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Divine Charity [Divine Creek Ranch 18] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 30

by Heather Rainier

  “Such a tease,” she whispered as he raised his head to look into her eyes.

  His kissed her abdomen and murmured, “Just enjoying you, angel.”

  With a sultry smile, she slipped two of her fingers into her mouth and pulled them out wet, then held his gaze as she lowered her hand and slid her slick fingertips between her swollen lips and stroked her clit. Her unwavering gaze and the way her breath caught in her throat as she touched herself made the room seem even hotter. She swirled her fingers around her clit and the slick, erotic sounds made him sweat as he tried to stay in control.

  “Look what you do to me, baby,” she said, hissing when she stroked a fingertip directly over her clit.

  “I’m going to eat your sweet little pussy all up, angel,” he murmured before nipping at her inner thigh.

  “I’m all yours, lover.” She flexed her hips, tempting him close enough to kiss her pussy.

  Licking his lips, he leaned down and slid his tongue in a broad stroke from the bottom of her opening up to her little fingers, taking a second to suck her juices from her fingertips. Her flavor, sweet, tangy, and alluring, burst on his tongue and made his mouth water.

  He dove in for seconds as she moved her hand and slid her fingers into his long hair, caressing the back of his head and pulling him closer as a shudder rippled through her. “So good, Ransome.”

  He groaned in response as he slid his tongue back and forth over her hot, silky-soft flesh. He sucked her clit into his mouth and tormented it with gentle tugging pulls, hunger growing in him by the second as she rocked against him and her breathing turned into panting. Her drawn-out whimper was a sure sign she was close to the edge. He released the suction and she giggled instead of growling at him like he’d expected.

  “You’d never make it that easy, would you?” she said. “Don’t forget payback’s a bitch.”

  A chuckle escaped him and he said, “I’ll make it worth the wait. I don’t want to be done that fast. I love tasting you, feeling you under my tongue.”

  “Take your time, baby. I love it,” she murmured as she wrapped her calf around his shoulder and pulled him closer.

  He went back to licking her and tasting her, taking equal pleasure in the sounds and soft words she uttered. His cock pulsed painfully inside his jeans, and he popped the fly and lowered the zipper a bit to give it a little more room.

  She gasped when he rubbed his raspy cheek against her inner thigh. Backing away, he stroked her clit between two fingers, giving her the circular motion that she loved, judging by her whispered encouragement and the way she started moving in a countermotion.

  “Don’t stop. You’re going to make me come so hard.”

  She arched against him and tilted her head back, her movements becoming more forceful as she took her pleasure. She jerked against him when he slid two fingers into her pussy and kept rubbing her clit with his thumb. Her slick cunt tightened in response as he began pumping in and out and she gripped his shoulder, sinking her nails into him.

  “Harder, Ransome. Oh, yes, that’s right,” she said and then whimpered, somehow keeping back the scream he knew was growing inside her.

  He pumped his fingers a little harder and she clenched around him so tight he nearly came undone himself. The vulnerable sound she made as she came, her hips rocking in short pulsing motions, made his heart ache with love for her. For all the nights he’d wanted her and thought he’d never have her, he poured everything he had into loving her. He knew he’d never get enough of her.

  Not letting her come down, he continued stroking her while avoiding her clit, not ready to be done just yet. He climbed up her body, careful of her wound and the IV in her other arm and left a trail of wet kisses on her torso as he went. Her body was warm and pliant under him, accepting of his weight. The movement of the bed startled him until he realized she was pushing the button so the bed would go entirely flat, and then she was fumbling one handed at his zipper.

  “Let me suck you,” she whispered. “I’ll scoot down and lie over your side and suck your cock while you stroke. I want to. I’ll never be able to sleep, thinking of you hurting like that. Please?”

  He ached for release but he hesitated at the thought of her re-injuring her arm or accidently pulling on the IV in the heat of the moment.

  She stroked the bulge at his groin with seductive smile on her face. “Come on. I love tasting you, too. Pretty please with sugar on top?”

