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Mindgasm - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist (Mind Games Book 3)

Page 24

by Gabi Moore

  Then he squeezed.


  He squeezed me so hard that something came loose inside. So hard that what was trapped before came sputtering out, that my life and breath came rushing back to me, and all at once I threw back my head and gasped loudly. The blood came rushing back into my cheeks. I swallowed. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. In front of me was the stranger, his dark, delicious eyes watching me closely, a look of joyful relief on his face.

  I smiled too. I was alive now. He had saved me. I was so close to death, but he had saved me. Pulled me back from the brink and cleared the way, and now I could breathe again.

  Two wet tears fell easily from each of my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Real tears. Actual tears. I realized that I …loved him?

  “Oh my god, Adam, this is real,” I said. My voice was croaky. I hadn’t spoken at all for the last few hours. He looked at me. He was the handsome stranger from a far off land. And he was also Adam. There was a lump in my throat.

  “I know,” he said.

  He kissed me and I kissed hungrily back. I had no idea what I was doing. I was crazy. I was just a mad, stupid girl and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing with any of this. I was just a pathetic orphan, a bad person, a failure, ‘one of those girls’.

  “Adam, I’m sorry I made us do that …I don’t know why I wanted to. It’s crazy isn’t it?”

  It was all just a story. Just a joke. Just a game. It was just green food coloring in the glasses, right? Just regular food on the table, right? But the tears were real. They felt cold on my cheeks and as real as ever.

  “Yes, it’s totally crazy,” he said and laughed.

  “You think I’m nuts, don’t you?”

  “Absolutely,” he said and grinned at me. “And I love it.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “In the story she wakes up and sees the stranger. Then they fall in love,” I said.

  His arms felt so firm and safe around me. I could just let go and he’d hold me. It was the most delicious sensation in the world, just to be held by him.

  “Yes, I know”, he said, and gave me a mischievous look.

  Another tear rolled out. He kissed it away, and his lips found their way to mine again. I tried to speak but he kissed me again.

  “Adam …Adam, wait, I feel silly.”

  “I’m not surprised, you’re a very silly girl and you’ve written a very silly play.”

  “A play?”

  “Yes, what else is it?”

  I kissed him again.

  “Adam, did you think my play was stupid?”

  “Was stupid? But Nyx, we’re not done yet. We’re just getting to the most important part, aren’t we…?”

  And there it was. That familiar, aching glow between my legs. My body knew what was coming. I kissed him again, eating him up like a dish of magical food I had never tasted before. Fuck it. Maybe it was all OK. Maybe I was crazy. And so what?

  The weird green wine was beginning to take effect. My head spun, and I didn’t do anything to stop it.

  Chapter 14

  “Now, you never went into much detail about this part of the play…” he said.

  “It’s not a play,” I said quickly.

  “No, of course not, nothing like a play. And I’m not playing a character,” he said, naughty grin all over his face. “But if it was, and I was, what would happen next?”

  I loved the cheeky glint in his eyes. He never stopped seeming extraordinary to me. I tried to hide a smile.

  “You …I mean the handsome stranger would whisk me off to the bedroom. I mean the coupling chamber. That’s what it’s called where he’s from.”

  “Ooh… that’s hot. Coupling chamber huh?”

  “Yes. He’s about to teach the heroine the erotic delights of his people.”

  “Go on…”

  I giggled. “And she’s a little nervous, naturally, but he discovers she’s really rather adept, when given a little instruction.”

  “I feel like I should be writing this down or something.”

  I couldn’t help but grab him and kiss him deeply. His fingertips felt like heaven as they went up to touch the skin on my neck. He bent down and gently picked me up. I loved how easily he could do that. He carried me to the bedroom and lay me gently on the bed, then stood above me.

  “You know, my people generally begin every coupling session with an extended blowjob ceremony,” he said with all seriousness.

