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All He Feels - Dax & Ginny (Crossroads Book 11)

Page 14

by Melanie Shawn

  Dax broke the contact of his mouth and immediately she missed the physical contact. She glanced down at her own breasts and felt a twinge in her core at the sight of them glistening with Dax’s saliva. Wow. That was one of the most erotic sights she had ever seen, hands down.

  Of course, everything about this was brand new to her, so she was sure that she’d be having that thought a hundred more times before the night was over. And then that realization sent a fresh shiver down her spine. This was actually happening and it was with Dax which meant it was going to be amazing. Every. Single. Moment.

  Dax stood and lifted her with him. He carried her over to the overstuffed leather couch that sat in the corner of the basement. He nudged her into a sitting position and then teased her knees open. She threw her head back at the tidal wave of tingles that overtook her when he did that.

  He knelt between her open knees and took her nipples in his mouth again, giving them tender attention before moving his head slowly downward and trailing hot, wet kisses down her belly. God, the contradiction was tearing her mind apart. On the one hand, it felt like he was going far too slowly. She wanted him to hurry up and move faster—get down to the pleasure center between her legs that was aching so hard for his touch she didn’t know how much longer she could stand it. Yet, at the same time, she luxuriated in his slow and sensual progress, which gave her time and space to really, truly appreciate every new sensation sparked by his tongue as he explored each uncharted inch of skin.

  The tug-of-war in her mind between wanting the encounter to speed up and intensify, while also wanting it to stretch on forever so that it wouldn’t ever come to an end, was driving her crazy—but it was the best kind of crazy she’d ever felt.

  When his meandering kisses finally reached the waistband of her pajama shorts, he moved back a little so that her legs could slide together in order for him to pull down her shorts and the lacy panties she wore underneath them in one decisive movement. The move sent another jarring thrill racing through her. It was so authoritative, so confident—just so hot when you came right down to it—that she felt tingles explode in her sex. The sex that was now bare before Dax.

  It was almost too much to take. Thoughts, emotions and sensations were swimming around in her mind, competing for her attention, and she couldn’t really focus on any of it. It all melted together into a hazy, pleasurable blur.

  He pushed her knees apart again, his eyes locking onto the glistening area between her legs the same way that they had locked onto her breasts earlier. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his. That same hunger and lust was there from before, but now it’d been intensified by a factor of ten.

  “God damn,” he breathed, “you have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  Hearing him say that provocative word, about her, made her inner walls clench with desire. There was something about his tone. It was real. It was raw. For a man who had the kind of reputation that Dax had, someone who had apparently racked up the kind of numbers he had…well, she was happy to hear his reaction to her. Not to mention really turned on.

  “I need to taste you.” He dipped his head down quickly and placed his mouth over her mound, covering it entirely. She felt a moment of apprehension. It felt like she was going from beginner to advanced without any intermediate.

  Those worries were quickly drowned out, though, by the ecstasy that swallowed her brain whole at the movement of his tongue up and down her slit. She arched her back and her hands flew to the back of his head, tangling in his hair and pushing him further forward.

  “Oh, my…that is…so…yes,” she breathed. Even with all of these new and overwhelming sensations pummeling her, she still managed to hang onto the small corner of her brain that reminded her that she had to be quiet. If she was honest with herself, it kind of heightened the situation and added to her pleasure. For a good girl that always did the right thing, being bad felt good and if this was wrong, she didn’t want to be right.

  “You taste so good,” Dax moaned against her most intimate parts. “You taste so sweet. Like honey.”

  That was enough to put her over the edge. She wasn’t in the best place to judge time at that moment, but she doubted that Dax’s tongue had been caressing her folds for more than ten or fifteen seconds, and yet here she was, coming apart against his mouth.

  Fireworks exploded in every muscle. She clenched her walls, involuntarily arching her back and throwing her mouth open in a silent scream as she gave over to the ecstasy ripping through her.

  * * *

  Dax moved his tongue gently up and down, slowing his pace to bring Ginny down from her powerful orgasm as gently as possible. He couldn’t believe how quickly she had come after he’d started to lick her. It turned him on so much—it must’ve been an indication of how ready she was, how aroused. How much she really had wanted this.

  There was no more powerful aphrodisiac then a woman who was out of her mind with lust—especially one as vulnerable and sexy as Ginny Valentine. And damn, was this particular aphrodisiac working its magic on him. She consumed him, mind, soul, and now body. His cock was throbbing, raw and rock hard. Harder than he could ever remember being before.

  He was overwhelmed with the undeniable need to drive himself into her, to feel the velvet walls of that sweet sex that he’d just tasted wrapped around his shaft, squeezing him while he pumped into her, milking him dry.

  The truth was, though, his real desire was to claim her. He wanted to make her his. To stake out his territory. It was so much more than just the physical desire to “get his dick wet.” That didn’t even make the top ten list of reasons he wanted to be with her. The fact that he would be her first, that no other man had touched her or kissed her where he just had was ranking high on that list. As much as that turned him on, it also humbled him. He took it seriously and before things went further he wanted to make sure that they were on the same page, like he did with any woman he was with.