  Ransome snorted with laughter at her cajoling and then gave in, easing onto the bed as he kept an eye on her, not wanting to bump her arm or get tangled up in the IV lines. “Are you sure?”

  “Very. Now hurry, before they decide to come check my vitals and figure out that we’re getting busy in here.”

  With a chuckle, he helped her unfasten his pants and he didn’t even have them nudged down his hips before he could feel her hot breath and soft lips wrapped around the head.

  She made a yummy sound and nearly took his breath away as she slid his rigid length clear to the back of her throat and licked him as she slid him back out.

  “Damn, that’s good.” He groaned, lying back helplessly as she giggled and toyed with him, sliding him in and out of her hot mouth but not sucking. Giving him just enough stimulation to drive him crazy but not enough to make him come.

  He ran his fingers through her long blonde hair and wound it around his hand as she changed tactics and licked and teased just the first few inches, tugging slightly but not really sucking until he was ready to beg.

  Making a sympathetic and yet somehow naughty sound, she let her eyes drift closed and slid him to the back of her throat and then sucked him firmly on the way back up, sending hot tingles along his spine as his balls drew up. Pre-cum leaked and she moaned as she paused to taste him and then slid him deep in her mouth once again.

  “Holy fuck,” he whispered, trying to keep from thrusting so he didn’t knock her off-balance. Tension tightened like a knot at the base of his spine as she resumed sucking more of his length, making purr-like sounds of enjoyment.

  She increased the pace and the tension drawing tighter inside of him began to shred, along with his control. His pulse pounded in his ears like jungle drums. “It’s coming, angel. Get ready.”

  She kept the same rhythm and sucked him a little harder. His orgasm wound tighter, gathering pressure, and then exploded, his cum jetting in agonizing streams that felt like pure fire.

  He opened his eyes at last and stroked Charity’s head as she licked him clean, swallowing every drop of his cum. She looked up at him finally, her cheeks rosy as she licked her lips and smiled. “Yummy.”

  It blew his mind every time she did that. The truth was in her eyes. She loved sucking his cock and she never pulled back at the moment of truth. She always let him finish. Always swallowed. And it always blew his mind.

  “I love you,” he murmured, as he caressed her hot cheek. “I love you so much, angel.”

  “I love you, too,” she replied as she laid her head against his abdomen and rested for a moment.

  He noticed that she was now lying on her side, which couldn’t have been comfortable, and he needed to do something about the jeans that were halfway down his hips. After he adjusted the bed and she sat up, he helped her get the robe back around her and unlocked the door. With her back in the bed, he went into the bathroom and changed into the sleep pants and used his toothbrush and toothpaste which Justin had brought back with Charity’s robe. He’d been struck by the kindness of Justin’s gesture since he hadn’t looked forward to sleeping in his jeans, although he would’ve done it without complaint.

  This is what it’s like in a relationship. We look out for each other. Could get used to this.

  When he came out of the bathroom, he made eye contact with Charity over the shoulder of the nurse that was taking her blood pressure and she looked like she was fighting laughter.

  Finished not a moment too soon.

  The nurse commented on Charity’s blood pressure and puls
e being a little elevated and was satisfied after she’d tried a second time. She turned when he came through the bathroom door and gasped when she looked at his bare chest and then turned away. Charity licked her lips like she’d just finished a scrumptious meal, and he felt his cheeks fill with heat as he folded his jeans and put them on the chair by the bed.

  The nurse said a few soft words to Charity, letting her know what time she would come check her again, ostensibly so she didn’t catch them in the act if they got frisky later. Charity thanked her and then turned her attention to him as the nurse slipped out.

  “If she’s coming back in here later maybe I should throw my shirt back on and sleep in the chair.” He eyed the thing distastefully. It was padded and comfortable enough for sitting on but wouldn’t be comfortable for sleeping in.

  “Nope. You’re sleeping with me. I told her you were staying with me tonight, before you came out of the bathroom, and she said she thought that was sweet. She told me she’d knock before coming in and it should only be once, several hours from now. I’m glad she wasn’t snotty about it.”

