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A Mate for the Beta:

Page 11

by E A Price

  Emerald tried the wheedling, needy tone that Liv had always fallen for before but this time it wasn’t going to fly.

  Liv clapped her hands together getting rid of the soil. She had zero patience for Emerald’s attitude. “We are in love. I’m his mate and he is mine. We have bonded, which means we are going to be together for the rest of our lives. I’m sorry you don’t like it but that’s not my problem.”

  Liv turned her back on her aunt to go back to her gardening, summarily dismissing her.

  “Don’t turn your back on me young lady! I am your aunt, I protect you, look after you and this is the thanks I get?!” Screeched Emerald.

  Liv spun round on her heels glaring at her. “Don’t talk to me that way!” Emerald was a little taken aback by Liv’s manner, before now she had always been so pliable. This ungrateful creature before her was being stubborn and unreasonable.

  “You’ve made it quite clear that you never really cared for me Emerald, you made it clear you wish I had died rather than mom, so I don’t understand why you care so much that I’m leaving. You’ve said before that I was a burden to you, well it’s your lucky day, your burden is relieved. You don’t have to take care of me. Alec will. He loves me and I love him and we’re having a baby!” By the end Liv was shouting.

  “A baby?” Gasped Emerald. “A baby?” You allowed that mangy mutt to impregnate you? The fact that you spread your legs for him so easily already makes you a whore, but this is even worse!”

  “Shup-up, shut-up and get out!” Screamed Liv.

  “And to think I made Iris spare you just so that you could turn round and wound me this way!”

  Liv stood stock still. “What do you mean?” She asked suspiciously.

  If Emerald had been thinking clearly she may not have answered that question, but she had worked herself into an agitated state and couldn’t stop herself.

  “Iris wanted you to be the next sacrifice. But I told her no, you were my niece and I wouldn’t allow it. I wish I’d bitten my tongue.”

  Oh god what had Emerald done... Uneasiness welled within her stomach, she felt a battering of emotions from panic to rage and fear. She wasn’t sure the emotions were all hers but her own curiosity won out. “What sacrifice?” She asked quietly.

  Emerald stared at her, eyes glittering with hatred. Her mouth twitched before settling on a sick smile. “To maintain my abilities sometimes it is necessary for others to make sacrifices.” Her voice was colder than Liv had ever heard before, she felt herself shiver involuntarily.

  Emerald slowly began moving toward her niece. Her aunt’s unusually hollow cheeks making her appear more like a skeleton than ever, Liv was reminded of Death himself and almost laughed hysterically. “Even my abilities need... replenishing every now and again.”

  Liv clutched her stomach, it felt tight. “If I didn’t make these little sacrifices now and again I wouldn’t be able to lead the Circle the way I do, I wouldn’t be able to cast the spells I can... it’s a necessary evil.”

  “You’ve been draining other witches haven’t you?” Whimpered Liv, the pain within increasing whilst her aunt advanced on her.

  Emerald was wild eyed and starting to babble. “Only when absolutely necessary, it was Iris’ idea. All the magic I was using was too much for me, I was dying, I needed help. Iris found the spell and helped me perform it so we both could get a little extra power. We just chose people at random, they just had to be witches and virgins. Their dying has helped numerous others, just think of what my magic has done for others.”

  Tears were streaming down Liv’s face. “What have you ever done for others? You did this for yourself, to make yourself feel powerful. You took innocent lives so what? So that you could perform a few extra glamour spells to hide your age?!”

  Emerald ignored her, the madness was wrapping itself round her mind and she couldn’t pull herself back. “We usually found witches in other towns, we never took one of our own before, but we left it too long and Iris was too weak to travel, she was suffering from cancer. Iris became too greedy, she wanted to take you, she wanted to feed off your earth magic. I wouldn’t let her, I promised your mother I would look after you and I did. I killed Iris before she could get to you.”

  Liv doubled over in pain. “What are you doing to me?”

