Negroes and the Gun
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Pledger, W. A., 122
Polk, James (president), 133
Poplarville, Mississippi, 28, 230
Port Hudson, Louisiana, 70
Portland, Maine, 61
Powell, William, 61
Price, John, 57
Prosser, Gabriel, 32
Pullum, Joe, 233–234
Purman, W. J., 118
Purvis, Robert, 55–56, 62
Quantico, Virginia, 210
“Radio Free Dixie,” 260
Randolph, A. Philip, 173, 177–180
Randolph, John, 148
Rankin, John, 45–46
Ransom, Gen. Robert, 94
Raton, New Mexico, 137
Ray, Thomas, 175
Reconstruction, 18, 24, 44, 80, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 94–95, 98, 100, 103–105, 108, 118–119, 127, 157
redemption, Confederate, 152, 157
Redmond, Charles, 159, 66
Red Oak, Ohio, 51
Red Shirts, 123
Reed, Gov. Harrison, 93
Reed, Mary Ruth, 25
Reeves, Annie Colton, 233
Reeves, Bass, 140–141
“Regulators,” 79, 134
Reid, John, 30
Remington shotgun, 240
Republican Party, 85, 87, 89–93, 95, 97–104, 116, 118, 121, 123, 160, 164, 169, 193
Republic of Texas, 134
Resistance at Christiana. See Christiana (Pennsylvania) Resistance, Uprising, Tragedy
Rice, Angelena, 223
Rice, Condoleezza, 223
Richardson, Gloria, 226
Richmond, Virginia, 46, 86
Ripley, Ohio, 44–45
Rivers, Prince, 98
Robinson, Tom, 216
Roby, Vanderbilt, 247
Rochelle, Fred, 194
Rochester, New York, 67
Rockville, Maryland, 43
Root, Tom, 139
Rope and Faggot, 182–183, 186
Rose, Edward, 132
Roseland Park Cemetery, Chicago, 206
Rosewood, Florida, 190–192
Ross, George, 164
Rough Riders, 123
Rowan, Carl, 290
Rowland, Dick, 187
Rufus Buck Gang, 139–140
Ruggles, David, 59
Rumley, Ohio, 148
Russellville, Kentucky, 166
Rustin, Bayard, 251, 262–263
Sac and Fox Indian Reservations, 130
St. Augustine, Florida, 128, 226, 241
St. Michaels, Maryland, 33–34
Salter, John R., 240
Salt Lake Broad Axe, 125
Santee River, 78
Saxon, Gen. Rufus, 81
Schurz, Gen. Charles, 180
Schwerner, Michael, 38, 240, 250, 252
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 252, 258, 265–266, 286, 288, 293
Scott, Emmett, 122
Scott, George, 71–72
Sea Islands, 79
Seale, Bobby, 283
Second Amendment (US Constitution). See Constitution of the United States, right to arms
Second Freedman’s Bureau Act, 82
Second Seminole War, 128
Sellers, Cleveland, 226, 252, 266
Selma, Alabama, 224
Seminoles, 128–129, 140
Seneca County, New York, 66
Shang, Shadrack “Buddie,” 147–149
Shelby County, Kentucky, 44, 84
Shelby County, Ohio, 148
Shillady, John, 175
Shores, Arthur, 221, 24
Shuttlesworth, Rev. Fred, 222–223
Sickles, Gen. Daniel, 79, 81
Sims, Charles, 66, 274–276, 278–280, 23–24
Siringo, Charlie, 135
Sitton, Claude, 254
Sixkiller, Sam, 138
Smiley, Glenn, 263
Smiley, Rev. Richman, 62
Smith, Bill, 136
Smith, C. E., 226
Smith, Dollar Bill, 163
Smith, Ed and Marie, 196
Smith, Hampton, 157
Smith, Harry C., 119
Smith, Rev. R. L. T., 239
Smith, Will, 139
Smith & Wesson, 194, 240, 340
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 226, 232, 241, 244, 247, 251, 252, 255, 265, 268, 286–287, 293
SNCC Freedom House, 251
Socialist Workers Party, 283
Somerton, South Carolina, 42
Souls of Black Folk, The, 153, 306
South Bend, Indiana, 53
South Carolina Criminal Code, 171
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 252, 258, 265–266, 286, 288, 293
Southern Patriot, 28
Spartacus League, 283
Spivak, Lawrence, 288–290
Spooner, Lysander, 50
Springfield rifle, 88
Stagecoach Mary. See Fields, Mary
Stanford, Kentucky, 162
“State Negroes,” 130
State v. John Mann, 36
State v. Negro Will, 36
State v. Sweet et al., 203
Stegall, Bruce, 260
Stegall, Mabel, 260
Stephenson, Gladys, 213
Steptoe, E. W., 253–254
Steve Green, 172
Stevenson, Job, 96
Steward, C. C., 127
Stewart, T. McCants, 119
Stewart, Will, 106–107
Still, William, 46–48, 65
Stokes, James, 273
Stone, Jim, 113
Stringer, Emmett, 242–243
Stuart, Augustus, 74
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). See SNCC
Swedesboro, New Jersey, 51
Sweet, Gladys, 194, 196–198, 201, 205–207
Sweet, Henry, 124, 198, 205–206
Sweet, Iva, 206
Sweet, Ossian, 193–208, 215
Sweet, Otis, 198
Swift, L. J., 167
Syracuse Stars, 147
Talented Tenth, 175, 182, 193–195, 202
Tanner, John, 36
Tawawa Springs, 193
Taylor, Fanny, 190
Taylor, Julius F., 125
Taylor, Zachary (president), 133
Tennent, Ned, 98
Texas, 77, 83, 86, 89, 92–93, 96, 132–136, 138, 140–143, 175, 183
