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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

Page 24

by K'Anne Meinel

  “I’m sorry Beth if I’ve led you to believe there is something between us, but I’m in a loving and committed relationship.”

  “How can it be considered a relationship if she’s never THERE for you?” Beth looked like she was sulking. Grace hadn’t responded at all like she had planned this, and she had planned the whole evening.

  “Joan is doing her work. It’s important. I’m sorry if you don’t understand. I like you as a friend but that’s all there is.” Grace was feeling uncomfortable with how Beth was looking at her, if she didn’t know better she’d swear Beth should be a patient. She KNEW Beth though. She’d been friends with her for months. This was all just a huge misunderstanding.

  Beth sighed. Giving Grace a little smile she said “All right, I understand. But if you ever change your mind?”

  Assuring her that she wouldn’t Grace hopped out of Beth’s car. Beth didn’t drive off until Grace had started her own car. Sitting there watching Beth drive away Grace thought about what had just happened. She had never even seen it coming. She wasn’t normally that obtuse. She was a doctor of psychiatry for crying out loud, she should have seen it. She worried a little if perhaps the signals were there all along and she had been blind to them. She thought about it all the way home.

  ~ CHAPTER 28 ~

  It was the Friday before the wedding when Joan got in. The flights had been horrible and she was very ill from bad food, turbulence, and jet lag. Kara accompanied her to see to her needs. Joan felt as though she were a watchdog. Kara was efficient but Joan was just sick of the whole tour. Kara was a reminder that she had to be back in Moscow in three days for the last leg of that exhibit. After that they would be back to the United States for a few weeks to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Joan was happy that Grace could join her in Los Angeles for a week. A taxi took them to the chalet. Joan walked in and found Gwen sitting in the living room going over lists. Smiling happily at her new future daughter-in-law she gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She introduced Kara and asked Mrs. Richardson to show her where the entertainment room was downstairs. Kara’s eyes opened wide thinking what an entertainment room in a homosexual’s house would be. She was relieved to find a pull out bed had been provided for her in the TV area. Gwen had the guest room. Joan chatted with Gwen awhile over the last minute details. Confessing a need for sleep before the practice dinner that evening she went to bed.

  It had been hectic since Venice for Joan. Rome had been one scheduling snafu after another. With relief Joan was happy to hear that Allan couldn’t schedule the exhibit in Cairo or South Africa. They had gone on to Moscow for the exhibit there. The first week was over and Joan was glad there was only one week to go. She had this three day hiatus to attend her son’s wedding. She should be HERE she thought angrily. She’d been sketching a lot since Venice and she had some wonderful ideas to put into paintings but what she had been really working on had consumed all her free time since then.

  She had been sketching a ring she had once seen in a jewelers store in Southern California. Looking for the jeweler on the internet she hadn’t found a site which was possible as she wasn’t sure every jeweler would or should have one. She did find through the white pages their phone and fax numbers. After a series of faxes, emails, and a few actual phone calls she had gotten the jeweler to begin creating some jewelry for her. From their original design she altered it to her taste and they had begun making it to her design for her. The original jeweler had retired years ago but he came back to create her pieces for her. It was a family owned shop. He had at first been flattered at her interest, intrigued by her design, and then excited at the creation. They planned to reintroduce the line she had originally seen some 20 years ago. A healthy deposit insured that it would be ready in time for when she wanted it. The rest of the pieces would come later as it took a lot of time to create these beautiful pieces.

  Grace rushed home a little early from work. Seeing Gwen sorting things on the couch and talking to Kara she knew Joan had to be home. Greeting them both she trotted up the stairs to find Joan sprawled across the bed totally naked and soundly asleep. Joans back was skeletal. Grace was angry seeing that. They had finally worked out a system where Joan ate regular and good meals. On time and consistent. Her weight had been kept on. This stupid tour was going to kill her! It was apparent she wasn’t getting enough to eat. Letting Joan sleep she returned downstairs to talk to Kara. She explained her concerns regarding Joans dietary needs and instructed ways to keep Joan healthy in spite of herself. She tried to be patient and in no way condescending. Kara understood immediately. Despite Joans artistic temperament she was really a very nice woman. Kara cared for her boss and wanted to keep her happy. It was what made her so good at her job. It was what drove Joan nuts about her, her very efficiency. She’d do better in the future now that she knew. Kara went downstairs to take a nap. She wouldn’t be going to the practice dinner but she too was on Moscow time and needed to catch up with her jet lag. She called her parents and let them know how she was doing before she went to sleep. They were so excited at the opportunities that had opened up for her and the traveling she had to do with this job.

