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Chained by Love Vol. 1: Angel (Vegas Billionaires #1)

Page 12

by Alexia Praks

  A few hours later, he was greeted by his proficient butler, Joseph. From the monthly report he had received from Richard and Owen, the two bulky bodyguards he’d had placed to look after and protect Savanah, it appeared that Joseph had visited Savanah quite frequently.

  “I’m glad to see you back, sir,” Joseph said the moment William stepped in through the door. “I assume you’ve heard about Savanah?” He went straight to the point.

  William nodded, his face hard and dark. Then he said, “Prepare a room for her, and make it nice. Luxury stuff. Everything. She’s going to be living here from tomorrow night on.”

  Joseph nodded his head. “Of course, sir. That’s great news. I’ll get the preparations going right away.”

  And now, some twenty hours later, without a wink of sleep, here he was, sitting in this notorious private theater, which only the privileged with money knew existed.

  Savanah—his little angel—was going to be sold tonight, and her starting price was two million.

  Two fucking million for a twenty-year-old virgin beauty, and William knew there was going to be a lot of competition for her tonight.

  They wanted her, these sick fuckhead billionaires. They wanted her as their pet. They wanted her as their fucking sex toy. They wanted her as their most prized trophy. And now he was fucking the same.

  He wanted Savanah—had always wanted her, since the first time he had laid eyes on her. Even though he had vowed to stay away in order to keep her safe, now, however, that had changed and he had no choice in the matter. His hands had been tied by fate. Now, come hell or high water, he’d have her as his and his alone.

  A man dressed all in black appeared and walked across to the center of the stage. He, too, was wearing a silk mask to hide his identity, as everyone else in there was, though his was red, which signified that he was a staff member. The black was for the patrons.

  The man looked around the room with interest, and then he began, “Thank you very much, gentlemen, for coming tonight. Wow, I can see the seats are sold out.” He chuckled merrily. “That’s excellent. And you know what? I’m glad you gentlemen chose to attend our auction tonight and support our company. I’m very, very glad. And on behalf of the company, I would like to thank you very much, gentlemen.”

  There was applause as the host bowed low in honor. When he straightened up, he said, “You won’t be disappointed tonight, that you’re here instead of in bed beside your ugly wives.”

  The audience laughed at his dry joke.

  He continued, “You’re all going to be in for a big surprise tonight, gentlemen. Believe it or not, we have a beautiful virgin with us. And if you’re new to us, believe me when I say we rarely obtain ourselves a virgin. You know, these days, it’s just plain impossible, right?

  The audience agreed by clapping again.

  “She’s twenty, and trust me, men, she’s going to make your cock burst, just looking at her.” He laughed merrily, and the audience, once again, applauded. One even hooted.

  “We named her Angel,” the host said. “Why? Because she is an angel.” He winked. “And you’ll know what I mean when she comes out last. So please, men, don’t be too hasty, because as you all know, we always, always keep the best for last.” He took a step back and bowed as the audience applauded once again. When he straightened, he grinned widely and continued, “Now then, let’s not waste time; let’s get the party started, shall we?”

  The dim light around the audience’s area was turned off, and a soft light was turned on and directed toward the center of the stage. A moment later, a woman—dressed in a tuxedo and wearing a red silk mask—appeared and headed toward the center. Hazily trailing behind her was a Russian girl of about twenty years of age, with a slender body and long blonde hair. The usher made the girl twirl around so that the audience could see all of her beautiful attributes: long legs, firm backside, and bountiful breasts.

  The audience applauded, and the auction began.

  William waited patiently as one girl after another was ushered onto the stage to be displayed, appraised, and auctioned like cattle. All of them stumbled and swayed as they walked, as though they were in a haze of drugs and were high.

  Instantly, his stomach knotted in dread. His Savanah would be the same. She would have been drugged and invaded.

  Once the fourteenth girl was finally auctioned off to a faceless billionaire sitting at the back, William was ready to tear the whole place down and search for Savanah before her turn came.

  And then there she was, stumbling her way toward the center of the stage as men hiding in the dark ogled her with sexual hunger.

  Her long brown hair was a tangled mess, and her slender body was barely covered in glittery, sexy lingerie. There were just little bits of material covering her nipples while leaving the rest of her now fully matured, bountiful breasts bare. This flimsy fabric ran down to the lower part of her body, where it barely managed to cover the V-section of her woman’s bits. Behind her back were the wings of an angel, and as she was made to twirl around this way and that in order for the bidders to ascertain her exquisite attributes, men hooted in excitement, and their cocks really did almost burst at the sight of her.

  She was a fucking sexy angel, that was for sure, and almost every one of the men there wanted to fuck her.

  “What do you think, gentlemen,” the host said in triumph, “of our little Angel?”

  Huge applause erupted then, and William did not miss the overenthusiasm that exuded from the excited and eager crowd.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  William felt sick to his stomach as he watched his beloved Savanah being made to parade herself about in her drug-induced haze as these men gawked at her. It was all he could do to make himself stay in his seat and not tear this place apart, shooting every single one of these men dead on the spot and then taking Savanah away with him.

