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Panther Protection

Page 5

by Gracie Meadows

  “He made this, really. It's fantastic. My Gran could cook, and when I got sick as a kid, she would make me soup. Tell him this is delicious for me please.” She went back to eating the food until the last drop was gone, and her juice glass empty. Her eyelids started to droop again and he knew with a full belly, she would feel the need to sleep. Taking the tray, he set it on the floor before tucking her under the covers and kissing her forehead as she fell into a deep sleep.

  He stood there and watched as Millie breathed in and out, and he was finally happy that she was sleeping. He didn’t know how long it would last, and between him and Axel, they would make sure she was taken care of every night to help take the nightmares away, permanently.

  Chapter Seven

  Axel lay awake in his bed and wondered what to do tomorrow. Millie had fallen asleep after eating and he was happy she liked it and ate everything, but she didn’t come down to talk. He understood, especially since she hadn’t been sleeping at all the last couple of nights. Gage was sound asleep, the soft snore from him being his indication. He padded down to the kitchen thinking maybe some milk would help him sleep. Finding a small mug, he poured it in and warmed it in the microwave. He looked around the house in the dark and was happy at how used to his surrounding her house was now. When he first started to stay with her, he found the house too old and stuffy for his taste. But after a while it started to feel homey and cozy. The feeling of love was almost overwhelming at first, but he seemed to welcome and wanted the love to continue. Love, where the hell did that come from?

  The microwave beeped and he pulled his mug out. The sweet smell of milk instantly started to calm him as he sipped it sitting down on the couch. He was almost done with his milk when the sound of a scream echoed through the house. Instantly he dropped his mug and ran up the stairs. Millie was in bed thrashing back and forth crying out for help. Gage was right next to him. Without thinking, he jumped on the bed and pulled her to him trying to calm her down.

  “Shhh, baby, it's okay, I got you. No one will get you, I promise. It’s okay, you’re okay. I got you.” Over and over he spoke to her, trying to calm her. Her eyes opened and instantly she reached out and clung to him, wrapping her arms around his neck crying. Rubbing her back, he worked on her, letting her know he had her and she was okay, and safe. Soon her crying stopped and turned into a small hiccup. Gage had left at some point and gotten her a bottle of water. He took it and made her do small sips. She released her hold on him, but he couldn’t let her go. He looked up at Gage and thanked him for the water. He nodded and kissed her forehead.

  “You can go back to bed. I’ll be fine.” Gage shook his head, indicating that he didn’t want to leave.

  “I got her, Gage, you get some sleep. Maybe we can get her to go back to sleep, before we have our talk in the morning.” This seemed to please Gage as he smiled some and left shutting the door behind him. He scooted down in the bed, pulling her with him.

  “Axel, I don’t think I can sleep. You might as well go to bed too.” She was trying to push him away, but he needed her to know he wasn’t going to leave her.

  “No, I got you. You don’t have to sleep, just lay down with me. We can talk if you want.” She sounded half asleep as she laid down next to him, resting her head on his chest. He instantly wrapped an arm around her holding her to him. She sighed and then spoke.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Hmm, sorry for what?” he was confused.

  “Sorry for what happened in the kitchen this morning. I don’t know what happened, well yeah I do, and I flew off the handle. I should have acted like an adult and just talked to you.”

  “Baby, it was my fault too. I didn’t mean for it to sound the way it came out. I want you as a mate. I admit the thought of a mate at first pissed me off, but also scared the shit out of me. I wasn’t ready to settle down. I didn’t want to have to have someone rely on me to protect them, but then I got to thinking about you. And the thought of something or someone hurting you makes me sick. You have been through so much, and are incredibly strong.” She snorted at his comment.

  “No, I mean it, Millie. What you went through, what you did for your friends is amazing. You risked so much to help them. And for you to be standing here, getting ready to start a job, and hell, even throwing pancakes at me is amazing. You are fighting to live. I just don’t want that fight with me anymore. I admit I’m an ass, but I will try. Baby, I will try. And I am so sorry for what I said. Please forgive me.” He held her tighter breathing in her sweet smell. His panther was now purring and laying down sleeping, content having his mate in their arms.

  “Okay, I will try harder too. Just…” before she finished she was asleep. He smiled, maybe Xandria was right and she did need them. She slept fine when Gage was with her, and then Gage left to run and when he found them sleeping he went to his own room to sleep. The connection to them was more important than he realized. He would have to talk to Gage, and Millie about it in the morning. Closing his eyes, Axel suddenly felt tired and content.


  Millie woke up warm. Really warm and comfortable. She blinked and realized she had slept all night. She felt good, not groggy or sick as she had been the previous morning. Stretching, she realized why she was warm. Her arms went out and scratched along an incredibly hard chest. Shit, did I sleep with him? She mentally did a body check and realized she still had clothes on, so no, they didn’t have sex, and for some strange reason she was actually disappointed.

