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Mister O

Page 24

by Lauren Blakely

  “You can’t go with me,” I tell her, and her expression morphs as sadness flickers in her eyes.

  “Why?” Her voice breaks.

  I press a finger to her lips. “Because I’m not going.”

  “What?” She swats my chest. “Are you crazy? This is the opportunity of a lifetime.”

  I shrug. “Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. I don’t care about the show right now. The show has given me everything I could ever want, but it hasn’t given me you. My whole life, I’ve loved to draw more than anything. It’s been what I love most,” I say, running a hand through her hair. “Until you.”

  She trembles. “Stop. That’s crazy.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not crazy. It’s true. There can be another show. There won’t be another you.”

  She brings her hand to her mouth, like she’s trying to cover up the quivering of her lips. But the tear that slips down her cheek gives her away.

  “Harper, I love you more than The Adventures of Mister Orgasm. And I can’t ask you to leave New York.”

  “But I would. I would for you. I’m really good at what I do, and there are moms everywhere who’d hire me. One referral and I’d be gold in L.A.”

  “I know,” I say softly, and it’s true. She’s right. She could relocate and somehow make it all work. “But I love New York, too. And I want to be with you here in Manhattan. This is our home, and you’re the thing I can’t afford to lose. Not the show.”

  “So what happens?”

  I shrug. “I told Tyler to turn down the offer. Gino thinks he has me over a barrel, but he doesn’t. Because here’s the thing. Gino’s a jerk, and I don’t like working for him. He thinks he owns me because he found me, but the show is portable. It goes anywhere. Gino might own everything I’ve created so far, but whatever it becomes next”—I stop to tap my temple—“that’s up here. It belongs to me. It’s my creation. And Tyler and I both think someone else will want it. He’s shopping it around.”

  “You decided that before you even knew about us? Before I even told you I feel the same?” she asks, astonishment coloring her tone as she curls her hands over my shoulders.

  “Sometimes you have to go out on a limb and put your heart on the line. Like you just did for me,” I say softly.

  “Like you did for me,” she says, her lips curving up in a smile that matches mine. Those lips—they’re impossible to resist. And I don’t have to resist her anymore . . . not that I ever earned high marks in that class. But now I have free rein to kiss the hell out of her. I capture her lips again with a possessiveness that comes from the certainty that she’s mine.

  When we break the kiss, I take her hand and guide her to a bench inside the park, where we sit. “There’s this new idea I have. I want to show you. A certain sexy princess I love was my inspiration.”

  She feigns a look of curiosity. “Whoever would this sexy princess be?”

  “I had this idea when we went bowling the first time,” I say, and I reach into the envelope and take out the copies I made of the panels I’ve worked on. Though work is hardly the word. Play is better, because drawing Harper always felt fun. “I pictured you as this crazy-hot mechanic.”

  I show her the first one. She laughs, and looks at me. “That’s me?”

  I nod.

  “I’m rather busty,” she says kind of proudly, wiggling her chest.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “And I’m a mechanic?”

  “In this comic strip, you are.”

  “You do realize I don’t even know how to drive?”

  It’s my turn to laugh. “Like I said, L.A. would be terrible for us. You’re such a New Yorker.”

  I show her the rest of the cartoons I drew—the text message tutorial, the lube job joke, the mechanic in the cape, and many more. What began as random doodles has turned into the start of a storyline. Her eyes are wide and filled with something like wonder as she takes her time, studying each one.

  “Remember when you asked me the secret to drawing a great cartoon?” I ask, reminding her.

  She looks up from my work. “I do. You said you have to like what you’re drawing.”

  “That’s true. But I need to amend that. It helps even more if you love what you’re drawing.” I tap the last one, in which the puppet ogles the mechanic in the cape.

  Her lips quirk up in a grin. “Is that you?”

  I shrug. “Maybe. I don’t know. But I have a lot in common with this puppet. He has a filthy mind and loves sneaking peeks at a certain gorgeous redhead.”

