I spread her legs wider and line my cock up with her center. I kiss her once more as I thrust inside. I feel her tense as my mouth moves overs until I feel her relax.

  “I’m fine now, Lawson,” she says, her accent thicker.

  “Promise?” I ask before kissing her.

  “Promise,” she replies. I start to move and the vise grip she has on me makes it almost impossible not to blow my load right away.

  I pick up speed, thrusting hard. I know I probably shouldn’t be so rough but I can’t hold back, and the way she’s moaning and clawing my back and shoulders tells me she likes it. I’d delay it if I could, but I feel my release fast approaching.

  “I need you to come, Cleo. Now.” I gently bite one of her nipples and feel her clench as she climaxes with mine following. She lets out a long moan and I groan in pleasure. I all but lay on top of her as we’re both panting.

  “Wow,” Cleo breathes out. I can’t help but laugh.

  “That good, huh?” I lean up and kiss her.

  “The best.” She smiles brightly.

  “You know your accent gets thicker when we have sex,” I comment.

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “I would hope not,” I growl and roll us over so she’s on top of me.

  She just laughs and lays her head near my heart. We fall into a comfortable silence as I rub her back, just enjoying the sound of her sighs and the smell of her hair under my nose.

  “What now?” She asks, driving me mad as she strokes my chest. Her naked body is still pressed tight against me and I start to feel myself stiffen again.

  “Now we have a long bath, then make love all over again.” I turn so I’m covering her once again.

  “That sounds like heaven.” Her eyes are bright and I can’t help but think maybe it is.

  Chapter 8


  I wake up the next morning with a wonderful ache all over my body. I feel Lawson’s arm wrapped tightly around me. Looking at the bedside clock I see its only seven. We’ve barely slept more than a few hours after spending most of the night talking and making love. I realized something last night about him. I can see him being my true partner in life. I trust him. I gave myself to him and he did the same. We told each other every little dark secret, including all the blood and horror we’ve witnessed. Our souls are the same, and we should be together. Forever. He hasn’t said anything like that, but I know it’s what he wants.

  I slowly untangle myself and sneak out of bed. Lawson is passed out and looks so peaceful. A contrast to how deadly he seems when he’s awake. I quickly use the washroom and get dressed before heading downstairs. The house is deadly quiet as I walk to the front door and peak out. I see a few men out front and assume they’re guards. I turn and head to the kitchen. When I told Beth I liked cooking, she ordered some men to fill the house with food. I guess Lawson isn’t much of an eat at home kind of guy. A little while later I have breakfast just about done when I hear the front door open and Liam walks in.

  “Hey!” He sounds a little surprised to see me.

  “Hey, you hungry?” I lift the pan of eggs I’ve been scrambling.

  “Always.” He smiles and sits at the counter. I prepare us each a plate and join him.

  “Thanks, Cleo.” He digs in right away.

  We eat in silent for a few minutes, then asks, “So, you and the boss, huh?”

  There is no judgment in his voice, just pure curiosity.

  “Well we slept together, and I want to be with him, but he’s said nothing of the sort.” Liam coughs and covers his hand trying not to spit out his food. I obviously shocked him with my candor. I can’t help but laugh then reach over and grab a napkin to give him.

  “You did that on purpose.” He says while wiping his mouth.

  “Yeah,” I laugh again and take another bite of my eggs.

  “I’m sure he wants to be with you,” Liam says after composing himself.

  “I know he does he just hasn’t said it, and plus, it’s really fast.” I let out a sigh and get up to grab the coffee I made earlier. “Coffee?” I ask.

  “Please,” he says, and I start pouring.

  “Does it matter how fast it happened? When you know, you know, right?” Liam poses in reply.

  The thing is I’ve never felt this way before. I have no idea how its suppose to feel. I have the sudden urge to change the subject. “Did you guys do that test run through Oregon?” I ask.

  Liam chuckles at my uneasiness and I glare at him. “Yeah, worked like a charm.” He smiles when I give him his coffee.

  “I suggest getting as much inventory back and forth as soon as possible. It won’t be long before Foster finds out and shuts it down,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll talk to the boss and set up some runs for the next
few weeks.” He finishes off his eggs. “That was great. Thanks, Cleo.”

  “No problem. Don’t forget, you guys still need to take me to the range.” Some normalcy sounds good right about now.

  “How about later this week?” He asks and I smile at him.

  “You’re not taking her anywhere,” Lawson snaps from the doorway.

  We both turn to look at him. He’s dressed for the day in navy blue slacks and a light gray dress shirt that’s tight enough to show off his large muscular frame. God he’s a handsome man.

  “Good morning. Are you hungry?” I ask before going to the stove. I fix a plate and turn to take it to the table but run into him. He pulls me close and gives me a long passionate kiss, then drops a quick one on my forehead.

  “Thanks.” He sits in the chair, but before I can step away he drags me down to sit in his lap. “So, where are you not taking Cleo?” He asks Liam.

  “The guys and I occasionally take Cleo shooting,” Liam says with a smile.

  “Oh yeah. I hear she kicks your asses all the time.” Lawson grins with pride.

  “It’s a close call if you ask me,” Liam grumbles. Lawson and I both laugh.

  Lawson takes a mouthful of eggs and moans. “This is so good.” He kisses me on the cheek. “Any updates?” He directs the question to Liam.

  “Test run was a success and Cleo suggested we run as much as we can right away before Forest catches on.”

  “Good idea. Any suggestion on what?” He asks me. I know he knows the answer, but he’s testing me. He did a lot of that last night and I think I surprised him with how know knowledgeable I am with this type of business. But I give him the answer he’s looking for anyway.

  “The most valuable first, obviously,” I tell him.

  “Obviously,” he chuckles. “The guys are coming over for a meeting and I want you there,” he informss me while he finishes breakfast.


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