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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

Page 31

by K'Anne Meinel

  In her loftiest voice, the one she had learned to deal with the snobs in Europe that she had to associate with she answered him “Dr. Anderson. I WAS THAT PATIENT. I was told this morning by Dr. Baird here that I was pregnant. Which I assure you isn’t possible given my homosexual status.” He sat there stunned at that news although which news stunned him more he wasn’t quite sure. “I requested a second test and was refused. I have two doctor’s reports,” she indicated them before her and handed them to him. “that indicated the falseness of that finding. One by urine, one by blood. What I am telling you,” she leaned over him like a dragon breathing fire “is that a nurse by the name of Beth Chappel was working in your lab” she indicated the third paper in front of her. A copy of a time sheet. “And she has been stalking my wife for quite some time and I believe altered my test results.” With that pronouncement Joan sat down.

  Dr. Anderson’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He tried to talk, it took him several attempts. He was reeling at the news that Joan had given him. He looked about the table at the other doctors. Varying degrees of shock were on their faces as well. Finally he found his voice “well, well Ms. Woods. This evidence you bring us is compelling. My gawd, would this nurse really do this, worse yet could she?” He looked at Dr. Eaol.

  “I don’t know this nurse that well. She’s a floater and only works occasionally in my department.” His thick accent made it sound like quite the announcement.

  Greg spoke up “Dr. Anderson, I know of the incident regarding Miss Chappel stalking Joan’s partner. I wasn’t aware of this morning’s incident though.” He glanced at Grace before continuing “In speaking with Miss Chappel’s supervisor though I am aware of some disturbing work habits of this nurse.” Greg wasn’t sure what else to say.

  “What about this request for a second test Dr. Baird?” Dr. Anderson asked.

  “I felt it was unnecessary at the time. Upon reflection though I perhaps could have handled it differently.” At that Joan snorted air through her nose in disgust at this understatement.

  Dr. Anderson turned to Joan, “Ms Woods. I can only say how sorry I truly am at the way in which you have been treated by this hospital. I can assure you this is not the way we do things here and is an isolated incident. I personally will take steps to see that it doesn’t happen again. Furthermore, I promise you that Miss Chappel will be dealt with immediately.”

  Accepting that with much grace and dignity Joan thanked him. Shaking his hand she rose and left the room carrying her purse.

  Dr. Anderson turned on the remaining four doctors at his table. “This is really a screwed up situation. Do you people realize WHO THAT WOMAN IS? How much she contributes PERSONALLY to this hospital? MY GOD are you people insane? Do you know what she could do to this hospital? She could close it. She has the power to do so. Yanking her funding alone could do that. Other’s would follow. Of all the people to do this too...” he shook his head regretfully. Reaching for a phone he punched in some numbers. He told his secretary to get legal up here right away as well as personnel and the supervisor for one Beth Chappel.

  Joan went home feeling victorious. She hadn’t looked again at Grace once she had gotten rolling. She hadn’t been sure she could do it if she looked at her. She’d been precise and told it without a shake in her voice. She was actually proud of herself. She wished she could be a fly on the wall though after she had left that meeting. She got home and asked Mrs. Richardson to fix her a sandwich with meat, something she never ate. She asked for grapes and salad on the side and a large glass of juice. Going upstairs she changed into sweats and came back down. Mrs. Richardson laid this veritable feast before her in the alcove. Joan chatted with her while she ate a liverwurst sandwich. She never ate meat but this pasty stuff hit the spot. Laughing at herself she thought, perhaps I craved it. Finishing her meal she stretched and went out for a long walk. She returned to the house jogging and went downstairs where she proceeded to work up a sweat on their equipment.

  Grace found her there pounding the hell out of the boxing bag and kick boxing it as well. She was saturated in sweat. She had stripped off her sweatshirt and only wore a sports bra and the sweatpants as she worked out. She had rings under her eyes that made her look a bit like a raccoon. She stopped when she noticed Grace. Grace had stood there a long time watching her determination on her face and thinking.

