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Chained by Love Vol. 1: Angel (Vegas Billionaires #1)

Page 5

by Alexia Praks

  I chuckled. I couldn’t help myself and said, “Nice to meet you, too, William.”

  “So, tell me about yourself,” he said, finishing the last of his pie in one big bite.

  In fascination, I watched him eating. Gosh, I had no idea why I found him devouring his food interesting. It was certainly odd, to say the least. When he licked his lips, I felt this heat burning hot inside me, which made me blush and feel more than a little uncomfortable.

  Suddenly, my mind wandered off…imagining what it’d be like if those lips of William’s were on mine, kissing me, and his wet, hot tongue licking me.

  I involuntarily hyperventilated and licked my own lips, my tummy burning hot in a frenzy of wonder. I quietly squirmed in my corner of the sofa as I tried to hide my embarrassing fantasy.

  Luckily, I was mostly covered by our spare blanket, which we happened to be sharing at the moment, so he couldn’t see how tense my body was, sitting so close to him.

  Sweet Jesus! What the heck was wrong with me? Fantasizing about William kissing me, of all things. Hadn’t he already told me he didn’t like girls like me? Which, of course, still hurt a little because…

  Well, that couldn’t be helped. Everyone had their own type in the opposite sex. William must have liked his women with large breasts, tall, and beautiful. In other words—hot, sexy and full of self-confidence, which was definitely not me. I was still a teenaged girl. I was of average height, skinny, flat-chested, and had zero self-confidence when it came to attracting the opposite sex and dating. That was why I’d had zero boyfriends and had never been kissed before. Not to mention that I had no idea what type of men I personally liked… Until now.

  When I shyly fluttered my gaze to William again, I noted that he was staring at me intensely. His eyes were so dark and passionate that it scared me. Why was he looking at me like that? Like he was angry, yet…

  I dismissed the fervent look in his eyes and the hard expression on his face, and said, “Umm…about me, eh?” I cocked my head to one side, trying to think of something about me that’d interest him.

  I took another bite of my pie and chewed slowly, my mind wandering. Obviously, I couldn’t tell him about my childhood. It had been shitty, and who’d want to hear about that? I could tell him about my friends, but since I didn’t have any to show off to him, that one was out of the box of possibilities, too. What about my future?

  I swallowed and then said, “I know.”

  I chuckled excitedly and got myself ready. “Are you sure you’re not going to be bored to death hearing me telling you all about myself?” I warned.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I’d love to hear you talk nonstop about yourself.”

  I pulled a face at his words. Seriously, he made me sound like I was a spoiled little brat, which I was sure I wasn’t.

  “Okay, you asked for it,” I said. “So I’m going to tell you about my dream of the future.”

  “Oh?” He cocked his head to one side.

  “First, when I graduate high school, I plan to go to college to study fashion design. You see, for the longest time I’ve wanted to become a designer. Well, it’s not like I want to be famous or anything. I simply want to design clothes. Second, if I can’t get into that industry, because everyone knows it’s extremely hard, then I want to become a makeup artist.”

  I smiled gleefully as I continued. “I want to work for celebrities and then, when I get a lot of experience, I want to create my own line. Again, it’s not that I want to become famous or anything. It’s just something I’m passionate about. Then I’ll get to travel the world, go to places like Paris and Milan, Hong Kong and Tokyo to do fashion shows and stuff. It’d be so much fun.”

  I chuckled and blushed profusely. “I mean, if I don’t get to travel to those places for work, I can always go there as a tourist, right? When I’ve saved enough money, that is. I mean, I’d really love to travel one day and just kind of have the time of my life. Not having to worry about anything. That’d be awesome.”

  I finally paused, allowing myself to catch a breath. Really, this would be the first time that I ever told anyone about my dreams of the future, of what I personally wanted to do with my life. And surely, it felt exhilarating.

  It felt delightfully wonderful to finally express myself in such an intimate way.