  He kissed his way back up her belly, noting with satisfaction that her muscles were now trembling under his lips. He ran his hands over her hot, shaking skin as he did this. He wanted to touch her everywhere. To feel very inch of her body react to his touch.

  He raised his face until their lips were mere millimeters apart. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes, completely caught up in her spell. They were both breathing hard. The air from their lungs intermingled. Even their breath was becoming one.

  Everything in him still screamed at him to grab her, to drive into her, to pound her intensely, to own her and claim her—but he resisted that impulse. Right now they needed to discuss some things.

  He brushed her hair gently back from her face, never breaking the intense eye contact they shared. “We need to talk.” He rasped gruffly.

  “Talk?” Her brow furrowed.

  “I know you said you never had a real boyfriend and the truth is I’ve never had a real girlfriend. I’ve only been with people that were okay with my triple-no policy.”

  “Your triple-no policy?” she repeated.

  “No strings. No attachments. No feelings.”

  “Oh…” she breathed out.

  “But that’s not what I want with you. I want strings. I feel attached. And I sure as hell have feelings. I feel more for you than I’ve ever felt for anyone. I can’t stop feeling, even when I try. I wanted you to know that this is new for me, too. I’ve never had a girlfriend, and I don’t know what is going to happen in the future. I don’t know what you want to happen or even if I can be what you deserve, but…”

  “Dax,” she interrupted him, a small smile on her lips. “I just want to be with you. Tonight. I’m not asking for a ring or a walk down the aisle. I’m twenty-two. I know that’s a little old to still be a virgin, but it’s a little young for I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  He smiled, even though hearing her say she wasn’t ready for marriage made him feel like he’d just been kicked in his balls. Which was ridiculous because that wasn’t even something h
e’d ever wanted…until now.

  Perhaps sensing his reaction she cupped his cheeks in her hands and held his face. “Don’t overthink this. Just…be with me…tonight. Please.”

  Even though he still wasn’t sure they were on the same page, he knew there was no way in hell he was going to say no to her. Not now, and he feared not ever. She owned him.

  He laid her down and then stood and pushed his lose gym shorts down over his erection, then stopped suddenly in his tracks. “Shit!” he spat out.

  It was louder than he’d meant to say it. But damn, he’d just realized something that was going to put a stop to their encounter, and fuck if that wasn’t worth an angry exclamation. What he felt like doing was putting his fist through a wall but he would settle for one strangled cry of “shit” if he had to.

  Ginny looked up at him anxiously. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head regretfully. “No condom,” he replied, his voice flat and clipped, so annoyed with himself he could barely even form the words. He had condoms upstairs, but there was no way he was going to go into the room his mom and sister were staying in to retrieve them.

  She laughed.

  “It’s not funny,” he growled. It was all he could bring himself to say.

  “Sorry, I thought you changed your mind and I always laugh after I’m really nervous.” She pushed up on her elbows. “Um…I’m protected. I’ve been on the Depo shot since I was sixteen. My mom didn’t want me to end up a teen mom like her.”

  His dick twitched as a surge of arousal shot through it at what it thought she was suggesting. “I’m clean. I got tested over Thanksgiving before I had to leave to go overseas on an assignment and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Okay,” he repeated as he pushed his shorts all the way down.

  Her short intake of air made him swell even larger. She lay back down and he moved over her and reached between them and positioned his engorged head at her entrance. Every cell in his body was screaming to thrust powerfully into her, but he held himself back. She was a virgin. He had to be gentle. He didn’t want to hurt her, not in a million years. He needed to control his own powerful impulses to make sure that he saved her from discomfort and pain and give her pleasure. Even if it took every ounce of will he possessed…and he was pretty sure it was going to.

  He leaned down and kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue, and ran his hands up and down her sides and belly. He paid attention to every small nuance in her body that he could feel under his hands. He wanted her as relaxed and ready for him as possible when he slid into her.

  His hand continued between her legs and it easily slid down her sex, which was coated with her juices. He ran his finger up and down her seam and over her swollen nub. He teased her opening with the tip of his finger and her body clamped around him so tightly beads of sweat broke out on his brow at the thought of how good she was going to feel around his dick.

  Her breathing started coming in shorter pants as she grew wetter with each stroke of his finger. When he could sense that the moment was right, he replaced his finger with his rock hard erection and slid inside of her as gently as he could manage. She broke their kiss and gasped as she dug her fingernails into his shoulders and buried her head in the crook of his neck. He felt every one of her muscles, which had previously been so liquid, go tense and rigid.

  He froze, fear shooting through him at the idea that he might have caused her even a small amount of discomfort. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he whispered in her ear.

  She shook her head quickly. “It’s fine,” she assured him.

  “I don’t want it to be fine,” he told her. “If it hurts, we’re stopping.”