  “Now then, gentlemen, shall we start bidding?” the host said. “Our Angel’s starting price point is two million. Do I have a two million and a half?”

  Instantly, hands went up with eagerness, and as the auctioneer kept on increasing the price, William impatiently waited. Soon, there were only a few bidders left as Savanah’s price had reached four and a half million.

  When there were only two bidders left, William decided it was time for him to join in and raised his hand.

  “Oh-ho! What do we have here?” the host said, chuckling. “We have a new bidder at four and a half million for our little Angel, gentlemen.”

  As soon as that information was revealed, a loud applause went up wildly.

  “Calm down, everyone. Please, calm down,” the host said. “We all know how popular our little Angel is, eh?” He chuckled. “Now then, shall we continue with the bidding?”

  And then it carried on. When the price went up close to five million, there was only William and one other bidder left. Once it passed the five million mark, the man shook his head, which left William as the highest bidder and now the owner of Angel.

  “Congratulations, sir,” the host said. “Angel is now yours. Please do come backstage and pick up your package after you’ve made the payment.”

  William didn’t beat about the bush, and as soon as the curtain was down, he left his seat and headed to the reception office to arrange payment. It didn’t take him long there, and once the company’s manager—who also wore a tuxedo and a silk red mask—congratulated him, he was led toward the backstage area to receive his package.

  “A very good choice, sir,” the manager said delightfully, as if William had just brought a very important piece of real estate.

  William did not reply and kept quiet the whole time, as the man continued to make small talk. Some moments later, they arrived backstage where the manager led him into a room.

  There, the usher woman appeared. She said, “Wait a moment sir.” She disappeared again for a few minutes while William waited impatiently. When she returned, it was with his package—Angel.

  “Your package,
sir,” she said, ushering Savanah toward him.

  William stood there and stared long and hard at his trophy, at his prize, at Angel, at the young woman almost every man here tonight wanted to fuck.

  He stepped forward, and before anyone was the wiser, he roughly pulled her into his arms. With his finger under her small chin, he tilted her lovely face so that he could inspect her closely.

  There, he gazed at her long and hard, drinking in her beauty, which had haunted him day and night for the past three years. Then, because he couldn’t help himself, he lowered his head and roughly planted his lips against hers, kissing her so hard that it made her squirm and groan, even in the haze of her drug-induced state.

  Standing beside him, the manager chuckled while the usher woman clapped.

  When he raised his head again, he picked her up in his arms and carried her out the door. He’d be taking her to his penthouse where she belonged, because she was now chained to him by his love.

  Thank you for reading Chained by Love, Vol. 1: Angel. Next in the Chained by Love serial is Chained by Love, Vol. 2: Bound.

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  Get More of the Vegas Billionaires


  Dark. Powerful. Dangerous.

  James Maxwell is one of the billionaire elites who rules Las Vegas with an iron fist.

  You’re definitely worth two million, Mia. Think about it. Two million. Five years. Your brother will go free. It’s a contract.

  Those are the words of the gorgeous billionaire James Maxwell, the man who makes my heart race and my body tremble with longing. I want to refuse his proposal, but how can I? My brother owes him two million, and as dirt poor as we are, there’s no way we can find that much money to repay him. What’s worse, I think I’m falling in love with the man who thinks I’m just his mistress.

  My name is Mia Donovan, a twenty-two-year-old, small-town girl working as a kitchen hand to make ends meet. My world is changing—both for the better and worse. James Maxwell, a gorgeous billionaire with beautiful Prussian-blue eyes, is the man behind this. He makes my heart flutter and my knees shake. When he kisses me, my world melts into a pool of exotic sensation. But his world is dark and dangerous, and being with him is a risk both to my life and my sanity.

  This is our story.


  Chained to You, Vol. 1: Bound

  Chained to You, Vol. 2: Captivated

  Chained to You, Vol. 3: Ensnared

  Chained to You, Vol. 4: Entwined

  Chained to You, Vol. 5: Seduced

  Chained to You, Vol. 6: Loved


  Chapter 1


  My hands shook as I picked up the crimson lipstick from the marble benchtop. I wasn’t really partial to such a loud color. The bright rouge shade made me feel uncomfortable. It made me feel like I was laid bare on stage, the center of attention, people leering at me, which I didn’t like. I was more of a natural-color-type girl. Nude pink was my favorite, followed by a peachy orange. Those colors I would describe as both beautiful and innocent. Yet I was neither beautiful nor innocent.

  Touching the scarlet color to my lower lip, I gazed at myself as my heart continued to beat too fast for my liking. Within the mirror and staring back at me was a young woman I barely recognized. Slim, oval face with high cheekbones, eyes the color of walnuts with a hint of gold radiating around the rim of the irises, straight but not prominent nose, and lips a little bit on the plump side as the dominating feature. She was plain. Her hair was a rich, raven black that sometimes sparkled a hue of blue in the brightness of the sun. She was of medium height and slim build. Overall, she wasn’t model material.

  According to me, she wasn’t at all beautiful. She was just another girl. You wouldn’t even notice her at all in the crowd. She was that invisible. That average. Yet she was noticed by James Maxwell, a business multibillionaire with too much money to throw around and too much power and influence.

