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Blood Oath (#8, the Mystic Wolves)

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by Belinda Boring


  #8 in the Mystic Wolves series

  “Will the savagery that marks his soul finally claim him?”



  #8 in the MYSTIC WOLVES series

  Copyright 2017 Belinda Boring


  Published by Blushing Heart Press

  Edited by Lori Garside, Freelance Editor

  Cover Design by Taria Reed

  eBook edition

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  “Devlin’s story will bring you to tears! Amazing story … but it isn’t finished yet!”

  - Jane Elizabeth Stahl, Amazon reviewer.

  “Such a wonderful extension to the Mystic Wolves series, especially getting a glimpse into the background of my favorite character, Devlin!”

  - Lisa Markson, The Paranormal Bookworm.

  “Blood Oath is a simply beautiful, heart-wrenching continuation to the Mystic Wolves series. Belinda Boring has the imagination to keep you either happy, sad, mad beyond words, and ugly crying all within one book!”

  - Cindy Mayberry, Amazon reviewer.

  “Just when you think Belinda Boring can’t shock you with surprises and cliffhangers … she turns up the heat!! Bring on the rest of the story!!”

  - Susan McCray, Amazon reviewer.

  “Belinda Boring has done it again! Blood Oath is a wild ride from start to finish and leave you wanting … no, DEMANDING more. Might just be the best book in the Mystic Wolves series yet!”

  - Stephanie Krause, Book Buff Reviews.


  To one of the most WONDERFUL people I know, who just like Devlin, faced her darkest moment in the eye and kept on fighting . . .

  Lisa Markson

  I love you!


  “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” - Rafiki, The Lion King

  I don’t think I’ve ever been as excited for a book’s release than I have for this one. With each new story, pieces of my heart get layered between each page. But, with Devlin’s, so many of my tears can be found mixed within certain paragraphs. Oh, how I love this honorable vampire . . . this man who battles his demons and prays that he never loses that fight. He is beautifully honest and tragically flawed. It’s been a privilege to share his thoughts and feelings with you all.

  To each and every one of my loyal Mystic Wolves readers: Thank you! Thank you for being so patient while I slowly gathered all the pieces to write this next installment. Just like Devlin, life sometimes forces us to face things we’d rather ignore. I’m grateful for all your love and support. I hope that Blood Oath doesn’t disappoint and that you fall even more in love with Devlin. He’s incredible.

  To my amazing husband, Mark: You truly are my hero. While your cape may be invisible to the naked eye, your integrity and dedication shines brightly for all of us who see you. You never give up. No matter what life has thrown your way, you face it bravely. You are my strength, my inspiration, and my heart. I love you so much.

  To my wonderful beta reading group: I appreciate each of you so much! This project took some time and I’m grateful, not just for your invaluable feedback, but also for your encouragement. Susan, Lisa, Jane, Cindy, and Stephanie – what would I do without you? Thank you!

  To my friend and editor, Lori Garside: You came through for me when I needed help getting Devlin ready to meet the world. You have been a pleasure to work with! Thank you for the respect you’ve shown not just to my book and me, but also to the Mystic Wolves readers who have eagerly anticipated this release. You are amazing!

  To my incredible author coach and dearest friend, Jessica Gibson: You are the best cheerleader EVER. Our friendship has brought so many blessings into my life. As an author coach, you’ve been such an asset and source of motivation. Thank you for being Team Belinda!

  To Taria Reed, a talented graphic designer: Not only are you creative and gifted, but you also brought the PERFECT Devlin to life. Shawn Thomas Frejes is exactly how I imagined him in my head! This cover is gorgeous!

  To my sisters-from-other-misters, Laura Benedict and Valerie Higgins: I love you girls so much! Thank you for feeding my SPN addiction, for the motivational images of Dean and Castiel, keeping me on track and telling me to write, and basically . . . being wonderful, wonderful people!

  A bazillion thanks and kisses to everyone! I appreciate you all and hope you enjoy this new installment in the Mystic Wolves series!




  Present Time

  The look of devastation on Darcy's face as she faced a future without her soul mate broke my heart into a million tiny pieces and I stood outside her room, desperate to enter and ease her sorrow. The cowardly part of me kept me from even knocking.

  Her cries, her pleas, and her rage—the sound pierced my bones and, for the first time since I woke as a vampire, I understood true helplessness.

  It was why I hadn’t flat out laughed at the Fates or accused them of madness when they confessed the price I must pay for them to restore balance.

  In my long life, I'd seen many things that would strike horror in the hearts of the bravest of men and inflict carnage that would cripple the courage of many, yet nothing had moved me like the never ending grief of my beloved niece.

  I'd sworn a blood oath to protect Darcy at all costs—willing to sacrifice my life to ensure she remained happy and safe.

  And I had failed.