  “For someone who just woke up, you sure do think a lot in the morning.” Axel chuckled as he ran his hand up and down her arm. She had to close her eyes again and breathe, the way he was playing with her was sending her in a whole different direction, one that included them without clothes. “Princess, whatever your thinking took a turn in a naughty direction.” Crap, how did he know? She went to say something looking up at him, but he smiled at her and for the first time she noticed a slight dimple on his right cheek.

  “You forgot, being a panther I can smell everything. Wanna share with me?” She knew her face had flushed as he leaned down and kissed her forehead again.

  “Yeah, I forgot and no I don’t. Did you stay with me all night?”

  “I sure did, you seem to sleep better when one of us is with you. I don’t know why we didn’t think about that before.” Huh, she thought. She didn’t think about that either, but she felt good for once. Before she could say something, Axel shifted so she was now laying on her back.

  “Umm, what are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “I am simply saying good morning, princess.” Once again, she knew her blood boiled and flushed, but this time it was because she realized he had called her princess twice, and not in a way that made her feel like a spoiled brat, but as a sweet pet name.

  “Oh, umm…morning,” she responded, but as she did she hadn’t realized he had moved her hands to his chest, his naked chest. As she looked at him, it was the first time she realized he had a tattoo. She had seen that Gage had one, but so did Axel. Both had a panther paw print on them. Did all shifters have a tattoo, like a branding of which animal they were? She snorted, yeah it would be like a calling card, or having someone write an L or R in a shoe so you would be able to tell which on goes on which foot. Axel must have been watching her because he asked her what was so funny.

  “Oh, your tattoo. It’s a panther paw, why? Is it to let others know you’re a panther?” His expression grew sad as he shook his head.

  “No, it has another meaning. I will explain that later.”

  “Axel, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad, or upset. I’m sorry,” she said as she petted his face, trying to get his focus back on her. He had his head bowed and soon his eye locked with hers. His brown eyes looking into her, holding her steady with his gaze, and right then she felt the connection. The zing that brings people together, the instant draw that Becky had told her about. She gasped and Axel growled before taking her lips, and this time she didn’t push him, or a
sk him to stop. She wanted him, wanted this. He kissed her like a hungry man searching for food in an empty trash bin. His hand started to roam her body as he pushed more of his weight on her. She welcomed it and then reached out and held onto his back.

  His growl ran down to her depths, making her pussy scream with anticipation. She had been with men before, but Axel and Gage turned her on like no other. She moaned as he moved to her neck, licking and biting her softy. Arching into his touch, she felt her night shirt slide up and soon it was off. His hands automatically went to her breasts, squeezing the mounds as if trying to mold them into his hands. Axel bent and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking, and she mewled at the feel of his tongue flickering back and forth. Her body was on fire and it seemed that with each move Axel made she shivered from more desire. As his mouth moved to her other breast and with each tug and pull, he drew her closer to her orgasm. She had never been this turned on before, she had always been the one who started and took control in sex. With Axel, he took control and she could either go with it, or they would stop. Not wanting this to end she granted him access, and at this point if he wanted to claim her, she would do anything to take away the ache she had. She tried to shift so she could find some friction, but no luck. Axel growled looking at her, then grabbing her arms lifted them above her head and held them there with one hand while he kissed her stupid again and then moved down her body. He must have known what she wanted because his other hand was now on her legs and moving up to desired areas. She wanted him so much. The need grew with each touch.

  “Please,” she begged. She never begged, but right now she was in need, and that need was for him and his ability to come.

  “Are we hurting, my sweet girl?” he mumbled along her skin.

  “Please, Axel, I need… Hell, I need something.”

  “I got you, baby, just relax and feel,” as he said those magic words his finger ran along her outer lips. She moaned and tried to push him to touch her more. He took pity on her and slowly started to circle her clit as he released her hands, allowing his body to move down hers until his face was right at her sex.

  “You know what kitty’s like, baby, they like their cream, and I can smell yours. I am going to just lick you up.” And with that he split her outer lips and licked her from bottom to top, flicking his tongue along her clit, making her jump. His strong hands held her down, pinning her lower half to her bed as he ate her pussy. Soon his fingers joined in and between his skilled mouth and large fingers, she screamed her released as she grabbed his hair holding on. He kissed the insides of each leg and the top of her mound before moving up and kissing her along the way until he reached her lips. She could taste her cream in his mouth, and though it normally grossed her out, with him it turned her on more. She went to reach for his cock but he stopped her by holding her wrist.

  “Umm, I’m confused. Don’t you know?” she said.

  “Trust me, Millie, I want nothing more than to sink deep inside you, but if I do, my fangs will come out and claim you and I want us to talk before we do that. It’s not a no, it’s a not right now. Plus I’m sure Gage would like to play too,” he said as he brought her hand up, kissing the inner side of her wrist.

  “Um…sure. I guess we can talk first. I feel like I should thank you or something,” she giggled.

  “Oh, baby, no thanking me for anything, the pleasure was all mine, plus it was the best breakfast I could have asked for.” He winked at her before kissing her one more time and rolling off her. She noticed his cock stood at attention through his boxers and the man was huge, she didn’t know if he would fit. Her mouth went dry and he laughed.

  “I promise we will, let’s talk first okay.”