  “That sounds like what a lot of teenage girls want to do, isn’t it? Become a fashion designer, makeup artist and have a jet-set lifestyle.”

  The tone of his voice and his words made it sound like he wasn’t impressed with my aspiration. Did he, too, like Dad and Marie, think this dream of mine was way out of my league?

  Oddly enough, I was affected by his opinion of me and his lack of encouragement for my future plan.

  Truth be told, I shouldn’t be surprised, since both Dad and Marie had told me it was stupid of me to have such high aspirations, especially where fashion design was concerned. For a person like me, Marie had gleefully told me many times, I was more suited to a low-paying job, such as a waitress, cleaner, or those girls who worked at the supermarket or big warehouses. But, of course, Dad’s and Marie’s opinion of me and my future no longer had any effect on me. They expected me to lead a mundane life, like them—enduring a low-paying job, which they hated, while taking alcohol, the occasional recreational drugs, and antidepressants to numb the dullness of life and the pain of being poor and indebted.

  I refused to be like them. I refuse to lead a life like them, which was why I was working so hard to save up money for college.

  I shifted my gaze to William and noted he was waiting for me to continue. Honest to God, I shouldn’t let his judgment of me affect me, but I had no idea why his opinion mattered to me. Why his approval of my aspirations would make me happy. After all, he was merely a stranger I had saved from the street and nothing more, wasn’t he?

  “It’s what I’ve wanted to do…for the longest time,” I said, my voice weak with emotion.

  Shit! Why did I sound upset? How stupid of me to show raw emotion in regard to something like this, something others considered inconsequential, to show how much it affected me.

  I decided to dismiss the whole thing completely. After all, I knew if we were to continue along this route, where our conversation was concerned, I’d get even more affected. I could possibly get so upset that I’d tear up in front of him, which was a stupid thing for a seventeen-year-old girl to do in front of a stranger she had just met.

  I shook my head and said, “Sorry…I’m a little tired. And I have work tomorrow, too.”

  Before he could register the fact that I was a little upset from his words and stop me, I got up from my seat as I hastily said, “Good night, William.”

  I was just taking a step toward the door when I felt a warm, strong hand wrapping around my wrist, halting me in my tracks.

  The action jolted me in pleasant surprise, and it sent a sort of thrilling sensation throughout my body.

  I caught my breath at the back of my throat as I turned to see William watching me.

  He smiled and said, “You’d be a great fashion designer.”


  I blinked.

  “Obscurity is your worst enemy in that field. You need to spark that passion of yours to get there.” His eyes softened at me as he continued. “You can do it. I want to see you succeed. I want to see you and your work on the runway in the future.”

  I had no idea what happened, but tears started to brew in my eyes and flow down my cheeks. I felt my whole body shake with emotion at his words.

  And here I thought he didn’t give a shit about my plan for the future. But really, what stranger cared about a teenaged girl’s dreams and aspirations, anyway?

  I chuckled and sobbed at the same time.

  “Oh, my God, I’m crying because a stranger I saved from the street encouraged me to go for my dream. How embarrassing.”

  “Come here,” William said, pulling me to him.

  Honestly, I didn’t know what else to d
o in this type of situation, so I obliged and found myself seated close to him. With his hand cupping my face, he said, his warm breath fanning my skin, “You’re not allowed to give in, do you hear, Savanah? I’ll be watching over you.”

  I noted the dark glint in his eyes when he said those words, as if he meant what he said.

  “And when you’re famous, don’t forget me, eh?”

  I chuckled through my tears. “Don’t be silly, William. I won’t forget you.”

  After all, I thought to myself, you’re too unique to be forgettable, barging into my life like this, making me so deliriously happy one minute, pissed off the next, and then cry like a baby another minute after that.

  Once I managed to calm down, I felt this sudden change in the atmosphere, this intense heat, this electrical spark charging between us.

  Oh, Jesus! My heart started to race like it had never done before. Not to mention my whole body was tense, as if waiting expectantly for something wonderful, something amazing, to happen.

  And it did happen.