  Emerald’s face was starting to pale, wrinkles were forming and age spots marring her once perfect beauty. The glamour spells she worked so hard to maintain were fading away. “I fed from Iris but it wasn’t enough. Each time it’s never enough, the magic burns more quickly every time.”

  Liv felt like a vice was clutching her stomach and bawled in agony. “That dried up old prune barely gave me anything, you on the other hand will do just nicely... don’t worry about you not being a virgin, that innocent life growing within you will be satisfactory.”

  “No!” Cried Liv. “Not my baby.”

  Liv grabbed at her basket of tools and began flinging them at Emerald with abandonment. Emerald spluttered and fell over as a trowel hit her square in the eyes, but not before twisting the hold she had on Liv.

  Liv let out a blood curdling scream and collapsed to the ground, she could barely lift her head. She pushed out through the mental bond she shared with her mate, hoping he could understand her.

  She heard Emerald’s squeal of annoyance and tried desperately to stand up. Emerald got up and stalked towards her. “You little bitch you’ll pay for that!” She screeched.

  Emerald came closer and lunged at her. Liv braced herself but then felt a sudden warmth flow through her. Alec.

  Before Emerald could reach her she was knocked down by an enormous grey wolf. The wolf, who with his scars and honey brown tufts on his belly could only be Alec, stood over her body.

  She felt the presence of other wolves surround her, three other males and one small female, the largest of which had a long streak of black and could only be Adam. They flanked her and Alec.

  Adam howled long and hard and the other wolves joined him before running at Emerald to attack. Alec remained standing over his mate’s body, prone to attack should Emerald make it past his pack mates.

  The witch saw the beasts coming and desperately tried to protect herself, sending jolts of lightening in all directions, she hit the flanks of the other males but missed the Alpha and was too slow for the speedy little female.

  The Alpha pounced on her digging his sharp claws into her body and the witch shrieked in agony. Pushing off her torn body Adam purposefully moved to the side and without hesitation the she-wolf ripped out Emerald’s throat killing her instantly. At last taking her revenge.

  The wolves panted with exertion. The she-wolf pawed the dead body, making sure she was definitely gone. She nodded to the Alpha who howled again and all the wolves joined in.

  Alec quickly shifted and picked up his mate cradling her in his arms. She looked so tiny and pale. Tears welled in his eyes, fearing he had been too late to save her. “Angel? Angel please tell me you’re okay?”

  The rest of the wolves shifted too. Adam checked on his other pack mates who luckily had just been grazed by the witch’s zaps. Slowly they and the rogue wolf Kira walked towards the Beta who was holding his mate like a baby.

  Alec buried his head in her shoulder. His heart almost exploded as he felt a small hand on his cheek. He looked up to see her sweet face looking at him smiling softly. She used her thumb to wipe away the lone tear that fell down his cheek.

  “I knew it.” She purred at him.

  He rested his forehead against hers ignoring the whoops and sighs of relief from his pack members. “Knew what angel?”

  “I knew your wolf would be beautiful, almost as beautiful as you my sweet.”

  She reached up and kissed him chastely.

  He looked at her anxiously. “Are you okay angel? Is the baby okay?”

  Liv sent out happy, reassuring thoughts through the bond and his body became a little less tense. The pain Emerald had caused died with her, she was tired but unhu

  Liv ran her fingers over his jaw. The world could be ending and she’d be okay as long as she was in his arms. “I’m fine, just a little drained.”

  “You scared the hell out of me angel.”

  “I’m sorry my sweet, how can I make it up to you?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Hey, none of that, you’re exhausted. You need rest.”

  She grinned at him. “Well I’m covered in dirt, how about we start with a nice restful bath and see how things go from there.”

  “Angel.” Temptress.

  Chapter Thirteen

  17th September

  Daylight streamed in through their bedroom window. Liv awoke next to her gently snoring mate.