  Joan slowly woke up. She didn’t want to but something was impelling her to. Stretching she cracked her neck and yawned widely. Sitting up suddenly with a fast indrawn breath startled both she and Grace. Laughing at it she was thrilled to see Grace. Grace had come up to wake her. The rehearsal was at 6, the dinner at 7. As mother of the groom she needed to get going. Giving Grace a kiss she headed into the shower. Sitting under the shower heads she let the steam envelop her. Breathing it for awhile she felt much better. Asking Grace to hand her her shampoo and conditioner she worked the first and the latter into her braids cleaning them. It would take forever to get them to dry but she squeezed most of the moisture out of them into a towel. Grace watched her from the bench at the end of their bed.

  She watched as Joan put anti perspirant under her bare underarms showing what a good job the electrolysis had done all those years ago. She watched as she put on base, mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. She highlighted her lips and brushed blush on her cheeks. She didn’t really need a heavy make up but her tan was completely gone as she hadn’t taken the time or been anywhere that summer to get one. She dabbed perfume on her wrists and on her neck as well as lightly between her breasts and the backs of her knees. Things that the spa had taught her. Dressing conservatively she would still stand out, her clothes from some of Europe’s finest stores. She wore them well if a bit loosely with her weight loss. Using a hair dryer she dried as much of her hair as possible despite the braids. She roped her braids in so that they fell in loops back to a clip and off her face. Going to her jewelry cabinet she chose a necklace with a pendant and some earrings. Her watch she had bought in Rome and its gold glistened in the afternoon sunlight from the window. When she was done she twirled in front of Grace for her approval. Smiling Grace gave her a hug and a peck on the lips “Welcome home.”

  Entering the church they were halted by a dark man of about 5’10”. Neither one of them knew him and he wouldn’t let them pass. He told them that it was a private ceremony practicing in the church and they couldn’t go in. Joan sized him up in an instant looking him over from head to toe. Quelling him with a look she asked if the mother of the groom was allowed in or not? For some reason he assumed Grace was the mother of the groom and addressed his remarks to her. She could go in but her friend, his thumb indicated Joan could not. Grace laughed at Joan’s face. Seeing the humor in the situation she joined in shaking her head.

  “Look boyo, if you don’t step aside and let us in your going to be a might hurt in a moment.” She told him in a conversational tone.

  Surprised at her words he could only frown at her. “Look lady, I was instructed by the parents of the bride that the grooms family was very important and I can’t have everyone and their brother in there. I have to keep the riff raff out okay?”

  “I certainly understand your mission” she wa
s being heavily condescending, treating as she would a little errant boy, she laughed as she added “and your right, I am famous, but this is your last warning, get the hell” she winced as she was in a church “out of our way.”

  Pulling himself up to his full height 3” over Joan’s own he tried to look down his nose at her. Getting ready for a scene Grace went to speak but was interrupted by Adam sticking his head out the door. “Hey MOM!” He came over and gave Joan a big hug and a kiss. The man backed off astonished.

  “Who is this?” Joan asked her head indicating the oaf who had tried to stop them from entering the church.

  “Oh, that’s right you haven’t met everyone. This is Tommy, one of our ushers. He’s Gwen’s brother.” Turning to Tommy he tried to introduce Joan “Tommy this is my mother Joan Woods...” he trailed off as he saw the look in Tommy’s eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Apparently good manners don’t run in Gwen’s family.” Joan answered dryly. “He wouldn’t let us into the church for the rehearsal. He thought Grace was your mother.” She arched her brow up at him.

  Laughing Adam pulled her forward into the church apologizing. He explained that there had been some particularly pesky members of the press snooping around. As Joan became more and more famous people wanted to know about HER. Grace followed along behind them looping her arm through Tommy’s pulling him along as well. She leaned over to tell him she hadn’t been more flattered in her life that he thought she was Adam’s mother. She let him seat her near the front so she could watch the practice. Joan and Adam went over to Gwen where she was standing with an older couple. Adam introduced his mother to them.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Kovoch I’d like to introduce my mother, Joan Woods to you. Mother, this is Gwen’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Kovoch.”