  William leaned forward and gently planted his lips on mine. I held my breath as my body squirmed in pleasant surprise under his warm touches. Then he kissed me, softly, gently.

  Suddenly, I felt lightheaded, and my whole body melted. William urged my lips to part for him, and I voluntarily and pleasingly obliged.

  The moment I parted my lips, William slipped his tongue in, and I groaned in delight.

  Oh, God! William was kissing me! William was kissing me!

  His expert tongue was hot and wet inside my mouth as he explored me, playing havoc with my inexperienced tongue, making my head spin in ecstasy.

  I groaned again; my body turned into jelly and my belly quivered with delight.

  When, finally, William terminated the kiss and moved back, I was dazed and breathless. I gazed at him, marveling at the experience he had just granted me.

  He smiled and said, “I shouldn’t have done that, Savanah. But fuck, I couldn’t help myself.”

  I shook my head to tell him that it was totally fine. And that, in fact, I wanted him to continue…I wanted him to show me more.

  But he would have none of it and said firmly, “Sorry, sweetheart, time for bed.” He even pulled me along with him as he stood, and the blanket fell to the floor around our feet.

  I reluctantly obliged and allowed him to nudge me to the door.

  “Good night, then,” I said softly, my head still in the clouds as I walked to my own room.

  In the distance, I faintly heard him saying, “Good night, Savanah.”

  Chapter 8


  William knew he had fucked up big time the moment he felt Savanah’s soft, warm lips on his. Against his better judgment and his determination to keep his distance, he had impulsively kissed the girl. Granted, it was supposed to be a comforting kind of kiss, but instead of the forehead or the cheek, he aimed straight for the lips, which had been seductively enticing him since he had first laid eyes on her.

  He moved about on the sofa, trying to make himself comfortable, but it was to no avail. The damned thing was fucking hard, and it was hurting his back like a bitch. Savanah was right; this thing would make him sore the next day, even if he hadn’t had any injuries.

  He drew the blanket up his body, and instantly, a trace of spring scent that was so Savanah danced across his nose, teasing him and taunting him with a promise.

  “Fuck!” he swore under his breath. He fuck as hell didn’t mind the uncomfortable sofa, but to be teased by her scent, too? He’d had enough of this bullshit.

  Without further ado, he flipped the blanket from his body, got off the sofa and headed over to the telephone, which was sitting on the benchtop near the kitchenette. He picked it up and dialed Joseph’s number. The butler picked up on the second ring.

  “Sir?” Joseph’s voice came through. “Thank God you’re still alive. I was beginning to wonder if I should call for backup.”

  William chuckled in amusement. There wasn’t any doubt that the elderly butler had a dry sense of humor, which William truly appreciated.

  “I’m still alive, just a few scratches. Nothing to worry about,” he said.

  “Where are you, sir?” Joseph asked.

  “In an apartment,” he said. “I was kind of saved by a girl.”

  There was a pause, and he knew Joseph was confused.

  “I beg your pardon, sir?”

  William eyed the last bedroom door across the hallway. Behind that door was Savanah.

  Yep. He fucking felt guilty, all right, not only because he had kissed her, which would have given her ideas he didn’t want, but also because he was going to leave without saying goodbye. Damn, but he felt like a jerk.

  “I said I was kind of saved by a girl. She found me in the back street and took me in.”

  “I see,” Joseph said. “God bless her.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “Nowadays you don’t find kids like that anymore.”

  Kids. Yeah, Savanah was a kid, all right. And William definitely did not have any business with her whatsoever, and the faster he got himself out of her apartment, the better.

  After giving the butler information as to his whereabouts, he hung up. Then he headed back to the sofa and found himself writing Savanah a message. Once done, he left the apartment as quickly and as quietly as he could before he changed his mind.

  He certainly didn’t want to spend the night alone with the girl when she was so fucking tempting. He was a man, after all, and when he wanted a woman, he’d have her. Except Savanah wasn’t a woman. She was a girl. She was innocent, sweet, and kind. Everything that he wasn’t and everything that he didn’t want in a woman. She wouldn’t be able to handle him. She wouldn’t last a day with him or his dark and twisted world.