  “No.” She wrapped her arms tightly around him to hold him in place. “It was just…surprising at first. There was more pressure than I was expecting. Maybe a little twinge of pain. But I want you to keep going. It feels good, too. I don’t want you to stop. My body knows that it’s gonna feel good…like an instinct. Please don’t stop.”

  The note of pleading in her voice on that last sentence was almost too much for him to bear. He closed his eyes at the wave of sheer lust that pounded through him and pressed his head against her neck, breathing in her sweet smell. He couldn’t get enough of her. But it was more than just her, it was what she did to him. Who she turned him into. This shuddering mass of a man, so out of control. Spinning around her orbit. Before he met her, he would have sworn that he would never, could never, be like this. Now he couldn’t imagine it any other way.

  “Please,” she begged again and he felt her inner muscles pulse as her body relaxed and accepted him.

  He moved inside of her, slowly at first, but building up quickly in both speed and intensity as he felt her body responding to him. He heard her moans and whimpers, which then melted into small exclamations, begging him to “please keep going” and “Oh, God, please don’t stop.” Well, he was certainly going to give her what she wanted.

  He could hardly believe how tightly her body enveloped him. He couldn’t get over the fact that he was really her first. The first man to touch her, the first to kiss her most private places, the first to bury himself inside of her. If he had anything to say about it, he would be not just the first but the only man to do all of those things, and he would be doing them forever. For the rest of their lives.

  It still blew his mind that he was having thoughts like that. He’d never had them before. Not about anyone. But here he was, as he made love to Ginny Valentine, thinking about forever. And as out of character as it was for him, it also felt absolutely right.

  He pumped in and out of her, losing track of time, immersed in just the amazing physical and spiritual sensations rushing through his body. He lost himself and the next thing he knew, she began shaking in his arms and she silently cried out. Then without warning his own orgasm overtook him like a freight train. It slammed into him like a locomotive.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as he rode out his release and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and did the same. When he came back to his senses after the lust fog had cleared and he was able to think rationally again, he glanced around the room.

  His earlier objections to the basement rose up to the surface again. She deserved so much more than this—she deserved the world. But, at this moment, this was what they had, so he would make the best of it.

  He rolled onto his back and pulled her with him so that she was snuggled in the crook of his arm. With his free hand he pulled the throw blanket that lay across the back of the couch and covered the two of them with it as he tried to process all he was feeling for the woman beside him.

  He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “Next time,” he promised her in a whisper. “Next time will be so much more special than this.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes shining, her lips spread in a wide smile as she touched the side of his face. “Not possible.”

  Chapter 15

  “You don’t have to go. I don’t have to go. We don’t have to go.” Dax spoke quietly as they walked down the hall towards the studio. This was the first moment they’d had to themselves since she’d snuck back upstairs to the spare room at six a.m. after the best night of her life.

  Dax’s mom and sister waved goodbye to them as they headed to a day of yoga and a “couple’s” massage across the street.

  Ginny looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile at the defeated look on his face. All morning he’d been mouthing that he was sorry to her, making apologies for the plans that his mom, who had given herself the title of cruise director, was making for all four of them. Dax might not be enjoying his mom’s self-appointed title but Ginny loved it.

  Everything Patty suggested they do actually sounded like fun to her. Tonight they were going to have dinner at The Plate, which would always hold a special place in her heart because Dax owned it and it’s where they met. And after dinner she’d suggested wat
ching Stepmom, which was one of Ginny’s favorite movies. Mainly because it had Julia Roberts in it, who was Ginny’s all-time favorite actress.

  Dax had seemed on board with both of those activities but when his mom suggested that they spend Ginny’s day off tomorrow looking at properties for Dax to flip next, he’d abandoned ship.

  “I know I don’t have to. I want to,” she called back to their earlier exchanges. He didn’t seem amused so she switched gears and went with sincerity. “Some of the best memories I have growing up was going to open houses with my mom. Looking at homes, even if I’m not going to buy them, is still one of my favorite things to do.”

  His facial expression did not hide the fact that he wasn’t buying what she was selling. She could see that he thought she was just trying to be nice.

  Lifting up on her tiptoes, she whispered in his ear, “But my new favorite thing to do is what we did last night.”

  He let out a low moan. “I wish I knew when they were going home.”

  While lying in each other’s arms, basking in afterglow this morning, they’d agreed not to fool around again until after his mom and sister left. Dax was worried that they would get the wrong idea. Last night he’d made it clear that he’d never been in a serious relationship, or any relationship for that matter. She knew he cared about her, but like her mom had always said, a zebra can’t change his stripes because he falls in love with a horse. She’d never really understood what she’d meant, but she was beginning to think it meant that people were who they were and love didn’t change that. She’d tried to assure him that she wasn’t looking for anything serious, even though she would walk down the aisle tomorrow if he asked her. But the last thing she wanted was for him to know that. She just wanted to enjoy the time that they had together. Including the time with his mom and sister.


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