  Holding out her hand to first Mrs. Kovoch and then Mr. Kovoch, she said “Please call me Joan.” Mr. Kovoch was friendly but Mrs. Kovoch was examining Joan from head to foot. Apparently Joan’s reputation had preceded her and didn’t pass up to snuff. From her expensive clothes to her braided hair to her lifestyle she wasn’t going to pass muster. Oh well, some people just wouldn’t accept people for who they were. Joan let it go. Mr. Kovoch’s “and I’m Don” should have proceeded Mrs. Kovoch’s first name but she didn’t volunteer it. From then on it was Don and Mrs. Kovoch.

  She watched with Grace as the bridesmaids and groomsmen practiced walking into the church. The organist practiced along with them. The minister explained various things he wanted them to do, where to be, etc. Craig and Bryan were groomsmen and they each gave a wave to their Mom. Jane sat further along the pew from Grace and Joan.

  Joan suddenly realized that she hadn’t gotten her son a gift. Alarmed she whispered to Grace “did you get them a gift?”

  Grace smiled. She had known Joan was usually very good about gift giving. Her ring attested to that but she had also known with Joan so busy she might forget. She had purchased a gift from both of them just in case. Leaning over and whispering back she told Joan about it. THEY had bought the couple an all expense paid honeymoon trip to the South Pacific. Impressed at Graces thoughtfulness and impressed how exactly it was the right gift she would have purchased as well, Joan leaned over to kiss her in thank you. Remembering where they were she pulled herself up before she actually kissed her and instead said a heart felt thank you. Grace discretely caught her hand and squeezed it. She didn’t let go either. Joan watched the rest of the practice happily. Looking around at the church she was admiring the architecture when she felt like someone was watching her. Looking around she saw Mrs. Kovoch glaring at her. Her eyes look deliberately down where Joan and Grace were holding hands and back up at Joans eyes. Joan ignored her and stared insolently back at her amused.

  The practice dinner was at a club downtown. A long table where family members and members of the bridal party sat in a semicircle. Before the meal was served Don got up and made a speech about how happy he was to see his daughter had caught herself such a fine man. How he was sure Adam would make her happy, or else. Everyone laughed. Then he asked that everyone tell who they were and how they knew the couple. They would start on his side and they would alternate back and forth down the table. Joan hated things like this. It always made her uncomfortable. She listened as the Kovoch’s introduced themselves, how wonderful they knew their daughter since birth, how happy they were to be here to share in the joy of her marriage.

  Then being the mother of the groom Joan stood up and said “Hello, I’m Joan Woods and I’m the mother of the groom. I’ve known Adam for some 25 years now. I’ve been blessed enough to see him grow into a fine upstanding gentleman. A couple of years ago he told me had met a woman. The woman you see sitting beside him. I’m happy to welcome her to our family. She has shown that she loves my son, and wishes to make him happy, to share in his life. To me that means a lot. If no one has said it thus far Gwen, I say it now, WELCOME to our family.” With that she raised her wine glass in salute and sat down. Several other people raised their wine glasses as well.

  Much to Mrs. Kovoch’s annoyance Grace stood up. “Hello, I’m Dr. Grace Monroe. I’m Joan’s partner.” Mrs. Kovoch almost had a coronary at that. “I’m lucky to be included in this fine family with it’s three strong young men. I’m happy to say that both Gwen and Adam are also my friends. I wish you both long life and happiness.” She saluted them with her wine glass and sat down.

  It took another 45 minutes before everyone invited to the practice dinner finished saluting and having their say. Finally, they could eat. Afterwards everyone felt free to stand up and move around and socialize. Joan overheard Mrs. Kovoch angrily telling her husband that Grace should not be there much less having anything to say. Unfortunately Gwen overheard her and gave her a tongue lashing. Grace was a part of Adam’s life as well as a friend of Gwen’s, she was family, if her mother didn’t like it then that was just too bad. Joan silently cheered her on, she was touched to hear that they all considered Grace family.

