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Seduction on the Cards

Page 13

by Kris Pearson

  “And why do they have huge scary German Shepherd dogs in the airport here? We have nice friendly little Beagles in the Customs Department at home.”

  “I didn’t see them, cherie. Maybe it was just a security man walking through and you mistook him for Customs?”

  “I know when I’m being sniffed!” she objected. “And that queue was horrendous. I’m so tired, and I had to stand for hours and my feet are killing me...”

  By now they’d reached the sunny parking area and he guided her towards the racy silver convertible he’d hired for the week.

  “It’s far too hot here,” she added. “I need to get out of these jeans.”

  “It would be my pleasure to assist,” he offered, tongue-in-cheek, wondering what had really upset her and how he could help. She bristled with annoyance, and it wasn’t the way he’d hoped to find her.

  There were only a couple of people visible in Tontouta’s big curved parking area. He backed Kerri up against his car, grabbed her hand, and pressed it over the steely length of his sex.

  “You feel how I’ve missed you? How much I want you now you’re here?”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her again. She responded instantly, and he groaned as his body strained against hers.

  “How far to the hotel?” she begged, nipping his bottom lip and chafing her hips against him.

  “Forty-five minutes.” He gave her another swift hot kiss.

  “Damn! Too far,” she gasped, pushing herself even closer to him.

  “Forty if I drive fast,” he offered, hauling her up and wrapping her legs around his hips. “Thirty-five if I break all the rules.” He fondled her bottom through the snug denim of her jeans. “Ten if I can find somewhere private along the way?”

  “Better,” she muttered against his ear as she sucked the lobe and raked her fingers through his hair. She pulled back for a moment to inspect him, then grabbed his face and planted kisses along his cheekbones and over his eyelids.

  “That was a very long week,” she complained, before returning to his earlobe and sucking again. “You taste so good, Alex. I want to lick you all over.”

  “Ten minutes,” he repeated hoarsely. “I’ll find us somewhere.”

  He set her down on her feet and ensured she was safely belted into her seat. An excellent view of her gorgeous breasts and a glimpse of the lavender lace cupping them rewarded him.

  “Panties to match?” he queried, stroking a finger over the upper slope of one gorgeous breast, and intruding far enough under the lace to tweak a perky nipple. Her strappy sun-top hid very little.

  “Wait and see.” She sent him a provocative smile.

  He hurtled around to the driver’s seat and fired the lively car up.

  “You don’t mind the top down?”

  “Mine or the car’s?” she asked, eyes dancing.

  “Both before too long...?”

  “Just drive. To somewhere nice and private. I’m so steamed up that the air going by will be wonderful.”

  Alex left rubber on the road as he departed.

  Kerri pushed back into the leather-covered seat and stretched her arms out in front of her to un-kink her shoulder and back muscles.

  He’s still lovely. He still wants me. It’ll be okay…

  “This is so much more comfortable than the plane,” she said over the rushing air and snarling engine.

  “Bad flight?”

  “Not really. But the man next to me snored, and there was nothing to see out the window. And I couldn’t wait to be here with you,” she added, lowering one hand with delicate precision onto his groin and tucking her fingers around his balls.

  She knew quite well Alex’s dark eyes had swiveled to hers, and she took perverse pleasure in ignoring him and gazing around the hilly countryside as though she was doing nothing untoward.

  “It’s quite rough here, isn’t it?” she said, inspecting the red earth bank where the road had been cut through the base of a hill. She’d imagined tidy vineyards and rows of waving palms; not this tumbled steep chopped-about land shimmering under fierce sunshine.

  Alex slowed for a barely visible side-road and swerved off onto a rattling gravel surface. The car danced over the stones, and slewed to a halt a hundred yards later as they reached a patch of overhanging trees. It was very rural. There seemed to be no-one about.

  “Okay?” he demanded.

  In answer, Kerri leaned over, unsnapped the waistband of his jeans and yanked his zipper down.

