Once Within A Lifetime
Page 22
They all said they could stay, and she went to let Nancy know the numbers of those who would be eating.
Todd looked around and said, “I am so grateful for all of you and your help in this matter. It has saved us a lot of unnecessary planning. It has taken a great load off our shoulders. We will always be grateful. Please excuse me while I go up to check on Mother; I hope she can come down and dine with us.”
Triessa came back and said, “It is all set. We will have dinner in about an hour. I love my cook and could never get along without her. It gives me a lot of free time to have her here.”
Todd came down and said his mother was doing well and would plan to be down for dinner to be with everyone. His dad would help her.
They all sat in the living room and talked until dinner was ready. When dinner was served they went into the dining room and got seated. The table had been extended to take care of everybody. Spencer sat at one end and Lincoln at the other. The wives sat at either side of their husbands and the brothers and sisters were seated around the sides near the family members.
“We will all be happy to have you feeling better, Esther, so you can be with us more,” said Triessa’s mother. “We are so sorry that you have been ill.”
“Thank you,” replied Esther. “I feel so much better and enjoy being downstairs with all of you. It is much better than being in my room missing everything.”
After an evening of talking and planning, they decided to leave to go to their homes and said goodnight. Triessa and Todd waved to them as they drove off and then went in and talked a while longer in the living room. His parents decided to go up to bed and get a good night’s rest. Todd went to his mother and hugged her and told her he was so glad to see her back like her old self. He kissed her cheek. They said goodnight and went up the stairs.
“We do not pick up my family until evening tomorrow. What will we do during the day? Is there anything else we have to cover for our wedding day? Four more days, my love, and the next day is the big day. Isn’t it truly just too unbelievable? Should we wait to see what the weather will be so we can decide better what to do or where to go?”
“Sounds like a good idea,” replied Triessa. At this time the phone rang and Triessa picked it up and said, “Hello.”
The voice on the other end was that of her dear friend Phylicia. “I am calling to let you know when I can get to your place for the wedding. It looks like I will get there Wednesday, late afternoon. Is that all right?”
“Oh, that is fine,” replied Triessa. “You will be here just in time for dinner. Todd’s folks are here, though Ester is not been feeling well. We have been concerned about her and feared things may have to be changed, which could be very difficult at this late stage. But she said she would be there no matter what. Her attitude has been remarkably better. Matt and Dirje and their families are arriving early tomorrow evening. We’ll pick them up at the airport and we will be there to get you on Wednesday also. It will be good to have you here and you can see the wonderful, royal-looking wedding site. You will love it; everyone so far has really approved of the whole plan. So, we will see you the day after tomorrow. I can hardly wait. Goodbye for now.”
“That is everyone who is coming in, isn’t it?” asked Todd. “At least the ones we need to deal with. Do you know where she will be staying? Have we covered that yet?”
“Yes, there will be room at my folks’ home for her. They have a pretty large house and will have plenty of room.”
“Good, then it is all taken care of. I think I shall go on to the cottage to get a good night’s sleep, my love. In the morning we will be able to decide what to do. We may just decide to stay around here. We will see how the day starts.” He held her and kissed her gently. “Goodnight, my love, pleasant dreams of us and I shall dream of you.”
They parted and he went down the hill while she watched. As he got close to the cottage, he looked back, knowing she was there, and waved before he went in to ready for bed.
It was showering on Tuesday, and it was difficult to plan on going too far to do anything. Triessa awoke a little later than usual. All the excitement and planning had really tired her. She went down to the dining room to check on coffee, and Todd and his parents were there having some. She apologized for being late, but they told her not to worry. She really needed the rest and they were glad she did get some extra time to do that. She told Esther how glad she was to see her there so early. Todd got up, poured her coffee, and brought it to her. She thanked him and took a long sip, sighing her deep sigh, and he knew she was enjoying it to the fullest.
Todd went over, stood by her and put his arm around her shoulders.
“Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and that is all the days of waiting. Did you ever think it would come down to counting the days, my love? Isn’t it marvelous? Can we hurry these days somehow?”
“I surely hope so, my precious,” she answered. “Waiting is so hard, especially for something like this. It seems that the closer we get the slower the days go by. Well, with the rain, we can’t do too much unless it clears. Shall we just hang around the house and spend time together and get to know each other better?”
“That definitely sounds good to me,” replied Esther. “I have missed you so much and am glad for the time we can have together, though I will miss being on your lovely patio. We can talk and plan for what’s left and be all ready. When the others arrive we can fill them in on everything. I noticed a piano in the living room. Do you play, dear?” Esther asked looking at Triessa.
“Yes, I do. I learned as a child, which is the best time. Maybe I can play for you a little later on. Do any of you sing?”
“Well, we all do some,” replied Todd. “I am sure we can manage to get through a few tunes. It will be such fun, my darling. It will be such great tonic for us all. Why haven’t we done this before?”