  She cracks up. “I love you, and your dirty cartoons, and your crazy brain, and the fact that you see me as a mechanic even though I’m a magician.”

  That last word reminds me of something I’ve never quite figured out when it comes to this woman. “Tell me something. I used to think you weren’t into me because you were never Princess Awkward around me. Does that mean your feelings changed when you said you were”—I pause to sketch air quotes with my fingers—“cured of your affliction?”

  She smiles slyly and shakes her head. “Nope.”

  “Then when?” I ask curiously.

  “I’ve never had trouble talking with you.” She runs her hand through my hair with a look in her eyes that’s full of mischief. “Want to know the secret to that little trick?”

  “Yeah, I do. That always kind of baffled me.”

  “Pay attention, because I don’t give away how I do my tricks.”

  “I’m listening.”

  She raises her chin. “Practice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Her voice goes soft and vulnerable. “I’ve had years of practice. I’ve liked you since forever. You were my friend when we were younger, and you were always so handsome. I never felt awkward around you, because I’ve known you for so long. Pretending I didn’t have a crush on you was the greatest trick I ever pulled off.”

  I let her admission soak in, and it makes sense, in a way, as I flashback to all the compliments she’s given me in the last few weeks. Still, I’m kind of amazed, and awed, too. “Are you for real?”

  “I’ve always had a thing for you, Nick,” she says, as splashes of red color her cheeks.

  A new burst of happiness spreads through me. “Do one thing for me, Harper.”

  “Name it.”

  “Don’t ever break that spell.”

  “I won’t,” she says, taking my hand and threading her fingers through mine. She squeezes then adds, “That’s why kissing you and making love with you never felt like lessons. It didn’t feel like practice to me, Nick. It always felt real.”

  There’s a warm glow in my chest, and I’m sure I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have this girl be mine. “It was always real for me, too,” I say softly. “It was always true.”

  She dives in for another kiss, then gives me a dopey smile. “So you really love me, huh?”

  I laugh. “I really love you.”

  “I am one lucky girl.”

  I sigh contentedly. “This has been a perfect afternoon. There’s only one thing that can make this better.”

  “Cake?” she asks eagerly.

  “That, and something else.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Want to get out of here?”

  She squeezes my fingers. “Hell yes.”

  I take her back to my place, and as soon as the door falls shut, we strip each other, tugging off clothes and grabbing at hair and tumbling into my room.

  In seconds she pins my wrists, lowers herself onto me, and rides me hard and beautifully as the sun dips in the sky. She takes control, her hips circling, her back arching, her lips falling open as she moves up and down. She sets the rhythm, and I follow her lead, watching every flutter of her eyelids, every bounce of her breasts. Soon, she bends lower, brings her face to mine, and whispers in my ear, “I just love you.”

  “I just love you, too,” I say as I yank her closer, and the woman I treasure falls apart with me as we come together again.

  We stay in bed for a
little while, talking and touching, until my phone rings. It’s Serena, and she’s home from the hospital. A little later, we stop by to visit her and Jared and give them the baby gifts for their son. They named him Logan. Then Harper and I go to Peace of Cake to celebrate being together.

  It’s a date. It’s definitely a date.

  Wait. It’s so much more. It’s the start of a new storyline for us. The story of this great love of my life.


  Several Months Later

  They wobble. They sway. Then, with a resounding clatter, all ten bowling pins fall. Harper thrusts her arms high and struts over to me.


  I high-five her, even though she’s walloping me.

  “Say it,” she says playfully, as she loops her arm around my neck.

  “You kick my ass in bowling every single time,” I say, repeating the truth of our life together. I’ve only beaten her once, in our very first rematch after the night she went sexy librarian on me. Every time since then, she’s destroyed me, and I swear it has nothing to do with how absolutely distracted I get checking out her ass as she takes her turn in the lane. Nope, she’s just really good, and she’s about to clobber me for the tenth match in a row.