  She watched enthralled at the rise and fall of his massive chest. She placed a tiny hand over his heart, feeling the gentle thud of his heartbeat. My mate, she thought, all mine.

  It had been two days since Emerald had attacked. Liv had mourned the loss of life briefly but ultimately all she felt was pity for her dead aunt. So vile and vicious, all people felt was relief now that she was gone. It was sad.

  Liv chose to look to the future. Her future with Alec and their baby. Her life was just beginning. Their life together.

  She sat up and stretched. Alec had kept her up all night and many of the small hours of the morning. After she recovered from the attack the thought of losing her had incensed his wolf into taking her over and over. If she were too tired to leave their bed she couldn’t possibly be put in danger again.

  She ached but it was a pleasurable ache. She caught sight of herself in the mirror. She carefully got out of bed, mindful not to disturb Alec, for a closer look. Nothing had really changed in the last few days, her body was no different really but she looked altered somehow. Instead of dowdy, frumpy Liv, she now saw pretty curvy Liv. Her skin was practically glowing. Amazing what a bit of confidence will do for you.

  She inspected the bonding mark on her neck. It was still angry and red, but it would eventually settle and turn into a neat scar. Wearing his mark made her proud. It showed everyone that she was his and more importantly that he was hers. She trailed her fingers down to her breast that bore a twin bite mark. She rubbed it gently, shivering as her nipples pebbled.

  She was hit with a sharp twinge of regret. She frowned, wondering where it had come from. Looking up she saw Alec reflected in the mirror. He was looking at her sadly.

  “What’s wrong my sweet?” She asked.

  “I disfigured your breast... they were beautiful and I... I let myself lose control...”

  She ran to the bed and jumped on it giggling as she bounced up and down. “Aww, don’t be silly. I adore having your mark on me.” She cupped her breasts in her hands kneading them lightly. “I think you’ve made it more beautiful, don’t you?”

  His eyes dilated as he eagerly watched her rhythmic movements, and he murmured his agreement.

  “I’m just sorry that no one else can see it.”

  His eyes snapped to attention. “Well get over it because no one will be seeing it!”

  She snickered. He lay back against the pillow and slung an arm over his face, trying to hide his grin. She placed a delicate finger on his chest and traced one of his scars. Arousal rippled through him.

  She leaned over and traced it again with her tongue, followed by lingering kisses. He removed his arm and watched her with interest.

  “I think” kiss, “my scars” kiss, “are beautiful” kiss, “just like” kiss, “yours are.”

  She worked her way over his chest, kissing and licking every vicious looking scar. After running out of scars she pulled the covers back and kissed her way down to his growing arousal. She licked the hard length and kissed her way up and down. His erection grew and lengthened under her ministrations.

  His hips twitched as he forced himself to stay still. She enveloped his huge girth with both hands and took the mushroomed head into her mouth, licking the slit. She released him and kissed the tip before blowing on it lightly. Her hands caressed him as she sucked him into her mouth again, taking more of him. She continued taking a little more each time, her motions getting a little quicker each time until finally his length hit the back of her throat and she sucked wildly, bobbing her head up and down the length.

  His balls tightened and he felt himself gearing up to come. His breathing hastened and his limbs began to quiver. Seeing her mate’s reaction she felt her own excitement simmering inside her. She removed one of her hands and directed it to her own heat, quickly stroking between her own folds, trying to temper the rising lust.

  He moaned at seeing his little mate pleasuring them both, revelling in the joy he felt from their link. They were both about to explode and he wanted to be inside her, to feel her contractions. He swiftly reached down and pulled her up his body. His cock popped out of her mouth and she mewled at the loss.

  He lay her down and pushed into her, she sighed at the sudden fullness. He swung in and out of her a few times, then moved to straddle her, pushing her legs together tightly. The increased feeling of tightness was marvellous. His penis dragged in and out of her hitting her sweet spot every time.

