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Bad in Bed

Page 12

by Faye Avalon

  Vaguely aware that Marco had settled into the chair next to the bed to watch the show, Ethan grabbed Amber’s hips as she started to lower herself onto his hot, pulsing cock.

  She rocked her hips slowly, seductively, her breasts pushing out like full, delicate orbs of temptation.

  Ethan sucked in a breath as she took him in. Slowly, too fucking slowly. He thrust his hips up, trying to get fully inside her, but she jerked up and away from him.

  “You have to learn a little patience, lover.” She gave a slow, knowing grin as she parodied his accusation back to him. “Otherwise, I’ll have to teach you the hard way.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Ethan couldn’t bring himself to return her grin. He was too hard, too close to shooting into the damn condom if she didn’t get her sweet ass in gear and take his cock all the way inside her. He clamped his hands around her hips and drew her down hard on his length.

  Amber gasped, losing her balance a little as her hands landed on his chest. Seconds later, she’d regained her stability and took back control. “I’ll make you pay for that.”

  “Oh baby,” he ground out as she began to ride him. “You have no idea.”

  He came like a train, pumping out his seed into the condom as he shouted his release into the ether.

  Amber collapsed on his chest, her hair tickling against the damp sheen of sweat covering his heated flesh.

  He reached out and ran his fingers through the silky strands as he closed his eyes and let his breathing slow and his heart settle. He wanted to wrap her up against him, keep her close to his side, so that when they were ready he would take her again. Only him.

  He glanced at Marco, who rested back against the chair, eyes closed, and suffered a flare of possessive and primitive angst that no way on God’s earth was Marco coming anywhere near Amber again.

  Damn and blast it all to hell and back. When had he suddenly become anyone’s keeper? If Amber wanted this again, who was he to deny her? And if Marco wanted Amber again…shit, he wasn’t going there.

  He was only aware he’d tightened his grip on Amber when she muttered a sleepy “ouch” and nuzzled her head against him.

  “Sorry.” He loosened his hold a little and tried not to glare at Marco as he rose from the chair.

  “Who wants a drink?”

  Amber sighed, her warm breath brushing across his abdomen. “Mmm. Please.”

  With a glance at Ethan, Marco leaned over and kissed her puckered shoulder. “What would you like?” he asked softly. “Your every wish is my command.”

  She giggled. “Wine would be nice.”

  “Coming up.”

  He placed a light kiss on her ass, then looked up at Ethan. “Whisky?”

  “Double.” Ethan couldn’t disguise the growl, but ignored Marco’s raised eyebrows as he left the bedroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Since he’d been the one instrumental in proposing this whole set up, Ethan knew he had to clear the air with Marco. It wasn’t right coming down on the man when his friend was only carrying out Ethan’s wishes.

  Gently, he shifted from beneath Amber’s comatose body. At her grumbled complaint he kissed the top of her head, then swung his legs off the bed and stood. He took a moment to look down at her lush body, taking in the outline of full breasts crushed against the mattress as she slept on her side, the curve of her hip, the swell of her backside.

  Unable to resist, he bent and pressed his lips to the very spot Marco had kissed as a flare of possessive heat moved through him. Maybe this had been a damn fool idea. Yet, as something squeezed around his heart, Ethan knew it was the right one.

  His fingers itched to smooth away a few wayward strands of her blonde hair as they played across her forehead, to stroke his fingers lightly over the scarred skin along her arm and shoulder. But he resisted. Instead, he drew the duvet gently around her sleeping form and went to find his friend.

  Marco didn’t look up from pouring Amber’s wine as Ethan entered the bar and reached for two whisky glasses.

  He placed them on the counter and waited until Marco put down the wine bottle. “She’s sleeping. Won’t want that until later.”

  Marco nodded as he picked up the whisky glasses. He glanced at Ethan and after a few moments perusal, raised his eyebrows. “Second thoughts?”

  “No.” Ethan turned away from the counter and leaned back against it. “Didn’t feel this way after the last time.”