Texas Congress, 134–135
Texas Kid, 136
Texas Rangers, 133
“The Curve” (Memphis), 106
Thermopolis, 180, 189
Thirteenth Amendment (US Constitution), 130
Thomas, Earnest “Deac,” 265, 267–268, 283
Thomas, Hank, 222
Thomas, Mary, 300
Thompson, Marie, 167
Thompson submachine gun, 218
Tilden, Samuel, 103
Till, Emmett, 28, 217–220, 230
Tillman, Sen. Ben “Pitchfork,” 99
Toledo, Ohio, 144
Tougaloo College, 240
Townsend, Lou Ella, 231, 246
“Try Me If You Be Men” (maroon settlement), 128
Tubman, Harriet, 44–45
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 163, 187–190
Tulsa Daily Tribune, 187
Turnbow, Hartman, 13, 15, 244–247, 253, 297
Turnbow, Sweets, 246
Turner, Alexander, 195–197, 199–200, 202
Turner, Henry McNeal (bishop), 125
Turner, Lola, 201
Turner, Nat, 32, 119, 153
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 222, 226, 243
Tuskegee Institute, 121, 184
“Two against 5,000” (article), 209, 213
Underground Railroad, 44–48, 55, 63, 65
Underwood, J. C., 109
Union Army, 44, 69–70, 78, 84, 94, 98–99
Union League, 88–91
United States Marshals
black, 140–141
white, 56–57, 60, 63, 140, 161
United States Supreme Court, 2
0, 37, 103, 106, 118, 139, 172–173, 206, 285, 293, 296
Universal Negro Improvement Association, 177, 234
University of Alabama, 219
University of Kansas, 274–276
University of Mississippi, 264
Ursuline Convent of the Sacred Heart, 144
US Steel, 168
Valentine, Henry E., 172
Vesey, Denmark, 32, 153
Veterans Administration, 184
Vicksburg, Mississippi, 44–42, 73, 77, 79, 86–87, 97, 114, 218
Victoria, Texas, 77
Virginian, The, 128
Wagner, Gen. Sayne, 82
Wahalak, Mississippi, 212
Wales, Cora, 209–212, 294
Wales, William, 209–212, 294
Walker, David, 58–59
Walker, Moses Fleetwood, 147
Wall, Pressley, 136
Wallace, George, 226
Wallace, Lew (territorial governor), 137
Wall Street Journal, 279, 22, 303
Walters, Alexander (bishop), 124
Wanzer, Frank, 46
Ward, Sam R., 61
Warmoth, Gov. Henry, 101
Warren County, Mississippi, 87
Washington, Booker T., 121–123, 126, 151–152, 172, 184, 202, 216
Washington, Charles, 198
Washington, DC, 14, 54, 88, 104, 121–143, 125, 152, 175–177, 194, 202, 219, 285, 295, 302–303, 309
Washington, Forrester, 195
Washington, George (black cowboy), 137
Washington Bee, 119
Washington Daily American, 202
Washington Parish, Louisiana, 212–213, 163
Washington Post, 124, 176
Washita River, 130
Watson, Hewitt, 197
Watson, Robert, 155
Watson, Thomas, 113
Weaver, Maurice, 214
Weaver, Robert, 293
Webb, Alex, 90
Weber Falls, Indian Territory, 129
Wells, Houston, 239
Wells, Ida B., 13, 15, 106, 109, 111–112, 114, 116–119, 126–127, 131, 144, 163, 168, 170, 172, 295–296, 306, 308, 315
Wells Fargo, 145–146
West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, 269
Wheeler, Bill, 43
Whigs, 118
White, George, 184
White, Walter, 184, 187, 192–193, 231, 24, 209, 214, 229
White Brotherhood, 80
White Camellia, 80, 102
Wilberforce College, 193
Wild, Gen. Edward, 173
Wildcat (chief), 133
Wilkins, Roy, 182, 209–213, 230–231, 38–39, 241, 261, 23, 265–266, 283, 288, 290–294, 307
Williams, Anthony, 185
Williams, Bill, 188
Williams, Cathy, 142
Williams, “Daddy John,” 18
Williams, Henry, 64
Williams, Hosea, 265
Williams, Jim, 100
Williams, Robert, 17–24, 23, 25–26, 29, 31, 62, 225, 230, 241, 256, 258–260, 282, 289
Williams, Sikes, 18
Willson, Gov. Augustus E., 164–165
Wilmington, North Carolina, 76, 94–95, 123–124
Wilmington Herald, 77
Wilmington Rifle Guard, 88
Wilson, Felton, 212
Wilson, James Q., 316
Wilson, Jerome, 212–213
Wilson, John, 212
Wilson, Luther, 213
Wilson, Moise, 213
Wilson, Rebecca, 243
Wilson, Woodrow (president), 169, 183, 193
Winchester rifle, 97, 105, 110–111, 115, 122, 124, 127, 131–132, 44, 151, 159, 168, 172, 191, 198, 222, 233, 240, 255, 277, 295, 306
Wister, Owen, 128
Wizard of Tuskegee. See Washington, Booker T.
Wolfgang, Marvin, 305–306
Wood, Delos, 212
Workers World Party, 283
World War I, 169, 173–177, 194, 220
World War II, 213, 246, 265, 274
Wormser Hotel, 104
Worthy, William, 263
Wright, Louis T., 182
Yates, Bill, 275–277
Yazoo County, Mississippi, 98, 268
York County, South Carolina, 100
York County, Virginia, 72
Young, A. Z., 280–281
Young, Andrew, 224, 266
Young, Thomas, 239
Young, Whitney, 265–266, 288
Young County, Texas, 141
Zellner, Bob, 255