  I burst out laughing. “Hey, who’s the one writing this play, anyway?”

  “I thought this wasn’t a play?” he said and dropped his trousers.

  I rolled over onto my stomach and reached for him, teasing his legs and belly with little kisses.

  “Fine. The people of your country do start every coupling session with an extended blowjob ceremony, you’re actually correct.”

  I inched closer to his crotch, the animal scent of him waking up something delicious and primitive in the back of my mind.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he said to my back as I leaned in closer and took him in my mouth.

  Pressed against the pink of my tongue, his dick twitched a little and stiffened to fill my mouth. He was just nearly too much for me, but hearing him moan in response made it easy to press closer to him, to take in more, to be closer to that delightful musk on his skin, and all along the line of black hair trailing down from his navel.

  He gently placed both hands on the top of my head. Slowly, I let him guide my eager lips over his slick shaft. All the way in his dick glided, right to the back of my throat, then all the way out it came again, swollen and hot. Then all the way in again, then slowly out. In, then out again. His jagged breath rose and fell with the same rhythm. I glanced up to his deliciously tormented face, lips parted and head tilted back as I stroked my warm tongue over and over exactly where I knew he liked it.

  Adam was an expressive man. An open man. A man who wasn’t afraid of anything, not least of all feeling something too deeply. I could easily feel when he was getting close. I could feel his gorgeous cock swell and heat up in my mouth in response, and I held him and let his fingertips tighten their hold on my skull.

  He slid out and I looked up sweetly at him. The look on his face was begging to be kissed.

  “And so…?” I asked playfully. He stroked his fingers through my hair.

  “You tell me, you’re the boss,” he said coyly.

  I couldn’t stand it anymore. I pulled him down onto the bed with me, and his body came tumbling down, a dark lock of his hair falling into his smiling face. I opened my legs wide and guided him down into me, not wanting to waste any more time.

  “I want you, Adam,” I growled into his ear, as that same glorious cock pressed all the way into me, right to the core. No sooner had I said the words had he obliged and thrust his hips square down into mine. I gasped and let my head fall back.

  I loved this. I loved every second of it, but this, this part was the most delicious of all.

  He peered down at me as I squirmed a little on his cock, enjoying me struggle a little, pausing and waiting for me to open my eyes again and beg for more.

  And I did.

  Chapter 15

  I woke up to the sound of a dog barking somewhere far outside the flat. I peeled open my eyes and tried to remember.

  Adam’s house.

  The ‘play’.

  Ah, yes.

  My eyes adjusted to the thin morning light as my brain quickly pieced together the events from the night before. There had been more wine. More weed. A brief interlude where we horsed around a little in the kitchen, and joked that it was actually the traditional dance of Adam’s people. Even more wine. Even more weed. I rolled over in bed and felt an ache between my legs. And lots and lots more of that, too. Ouch.

  I peered over to see him curled beside me, sleeping like an angel, no sign on his lips of any of the filthy things he had said to me the night before, no indication of what his softly breathing body h
ad been doing just a few hours ago. I had seen his jaw clench, and the muscles in his hips tighten as he growled and orgasmed hard on top of me; I had seen a tiny fleck of sweat snake down his brow as he gave me a smoldering look and then asked me if I was ready to go again.

  I wiggled my toes and felt my body wake up a little. I felt amazing. Alive after all. Able to breathe after all. But! The play wasn’t done yet, now was it? I smiled to myself and got up silently, padded over to the kitchen and tried to see what goodies I could whip up into a breakfast before he woke up.

  Standing naked in the kitchen, a little song came into my head and I went with it. As I rummaged in his cupboards, a little dance came to my feet. Life was good. I was enrolled in an exciting program doing work I probably enjoyed, I had just spent the night exhausting myself on the hard body of a man that could make my toes curl with a single look, and now I was making toast with Nutella and sliced bananas. Could things be any lovelier?