  Marco pushed a whisky glass under the dispenser. “Last time was different. You didn’t have feelings for her.”

  While Ethan wanted to deny the truth of Marco’s statement, the words stuck in his throat, in his heart.

  “Does she know?” Marco filled the other glass. “That you’re in love with her?”

  Ethan shot him a fierce look. “I’ve known her two damn minutes.”

  “Bigger they come, harder they fall.” Unfazed, Marco handed his friend a glass. “And faster.”

  Ethan looked down into the glass as if he’d find answers to the questions storming through him. “Fuck.” He swirled the whisky, then raised the glass to his mouth and tipped back the welcome liquor. “Damned if I know what’s going on. Need my idiot head examined.”

  Picking up his own glass, Marco leaned back against the bar next to Ethan, mirroring his friend’s stance. “What are you planning to do about it?”

  Ethan shrugged, then took another shot of his drink. “Nothing. Not a bloody thing.”

  “So you won’t mind if I join in again?”

  With another shrug, Ethan ignored the blistering heat igniting his chest. “Feel free. She seemed to enjoy it.”

  “And you?”

  Ethan’s reply was another shrug.

  “You think it did the trick? The confidence thing?”

  “Seemed to help.” Ethan held out his empty glass. “She gets more uninhibited each time we’re together, but this was different. She was a fucking wildcat. Like something released inside her.”

  “She’s beautiful. Sexy as hell.” Marco strolled to the dispenser and filled their glasses again. “No man worth his salt would be bothered by those scars, let alone be put off by them. That ex of hers needs his brains tested. His balls, too.”

  “Yeah.” Ethan took the whisky from Marco. “I guess I’m feeling a bit overprotective of her. That’s what this is about. Don’t like to see someone like her being pissed on by a moron.”

  “Sounds like that could be it.”

  Since each man was uncomfortable talking emotions, they left it there. As they finished their whisky in silence, Ethan mentally repeated his overprotective justification like a comforting mantra. That’s what his feelings were; that’s all they were. Had to be. Despite what Marco had said, and Ethan wanted to believe that his friend was simply winding him up again. How the hell could a man fall in love in the space of a few days? Wasn’t possible. And in his case, wasn’t desired.

  From nowhere came the memory of his father welcoming yet another woman into their single-bedroom flat in one of Brighton’s less desirable neighborhoods. His mother had disappeared God knew where when Ethan was three, and his embittered father took it out on pretty much every woman he met after that.

  Ethan had lost count of how many times he’d been kicked out of the bedroom he’d shared with his father to make way for that night’s entertainment. He’d been banished to the battered sofa in the living area where he’d learned to block out the sounds of casual sex and the arguments that normally precipitated the woman being thrown out into the street the next morning.

  As he grew older, he started to pity those women and learned to despise his often drunk father for his rough and brutal treatment of them. As a teenager, he’d often confronted his father, and found himself on the end of that brutality for his trouble.

  Five years ago he’d stood at his old man’s graveside and felt nothing. Only the sense of a wasted and lonely life.

  More than once since, Ethan had wondered if he was doomed to repeat his father’s lifes
tyle, but since he respected the women he had sex with and it was always a mutually agreeable arrangement, he tried not to dwell on the possibility.

  Considering his respect for women, it was little wonder he displayed this overprotective streak for Amber. He’d been moved by her vulnerability; bullied by an ex who didn’t deserve a woman like her. In response, his latent instincts had kicked in. That was all it was. Pure and simple.

  Feeling a little easier, Ethan turned to Marco. “I should check on Amber. If she’s awake, she’ll be ready for that wine.”

  Marco picked up the wine glass. “If she’s awake, I’ll be ready for a whole lot more than wine.”

  I’m just being overprotective. Ethan had to mentally repeat the statement to himself as he fought the urge to glare at Marco. She’s vulnerable and I’m simply looking out for her interests. “She gets to call the shots.”

  Marco raised his glass in salute. “Always.”

  “If she’s had enough, we call it a night.”