“I do not know, everything seemed to be going on and there was always something to do. We will make up for lost time today if you’d like. We cannot really go anywhere as things stand. A little music would be cheerful for us all and very enjoyable.”
They finished breakfast and gathered in the living room for a last cup of coffee. In a short time they were finished and Triessa walked over to the piano, sat down, and began to play. She started with Clair De Lune. It was a pretty piece and she liked it very much. They all liked it and when it was finished, she went on to other tunes she knew well. Music Box Dancer was one of her favorites, Others were requested and she played them. Oh Promise Me, I Love You Truly, and The Entertainer were favorites. Then she looked up at Todd, started to play and smiled. It was the tune that was played the night they were engaged. He remembered it well, smiled, went over and put his arm around her shoulders. They continued to play and sing tunes for another hour. Then she got up and asked if anyone else could play.
Todd said he could. He went over and sat down to play some of his favorites. “I also have a clarinet which I play a lot more than the piano.”
He played many of the European styles which she had not learned to play yet. It was a delightful change. She recognized them and was very happy that he could play as well.
“We will have to learn some lovely duets,” she said.
Then Esther took her turn introducing some songs from a previous era and they were lovely. Spencer took his turn, playing other beautiful tunes.
“I have a violin at home, a remarkable one, and I am sorry I did not think to bring it with me.”
They all sang along. It was ever so delightful and they did not want it to end.
“Well, how wonderful that we are a musical family,” Triessa remarked.
“I am very happy about that. We are sure to have very talented children.”
“Yes, I do hope so,” replied Todd.
The sun was starting to come out and they looked out the window to watch for it. Her mind went in a whirl. What could they do that would be a little different? She was mentally retracing her steps to try to see if t
here were some place she should take them that they had not yet seen.
“Why don’t you two leave us here to go do something by yourselves? We will be just fine; there is plenty to do,” replied Esther. “You two go and spend some time together somewhere and be alone. You have not had much of that for a while. Maybe I will feel like walking out to see the garden and Spencer can fill me in on all the goings on. Oh, how I have missed it all these long days.”
“Of course, my darling, you will love it, and it will help strengthen you to walk a little. We will go slowly. Put on a sweater; it may be a little cool after the shower. We must be so careful of you. Sit still; I will get a sweater for you.”
“I know,” said Triessa to Todd, “Why don’t we go down to the ocean and walk in the sand, relax, and make some private plans? How does that sound to you, my darling?”
“That would be fine with me. Are you sure you won’t mind staying here by yourselves?” asked Todd as he looked at his parents. “We feel like we will be neglecting you.”
“Nonsense, dear, take time to be together, just the two of you. That will make us happy. I need to sit around and recuperate. After we look at the garden, we can sit on the patio. I have not been down to the pond in front of your cottage. I may be able to do that after seeing the garden and resting a bit. It will be quite a day for me.”
“Yes, we will be just fine,” replied Spencer. “You two go ahead. Esther really needs to be careful yet”
“If that is what you want.” said Todd, “Let’s go and get lunch somewhere. Nancy will take care of my folks. Do you need to change, my love?” he asked as he looked at her.
“Yes, I would like to change if you don’t mind waiting, my precious,” she replied, as she began trotting up the stairs to her bedroom where she changed into some more casual clothes. She packed her bathing suit and cap in a bag, plus a towel or two to take along with her.
As she came down the stairs Todd whistled and said, “Awesome, it surely takes me back.”
She had on some pedal pushers, which were her favorites during her early childhood. She also wore a blouse with both front corners caught up in a small knot, a style from back when they were younger. He was very pleased and whistled again at her as she came down the stairs.
“These will be great for wading,” she remarked. “I won’t get the legs wet, at least I don’t expect to,” she said as she held up one leg to look at the length of the pant leg. “I have a bathing suit here. I can use it if we decide to swim.”
“Oh, let me run down to the cottage and get mine. I will be right back,” Todd said, and struck off on a run to get his trunks and a towel.
He soon returned and they ran to get in the car. He went to her side, held and kissed her, helped her in, then went around to the other side and got in.
“This really will be fun to be alone for a change and leave all the business behind us for now,” he said gently to her. “Let’s just take time to play.”
They started out toward the beach and soon got there, for it was not far away. It was clearing up; the sun was really beautiful now and the surf was just right.
“There is a little restaurant not far from here and we can go over there after a while. I really am not hungry now, are you?”
She took his hand and they walked down by the edge of the water, took off their shoes and waded in the water. It felt so good on their bare feet. The water was warm and the gentle breezes were caressing instead of pushing at them. It was really nice to have some time by themselves. They add been so preoccupied with all the plans and guests that they really had not been able to talk much about their private lives. And the extra problem with Esther had weighed heavily on them.