  After Joan had left, legal, personnel, and Carmen, Beth’s immediate supervisor had arrived. Dr. Anderson had laid it all out for them. Repeating everything Joan had told them. He stressed about WHO Joan was and HOW it could affect the hospital. Everyone contributed, Dr. Eaol, Dr. Baird, and Greg all gave their input. Throughout it all Grace remained quiet, just listening. Dr. Anderson didn’t even notice he was so worked up. It was decided that they could fire Beth Chappel without notice for not doing her job correctly, as Wisconsin was an ‘at will’ work state. They had to be careful how they worded it so it wouldn’t come back on them in a lawsuit. Obviously fearing Joan more, Dr. Anderson wanted Beth GONE and today!

  Leaving the meeting together Greg turned to Grace after everyone had gone on. He pulled her aside and said sarcastically “that was fun.”

  She shook her head. She didn’t know what to say, what to do. All she knew was that she had to get to Joan as soon as possible.

  “Are you okay?” Greg asked.

  “I will be. Mind if I take off?” It was a little early but Greg nodded and let her go.

  Grace never drove home so fast. She didn’t care if she got a ticket. She roared up their road and hit the button on her keychain for the gate, it closed behind her. She parked the Jaguar in front of the house and ran inside. “Is she here?” she asked Mrs. Richardson. Nodding she told Grace that Joan was downstairs. Grace headed for the steps throwing off her coat and her purse down on the way, she peeled off her suit jacket as well. She stopped on the landing to watch Joan work out. She hadn’t seen Joan work out like this in a long time. Usually when Joan was angry, upset, or frustrated she tried to take her artistic temperament out on the bag instead of the people around her. Joan looked up as Grace came downstairs.

  Staring silently at Grace, Joan began to take off her gloves. Wiping the sweat from her brow she looked down to get them off. Another look at Grace and she walked towards her. Grace sat on one of the steps as Joan came towards her. She didn’t say a word, just watched her. She kept her face devoid of expression.

  Licking her lips Grace started “what can I say.” She shook her head and bit her lips. Tears were in her eyes. “I don’t think saying sorry would cover any portion of what happened today but I am you know. Very sorry.”

  Joan just looked at her silently. She let regret enter her eyes, regret and disappointment. She sighed. She was just so very tired. She looked down. Her emotional ups and downs today had given her a rush that she had taken the edge off by working up a sweat. Now that the rush was gone, she was exhausted again. Lost in her thoughts she didn’t realize Grace was waiting for her to say something.

  “Joan” she looked up again. Grace sighed. “When I heard you were pregnant” Joan’s eyes flared. Not to be denied Grace continued “I felt hurt and betrayed. I worried about you, seeing your reaction. Then unable to reach you I assumed the worst.” She gulped, almost unable to go on. She felt so bad. “I don’t know if you can forgive me for what I believed, for doubting you, but you have to understand that I thought you had been raped by that guy down in Sydney.” At this Joan started turning red in anger. “I thought you had lied to me about what happened there. You’ve been so tired for so long that I thought a pregnancy would explain it all.” Her eyes pleaded with Joan to understand, to forgive. “Then I thought you were getting rid of it. I remembered our conversation that one time about having children. I knew you didn’t want more. I would want your child though and I was frantic.” Joan looked at her speculatively now. “You can’t believe how amazed I was seeing you come into that conference room with Dr. Anderson. I still can’t believe what Beth did t
o you, to US. You were so cold, so articulate in that room.” she shook her head remembering it. She finished “they fired her you know.” Joan sighed at that.

  She sat down on the step next to Grace. Grace moved over to make room for her. Grace bobbed her head down to look at Joan’s face. Joan was looking down at her hands held out in front of her. Biting her lip, Joan wasn’t sure what to reply. Baring her soul wasn’t her forte. Finally unable to stay silent anymore Grace pleaded “Joan?” Joan raised her head to look at Grace, there were tears in her eyes. Tears? Joan never cried. Shaking her head to clear the tears Joan said simply “I’m glad” She leaned her head on Graces shoulder and Grace wrapped her arms around her. Joan closed her eyes and sighed deeply. What could she say? Both of them had been through hell today. They sat there for half an hour before Joan yawned widely and said “I better wash up and get to bed. I’m tired.”