  As my hands worked swiftly with the knife, smearing a smooth glossy layer of chocolate over each warm slice of toast, my thoughts went somewhere strange and new. Aunt Lila was a bit of a slave driver. I knew that. She knew that. But wasn’t it really me who had agreed to go along with the whole thing? Wasn’t I the one who hastily said yes to a program that, granted, I didn’t even know that much about? It seemed like a stupid thing, but it was true: I had never even considered before if I wanted to be a set designer.

  I stood with my gooey knife hovering above the plates, frozen in thought, then went back to smearing. So what if I pissed aunt Lila off and she stopped paying for my course …would that really be the end of the world? So I had been a party girl in the past. Again, so what? I wasn’t the same as I was back then. Hell, I wasn’t even the same as I was yesterday afternoon…

  “Your genius knows no bounds, truly.”

  I turned to see a groggy, naked Adam walk into the room, eyeing my chocolatey masterpiece, rubbing his eyes. I grinned and pushed a plate towards him. He sauntered over, in all his naked glory, and gave me a slow, juicy kiss on the neck.

  “Now this is what I really want for breakfast,” he cooed into my ear. His face was all soft and sleepy and his hair disheveled. He smelt like bed.

  “You are insatiable, you know that?” I giggled. “Can’t a girl make some toast without being accosted in the kitchen?”

  “Apparently not,” he said and nuzzled his way into my neck again, sending a wave of goosebumps down over my body. I moaned and took a big, messy bite of toast.

  Why couldn’t I be a luxuriously decadent artist, too? Have raucous sex and take risks and be eccentric? Why couldn’t I write plays and act and do as I damn well pleased? I also had ideas. I also had things to say. I took another big bite before finishing the last one, and he kissed my shoulders, then my upper arm.

  By the time we had woken up properly, had our breakfast, showered, made love, showered again, dressed and said goodbye, it was well past 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I floated out of his flat on a cloud, new and delicious thoughts forming in my hungover head. I didn’t know how yet, and I didn’t know what, but something wonderful was about to happen to me, I could just feel it.

  I took my time walking home, and enjoyed every little scraggly flower growing between the bricks, every little wisp of wind that blew on my face. Maybe I’d write another ‘play’. Maybe I’d really have fun with it this time. I could do whatever I wanted. I could make it scary. Or funny. I could write my own Bluebeard story. But why stop there?

  I turned the corner to my dorm room and stopped dead in my tracks.

  Aunt Lila.

  What the hell was she doing outside my room?

  The instant she turned and caught sight of me, the blood felt as though it drained right out through a hole drilled at the bottom of my feet. Her face was twisted into something like rage, something like horrible fear. Something was wrong. Very wrong. She marched over to me, her face rapidly going red.

  “And just where the hell have you been?” she screamed at me. Her rage was so intense I took a step back.

  “I …I was out, I was with a friend, what’s the matter…?”

  She was so angry it looked as though she was ready to pick me up and fling me down the road with her bare hands.

  “You were out? Out? Do you not think to answer your phone?” she said, spitting each word.

  Out the corner of my eye I saw the building security guard approach, a look of concern on his face. I couldn’t believe she was doing this to me. Why was she here anyway? I was almost 21 years old, I could stay out at a friend’s if I liked, surely?

  “I guess I had my phone on silent…” I said quietly, as I pulled it out of my bag. The screen came alive in my hand. 45 missed calls. I quickly scrolled through them and saw something that made my heart sink.


  Messages from Tamara.

  Lots of messages from Tamara.

  It was Friday. I was meant to be driving her to Cambridge this morning.

  Of fuck. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

  I squeezed my eyes shut to steady myself against a wave of nausea.

  “I’m …I’m so sorry aunt Lila, I must have lost track of time…”

  “Do you think that I have the time to come around here and look after you? Tamara Keane calls me and wants to know where you are. Nobody can reach you. I certainly don’t know what to tell her. We were just about to call the police and file a bloody missing person report!” she yelled.