“We can come down here right after the wedding and spend some time while everyone is cleaning up around the garden and the house. That way we will be able to spend the first part of our marriage alone until we can be in our home together as man and wife. Just think of it. Though it is difficult to think about it too much. The tension is getting too great. We will want to wait until we are back home to consummate our marriage. We want to be sure to start everything off right. I will tell Nancy she will be free until we come back, unless she wants to come and go while we are away. She has a key and can do as she likes. She knows she is welcome anytime; this is her home, too. I really appreciate her so much, especially now.”
They saw a large rock up ahead, walked toward it and sat down. She sat close to him while he put his arm around her and asked if she were warm enough, for the breeze was cool after the rain. She nodded that she was fine.
“Does this area have a name?” he asked her. “It surely is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is called Pleasant Point. Doesn’t the name fit well? We came here a lot when I was small. We made many sand castles here, but it was sad to watch the tide take them all away. My dad was good at sculpting beautiful edifices from his dreams and thoughts. We loved it so much. My mother helped him; we have always been a family that did everything together. Reese and I played together very well. We were about three years apart; I felt like I was taking care of him because he was younger and smaller.”
“I am sure you had many wonderful times here, and we will have more, you and I and our family. Have you ever thought of having a family and what your desires are on it? I really haven not, although, I guess every man wants a son at some point. I never thought of any of these things prior to meeting you. I just went on doing what I had to do and did not even think there may be another world like this. Isn’t it amazing that you can seem to step out of one world into another so quickly just by circumstances. You cannot know it until it happens. It is a totally remarkable surprise.”
“I had not really thought of a family that much either. Like you, I was just busy and it seemed like something in the distant future. I would really like to have a little girl to teach things to. Every woman does, I think. I would like to have a darling little boy as well; one who looks like his daddy and likes to do the things his daddy does. Beyond that, I do not know. It will be something we can think and talk about as time goes on. We will want to wait a while so we can spend time together and get to really know each other. Then when we have children we will be ready to give our time to them and have desires we wish to share with them. We will want the very best for them, yet we will have them learn good character traits as they go along. We will want them to be caring, responsible, and helpful.”
“Yes, those are my feelings as well. We will not want to spoil them so they will not be able to appreciate things. Though I am sure it will not be easy or automatic. It will take commitment and planning. Oh, imagine it, having our own children to teach and carry on.”
“I am getting a little hungry; how about you?” remarked Triessa. “It isn’t far to the restaurant. From there we can drive on over to a place where we can see more of the ocean and some islands. It is called Island View for obvious reasons.”
They walked back, put on their shoes, got in the car and drove to the restaurant to have some lunch. It specialized in seafood and they decided to indulge and ordered a wonderful fish dinner.
“No doubt, you will find it cooked differently here than where you come from. First of all, it may be a different kind of fish than you are used to having there. But I am sure you will love it.”
The order came, and as they ate, he remarked, “Why, this is really delicious. I see what you mean, I have not had anything like this. I would like to have my folks try some of this. But I know we will be very busy and we may have to bring them here much later after we’re back and settled in.”
After lunch they went outside they walked over to the edge of the field near the restaurant to look out over the water where they saw small boats sailing about in the gentle breezes. It reminded them of their ride in Todd’s boat. They looked at each other and smiled. He put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her to him. She leaned into his shoulder, snuggling close to him. The breezes were picking up
and getting a little cool, as often happens in this area.
“What do you say we go?” asked Todd.
“Yes,” she said, “And I will drive you over to the other place I was telling you about. You can see miles and miles of ocean and islands in near the land. The coast is dotted with many islands.”
They drove over and she parked on the edge near a cliff that looked out over the water. They sat there in the car and gazed at the beautiful expanse of water. The sun sparkled on the wave tops making them look like shimmering jewels on blue velvet. The boats were sailing around in and out among the islands.
“One day we will take a boat ride out through the islands. It will be later, much later. But before summer is over.”
“Well, dear,” she said, “I think we had better start back to the house. We have to plan on picking up Dirje and Matt and their families a little later. Tomorrow we will go get Phylicia. Then we will have two more days. Oh, I hope the time truly flies by, my darling. When we get back from our honeymoon life will not be so hectic here and we can do many more things. I cannot even imagine it at this point but look forward to it so much”
She drove back and took him to see some more scenic areas, though they did not take time to stop now. They had to get back and get things ready. They soon reached home, drove up front, and got out of the car to go inside. His parents were in the living room and rose to meet them as they entered.
“Oh, your faces look a little red,” replied Esther. “Guess the sun and wind were strong. I hope you have not burned with the wedding so close.”
“I don’t really think so,” replied Triessa. “It will go away in a day or so. Did you have a good afternoon?”
“Yes, dear, we did and even had a little nap. We were tired and it felt good to rest. This is more excitement than we are used to and such a different situation. It has been a while since the others were married. Todd was our last one to marry, as I guess you are in your family, right?”