  Yep. She’d freaked the fuck out. No, she wouldn’t be able to handle him and his intense sex drive at all.

  William knew he was a fucking maniac when it came to the bedroom department, and he wasn’t about to tarnish pretty Savanah in his devilish way.

  Outside, he leaned his body against the concrete wall of the apartment building as he waited for Joseph to arrive. It was a bit cold, but William could do with a bit of that to clear his head.

  Fifteen minutes later, Joseph turned up in a sleek black BMW, and along with him, a small entourage of bodyguards. And at this fucking late hour, too. He surely hoped they weren’t disturbing the neighbor.

  William headed over to them as Joseph got out of the car.

  “Sir,” Joseph said in greeting.

  William nodded. Then he turned his attention to two of the guards and told them to stay behind. Their job for the night was to watch over the occupant of apartment number six.

  As he got into the car, William wasn’t exactly sure why he had instructed his men to watch over Savanah. Then again, he was a cautious man, and he fuck as hell didn’t want the gangs to take it out on the girl. He knew they had been watching when Savanah had turned up to help, and taken him into her apartment. Those bastards had eyes and ears everywhere around the neighborhood, and he wouldn’t be surprised if they appeared on Savanah’s doorstep and—

  Fuck! He didn’t want to think about that.

  “What will you do with the girl?” Joseph asked from the driver seat.

  William rested his head against the leather seat and said, “Hell if I know, Joseph. But I sure as fuck don’t want her getting involved with my life. It’s the one place she doesn’t belong. Too fucking gruesome for the likes of her.”

  “If you don’t mind me saying so, sir, she saved your backside,” Joseph said. “No one does that anymore, at least not in Vegas.”

  William chuckled with a smile. “Yeah, she did.”

  To himself he thought, who the fuck does that anyway? Helping a stranger in the street, especially at night and in Las Vegas.

  When they arrived at the penthouse on top of the Bosworth’s Hotel, Resort and Casino building a short time later, William headed straigh
t for the bathroom.

  There, he stripped himself naked and stared at his body. He noted dark bruises everywhere marking his tanned skin and was glad the light at Savanah’s apartment wasn’t that bright, glad the girl hadn’t seen how bad his body actually was. She would have freaked out, that he knew for sure.

  A moment later, he hopped in for a long hot bath. When next he heard Joseph’s voice calling his name, it was half an hour later. Fuck, he was dozing off in the cozy tub like a girl.

  He got out and quickly donned a bathrobe.

  “What is it, Joseph?” he asked, as he came into the hallway.

  “Your friends are here to see you, sir,” Joseph said.

  William rolled his eyes and said, “Fuck!” under his breath.

  He didn’t doubt that it had to be two of his five friends—James Maxwell and Matt Caine. They were probably here for his blood.

  He wasn’t wrong when he headed into the living area and saw the two men. James had a dark expression on his face while Matt looked like he was about to kill somebody, and that somebody, William knew, was him.

  “Do you know what time it is?” He greeted the men with a sarcastic tone.

  Matt, with his sandy-brown hair, brooding gray eyes, and bulky build, looked ready for a showdown. He said darkly, “We know very well what time it is, William. But fuck, do you know what you just did?”

  This again. William knew they had caught wind of his recent escapade, which wasn’t surprising, considering how efficient their communication network was.

  “Just out strolling around the neighborhood. What’s the problem with that?”

  “Strolling around the neighborhood, my ass,” Matt snapped. “You were out for blood again, and without us.”

  William shrugged his powerful shoulders. “So, I took out a few guys. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Fuck, William,” James said darkly, narrowing his Prussian-blue eyes. “You could have been killed. You know how notorious they are. Just because you want to prove yourself to everyone and take control of their turf doesn’t mean you have to barge right in and sign your death warrant.”


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