  Smiling Grace agreed. Joan was really sweaty. Her sweat had ruined Graces silk blouse but she didn’t care. Joan wasn’t angry. She wasn’t hurt. She was here. That had been part of Grace’s fear that Joan would want a divorce now or would leave. The amount of stress that they had both been under today could have done it. They walked upstairs arms across each other’s waists. They continued on the stairs leading to the bedroom. Joan dropped her arm to remove her sweats. Going across the hall she finished stripping and put it all right into the washing machine. Her jogging bra as well as her panties and socks. Her shoes she had kicked off in the bedroom. She started the load. Turning, naked, she saw Grace changing out of her suit from work. The jacket had been removed before and she was removing the sweat stained blouse. Joan headed for the shower. Grace stuck her head in less than five minutes later and asked if she could join her. Joan moved over and turned on more shower heads. Grace began to massage Joan’s neck. Joan stretched and arched into Graces soothing hands enjoying the sensation. Twenty minutes later all signs of sweat were gone and Grace turned off the shower. Joan was almost asleep on her feet. Grace took her hand and grabbed a bath sheet. Enveloping Joan in it she grabbed another for herself and a bath towel for Joan’s hair. Her own hair dripped into the bath sheet she wore. Pulling Joan to the bed she sat her on the edge and proceeded to rub her hair until it was only damp and no longer saturated. Joan just let her. She was so very very tired. Between the hot shower and Graces massage she was so very very relaxed too. Finally, Grace pulled down the comforter and sheet and put Joan to bed, bathsheet and all. She was asleep in minutes. Grace turned out the bedside lamp and got up to put her nightgown and robe on. She toweled her hair fairly dry and quickly brushed it out. Leaving the door closed behind her she left Joan to sleep in the quiet room.

  ~ CHAPTER 37 ~

  Bryan was having a stressful day. A project he was working on for the foundation and hence his mother had fallen through. He’d worked hard on it and to have it disintegrate before him was frustrating. Not to mention the valuable hours of work it wasted. He was going over the last of the paperwork to close the file on it when Craig stuck his head in his office.

  “Hey, yo, you got a minute?” He smiled as he came in.

  “Yes, I have all the time in the world apparently.” He muttered.

  “Someone pee in your cornflakes this morning?” Craig inquired cocking his head sideways as though it were a perfectly reasonable question.

  “The Tolber deal fell through, completely.”

  “No hope?”


  Craig knew hard Bryan had worked on it. He too had many deals that had gone sour over the years. “That sucks.”

  “Yea, doesn’t it.” Bryan shook his head. He knew his mother didn’t need or want the money it would have generated but he had wanted the deal to succeed for his own self, not financially but for the skill of his own talents. “Was there something you wanted?”

  “Oh, yeah, right. Say Mom called and she wants a check taken over to this clinic on 5th street. It’s kinda late in the day, could you take it?”

  “Reduced to messenger boy eh?” Bryan laughed.

  “Well, you are kinda small, kinda puny ya know.” Bryan was 6’3” to Craig’s 6’5” and he’d never let him forget it.

  “Okay, I want to get out of here early anyway. What’s the check for?”

  “Not sure, Mom called, I obey. You know how it is. She said to give it ONLY to a Dr. Warner.”

  “New, pet project?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care. I arranged at the bank for you to pick up the cashier’s check okay?”

  “Will do, see ya” Bryan picked up his coat and briefcase. He was wearing a nice Italian suit his mother had sent from Rome. He’d had it altered so it fit him very well. His camel colored coat accented it nicely. His red brown hair glinted in the sunlight.

  Bryan drove to the bank in his BMW. It was sleek and very powerful. He enjoyed it. It had been his first major purchase and he was still paying on it but it felt GREAT. He’d liked seeing them on the Autobahn in Germany and had it in his head that it was the car for him since. After six months of working at the foundation he felt he had a pretty good down payment and went for it. He was living rent free in Adam’s old townhome and it suited his needs. His expenses weren’t plentiful. The bank manager must have been alerted as he walked in the bank. He was walking across the lobby quickly, hand held out to shake Mr. Woods hand. Normally they sent some underling to handle things like this but Mr. Woods had come himself? It must be important. Of course they had the check ready for him. Handing it to Bryan they shook hands and Bryan signed for it and then examining the check put it in his coat pocket and was on his way.