  Ransome chuckled and asked, “What would you have done if she had been?”

  Charity grinned lasciviously. “I’d be sleeping nude when she came in, with my arms wrapped around my big hunk of luscious man. I think you disconcerted her with that broad chest and those big muscles.”

  He lifted her in his arms and climbed on the bed, positioning her so she was lying against him. When she was comfortably arranged, he pulled the sheet and light blanket over them both. “You going to be warm enough?”

  She nuzzled his chest and said, “With you to keep me warm? It’ll be the next best thing to sleeping snuggled up to you at home,” she said as she covered a yawn with one hand. “I’ll know who’s groping me, even with my eyes closed.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You don’t need the headache, the hassle, or the responsibility of planning a party, Grace. You’re due around that time,” Charity said as she sipped from her glass of red wine. A large group of their friends were currently congregated around several tables in the corner next to the bar at the Dancing Pony, enjoying a night out.

  Several of the girls were clustered around their table trying to hear the conversation as they discussed Charity’s binding ceremony. Originally, she’d hoped to do it on the same day as hers and Justin’s wedding anniversary in July. But when they’d realized that date was within a couple of weeks of Grace’s due date, Charity had decided that a sooner date might be a wise choice. Her concerns were legitimate ones. She didn’t want the binding ceremony to take away from Grace’s growing list of things she needed to do to get ready for the baby. She also didn’t want to add to Grace’s stress level.

  “The answer is simple, Charity,” Lucy Owen said as she elbowed Rachel and Lydia and gave them both obvious winks.

  “Of course,” Rachel replied without hesitation. “Grace will be the planner and we will all be her hands and feet. We’ll have everything ready to set up, with plenty of volunteers to do the work.”

  Lydia nodded vigorously. “I’ll handle the cooking and the cake.”

  Lucy said, “I’ll handle the rental equipment setup and takedown.”

  Charity gawked at Grace. “Rental equipment?”

  “You hush,” Rachel said to Charity with a giggle. “I’ll handle decorations.”

  Maya Warner piped up and said, “Oh, I’ll help with decorations, too. It’s the least I can do after the wonderful job Grace and Lydia did with my wedding down at the creek.”

  Charity laughed and said, “Yeah, but let’s not have any wedding day repeats, Grace, okay?”

  Grace chuckled and said, “I agree completely. I’ll do my best not to turn your binding day into a labor day.”

  The girls all laughed and then chimed in, volunteering themselves and their men to help. The suggestions got a little over the top and before long the affair had snowballed into a redneck holy terror complete with Jell-O shots and dancing men.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Charity finally said as their suggestions started sounding more and more like the liquor was talking rather than common sense. “Don’t get me wrong girls, I love all the ideas, I really do. But we want to keep this simple, just like the wedding, twenty-three years ago.”

  Grace’s eyebrows arched. “You’re sure about that, sis? It was so small. I wanted to really do this one up for you, you know? Make it memorable for you and the guys.”

  Charity hugged her sister, and her pregnant belly, but shook her head. “I’m sure it will be. I didn’t say we couldn’t have a celebration. As long as my family and my friends are there, I don’t care about the rest of that stuff. We don’t need a band. We don’t need fireworks. And although I can see where it would make for a memorable occasion, Lucy, I don’t think we need the Jell-O shots and dancing men either.”

  Lucy snickered and said, “Oh, all right. I guess that was a bit much, huh?”

  “I just want the people I love to be there with me, to help us celebrate. I want the binding ceremony to have all the meaning without the pomp and circumstance of a traditional wedding.”

  “But we still get to help you shop for your dress, right?” Grace asked.

  Charity chuckled. They still hadn’t had any luck finding the right one. “Of course. Anyone who wants to come and help is welcome.”

  Once again, all of her friends started talking at the same time as Charity looked on. Beyond the table they were clustered around, her three men sat with their friends, mostly the respective spouses of the girls. Justin made eye contact with her and smiled before nudging Val and Ransome, who looked up and smiled when they realized she was watching them.