  I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.

  “Slow down.” The words shakily escaped my colorless lips. “Just calm down. Everything is going to be okay.”

  Instead of alleviating the tremor within my chest and along my throat, it was exacerbated. My stomach couldn’t stop flipping either.

  “Shit!” The profanity flew out of my mouth before I could inhale another lungful of oxygen.

  I dropped the lipstick in frustration and raked my fingers through my curls. After a few more deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly, I managed to calm myself, then raised my face to the mirror once again.

  Picking up the lipstick, I chanted, “Everything is going to be all right, Mia. He’s going to like you for what you’re going to offer him tonight. It’s his birthday.”

  This was my redemption, I supposed, for disobeying him. For rebelliously, cunningly, secretly, but stupidly cutting my very long curls. He liked the length of my previous tresses, which had reached all the way down to my waist. He liked to run his fingers through the soft strands. He liked it brushing and caressing his naked skin as he made me ride him, his fully erect shaft deep inside me.

  I knew how much he adored my hair, yet I had underhandedly cut it simply to spite him. I wanted to show him he couldn’t really control all of me. I think a part of me had secretly wanted to rile him up, to displease him just to see how far he’d go. Well, I’d learned that the hard way, hadn’t I?

  I finally managed to calm my nerves and carefully applied the lipstick. After patting my lips with a Kleenex and then reapplying for a matte finish, I stepped back and noticed how red my lips were compared to my pale face. I very nearly looked like a geisha with my dark hair and milky-white skin. Except, of course, without the kimono.

  I blinked, thinking of rubbing some of the color off. With the sound of the clock ticking, indicating another minute had just passed, however, I changed my mind. Instead, I turned my attention to my attire.

  Tonight I wore the pink lacey panties and James’s favorite pale blue work shirt. It was his favorite simply because I’d worn it by accident after he’d finished having his way with me for the third time that night three weeks ago. I’d wanted to leave immediately and be in my own room. Not that I didn’t like him ravishing me and having his hardened rod inside me; it was just that I was exhausted and wanted to be by myself after the long foreplay and hard, deep thrusting. I unthinkingly grabbed his shirt and donned it for decency’s sake. After all, I hadn’t wanted to walk naked across the hall of the mansion. My thin dress and underwear had all been lovingly ripped to pieces. I hadn’t wanted Ms. Lane, the housekeeper, to see me without a stitch of clothing.

  “Is my shirt your robe now?” he’d asked, his dark brows rising mockingly.

  I held my head high and said haughtily, “It is.”

  I didn’t even get to exit before he roughly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back onto the bed. A fourth round of rough sex ensued, me with nothing on but his pale blue shirt as he thrust into me.

  The thought of that night brought a delicious shiver down my spine, and my core heated and tightened knowingly. Jesus! I was turned on by just the memory. I glanced down at the lacey panties and felt a delicious twist of sensation coursing there.

  That particular type of pantie was one of the many he’d bought for me to wear on our nights of amour. Lacey, see-through, and way too sexy compared to my briefs I’d usually wear for comfort.

  Apart from the shirt and panties, there was nothing on me. That was how he liked me. Actually, no, he preferred me without a stitch on and writhing beneath him as he devoured me. The panties and his work shirt came next.

  I left the shirt unbuttoned halfway, showing a good portion of my chest and cleavage. After raking my fingers through my bob a second time, I hurried out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where James sa
t near the head of the bed, patiently awaiting my return.

  Oh, he knew I’d return. He knew I couldn’t just leave him even if I tried. He knew I couldn’t leave him even if I wanted to. I was chained to him—for another five years at the least, until such time when the debt was all paid, to his satisfaction of course.

  Oddly enough, the sight of him now still caused a shiver of trepidation along my spine. Perhaps it was because of that first time he’d taken me that hadn’t gone the way I’d imagined or hoped it would. What had I expected? A romantic wooing? Slow first kiss? Gentle caressing? James wasn’t my boyfriend. Perhaps it was because our relationship was so unlike any others I’d known. To put it bluntly, I was simply his paramour. I was nothing to him. Nothing.

  He cocked his head to one side as he watched me, an amused smile playing on his lips. In his arms was Sammy, his Samoyed. He was stroking the dog now, slow and gentle but firm. Just the way he caressed me. Slow and gentle—firm.

  My stomach flipped as he watched me. There was something in his eyes that always affected me in the oddest way. Now, like always, I felt light-headed and just that little bit breathless.

  I came toward him and stopped a few feet away. It looked like he was in no hurry to ravish me tonight. He was still stroking Sammy and paid no heed to my attempt at seduction. Well, I knew nothing of seduction, of course, and standing there like a statue definitely didn’t count.

  It eventually became awkward, and I hesitated. I was about to turn back when he said, “Unbutton the shirt.” His eyes were still on the canine as though he were talking to it. “You know how much I like it with the buttons undone.”

  In that short instant, my temper rose. I was never good with people telling me what to do, particularly this billionaire. I had to admit also that my temper had never been this short before I’d met him either. Many told me I’d always been an easy-going girl, even during the storm of my adolescent years.


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