  I'd failed to prevent the overwhelming devastation the battle at the Vortex wrought—a devastating fight between Julian and his forces, and Mason’s wolves and our Enforcers. Many were killed, including my King and best friend, leaving nothing but anguish in its wake.

  Were it any one else, I would have taken longer to respond. Not even for Zane, and I owed that vampire my life, would I ever contemplate returning to such a nightmarish time.

  Relive your darkest moment.

  Hell, there had been so many. Yet, in my heart of hearts, I knew the exact moment the Fates meant. It was one I’d buried deep in the recesses of my memories, the fraction of time when I’d ceased being Devlin Lockhart and submitted to the monster lurking within my chest. The bloodthirsty beast laid waste to my fragile humanity, shrieking with macabre delight when I set it free.

  Only a fool would go to the Fates and offer himself in return for time to be rewritten, but that’s exactly what I’d done. Desperation made a mockery out of everyone—the gut-wrenching sentiment was the driving force behind my frantic bargaining.

  I’ll do whatever you ask, just please . . . help Darcy. Bring back Mason. Bring back all those who perished because of my failings.

  The responsibility to destroy Julian had been mine—no one else’s. Time had made him weak, complacent, but not anymore. I would do whatever the Moirai asked.

  No matter the difficulty.

  It had been my darkest hour, one that defined me.

  It was something for which I fought hard to atone, knowing there could never be enough breaths to completely find redemption.

  Maybe that was another reason why I didn't hesitate—my belief that by agreeing and succeeding I might also save my soul.

ything and everyone I held dear, what I'd fought so valiantly to protect, now hung in the balance. There would be no coming back should I fail this time.

  It would break me.

  Should I fail I had only one option—do what I should’ve done all those many years ago. I would end my life. Only then would those I loved most be safe from the consequences my actions inevitably brought.

  With my dying breath I would beg for Darcy, that the Fates deliver mercy on her behalf and allow her life to resume as it was destined.

  If all else failed and I discovered the bravery so many admired in me was merely a façade—a ruse—I would use my last shred of honor to correct my mistakes.

  I would transform my weakness and cowardice into something greater.

  I would march into Hell itself and surrender myself completely.


  “So are we in agreement, vampire?”

  I met Atropos’s icy stare with one of my own. Standing before the three Fates was intimidating, but I’d faced bigger and badder opponents in the past. With so much at stake, I wouldn’t let them see me cower—make me falter beneath the weight of their conditions.

  “We are,” I responded with steel in my voice. “In exchange for you altering the outcome of the battle with Julian, I will return to my darkest moment and face it.”

  “With your memories fully intact.” It was Klothos who spoke up and, for the briefest of seconds, I caught something unexpected in her gaze. Uncertainty. The young Fate struggled to hide the emotion. I was tempted to ask if her reservations lay with my ability to complete the task or in her sisters’ cruelty—their request a steep price to pay for correcting a damaged timeline.

  Not that I wouldn’t pay it a thousand times over.

  “I will do whatever you require.” Spotting Lakhesis’s gloating smirk, I couldn’t shake the sinking sensation in my gut that I was missing something. “So I’m clear, you will send me back in time where I will relive whatever you’ve deemed a life changing moment.”

  Even now, my brain filtered through memories in an attempt to pinpoint exactly which one they’d chosen. I’d existed for over a hundred years and, while I prided myself on an impeccable memory, it wasn’t about what I determined my most difficult moment, but what they did.

  There were a few that I’d buried deep within the recesses of my mind, locked up tight within a guarded vault. The mere whisper of those recollections caused my chest to contract painfully. As much as I wished for those to remain undisturbed, I wasn’t a fool.

  I wouldn’t be returning for some mere trifle—a difficult conversation or mild disagreement.

  The harsh glint in the older sisters’ eyes told me the truth. The only payment they would accept would be one from which my soul still wept and bled, the wounds still festering deep within the recesses of my mind. If I weren’t so desperate, I’d have cursed them for their sick cruelty.

  This was as much about punishing me, as it was entertainment.

  I was their puppet.

  I would dance until they either cut my strings in disgust or I performed to their liking, fulfilling their commands.

  “You will do whatever it is we require. No questions asked.” It was just as I assumed. The icy tone in Atropos’s response was also mixed with an eagerness to begin. She tapped her slender fingers against the top of her armrest, her gaze roaming over my body. My skin crawled with the unwanted attention.

  When Klothos spoke up, her tone of voice was in total contrast to that of her sisters—no indifferent undertone, no maliciousness skirting across each word like oil on water. It held a softness that intrigued me. Mason had once shared he believed the Fate was the more compassionate of the three—more susceptible to reasoning. Standing before her, I could see it as well. “Do you have any further questions about your task, Devlin?”

  “Will I know what this moment is?” Preparation was key. I could face anything if I was forewarned. It was something I helped drill into new enforcers.