  “Recline your seat,” she demanded, pushing fabric aside and pulling his erection non-too-gently out into the sunlight.

  Speechless, Alex grabbed for the seat control and lay back. Kerri released their seatbelts and swooped down to bury her face in his lap, taking him into her mouth with a groan of supreme satisfaction. Her lips and tongue slid against hot silky skin that covered a rod of steel. Coarse hair and soft denim brushed against her face as she sucked and licked him. The scent of clean virile man was delicious.

  Alex groaned, long and low.

  She raised her head and grinned up at him.

  “You taste so good. So sexy.”

  He gulped a huge lungful of air and buried his hands in her hair to keep her eyes on his.

  “And I’m sure so would you if I could get near you.”

  “I got you first. I wanted you more.”

  “You think so?” he asked, eyes dancing.

  Kerri licked him from balls to tip.

  “Come and show me how much,” she invited, throwing her door open and moving to the most concealed end of the car. She wrenched at her jeans, desperate to strip them off for him.

  “My job,” he insisted as he arrived beside her, clutching his half-mast pants. He grabbed her hands and pushed the denim down past her knees.

  Kerri saw him smile as he touched the front of her lavender lace-and-satin thong. She knew without doubt he’d find a damp patch on the fabric.

  “You’re wet for me,” he murmured, bending to kiss her belly, and gazing again at the undeniable evidence of her desire for him.

  “Sopping,” she agreed. “Hurry.”

  She turned and leaned face-down on the car, and wiggled her hips towards him.

  “Don’t worry about a condom,” she threw backwards. “I’m so close to my damn period that we’re safe as houses. I just want you, Alex.”

  Alex peeled her thong down and stroked proprietary hands over her beautiful bottom. He slid his thumbs between her thighs and parted them as far as her bunched jeans would allow. He glanced down at himself and caught his breath. She’d wound him up to an impossible size. Had he ever been as hard before?

  “Ready?” he asked, bending to kiss her spine.

  “Way more than ready.”

  He nudged against her glistening flesh and slid inside.

  Kerri gasped as his plunging hips took him further and further into her pulsing heat. In moments, he’d buried himself to full depth. She let out a positively feral growl.


  Gritting his teeth, he thrust deeply, gliding smoothly, withdrawing and pushing into her, again and again.


  He closed his eyes and went for it.

  “Faster, Alex! I’m desperate...”

  What was a man to do but oblige?

  Within seconds he felt all her muscles clench around him in powerful waves, and he gave a hoarse shout of ecstasy as he pumped his seed deep into her welcoming body.

  They lay there, slumped on the car together, as bees buzzed in the nearby field and an invisible bird warbled above them in the trees.

  “I bet you’ve never come so fast before,” she said, still breathless.

  Alex knew she was right. Even in his very first sexual experiences he’d lasted longer than that, fumbling with condoms, worrying about his technique.

  Condoms! Mindful of his mother’s unwanted pregnancy he’d always been careful to use protection. The slide of his naked skin against Kerri’s had been sensatio
nal, and he wanted more of that bliss, but had it really been safe? She didn’t seem worried about getting pregnant, but that might not be the worst concern. He felt himself starting to shrink as commonsense intruded and niggled away at his euphoria.

  “That’s a bet you’ve won,” he agreed. “Never so fast before. And you?”

  “I’ve only ever come with you.”

  She admitted this with such sweet candor that Alex’s subsiding shaft started to harden again.

  He kissed the back of her neck.

  “What a bad girl you are,” he murmured. “Taking advantage of an innocent Frenchman. Seducing him in his own office, and on his friend’s boat, and now right out in the open countryside where anyone could see.”

  Kerri giggled under him, and the vibrations were so enticing he began to move again, slower and more deliberately, rooting out pleasure for both of them.

  “Only with me?” he asked, kissing her shoulder, and then brushing his lips a little way down her spine.

  “Only with you. Don’t you remember, I said in your office that my orgasms didn’t seem to happen?”