  “And do I get a special present, like you promised, for beating you for the tenth time?”

  I nod. I’ve been giving her gifts after each win. A new magic wand. Yes, that kind. A lingerie set. A satin bow for her hair that happens to have other uses too. “If you win you’ll get a gift.”

  “And do I ever have to throw a game again?” she says, her eyes glinting.

  “Never,” I say, like it has ten syllables.

  She gives me a quick kiss. “Never ever.”

  That’s because I don’t work for Gino anymore. My show’s not on Comedy Nation. The deal didn’t happen overnight, but a week after I turned down the Comedy Nation offer, I landed a new one. The show’s new home is on the broadcast network Serena’s husband works for—RBC.

  I’m not saying helping his pregnant wife to the hospital got me the gig. Not at all. But it sure didn’t hurt when Tyler needed to land a quick meeting with a new network. Jared greased the wheels, and Tyler did the deal, moving The Adventures of Mister Orgasm to the ten o’clock hour on RBC, where it’s killing it in the ratings every week. Funny thing is the head of RBC doesn’t play games, doesn’t toy with me, and doesn’t care if I beat him at golf, softball, bowling or anything else. What he does care about is that I deliver the best show possible, so that’s what I do every week.

  Well, technically I deliver two shows. RBC owns the cable network LGO, and LGO is now the proud home to the new five-minute cartoon short—Naughty Puppet Theater Presents Dirty Girl Mechanic.

  It’s early days, but viewers seem to like it, and there’s talk of turning that show into a full-length weekly comedy. Seems I’m not the only one who likes a hot mechanic.

  But the one in my arms is all mine.

  And I want to make sure it stays that way.

  That’s why when the match is over, and she wins fair and square, I let her enjoy her victory dance for a few seconds until she spins around and finds me on one knee in the bowling alley.

  She stops, freezes, and brings her hand to her mouth.

  Once upon a time, I wasn’t sure how to share my feelings, but now the words come out with ease, and I mean them with my entire heart. “Harper, I love you like crazy, and I want you to be the one I share detergent with, and bowling matches, and ice cream and cake, and dirty text messages, and showers, and love, and happiness, and inspiration, and all our days and nights. Will you marry me?”

  She falls to her knees and throws her arms around me, knocking me onto my back on the floor of the bowling alley. “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” she repeats over and over, lying on top of me, and this couldn’t be a more perfect response to a proposal.

  When she loosens her hold on me and we sit up, I slide a gorgeous, platinum, princess-cut ring on her finger as tears streak down her cheeks.

  “I love you so much, I’d even take your last name, Nick Hammer,” she says in between dabbing her eyes.

  “I love you so much, I’d never ask you to do something that horrible, Harper Holiday.”

  I don’t care if she takes my name, because I have everything I thought I’d once lost. I have the girl.

  Another Epilogue

  Ask me my three favorite things and the answers are so easy they roll off my tongue: kissing Harper, fucking Harper, and loving Harper.

  Not gonna lie. That last one is my favorite, by a margin of forever. She’s not just my best friend’s little sister. She’s not just the coolest person I know. And she’s not just the inspiration for my newest show.

  She’s my wife, and loving her is pretty much the best thing ever.

  Harper started out as the woman I lusted after one day in Central Park when we pranked her brother, and she became my buddy, my dating protégé, and then my student. But the truth is I learned just as much from her as she did me, if not more. I learned that loving with your whole heart is even better than racking up Os.

  Don’t get me wrong. I’m still a superhero of pleasure, but my mission is singular now—her. I intend to serve the terrain of her beautiful body for the rest of our days, because there’s nothing better than being obsessed with making one woman feel amazing. But what’s best of all is giving the woman you love everything—in and out of bed, and I do that every day for Harper.