  “You will once you reach it,” Lakhesis replied cryptically, staring down her nose at me. Her expression was slightly twisted into one of disgust. “It is not up to you to choose.”

  There was something in her words that drew my attention. “Once I reach it?” Glancing at all three, I looked for any hint to her meaning. “Am I not returning to it?”

  Laughter echoed around the small chamber and the sound forced an involuntary shudder through me. “Who is the one asking the boon, vampire? You do not dictate the rules. You will be returned to a point in time deemed appropriate and then left to proceed. Whether that be minutes beforehand or years, do not presume to control this situation.” Atropos leaned forward on her chaise, locking eyes with me as if daring me to argue. “Or have you already changed your mind? Maybe you are not the warrior your niece believes you to be. How very disappointing.”

  “Send me back,” I retorted angrily. She’d baited me and I knew it. Willing myself to lower my voice, I clenched my fists and drew in a deep breath. “I only want to understand everything expected of me.”

  “And you will do so . . . in time.” I was beginning to loathe Atropos’s patronizing smugness. Over the decades I’d trained many an arrogant enforcer who thought it was their right to strut about like a peacock. After an exhausting session with me, one where most of their time was spent knocked flat on their backs after I handed them their asses, they’d learned a valuable lesson in humility.

  What I wouldn’t give be able to teach the Fates the same lesson right now. The very thought made me snort under my breath.

  “I would caution you to tread carefully, vampire,” Lakhesis glowered. “Your mind is not hidden from us. There is nothing to keep us from cutting your life string and that of your beloved Darcy in this very instant. You would be wise to remember why you sought us out.”

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I reined in my anger. It would do me no good. They were right. I was here asking them a favor. I was completely at their mercy if I wanted to save those I loved.

  “Then I only have one question.” I dipped my head forward in deference.


  “If I’m meant to relive my past, how do I know I’m not changing my future?”

  The temperature in the room dropped drastically, causing my teeth to chatter. I’d angered them.

  “Do you presume that we would allow you . . . a mere speck of matter, utterly inconsequential in the grand design . . . to hold more power than us?” Atropos stood rigid, her hair whipped about by the wind generated from her fury. She pointed at me, her eyes blazing. “With the snap of my fingers, I can undo time only to rewrite it according to my every whim. You . . . foolish vampire . . . you are nothing. You exist because we allow it.”

  It was Klothos who stepped forward and lightly rested her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “You are to do what we ask. Fear not for the future. We will ensure it unfolds properly.”

  “But—” I began, but she interrupted me before I could finish.

  “Devlin Lockhart, you must actively participate in your past, making those same decisions as before. Each event leads to the moment we have selected. Only then, once you have endured it, will the price be paid. I can not speak any plainer than this.”

  “With all due respect, I still need to ask for one extra clarification.” Bending at the waist in a respectful bow, I peered up at the women, holding my position.

  “Then ask before your hesitation is interpreted as reluctance. We are not obligated to honor your request. We do not owe you any explanations,” Atropos answered, her hand raised, warning Klothos to remain silent. Judging by her disapproving side-glance, Atropos was none too happy with her sister.

  “Am I required to relive every detail of my past?” When the Fate inhaled sharply like she was preparing to blast me into oblivion with her annoyance, I hurriedly continued. “I mean . . . my choices. Will my choosing to eat kippers one morning instead of forgoing food affect my mission? Am I to remember what clot
hing I wore? Use the exact same words in every conversation? Can you see my confusion?”

  “You are free to decide such trifles as long as you arrive at your designated moment.” Atropos must’ve caught my thought because she shook her head sharply. “No. You cannot simply skip over things. This is why you won’t know the moment we’ve chosen as your payment. You remember your past?”

  “Every detail.” My memories contained secrets I never divulged.

  “Then no more questions. Do you still wish to proceed? Should you change your mind, we will return you to your home with nothing changed.”

  As desperately as I wanted to check on Darcy, the depth of her grief still weighed heavily on my heart. This was the path I needed to walk. There would be no turning back. There was too much at stake.

  This was my responsibility—my sacrifice to make.

  Klothos came forward, leaving her sisters’ side as she stopped in front of me. Magic rippled over her small frame. She was a walking contradiction of innocence and lethal power.

  “We will be watching, Devlin.” Pressing her finger lightly over the center of my forehead, I was barely able to register her parting whisper before the room disappeared and winds howled around me.

  “Say my name and I will come. Now go.”


  I was a fool to hope the darkest moment the Fates had in mind would be this. No, where they’d dropped me hadn’t been the worst incident in my very long life, but it was where it had all started. My stomach twisted when I opened my eyes to a familiar sight.

  I was at the beginning. My heart sank the second I realized they’d sent me back to my beloved sister, Elynor’s, deathbed. This struck at the very core of my being and displayed the cruelty behind their request.


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