  His thrusts became more rapid and her body tightened around him. Her moans became guttural and she bucked beneath him as the orgasm tore through her. Her inner muscles clamped down almost strangling his manhood and he couldn’t contain himself. He shouted out calling her ‘angel’ as his own release ripped through him. A few more jerky thrusts poured his seed into her and fully sated he collapsed on her.

  He nestled his head in her breasts and she stroked his hair. He eyed the scar he had given her and licked it. She quivered and purred. She was right, it was more beautiful.


  22nd September

  It was Sunday. It had been decided that there would be a Sunday meal at the Alpha’s house to welcome Liv to the pack. She had already been initiated into the pack during a full moon gathering three days before, as was tradition, but this was more an informal ‘get to know you’ affair.

  Two days ago the couple had also got married. They had wed quickly and quietly with only Adam, Ed, Terri and Mac as witnesses. As a bonded pair it wasn’t really necessary, wolf shifters already considered them to be married but Alec had insisted. He knew he was a possessive bastard and he didn’t care. Neither did she.

  Despite Alec’s many objections Liv had insisted on cooking dinner for everyone. He had told her she needed to take it easy, she needed to sit down, she needed to put her feet up... She had rolled her eyes and patiently told him that she was fine and that she certainly wouldn’t do anything to put their baby at risk.

  Alec had looked contrite, and stammered that he would never think that she would. Liv had kissed him deeply and told him not to worry. He never seemed to think that their energetic amorous pursuits could in any way be too taxing for her. Strange that...

  Since the incident with Emerald the she-wolf Kira had spent a few days recuperating at Mac’s house before deciding to return to her home town of Charming. Adam gave her an open invitation to return at any time, and told her she would be welcome to join his pack. Kira had said she might just take him up on that offer.

  Some of the other witches moved away whilst some decided to continue to stay at the boarding house for the time being. The Circle was officially disbanded though. What Iris and Emerald had done left a bad taste, and they preferred to go their own ways from that point on.

  Liv was continuing to work at the station as the receptionist. Liv and all the Deputies were delighted to have her there. Alec was in two minds, he liked having her close by for her safety and even more so for the passionate caresses she bestowed on him at opportune moments. However he disliked the idea of his pregnant mate stressing over work and disliked how friendly she was to people who came into the station. She rolled her eyes at that.

  Liv inherited a bit of money from Emerald and used it to buy a sporty little jeep so she would no longer have to rely on borrowing o
ther people’s cars to get around town. Again Alec bemoaned the fact that she would be roaming around town on her own, she quashed him with a stern look.

  It was quite a small group that gathered that day, consisting of Liv and Alec, Adam, Mac, Acksel, Jake, Carly and a wolf Liv had never met before Greyson Tanner. He was the Chief Enforcer before Acksel, and now ran a sporting goods store with his brother, also a former enforcer. Carly was delighted by the fact that her power extended to Liv as well now that she had bonded with Alec, her first witch!

  Dinner had been a free for all, as Liv had discovered it generally was when ravenous wolves were involved. Not a morsel of food was left.

  “Mmmm, that was delicious Liv! What did you call it?” Asked Greyson.

  Liv stood up and placed a hand on her mate’s shoulder. “Chicken kiev,” she said with a sparkle in her eye, “it’s Alec’s favourite.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and she leant down for a kiss.

  She moved to start clearing the table but both her mate and the Alpha stopped her.

  Alec gripped her waist more tightly and Adam said, “Liv, you’ve done more than enough, let someone else do the clear up. Acksel! Jake! Hop to it!”

  Liv tried to protest but Alec pulled her onto his lap and refused to let her go. Acksel and Jake muttered their annoyance but swiftly disposed of the dirty dishes and brought in coffee and cake.

  Mac took an enormous wedge of chocolate fudge cake. “We should do this every Sunday, just like we used to.” Mac gave Adam a small smile thinking of their mother, the house had always been full of laughter when she was alive. “It’s about time the pack met for more than meetings, we should be more social.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Agreed Liv.


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