  My dirty mechanic. My caped beauty. My stockings-and-mini-bow-wearing, cake-loving, magic-wand-wielding wife.

  Oh, and in case you’re wondering, we have a dog now. We adopted a chihuahua/Min Pin who laughs at all our jokes, and we named him Uber.

  I have a feeling he’ll be the first of many little ones.

  Now, you might be wondering if Harper took my last name. In a way, she did.

  She’s the one and only Mrs. Orgasm.


  Coming Next! Get ready for Nick’s brother Wyatt in WELL HUNG! WELL HUNG releases in the early fall! To receive an alert when new titles release, please sign up for my newsletter.

  Did you think I’d forget the hot single dad hero who looks like a movie star? Of course not! Simon is getting a book in SWEET IRRESISTIBLE YOU, available to preorder everywhere. And how about Tyler, Nick’s lawyer? He’s headlining THE HOT ONE. Here’s more on each title…


  Here’s what you need to know about me — I’m well-off, well-hung and quick with a joke. Yup. Women like a guy who makes them laugh—and I don’t mean at the size of his d*ck. No, they want their funny with a side of huge… not to mention loyal. I’m the complete package—and I do mean package. I’ve got all that plus a big bank account, thanks to my booming construction business.

  Enter Natalie. Hot, sexy, smart, and my new assistant. Which makes her totally off limits...

  Hey, I’m a good guy. Really. I do my best to stay far away from the kind of temptation she brings to work. Until one night in Vegas…

  Yeah, you’ve heard this one before. Bad news on the business front, drowning our sorrows in a few too many Harvey Wallbangers, and then I’m banging her. In my hotel room. In her hotel room. Behind the Titanic slot machine at the Flamingo (don’t ask). And before I can make her say “Oh God right there YES!” one more time, we’re both saying yes—the big yes—at a roadside chapel in front of a guy in press-on sideburns and a shiny gold leisure suit.

  The annulment was supposed to be a piece of cake. But it turns out what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas. And now, my dick doesn’t stay in my pants when she’s around. Why would it? Natalie’s hot, witty, and horny as hell—especially when we fight. And thanks to a snag with the annulment, she’s still my wife. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Hammer and Natalie Rhodes.

  I try to resist. Honest. But the more we try to keep our hands to ourselves, the more we end up naked again -- on the desk in my office, in the cab of my truck, on the ladder -- and the more time I w
ant to spend with her fully clothed, too.

  Sure, we both know a legit divorce is for the best, but my dick is the most loyal prick I know. Especially now that my heart is in the game too. The question now is…do I take this woman to be my ex-wife?

  Releasing in September…


  NYT bestselling author Lauren Blakely takes you on a ride you’ll never forget when a hot single dad with a personality as sweet as it is sexy falls for the one person he can’t have. With all the heat, heart and humor you’ve come to expect from her books, Lauren Blakely’s newest standalone is simply irresistible.

  Releasing in October...


  At first glance, stripping naked at my ex-girlfriend’s place of work might not seem like the brightest way to win her back. But trust me on this count – she always liked me best without any clothes on. And sometimes you’ve got to play to your strengths when you’re fighting an uphill battle. I’m prepared to fight for her…and to fight hard.

  The goddamn nerve of Tyler Nichols to reappear in my life like that. All sculpted muscle, toned abs, and a hard body that drove me wild far too many nights. Not to mention the knowing grin, those mischievous eyes, that chestnut hair I want to run my fingers through. That man is nothing but a cocky, arrogant jerk. A cocky jerk. A jer…

  …Except, he’s not any of those things at all.

  That’s what makes it so tough to resist the hot one…

  Releasing in late 2016 …

  Preview of Sapphire Affair

  Next up is my two-book enemies-to-lovers sexy contemporary romance series about a rugged bounty hunter and the gorgeous woman he teams up with to hunt millions in stolen jewels…You can find the SAPPHIRE AFFAIR here...


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