  Ethan gave a narrow eyed stare as he raised his finger to Marco’s chest. “You don’t push her, Marco.”

  “Seeing as I plan to keep my own teeth well into my nineties, message understood.”

  After a brief hesitation, Ethan turned and went back upstairs.

  He found Amber still asleep although she’d rolled onto her back.

  Her arms were splayed over her head, her plump breasts peeking out over the duvet.

  He went hard, his blood pumping through his veins.

  “Hell,” Marco said from behind him. “Hot doesn’t cover it.”

  Amber stretched, revealing more of her breasts so that her hard, ripe nipples stood out for their delectation. One, or both of them must have made a sound, because her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled at them dreamily. “Did I fall asleep?”

  “Looks like.” Ethan returned her smile as he held out the wine glass. “Want this?”

  She grabbed for the duvet, pulling it around her breasts as she sat up. Blinking, she stared at the wine. “Sorry to be a pain, but could I have a glass of water first?”

  “I’ll get it,” Marco said and moved toward the door. “Want anything else?”

  Amber shook her head. “Just water.”

  Ethan waited until Marco had left the room, then sat on the bed. “How you feeling?”

  Leaning back against the pillow, Amber continued to blink the sleep from her eyes. “Good, thanks.”

  Ethan nodded. “Not mad at me?”

  She screwed up her forehead. “Why would I be mad at you?”

  “For this. Marco.” Breath backed up in his lungs as she stared at him, a considering look in her eye.

  “It was amazing. You both made me feel amazing.”

  Slowly, he gave another nod. “Marco wants to continue the arrangement.”

  Again, that look glittered through her eyes. “What about you? I thought you said it was a one time only.”

  Shit. How did he tell her he was happy to share because he didn’t like the feelings that stormed through him when they were alone together? That he had a hard time convincing himself that he was okay seeing her in another man’s arms, watching Marco’s hands moving over her, hearing her sounds of pleasure as another man took her. How did he say any of that, when her eyes searched his with such intense focus he felt like he’d be denying her the thing she wanted most right then.

  What right had he to refuse her? If it made her feel good, built her confidence, made her realize what an amazingly sexy woman she was, who was he to pull on the brakes? “Works okay for me,” he said, hoping his gruff tone didn’t upset her. “If we’re all happy with the arrangement, I don’t see a problem.”

  She hesitated, still looking at him with an intensity that squeezed his heart, then she skimmed her fingers along his jaw. “Touch me, Ethan.”

  He stood, shucked off his trousers then came down next to her. He threw off the duvet, leaving her gloriously naked.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she gave a languorous stretch and purred like a contented kitten.

  “Starting without me?” Marco popped the glass of water onto the bedside table, then unfastened his trousers. He walked around the bed and came to lie on Amber’s opposite side. He glanced at Ethan, then back to Amber. “Are you suitably rested, bella?”

  Still with her arms around Ethan’s neck, Amber smiled at Marco. “Enough for what you two have in mind.”

  Marco toyed with one hard nipple. “You don’t know what we have in mind.”

  Since his hard-on throbbed like a bastard, Ethan was able to push back the flare of primal fury that beat in his chest. This damn threesome would be the death of him if he didn’t get things into perspective. And fast.

  He watched the slow slide of Marco’s thumb across Amber’s nipple, then lowered his mouth to subject her other nipple to his own administrations.

  She moaned as he swirled his tongue around the tight, hard bud, arched up into his hand as he slipped his fingers into her pussy.

  * * * *

  As Marco slid his hand under her ass pushing her up further into Ethan’s touch, Amber cried out. She hadn’t realized she could feel so much, be so greedy and desperate beneath a man’s hands. And here she was with two men, each as demanding, as virile, as drop dead sexy as the other.

  She would never have believed herself in this situation, never expected to keep two men entertained for one whole night all by herself. Yet here she was.

  As much as she had, and still was, enjoying herself, she couldn’t help the tiny shiver of disappointment at Ethan’s response when she’d asked him if he was okay with Marco’s request to join them again. Part of the reason she’d allowed herself to enjoy Marco was because she believed it really was a one off and that Ethan would want it to return to just the two of them.