  Later back at the house Gwen’s nerves were frazzled. Joan and Grace and she had a chatty night and Kara came upstairs to join them. Once the clock struck midnight though Joan insisted everyone go to bed and get some sleep for the wedding the next day. She and Grace said goodnight and went upstairs. Gwen and Kara went downstairs.

  Undressing and getting ready for bed Joan was tempted to tell Grace what she had overheard but decided that she didn’t want to hurt Grace, although she was proud of the way Gwen had not only stuck up for Grace but had included her as family. She sat at the vanity in the bathroom staring off and daydreaming. Her clothes were hung up, she was in a nightgown and robe, she was removing her makeup, and she absentmindedly stared off into a corner of the bathroom. Two hands began to knead her shoulders startling her out of her reverie. Looking into the mirror in front of her she saw Grace standing behind her looking back at her. Smiling at that reflection she enjoyed the feeling of Graces hands on her shoulders. Closing her eyes to enjoy it fully she thought of the idiot that she had had the misfortune to meet tonight. That woman would never understand that it is the person and not the sex of the person that mattered.

  Grace continued massaging Joan. She enjoyed massaging Joan. The intimate contact, the use of her skills. She’d missed this woman so much. She watched how her ministrations affected her in the reflection of the mirror. Her face relaxed and her eyes closed. Her fingertips moved down her back and she put her lips on the neck where her hands had been a few moments before.

  “Mmmm” Joan responded holding very still.

  Grace slid her hands around Joans waist hugging her to Grace. Her lips continued to kiss along Joan’s neck. She reached up and began kneading Joan’s breasts through the satin material of her robe and Joans breathe was hissed inward. Joan’s breasts immediately began to harden, the nipples appearing through the thin material. She let her head fall back against Grace and Grace kissed along her very sensitive neck until she reached her mouth. Kissing her deeply Joan could feel her own response. De
sire coursed through her. It was a good thing she was already sitting as her knees felt very weak. She could feel a familiar throbbing begin between her legs. Joan groaned in her desire. Reaching up she cupped Graces face. Her arms raised caused her breasts to lunge into Graces hands, pleasuring them both. Finally Grace made as if to raise Joan from the stool. Grace wouldn’t let her turn around and released her lips to nibble along her neck once again. One hand left Joan’s breasts to untie her robe and let it hang open. Grace pulled it off and as it pooled at their feet she immediately returned to knead Joan’s breasts. Joan’s breath was coming thickly. She let her head hang forward so Grace could access the back of her neck. Grace brushed aside Joans braids with her nose, breathing in the perfume on her neck, the scent from her shampoo, and her own unique essence. Desire coursed through Graces body as the scents assailed her. Unconsciously she tightened her hand and squeezed hard on Joan’s breast. Joan’s knees nearly buckled. Grace let go of her breast to begin raising her nightgown. It’s satin brushing against her aroused nipples was sheer agony. She opened her eyes as Grace pulled it over her head and disentangled her braids. Her eyes met Graces in the mirror as Grace looked over her shoulder at her. Grace pushed the robe and nightgown aside with her foot and then the stool the other way. She stood directly behind Joan now and her arms circled around. Now bare skin met bare skin. Nothing was between her hands and Joan’s body. Joan leaned her head back onto Graces shoulder as Graces hands returned to breasts. The breasts seemed to leap into those hands and Grace cupped them firmly. She watched Joans responses in the mirror that they faced. Joan was very aroused by Graces stimulation’s. It was all very erotic to watch. Grace trailed her hand along the long neck exposed to her, watching intently in the mirror. She went down Joans body trailing her fingertips lightly caressing the soft skin where her torso met her leg caressing towards the V of Joans legs. Joan couldn’t remain still. Her knees wanted her desperately to fall. Her eyes opened to look at Grace again in the mirror. Both of them had very dilated pupils. Joan moved again as if to turn around and this time Grace let her. Joan pushed at Graces open robe, almost tearing it in her haste. Once the robe was cast aside she met Grace in a searing kiss. Grace reached down below Joans braids to squeeze her butt. Joan moaned at this. Her tongue was making inroads into Graces mouth. Both of them were panting heavily already. Her desire was overwhelming her. She raised her leg to rub it against Graces. Her hands were caressing down her back. Finally it was too much to stand there any longer and they mutually consented to move it to the bed.


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