  Alex grinned to himself. So she had.

  He thrust deeper, harder, prolonging the pleasure for both of them now that first savage taking was done.

  “You’re not worried about getting pregnant because you’re close to your period, but we should worry about...other things.”

  He felt her tense around him, and he stilled.

  “Don’t spoil it,” she muttered.

  “I’m not spoiling it. I’m looking after you.”

  “You don’t have to. It’s been a long time, and I haven’t wanted to do it since then. Way back before last Christmas, if you must know. Stop embarrassing me.”

  Alex closed his eyes. At least a year.

  “How can such a sexy woman stay celibate so long?”

  Kerri snorted at that. “I’m not sexy,” she said.

  Alex slipped his hands around her waist and drew her tightly back against him so he was in possession of every possible millimeter of her. “To me you’re totally sexy. From the first moment I saw you, something drew me towards you.”


  “Your eyes. Your body. Your scent.” He slid his hands upwards and cradled her breasts. “Totally sexy everywhere,” he repeated, beginning to move again and dropping one hand to her groin to stroke her clitoris and drive her up again to another sensational peak. “We’ve got two nice days to make up for your neglected past, Kerri, and a wonderful bed to play in. Let’s make the most of it, hmmm?”

  Kerri huffed out a big breath once he’d rejoined the main road.

  “That feels better,” she declared, shaking her hair from side to side so it flowed out in the wind. “I was so up-tight I was ready to kill.”

  “What’s made you up-tight?”

  “Hormones. Rotten female hormones. Men are so lucky, they don’t know they’re born...”

  “Except when they have to cope with what the rotten hormones do to their females,” Alex said, thinking of his mother. By the time he was twelve he’d been well-acquainted with her monthly mood-swings. No matter how often she’d promised that her last gamble was truly her last, another bad month would follow and she’d lose her resolve again, and her temper, and the food money.

  The final time, broke and desperate, she’d overdosed and killed herself. Almost eighteen years later Alex still had no idea if it had been deliberate or a tragic accident.

  “You’re certain you’re safe?” he asked Kerri again, worried their unprotected sex might have consequences. The last thing he needed was another irresponsible gambler pregnant with an unwelcome child.

  “Safe as can be,” Kerri said blithely. “No doubt about it, Alex. My period’s on its way. My boobs are huge, I’ve got a nasty little pot tummy, and my temper is so foul you won’t want to know me.”

  “I wouldn’t bet on that, Ms Lush. Without a condom you felt amazing.”

  She smiled across at him and nodded. “It felt amazing for me as well. I didn’t have to wait for you to cover up, and you were so smooth inside me. I hope it holds off for a while longer though.”

  The countryside sped past in a blur of sunshine and greenery; soon they were close to Noumea.

  “Baie De Citrons,” Alex said, as he slowed to drive past beaches, boutiques and waterfront cafes, some strung with Christmas lights. “And Anse Vata. Our hotel is right there.”

  Kerri peered up at the impressive white building silhouetted against pure blue sky. Palm fronds tossed in the tropical gardens.

  He ushered her into his suite. Their suite now. He pushed the door closed and set her bag down beside the vast mirror-fronted wardrobe. Kerri placed her briefcase beside it and glanced around at the luxurious surroundings. “It’s lovely, Alex. Is there something I could drink? That was a long wait at the airport.”

  “Of course, cherie. Forgive me for not thinking of it earlier. We could have stopped somewhere.”

  “We did,” she teased.

  He laughed at that, crossed to a concealed fridge, rummaged about, and held up bottles of juice and mineral water.

  “Water’s fine,” she said.

  He twisted the cap off and handed it to her, watching as she swallowed thirstily. She set the half-full bottle on the cabinet beside the bed.

  “Heaps better, thank-you. Now I won’t die of dehydration.”

  “Just from pleasure.”

  “With any luck.”

  “Enough to drink?”

  She nodded, so he reached for the remainder and finished it in a few deep gulps.

  “It should be champagne,” he said, stepping closer to embrace her.