  Justin signed “I Love You” to her and she felt her cheeks warm and her eyes mist over with tears. None of it really mattered as long as she had the men she loved, her kids, and the friends she cared about around her. Even so, she imagined it was going to turn out to be quite a party.

  A gentle nudge caught her attention and she turned to find Lucy standing beside her, gazing over at her own men.

  Lucy said, “Remember last year at the ROT Rally?”

  “I will never, ever forget.” So many memories flashed to mind, some sweet, like seeing Jayne and Lucy come out of their shells in their sexy leather outfits, some tumultuous, like Lucy’s public confrontation and lusty reconciliation with Beck and Patrick, and some memories that were fiery-hot, like Charity’s late-night public exhibition with Justin.

  Lucy smiled, evidently cataloguing her own memories, and then said, “You sent Val and Ransome to check on me and Jayne at Seth’s exhibit spot. They were walking us to the restroom and Val asked me a few questions about being in a committed ménage. I thought he was just curious in the general sense. He asked me if Patrick and Beck ever got jealous of each other and he wondered if I felt worn out by all of the baggage two men might bring to a relationship. He asked me if I thought all the changes, challenges, and strife I went through to be with them was worth it.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told Val that they made it worth it. All of it. That was true then and it’s even truer today. In the course of that conversation, he mentioned that the two of them already had their hearts set on a woman. I was understandably curious but didn’t ask because it wasn’t any of my business and I had my distractions that day as well. But when I heard that you and Justin had added the two of them and formed a ménage…”


  “It made perfect sense,” Lucy said, with a simple nod. “I wasn’t a bit surprised but I was very happy, for all four of you. You fit together perfectly. Oh, man. That didn’t sound the way I meant it to.”

  Charity burst into laughter and hugged Lucy’s shoulders. “I know exactly what you meant and you’re right.”

  Across the club, Ethan waved at her and gave her a thumbs-up from the DJ’s box. Charity excused herself and left the group to their planning and squeezed her way through the crowd to where her
men were sitting, all their eyes on her, clad in her leather miniskirt and halter and tall boots. The bandage on her upper arm was a much smaller flesh-colored one and was barely noticeable now. Her wound had healed well and most days she didn’t even notice it unless she overused the muscle in her upper arm. Her men had been like mother hens, keeping her from doing that. She was really missing rear-entry sex and planned to do something about that soon.

  She squeezed in between the three of them, returning their kisses as they crowded even closer to her.

  “Anybody feel like dancing with me?”

  “Me,” all three of them said at once, and then chuckled.

  As the funky beat of “Locked Out Of Heaven” began to pump through the sound system, she said, “I was hoping you’d say that, gentlemen. Come with me.”

  “Bruno Mars? In the Dancing Pony?” Val asked, as he clasped one of her hands.

  Charity was already moving with the music, her arms rising over her head and her hips swaying as she strode forward confident all three were in her wake. “Of course. Ethan played it just for me. That okay with you?” she asked as she gently gripped Justin’s T-shirt collar and pulled him in for a light peck.

  “As long as you’re rubbing up against me,” Justin said, “I don’t care what we dance to.”

  “True,” Ransome said as she turned on the dance floor. Justin slid in behind her with his chest to her back and she began grinding with him. She grabbed Val by his belt buckle and pulled him close until he was chest to breast with her and his thigh slid between hers. She held him near while she reached out for Ransome and tempted him closer, until she was surrounded by her sweet, hot, sexy giants. She arched her back and pulled Ransome down by the collar of his button-down until his lips met hers and she wrapped her arm around his waist so his chest rubbed against her and she slid her fingertips into the waist of his jeans, enjoying the feel of his muscular ass flexing under her hand.

  Once she had them where she wanted them, she let her hands roam, and spent time dancing chest-to-chest with each of them, grinding her ass against one while rubbing her breasts against another, and caressing the third wherever she could reach until she’d done a full turn with them surrounding her, blocking out the nightclub.


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