  It seemed he preferred the adventure and excitement of a threesome.

  And right then it was difficult to deny she wasn’t enjoying the ménage herself as Marco’s fingers dug into her backside, pressing her up further against Ethan’s invading fingers. Her pussy throbbed with need, her slick folds pulsing against Ethan’s hand.

  Marco’s hand moved down the back of her thigh until his fingers cupped the crease of her knee. He coaxed her to bend her knee, then raised her bent leg up and out to the side, exposing her further to Ethan’s determined fingers.

  Ethan removed his mouth from her breast and kissed her with a passion that stole what was left of her breath.

  Reaching out, she found Ethan’s hard, pulsating cock. Slowly, she began to work him, sliding her hand the full length of his erection until he moaned against her mouth.

  Not to be left out, Marco’s fingers slid around the wrist of her free hand and he guided her to his own prick.

  She wrapped her hand around him and in unison worked her two men until their groans filled the room.

  When she gauged they were both near climax, she released them. With reluctance, she removed Ethan’s fingers from her pussy and scrambled up between the men onto her knees. “Now you two boys stay right where you are.” She pressed a palm to each of their chests and eased them onto their backs. “I intend having a little fun of my own with you.”

  Neither of them replied, their muscular chests heaving as they watched her with hooded eyes.

  With a slight smile, she reached out to the cabinet where Marco had placed her water. Lifting the glass, she took a swig then dipped her fingers into the cool water and slid her moist fingers down Marco’s chest. Her smile turned wicked when he jerked at her touch. She bent and pressed her mouth to Marco’s abdomen, then turned to Ethan, whose wary gaze made her laugh.

  “Boot’s on the other foot now, lover. Can you handle it?”

  Ethan’s eyes followed her fingers as they dipped into the glass again. “Give it your best shot, green eyes. Just know that whatever you’ve got in mind, it can’t be as depraved as what’s in mine right now.”

Since his eyes fell between her legs, she didn’t need to think too hard about what thoughts he harbored and her pussy throbbed in anticipation. She dipped her fingers into the glass once more, wiggling them around in the water. When he reached between her legs, she slapped his hand away, sending a spray of water over her legs. “Hands to yourself. Or I’ll make you pay.”

  With a sly grin, he folded his arms and raised them over his head, using them like a pillow. She returned his grin, then pointedly turned her attention back to Marco.

  “Since you’ve been a good boy, you get to go first.”

  Marco blew out a breath. “Halleluiah.”

  Raising the glass over Marco’s abdomen, she slowly tipped it until water trickled down onto his flat stomach. “Shit.” He almost jackknifed as his muscles tensed. ”That water’s cold, bella.”

  “So was the ice cube, but did you hear me complain?”

  Marco closed his eyes. “Not complaining. Simply making an observation.”

  “Hey. Remember me?”

  Amber turned to look into Ethan’s shuttered gaze. “Oh, I haven’t forgotten you.” And with that she poured water onto Ethan’s flat abdomen, receiving the same jerky response as Marco’s when the icy liquid hit his hot flesh.

  “He’s right,” Ethan complained. “That’s fucking cold.”

  “Babies,” Amber chastised. “Why don’t you let me make it better?”

  She bent and ran her tongue along Ethan’s abdomen, trailing the water over his toned muscles, into the dip of his navel, and then down to the base of his erection. When he hissed, she slowly raised her head until she hovered at the tip of his cock. She opened her mouth and let her warm breath flow over him, each exhale making his stomach muscles clench. She used her tongue to tease as she held it centimeters from contact with his hard length.

  “Fuck, Amber.”

  His low growl encouraged her to continue what she was doing and it felt good to know her actions could arouse him so fast, so hard. So much for her not being any good at this.

  “How about making me feel better, bella?”

  She sat back, grinned at Ethan who glared at her. Then she turned to Marco. “Well, since you’ve been a good boy, waiting patiently like you have.”


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