  She nodded and he left her room, giving her a moment to breathe. Realizing she was in bed all day yesterday, she really needed a shower. Well if Axel wanted to talk before he claimed her, and the same with Gage, she better clean up now. Grabbing clean panties and clothes, she headed into the bathroom to shower.

  Chapter Eight

  Gage had woken early the next morning wanting to make something nice for Millie as it was her last free day before she started work tomorrow. He knew she was excited, and thought that maybe a small breakfast and then they could head into town to her get her some things she might need for work, such as clothes, or whatever a personal assistant needed. He knew she was a fan of French toast, so he set about his task. It wasn’t long before he heard what could only be her and Axel having some fun. He smiled and felt no jealously toward them, and was actually happy they both had moved on and decided to give the mating a chance. He would love to change places with them right now, but he knew they needed this time together. Mixing the eggs, he added the cinnamon, sugar, and a touch of vanilla as the base. He pulled out the bread and waited for the griddle to get hot. As he laid the first piece of bread on the griddle Axel came down the stairs whistling as water still clung to his hair. He knew they didn’t shower together because the water was still running upstairs.

  “Morning. Hey we need to sit down and talk with her this morning.”

  “Okay,” he responded. What else did he want him to say?

  “Dude, we were playing this morning, and my panther was clawing at me to claim her. I want to make sure she knows what she is going to be getting when we claim her and I want to claim her together.” Oh so this is what Axel was thinking, now it made sense.

  “Works for me,” Gage agreed as he flipped another slice of French toast over. He was almost done when Millie came down the stairs and into the kitchen to join them. He smiled because she had braided her hair into pigtails and had simple blue jeans and a tank top on. She looked cute again, and he was happy to see the bags under her eyes had disappeared.

  “Morning, boys. Wow, breakfast?” He nodded and pointed to a seat to indicate it was time to eat. Setting the food down on the table, he noticed it was too small, he remembered Axel had mumbled about it not having enough room, maybe they could surprise her and get her a new one for the empty dining room.

  “So what’s on the agenda today, beside me acting like a spaz, and throwing food?” she said between bites of her breakfast.

  “Thought we could take you out to get things for work. Since you will start tomorrow, don’t know what you might need for clothes, and such?”

  “Umm…well, I might need some new skirts and such. I have some things, but since this is more business, some of my summer dresses won’t work.” Gage watched her as she thought over various items and things she might need. “So I guess we could head into town.”

  “After,” he responded.

  “After, after what Gage?” she asked looking at him in confusion. He needed to tell her his past, they all needed to tell their past so they all could move forward.

  “We need to talk about our past,” he said simply. She looked at him dumbfounded.

  “Umm, okay, let’s talk,” she said swallowing.

  Axel cleared his throat and took another drink of his coffee. “Well, Gage and I share a past that most don’t know about. People just thought of him as my brother, or cousin because his mother died from childbirth, but that’s not true. You see his parents were killed when he was young.” She gasped and looked at him.

  “How old were you?”

  “Five, and Axel was seven,” Gage responded.

  “You were just a baby. What happened to your parents?” This time is was him who spoke because he needed to say it, not Axel. She deserved to hear it all.

  “They came for my parents because they thought they could convince them to come over and help the Coven grow. My dad was a strong Alpha, and my mom was gifted with healing. So between the two, they were a fantastic combination for panthers. When they came, Axel and I were playing cars and we heard the commotion and soon we were under the floor boards. They were screaming and yelling for them to leave.” His vision clouded at the memory, and she must have felt his discomfort and grabbed his hand holding it, calming his panther and the man.

  “They killed my mom, I was crying and trying to cried for them, and Axel held his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet, but it didn’t matter, they found us and Axel went after them. I ran away, but Axel was trying to keep them away from me. He was thrown into a wall and didn’t wake up.” He kept his eyes downcast as he spoke not wanting to look at her. “When Axel didn’t get up, they came for me, cornered me, and something in me snapped and I shifted. You see panthers don’t shift that early and I attacked. I don’t remember much after that, but Axel’s parents came and took care of them. They didn’t think Axel would wake up. It was my fault, because I cried out. I vowed to never put anyone in harm again, so I don’t talk. I’m so afraid that I will say something, and my words will cause pain or suffering for someone.”

  Millie sat there, feeling the tears run down her cheek as she felt the pain radiating off Gage and run through her. He was just as baby, a child that needed to be loved and protected. He didn’t need to watch his parents die. He didn’t know that crying for is mom would hurt his cousin. She couldn’t stop herself and stood, walking over to him, lifting his head so his eyes looked at her.

  “I understand, and I am so sorry, Gage. No one should have to go through something like that, especially a child. Thank you for telling me, and please know that whatever you do say to me, I will be honored to hear it. I love it when you talk, and your voice is like smooth chocolate to me.” He looked at her before running his thumb along the stray tear, wiping it away. Millie bent and kissed him softly on the lips making him smile. Without a second thought she climbed onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around her burring his nose in her neck.

  “So now I understand your story, it is the same with Axel?” she said, looking over to where he sat drinking his coffee, seemly lost in the thought as well.


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