  Her words were like a cascade of tiny hammers to the skull. It was the same face she had given me in another life. The same expression she had laid on thick as I stumbled into the bathroom late on what my old friend had called The Jackson Pollock Night. The night where everything changed. The night where I my parents drove off into the darkness and never came back. I tried to fix my eyes somewhere, anywhere that wasn’t on her red, angry face just inches from mine. She was so mad she was shaking.

  “I’m sorry,” I said lamely. I couldn’t look her in the face. The world came slowly crumbling down around me.

  I hated Adam. I hated myself. I hated aunt Lila. I hated everything in this world. I couldn’t help the fat, hot tears from welling in my eyes and bursting out over my cheeks. I cried quietly as she fumed at me.

  “Are you using again?” she said under her breath. ‘Using’, like I was some crack addict.

  I said nothing.

  “Are you even going to the classes? Are you still going to Doctor Estes?” she said, her voice rising.

  Something bitter was rising in the back of my throat.

  She took a step closer.

  “We’ll have to have a proper chat about this later, Nyx. This is totally unacceptable. You’ve been given a second chance here and you’re screwing everyone around. How do you think it makes me look, to stick my neck out for you and then have you embarrass me like this?”

  I watched the tears stain dark marks on my shirt.

  “I said I was sorry. I was just having some fun. I lost track of time. I’ll apologize to Tamara…”

  “Not good enough, Nyx. We need to have a serious chat, you and me,” she said.

  The bitterness in the back of my throat deepened. A chat? God, I was so sick of chats. So tired of the threat dangling over me. Why didn’t she just say it? Why didn’t she just pay for me or not pay for me, and call it a day? Was she enjoying shitting all over me like this?

  “Why don’t we just chat now?” I said and looked into her eyes.

  She smiled an angry little smile and shook her head.

  “I’ll tell you why sweetheart. Because some of us have work to do. Do you understand that concept?” she sneered.

  “Don’t talk to me like that,” I said quietly. I had never spoken back to my aunt. Never. The security guard shook his head and wandered off to keep an eye on us from a distance.

  “Nyx, I am the only one that has your back here,” she said. “Do you realize how lucky you are?”

  “Well, if this is what luck lo
oks like, I don’t want it,” I said quickly. She widened her eyes at me. I had never seen her like this.

  “And your course?”

  “What about my course?”

  I stared at her defiantly. I wanted her to say it. To just be honest and say what was really going on here.

  “Nyx, I will not pay for you to waste your life running around with boys and taking drugs, for God’s sake.”

  “Well, then, that makes the next step pretty straight forward for us, doesn’t it?”

  I had no idea where my courage was coming from, but I spoke clearly and directly. I didn’t care anymore.

  When my parents died, something in me died too. And I thought I would never see it again. But Adam had shown me something special. That there was magic in things. That I could create. That I had my father’s cheekbones!

  I had gotten a taste of it now, a feeling of how life felt before everything went white and numb. And now I wasn’t going to let anyone take that from me ever again. Especially not aunt Lila. Not for any price.

  “Are you high right now? You’re ridiculous. We’ll discuss this when you can take the situation seriously.”

  “I am taking the situation seriously. Say what you mean. You’ve been hanging the threat of this course over my head for ages now, guilting me, making me feel like shit.”

  “Watch your language.”

  “So why don’t you just say what you really want to say?”

  “If your father could hear you talk right now he would be so disappointed,” she said coldly, shaking her head.

  “You think I’m ‘guilting’ you? Don’t blame me if you feel guilty. While your parents were dying on the side of the A40, you were out partying with your chums, and that’s nobody’s fault but yours,” she hissed.

  I looked at her, smarting. Suddenly, I had a bright moment of clarity. This was not the story I wanted for myself anymore. And I wasn’t going to let aunt Lila write anymore of my life for me.


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