  Kerri shook her head. “I’m fizzy enough without it.”

  He caged her breasts in gentle hands, then bent to brush his mouth over hers.

  She pushed up on tiptoe to deepen the kiss, parting her lips in invitation. Her arms wrapped around his waist and her hands slid up the supple muscles of his back.

  Just today and tomorrow. Two lovely days that I never expected.

  His thumbs brushed over her super-sensitive nipples and she knew her aroused state was as obvious to him as his was to her.

  “I want to bite these,” he growled, pinching gently. His kiss became ever more incendiary, his fingers pushed under the hem of her T-shirt and he pulled it up over her head.

  Kerri grabbed and dragged at him in return, and laid his long golden torso bare.

  “Are we going to be slow and civilized this time?”

  “Not a hope, cherie,” he said, making quick work of the rest of their clothing.


  He drew her across to the bed.

  “You on top,” he said, dropping backward onto the sun-striped white cover and tumbling her down with him.

  Kerri straddled him and settled her bottom high on his thighs. He was now toasted a deeper bronze after several days in the tropics, and her eyes showed their appreciation.

  His gaze roamed over her in return, and she sat up straighter and patted her tummy.

  “Look!” she said indignantly. “Fat as. It happens every time.”

  Alex didn’t so much as glance. Her breasts had his whole attention. He reached up to cradle them, and stroked their dark velvety tips.

  “And they’re bigger too. My bra’s too tight,” she complained.

  He laughed at her no doubt aggrieved expression and petulant manner. “Don’t wear it then—I won’t object. My hands are just the right size, hmm?”

  He cupped a warm firm mound in each hand so her nipples pushed out sexily. She looked down and saw his lips had parted, and his eyes had glazed over. His whole attention was riveted right there.

  “Yes, I think maybe a little bigger,” he said. “A little heavier.”

  “Twice the size!”

  “Liar. Twice as beautiful. Bend closer so I can enjoy you. I read somewhere that where pretty breasts are concerned, all men are big babies.”

  She be
nt, but not all the way, obliging Alex to lift his head off the pillow so he could suckle. He pulled her down until his nose pressed against her skin and her nipple slid between his lips.

  She sighed with pleasure as he ran his tongue over her, sucked her deeper into his hot mouth, and then bit down.

  Is this what it would feel like with a baby?

  The thought hit her like lightning. She’d never felt the least bit maternal, but now, as his fingers played with her other breast, rolling her nipple between and his thumb and forefinger, a fierce yearning concentrated itself more and more strongly, deep in her belly.

  Damned hormones, messing me around like this.

  “Naughty big baby,” she whispered. “You’re getting me all worked up. There’s only one cure for it...”

  She reached down and positioned him. A small push, and he glided in where she needed him. She pushed down, raised up, pushed down, raised up, and groaned as he contacted magic places and followed her rhythm.

  “Suck harder,” she begged, already feeling the bliss.

  They lay together in a tangled heap. Finally Alex stirred and pressed a kiss onto her brow.

  “Kerri—I’m so sorry, but I have one last appointment before I’m all yours. Could you order yourself room service lunch? Get unpacked, sunbathe on the balcony, or wander around the boutiques on the ground floor for a while? I’ll be back soon after two, for sure.”

  “I might have a little nap,” she said, trailing her fingernails through the soft hair on his chest. “Seeing that you’ve worn me out. I feel so sleepy...”

  After he departed, Kerri unzipped her bag and stowed her clothes away. She prowled the beautiful suite, peering out of the floor-to-ceiling sliders to the balcony with its spectacular view of sunlit ocean. Several floors below, a group of elderly men played petanque on the ocean-front promenade. Their gruff voices and laughter floated up in the warm air.

  She turned away and riffled through the stationery compendium, thinking she might send Sarah a note on the classy paper.

  And then she found it. Among the leaflets from restaurants and other local attractions, a voucher from one of the local casinos stood out as though spotlit.


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