  It took him awhile to find the address that Craig had hurriedly written down. Twice he turned around, sure he was wrong. He was about to call Craig when he saw the faded planned parenthood sign. He also saw the protesters. Something told him this HAD to be the address. His mother could find more sad causes, he shook his head. Parking, he had to negotiate around the protesters who shouted things at him. He ignored them. They were entitled to their views and he to his.

  Walking in he inquired about Doctor Warner and was told he’d have to wait. It was twenty minutes before he saw a beautiful woman in a doctor’s lab coat come into the reception area, clipboard in hand. It wasn’t for him though that she came but one of the half dozen women who sat around the waiting room. He was the only man sitting there. He read the months old magazines. One of them was even from last year. This was sad. He watched as slowly the people left the room one by one. Finally the beautiful blonde came for him.

  “How can I help you?” The clinic was mostly woman and children and they rarely had men here except with their spouses or girlfriends. Men of this caliber, never. She had watched him each time she came through, he was very handsome and couldn’t help but notice him. His beautiful suit, his impeccable tie. She had noticed the BMW in the lot. Twice in the same day they got the richies, it must be raining.

  “Dr. Warner?” He smiled, totally GQ as he stood up to greet her.

  She was surprised to look up at him. Her own 6’ frame usually towered over everyone. It wasn’t too often that she had to look up. She found it pleasant. “Yes?”

  “Is there somewhere we might speak? Your office perhaps?” He looked so pleasant.

  Oh God, he must be an attorney. Yes, that was it. She was going to be sued for something. Didn’t people realize that she was trying to help? Her beginning of a smile faded as she indicated through the swinging door. She showed him to a tiny cubicle of an office. Most of her space was taken up by file drawers. He waited courteously for her to sit down before sitting down himself. His coat across the back of the chair hung carelessly. Gawd he was good to look at AND he had manners. Too bad she thought.

  “Dr. Warner, I have been instructed to give you this.” He reached into the inside pocket of his suit to hand her a piece of paper.

  This is it, I’m being served. The annoyance was apparent on her face. He wondered at it as she was really a pleasant looking woman if she
wouldn’t frown so. Looking down at the paper she realized it was a check. When she saw all the zeroes she thought this was a fake check. Then she noticed the watermarks. If this is fake, it’s the most authentic fake I’ve ever seen. Looking puzzled now she looked up at the man before her. He sat there studying her as he watched her reaction to the check. “I don’t think I understand. This must be a mistake?” She tried to give it back to him but he held up his hands.

  “No, I assure you there is no mistake. I was instructed to deliver that into your hands and only your hands.” He smiled at her puzzlement. Very charming looking.

  She studied it again. It said very clearly on it Fifth Street Clinic and then below that Doctor Kimberly Warner. She looked for but didn’t find any small print on the check that if she cashed it she would be indebted for life. Looking up she asked “WHO ARE YOU?”

  Laughing, this was what Bryan enjoyed about his mother’s foundation the helping, the giving. It was a challenge to make money but equally challenging was finding causes to give it to. “I didn’t introduce myself did I.” He smiled “I am Bryan Woods” her eyes flicked back to the check which was from the Woods Foundation. “I believe you may be acquainted with my mother, Joan Woods?” She thought for a moment and then realized the reason the name rang a bell, she nodded. “Well, my mother felt that you might have need of this.”

  “There is no way I could hope to pay this back” she began.

  Shaking his head he explained “none of the money is expected back. It is for you to administer as you see fit. If you’d like to buy a house with it, so be it.” At that she glared at him. He smiled before continuing. “You might want to fix your clinic up a bit though.”

  Amazed at this turn of events she was silent for a long time. She couldn’t believe it. Things like this didn’t happen to her. They didn’t happen to anyone. No one just handed over a check for $250,000. She pinched her arm which he noticed and laughed with her when it hurt. She studied him for a moment, she liked what she saw. Finally, she thanked him. She asked that he thank her mother and tell her that yes indeed she would find a proper use for this money. They spoke for awhile, their conversation drifted from the money and to other things. Before she knew it over 45 minutes had passed and she needed to close up the clinic. She had been amazed that they hadn’t been interupted but then it was late in the day.


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